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A Detailed Lesson Plan

in English IV

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
a. differentiate denotative and connotative meaning;
b. interpret a poem using denotative and connotative meaning; and
c. draw and act the denotative and connotative meanings of words or phrases.

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Denotative and connotative meaning
b. Reference: English Expressways p. 103
c. Materials: Cartolina strips, charts, envelopes
d. Skills: Reading and writing

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preparation/ Motivation

Good morning class! : Good morning, Ma’am!

Before you take your seats. Arrange your

chairs in their proper alignment. You may now
take your seats.

Attendance officer, please report who is absent : No one, Ma’am.


That’s good.

To start our lesson, I prepared an activity for

you to do by group. The color of your
nametags will determine your groupings.
Students who have yellow nametags will be
group one, green nametags will be group two,
blue nametags will be group three and violet
nametags will be group four.
You have to locate a strip of paper containing
idiomatic expressions here on the Deno-conno
Stations and discuss how to interpret it. To
explain the idiom, you need to answer the
questions in the chart below. You will be
scored according to your outputs and
presentations and will be put in this
scoreboard. You have five minutes to work on
that. (Interpersonal Intelligence)
Literally, what
does the idiom
What words help
What is the
in understanding
deeper meaning
the meaning of
of the idiom?
the idiom?

: Yes, Ma’am!

: (The students do their activity.)

Is that clear class? : Yes, Ma’am!

You may now start working.

Are you done?

Literally, it means
that the thumb is
colored green.
The words that
The deeper
help us in
meaning is a
B. Activity understannding
the idiom is green
hand that is good
at planting.
Now, you are going to present to the class what and thumb.

your group had discussed. Let us have first

group for the presentation. (Linguistic

: (Students answer may vary.)

Very good!
: (Students answer may vary.)
Let’s us have the second group.
Nice job!

Let’s hear from the third group also. : (Students answer may vary.)
Good work!

Let’s welcome the fourth group’s presentation.

Good job!

: Denotative is the literal meaning of a certain

b. Analysis word usually found in dictionaries.
What you have done to understand the idioms
are by using the denotative and connotative
meaning of the words. Base on your
interpretations awhile back, what do you think
is a denotative meaning? Yes, Arjay.
: Ma’am, a book means a long written work.

: The word extravagant means more than what

is usual or very expensive, Ma’am.
That’s right!

Kindly give us an example of a word or phrase

with their denotative meaning, Aletha. : Connotative is the emotional or contextual
meaning attached to word/s.

Will you share also your idea, Carl?

: The sun may mean life or hope, Ma’am.

That’s right!
: Ma’am, the color black may mean death.
Now, let us go to the connotative meaning.
Can you define a connotative meaning,


Please tell us an example of word/s that has

connotative meaning, Angelika?
That’s correct!
: Fairly priced has a positive connotation while
What other example can you give, Dominic? cheap has a negative connotation.
That’s right!

I have here a table divided into two columns.

Positive Negative : Yes, Ma’am.
Connotation Connotation
1. Fairly priced Cheap
: Ma’am a positive connotation is having good
2. Privacy Isolation
3. Observe Spy
What can you observe on the first pair of
words? Yes, Jhedy.

Very good!

Is it the same with the second and third pairs of : Ma’am a negative connotation is having bad
word? meaning.

Can you now define a positive connotation?

Yes, Kevin.
: Ma’am, self- confident has a positive
That’s correct! connotation while smug has a negative
And take note that positive connotation may
also be called neutral connotation.

How about the negative connotation, what does

it imply? Yes, Queencelle.


Kindly give an example of words with : Yes, Ma’am.

connotative and denotative meaning, David?

Very good!

Since that you are already acquainted with the

concept of denotation and connotation, I have
here a poem entitled “A Slumber Did my Spirit
Seal” by William Wordsworth. I will read the
poem first and then afterwards I will call
someone to repeat the reading. Is that clear
: (A student reads the poem after the teacher.)
A slumber did my spirit seal
(The teacher
A slumber did my spirit seal
I had no human fears
c. Abstraction
She seemed a thing that
could not feel
At this moment,
The touch
your group willof earthly years
interpret the
No motion has she now, no
poem usingforce;
denotation and hears nor sees
She neither
Rolled round in earth’s
Group one and two will do the denotative
meaning and group three and four will do the
connotative meaning. Here is the chart you are
going to write your interpretations. You have
five minutes to do your work quietly.
(Interpersonal and Linguistic Intelligence)
A Slumber Did my Spirit Seal
Denotation Connotation : Yes, Ma’am.

: (The students do the activity.)

: Yes, Ma’am.
Is that clear, class?
A Slumber Did my Spirit Seal
You may start working.
Denotation Connotation
Are you done? My spirit sleeps in Death has come to
perfect closure me now
I had no fears I had no anxieties
Let’s have the presentation of each group. She seemed not to She’s something
feel anything that is senseless
The feel of the Of the touch of
earth’s stroke material things
No motion and no throughout the age
force No movement and
She can’t see or vigor she has now
hear also She neither hears
Move with the nor sees
earth’s daily Joined in the earth’s
progression with everyday passing
the rocks, stones with the grave’s
and trees. stones and trees.

: Life will end to death and just be joining in

the nature.
Good job everybody!

Valuing (Intrapersonal Intelligence)

Now that you understand the meaning of the : I will live my life to the fullest and do the
poem, what realizations in life can you get important things in my life.
from the poem? Yes, King.

Yes, you have a point.

If that is the case, what would you do now

before that time happens? Yes, Jana?

Nice idea! : Yes, Ma’am.

d. Application
At this point, I have here another exciting
activity for you. Here are the envelopes that
contain words or phrases which you will act or
draw. You have five minutes to brainstorm and
afterwards we’ll have the presentation. Is that
clear, class? (Visual/ Kinesthetic )
IV. Evaluation

Here is the rubric that we are going to use to judge your output or performance.

Criteria Explanation Score and Comments

Presentation Includes: __/25
Style  Appropriateness and accuracy of the content
 Message of the act or drawing is delivered
credibly and convincingly
 Continuous flow and systematic to be
Creativity  Employed artistic effects __/25
 Uniqueness of the act or drawing
Neatness  Achieves a clean output __/25
 Presents coordination in action and speech
Overall Effect  Well prepared and organized __/25
 Instill audience’s attention.
 Easily understood and audience had relate to it.

TOTAL: _______

V. Assignment

For your assignment, please look under your desks and read it.

List the one that is positive in the “Positive Connotation” category, the one that is negative in the
“Negative Connotation” category, and the phrase that is a more neutral definition for both words
in the "Denotation" column.
1. unique, not commonly found, strange
2. discuss with others, debate, argue
3. lazily, without haste, leisurely
4. brainwash, persuade, influence one way or another
5. assertive, firmly confident, pushy
6. somewhat interested, nosy, curious
7. delayed, not on time, tardy
8. a young age, youthful, immature
9. extravagance, generosity, giving much
10. gathering, a large group, mob

Positive Connotation Denotation Negative connotation

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