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Case Report

Peeling Skin Syndrome: A Case Report

Gülsüm Gençoğlan,1* MD, Işıl Kılınç Karaarslan,2 MD, Tuğrul Dereli,2 MD

1Afyon Kocatepe University Medical Faculty Department of Dermatology, Afyon, Turkey; 2Ege University Medical

Faculty Department of Dermatology, Izmir, Turkey

* Corresponding author: Gülsüm Gençoğlan, MD, Afyon Kocatepe University Medical School Dermatology Depart-
ment, Afyon, Turkey

J Turk Acad Dermatol 2007;1 (3): 71301c
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Key Words: Peeling skin


Observations: Peeling skin syndrome is a very rare autosomal recessive disease characterized by
widespread painless peeling of the skin in superficial sheets. We present a 31-year-old man with a
lifelong history of continuous, spontaneous, asymptomatic generalized peeling skin. Histologically,
there was epidermal separation at the level of stratum corneum, just above the stratum granulo-
sum. The clinical picture corresponded to the non-inflammatory variant of peeling skin syndrome
(type A). Histopathological study confirmed the clinical diagnosis of peeling skin syndrome. A critical
review of the literature shows that the case presented here is exceptional.

Introduction Fox type PSS and review the relevant litera-

Peeling skin syndrome (PSS) is a very rare
autosomal recessive disorder with onset at Case
birth or childhood, characterized by asymp- A 32-year-old man presented with peeling skin
tomatic, continuous shedding or peeling of that had been present since birth. Sheets of skin
skin in large sheets. Two variants of PSS, were peeling from his neck, trunk, and proximal
non-inflammatory (type A = Fox) [1] and in- extremities, especially following friction or rub-
flammatory (type B = Wile) have been de- bing. These episodes were asymptomatic and
scribed [2]. Skin involvement is usually continuous, without any seasonal variation. The
generalized, rarely localized. Histologically, patient was otherwise healthy and had no his-
there is separation at the level of stratum tory of erythema, blistering, flexural involvement,
or other major illness. He had not received any
corneum, above stratum granulosum. Sev-
systemic therapy previously.
eral clinical and histological differences ex-
ist between these two variants [3]. The in- On dermatologic examination, there were focal
flammatory variant presents with erythro- areas of peeling skin patches over the sides of
trunk and extremities (Figure 1, Figure 2). On
derma at birth and clinically shows overlap
gentle rubbing of normal-looking areas of skin,
with Comel–Netherton syndrome [4]. A third peeling of thin, superficial layers was observed.
presentation of the disease, with fissured Sheets of superficial epidermis could be easily
cheilitis, blistering of the palms and soles, peeled without bleeding or pain. The underlying
and desmosomal anomalies, has been de- skin was not inflamed and no residual hyperpig-
scribed recently [5]. We present a case of mentation was noted. Palms and soles were not

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J Turk Acad Dermatol 2007; 1 (3): 71301c.

Figure 1. Sheets of peeling skin on the upper

extremities. The underlying skin was not inflamed and Figure 2. Peeling skin at the sides of the body. Sheets
no residual hyperpigmentation was noted. of superficial epidermis could be easily peeled without
bleeding or pain.
involved. The teeth, hair, nails, and mucosa were
normal. His parents were first-degree relatives, but exfoliativa congenital" [1]. In 1924, Wile de-
his parents and siblings were not affected by PSS. scribed three unusual cases of congenital
A complete blood count, urinalysis, and routine ichthyosiform erythroderma [2]. The ques-
blood chemistry were within normal limits. Se- tion as to whether these cases represented
rum iron and copper levels were also normal. similar or different disorders remains unan-
Plasma and urinary amino acids analyzed by pa- swered because ultrastructural, biochemi-
per chromatography did not yield any abnormali- cal, or genetic studies have not been per-
ties. There was no eosinophilia. formed at that time. In 1969, Kurban and
A skin biopsy specimen revealed slight hyperk- Azar reported four siblings in a family, us-
eratosis and thinning of the granular cell layer. ing the term “familial continual skin peel-
The stratum corneum was separated from the ing” [6]. Their cases were similar to Fox's
underlying stratum granulosum. No signs of in- case [1]. The etiology of this condition is
flammation were present [Figure 3]. Direct im- still unknown. However, the increase in epi-
munofluorescence studies did not reveal any im- dermal proliferation rate may account for
munoglobulin or complement deposition.
the epidermal abnormality. Considering the
cases reported up to date, the disease ap-
Discussion pears to be generalized, lifelong, and has an
autosomal recessive mode of inheritance.
The first case similar to ours was reported The onset of symptoms is at birth, or
in 1921 and termed by Fox as "keratolysis shortly thereafter, and is marked by easy
peeling of skin. Levy [7] and Inamadar [8]
found abnormalities of amino acid metabo-
lism with diminished plasma tryptophan in
patients with this syndrome. Minor varia-
tions of urine amino acids were detected by
Dicken [9] and Mevorah et al [10]. Hacham-
Zadeh and Holubar [11] described patients
with elevated serum copper levels, serum
ceruloplasmin, iron and iron-binding capac-
ity. The significance of these findings is un-
certain. Our patient showed no amino acid
abnormalities. His copper and iron levels
were also within normal limits. Eosinophilia
Figure 3. Skin biopsy specimen showed slight hyper- was reported in a few cases and it has been
keratosis and thinning of the granular cell layer. The proposed that eosinophils, by the local re-
stratum corneum was separated from the underlying lease of cytotoxic cationic proteins, may
stratum granulosum.

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