Temenos Workbench-Docker Installation Guide

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Model Bank

Temenos Workbench – Installation Guide

R21 AMR Build

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Temenos Workbench Installation Document

Document History

Version Date Author Amendment

V0.1 04 Feb 2021 David Aguirre Initial Draft

V0.2 23 Apr 2021 Vikram S Baselined for R21 AMR

Model Bank – Workbench Docker

Temenos Workbench Installation Document

Table of Contents

1. Prerequisites .............................................................................................. 4
1.1 Computer prerequisites ..................................................................... 4
1.2 Model Bank ....................................................................................... 4
1.3 Docker Desktop for Windows ............................................................ 4
2. Installing Workbench .................................................................................. 6
2.1 First time Install Workbench .............................................................. 6
2.2 Sanity check ...................................................................................... 8
3. Using workbench...................................................................................... 10
3.1 Start workbench .............................................................................. 10
3.2 Stop workbench .............................................................................. 10
4. FAQ or Teams channel ............................................................................ 10
5. Appendix .................................................................................................. 11
5.1 Advanced configuration for TBSG ................................................... 11
5.1.1 Transact on other host:port than localhost:9089 .......................... 11
5.1.2 New workbench user.................................................................... 11

Model Bank – Workbench Docker

Temenos Workbench Installation Document

1. Introduction
1.1 Overview of Work Bench:
Temenos Workbench provides a light and cloud based web UI for design artefacts and
extensible through menu entries to include designers/wizards.

2. Prerequisites

2.1 Computer prerequisites

 Windows 10 with 32 GB RAM recommended (not validated on 16GB)

2.2 Model Bank

 UTP Model Bank installation R21 AMR installed and started

2.3 Docker Desktop for Windows

1. Download and Install the docker from the link

 Select all default options for installation. Depending on your current setup you
might be asked to reboot

2. Launch Docker Desktop, click on Windows Menu and type Docker. Select Docker

Model Bank – Workbench Docker

Temenos Workbench Installation Document

 After a few seconds, screen below will be shown. You can skip tutorial

 If you get a popup like below you can dismiss it with “don’t show again”

 Please note that when Docker is running you have an icon as in screen below

3. The Docker installation will require WSL 2 installation on your machine. If it’s missing
you will get the window below when running Docker. Follow the link and install the
required software and restart Docker

Model Bank – Workbench Docker

Temenos Workbench Installation Document

3. Installing Workbench
3.1 Check that you have JAVA as path in your environment
1) Click on Windows icon on bottom left and type edit system, then Click on Edit the
system environment variables

2) Click Environment Variables

3) Select System variable / Path and click on “Edit…”

4) Add “New” environment variable (unless you already have a similar one) with the path
adapted to your Model bank installation. Typically

Model Bank – Workbench Docker

Temenos Workbench Installation Document

3.2 First time Install Workbench

1. workbench-docker package available as a zip in the installer location
(\Temenos\Rxx\Env\Slot01\Products\Xtras\workbench) and extract the package
2. Make sure you have closed any text editor like Notepad++
3. Launch installation with double click on

4. After a few seconds a popup will appear, please confirm with Yes

5. Please note the installation process will open your Browser and execute
automatically some actions to create a user for workbench
6. Installation is complete when you will see message below

Model Bank – Workbench Docker

Temenos Workbench Installation Document

7. Please proceed to Sanity check.

3.3 Chrome settings

Google Chrome is the recommended Browser for Temenos Workbench.
If you would like to use the workbench packager/rules features, you will need to do apply the
following settings:
1) In Chrome, type in address bar: chrome://flags

2) Type samesite in search box, and ensure

a. SameSite by default cookies=Disabled
b. Cookies without SameSite must be secure=Enabled

3.4 Sanity check

If you face any issue, please report the error in Teams Channel and include the file

1. Login to Workbench
a. http://workbench:30005/apps/dsfworkbench
b. user=user@temenos.com / password=User123!

Model Bank – Workbench Docker

Temenos Workbench Installation Document

2. Click on Transact Get started

3. Click on Main Menu -> it will show the list of main menus as in image below

4. Open Menu 1 will show the details with sub-menus

Model Bank – Workbench Docker

Temenos Workbench Installation Document

4. Using workbench
4.1 Start workbench
If you reboot your machine or if you have stopped workbench, you can relaunch it with a click
on runWorkbench.cmd

4.2 Stop workbench

To stop workbench, please click on stopWorkbench.cmd

5. Demo scenarios
5.1 Demo Videos:-

5.2 Before any demo

1. Login once to Temenos Workbench before any demo. This will load some
static data in cache
2. Click on create new package (it will take ~30s)

3. Log off

Model Bank – Workbench Docker

Temenos Workbench Installation Document

4. You are ready for a demo

5.3 Create enquiry with wizard

5.4 Update enquiry with clean GOD cache

6. Known Limitations
Version layout parameters not working

7. FAQ or Teams channel

Please see FAQ in Wiki or post your question under Teams Channel

8. Appendix
8.1 Advanced configuration for TBSG
8.1.1 Transact on other host:port than localhost:9089
If you need to install workbench targeting a Transact server that doesn’t run on
http://localhost:9089, please update following files
- setenv.cmd
o JOBSS_T24_URL=http://localhost:9089
- workbench-cli-DEV.0.0-SNAPSHOT\appJs.properties
o Replace all instances of http://host.docker.internal:9089 by your host:port
number. Please check the file C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts to
ensure you have the mapping
o If Transact is on https:
 APIEndPoint.protocol=https
You can then relaunch the installWorkbench procedure

8.1.2 Deploy a new version of workbench on same Docker instance

You need to get a newer of Workbench app.
Example of name: dsfworkbench-DEV.0.0-SNAPSHOT.zip
 Copy it to \Temenos\R21\Env\Slot01\Products\Xtras\workbench\workbench-
 Update "\Temenos\R21\Env\Slot01\Products\Xtras\workbench\workbench-
docker\workbench-cli-DEV.0.0-SNAPSHOT\appJs.properties", FirstTimeImport=false
 Click on \Temenos\R21\Env\Slot01\Products\Xtras\workbench\workbench-

8.1.3 Run 2 instances of workbench in //

This is not possible for now, work in progress

8.1.4 New workbench user

You can create it with the Fabric admin console or through script

Model Bank – Workbench Docker


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