Grade 11 - Stem - English - 21st Century Literature 11f - Week 1

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Division of City of San Fernando
PHS Blvd., Brgy., Lourdes, City of San Fernando, Pampanga
Tel. No. (045) 961-4261 website:

(1st Quarter)

Week Contents Page

1 - One Week Curriculum 2

- Literature,
2 20
- Literary Standards,
- Philippine Literary Periods

3 - Literary Approaches 29
- Elements of Fiction
4 44
- Figures of Speech and Literary Devices

5 - Tanaga & Textula 53

- Short Story& Flash Fiction
6 62
- The Main Contexts of a Literary Work

- Representative texts and authors from each

7 region; 69
- Contributions of the canonical Filipino writers
to the development of national literature

8 79
- Digital Media Texts

Division of City of San Fernando
PHS Blvd., Brgy., Lourdes, City of San Fernando, Pampanga
Tel. No. (045) 961-4261

21ST Century Literature from the
Philippines and the World (Grade 11)

To the learner: Source:

As you start reading, keep in mind that this teaching module will provide
every learner of Pampanga High School like you with the education needed to compete in a global context.
This module which is conceptualized as self-contained "units" of content will enhance your skills based on
the Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs). Also, it highlights corresponding activities which you
need to answer as you move from page to page for each week lesson.
To get the most out of this module, here are some reminders that you need to consider:
1. Take your time in reading all parts of the lesson.
2. Always answer all given activities intended for each week lesson.
3. Answers must be written in ONE WHOLE SHEET of PAD PAPER.
4. Do not forget to write the following data on your paper before answering all the activities. Also, please
be reminded that you have to use one (1) piece of paper per lesson. Meaning, you have to use another
sheet if you need to answer the activities in another lesson.
a. Your Complete Name (student) e. Quarter No.
b. Your Grade and Section f. Lesson No.
c. Learning Area/Subject g. Activity No. and Title, with Item Numbers
d. Name of Your Subject Teacher
Here is the illustration based on the instructions above:

Complete name: (Ex. Juan P. Dela Cruz) Learning area/subject: (Ex. English 10) Quarter: (Ex. 1)

Grade and Section: (Ex. 10-Rainbow) Name of your subject teacher: (Ex. Mrs. Maria P. David) Lesson No. (Ex.1)

Activity No. _____ Activity Title _____________




Activity No. _____ Activity Title _____________


5. Remember that all the activities that you need to answer will serve as your outputs and will be forwarded
to your subject teacher for checking and recording.
6. Above all, put GOD first in everything you do! ☺

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Teaching Dates: Quarter 1 Week 1 August 24-28, 2020

Learning Competencies:

a. using appropriate reading styles (scanning, skimming, speed reading, intensive

reading) for one’s specific purpose
b. using context clues to find the meaning of unfamiliar words
c. transcoding orally or in writing information presented in diagrams, charts and
graphs, etc.
d. summarizing the content of the materials viewed/reviewed
e. inferring thoughts and intentions in the material viewed/reviewed
f. expressing insights based on the ideas presented in the materials reviewed
g. determining the tone, mood and purpose of the author
h. drawing generalizations and conclusions on the materials viewed/reviewed
i. arranging and presenting notes/ideas in a variety of graphic organizers
j. judging/evaluating the relevance and worth of ideas presented in the materials
k. composing a three-paragraph informative/persuasive speech and/or
development of a campaign poster or poem as the final output
l. expressing values on the importance of self-care, compassion for others, and
obedience to authority.

I. Objectives:

1. Use appropriate reading styles (scanning, skimming, speed reading, intensive reading)
for one’s specific purpose.
2. Use context clues to find the meaning of unfamiliar words.
3. Transcode orally or in writing information presented in diagrams, charts and graphs, etc.
4. Summarize the content of the materials viewed/reviewed.
5. Inferthoughts and intentions presented in the material viewed/reviewed.
6. Express insights based on the ideas presented in the materials reviewed.
7. Determine the tone, mood, technique and purpose of the author.
8. Draw generalizations and conclusions on the materials viewed/reviewed.
9. Arrange and present notes/ideas in a variety of graphic organizers.
10. Judge/evaluate the relevance and worth of ideas presented in the materials
11. Compose a three-paragraph informative/persuasive speech and/or development of a
campaign poster or poem as the final output
12. Express values on the importance of self- care, compassion for others and obedience to

II. Content:
a. Concepts/Topics:

Reading Styles Descriptions References

a. Skimming -It is the technique/strategy of reading very Developmental Reading
fast to find only the main idea of a text. 1 (Alejandro S.
Bernardo) – page 200
-it includes: reading the first and last
paragraphs using headings; reading
summaries, and other organizers; and
reading the titles, subtitles, subheadings
and illustrations.
b. Scanning -is a technique/strategy often used to Developmental Reading
search for key words or ideas 1 (Alejandro S.
Bernardo) – page 200
-It is used when one knows what he is
looking for, so he is concentrating on
finding a particular answer.

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-it includes looking for the author’s use of
organizers such as numbers, letters, steps,
or the words first, second or next; spotting
words that are bold faced, italics, or in
different font size, style or color; and
looking at marginal notes.
c. Speed -It is the process of rapidly recognizing and https://www.mindtools.
Reading comprehending phrases and sentences, com/speedrd.html
rather than recognizing or identifying
individual words.

d. Intensive -It is used on shorter text in order to extract Developmental Reading

Reading specific information. 1 (Alejandro S.
Bernardo) – page 99
It includes very close accurate reading for

Reading Graphs It is the skill of putting meaning into the data Developmental Reading
and Charts presented/illustrated in graphs and charts. 1 (Alejandro S.
Bernardo) – page 419
Summarizing -It is the process of condensing or Developmental Reading
squeezing text or an experience into a 1 (Alejandro S.
statement of the most essential ideas. Bernardo) – page 283-
- It requires a reader to choose the key 284
ideas, delete trivial and insignificant or
irrelevant information.

Making -it involves using what you know to make a Developmental Reading
Inferences guess of what you do not know. 1 (Alejandro S.
Bernardo) – page 254
It also means reading between the lines.

Drawing -It is the skill of using one’s schema and the Developmental Reading
Conclusion new information from what you read or view 1 (Alejandro S.
to come up with a conclusion (the decision Bernardo) – page
you arrive when you fuse these two).

Determining the Determining the Tone- It is the ability to Developmental Reading

Tone, Mood of infer or guess the author’s attitude towards 1 (Alejandro S.
the Article and the audience, the subject or the character. Bernardo) – page 381,
the Purpose of 307
the Author -It is conveyed through the author’s words
and details.

Determining the Mood -It is the ability to

infer or identify the emotion being
expressed in text.

-Generally, these are the emotions that one

feels when reading a selection.

Identifying Author’s Purpose- It is the skill of

being able to identify the reason or reasons
for writing a selection.

Persuasive -It is a sound composition/ argument of a https://literarydevices.

Speech/Essay position backed up by facts, details, net/persuasive-essay/

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examples and one additional element-

Context Clues -It is the ability to discover the meaning of Developmental Reading
unfamiliar words using the words or 1 (Alejandro S.
phrases around the word. Bernardo) – page 173

Use of Graphic -It is the skill of organizing and https://www.teachhub.

Organizers presenting content and ideas through com/teaching-graphic-
the use of graphic organizers for better organizers
illustration and understanding.

Making -It is the skill in which the important Developmental Reading

Generalization elements within the passage are combined A Skill Text for College
into a new principle or a generalization. (Angelita D. Romero)
p. 83

a) References: English CG- May 2016, LMs, Developmental Reading: A Skill Text for
College (Angelita D. Romero, Developmental Reading 1 (Alejandro S. Bernardo),
google/com (graphics) CLTV 36 Official FB Page (graphics)

b) Instructional Materials:pictures/illustrations, graphs, news articles,

video clip: Symptoms of Corona Virus/COVID-19


II. Procedure:

A. Reviewing of Previous Lesson or Presenting the New Lesson

• Think of words/ideas associated with COVID-19 disease.

Write them on a piece of paper or in your English notebook.


ground zero

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Words, such as; infection, disease, pandemic, global crisis, health protocols.
DOH, WHO, ECQ, GCQ, lockdown, China and virus are some of the words
directly associated with COVID-19.

This year 2020, the spread of this infectious disease has caused global health
emergency. It has infected millions of people and has killed hundreds of

Doctors and pharmaceuticals have continuously search for ways to put an end to
this pandemic.

The World Health Organization through the Department of Health has discussed
the most common symptoms of COVID-19 disease and the standard health
protocols you need to follow to protect yourself from this infectious disease.

• Try to identify five (5) common symptoms of this disease and five (5) health
or safety protocol to be protected from this illness. State them orally.
1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

B. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson

• For this lesson, you will read a short news excerpts and interpret graphs taken online.

• As you read the texts, interpret graphs answer the questions and do the other activities,
you will learn how to take note of important details using your own reading
strategy, identify the purpose/intention of the writer, express your insights, draw
conclusion and generalization, summarize contents of material reviewed,
discover meanings of unfamiliar words through context clues and transcode
information (orally and in writing) presented in graphs, charts and diagrams.

• While acquiring all these skills, you will also learn the values of self-care, compassion
for others, obedience to authorities and judgement of the relevance and worth of

Day 2
C. Presenting Examples/Instances of the Lesson


✓ Read the following sentences and try to give the meaning of each underlined word
according to how it was used in the statement.

Choices are given to help you discover the meaning of each word.

✓ Write your answers on a piece of paper or in your English notebook.

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1. Heads of state/countries and global health a. individual
leaders agreed to support the fight against
COVID-19. b. worldwide

2 The main topic for the meeting of global a. to speed up
leaders is to accelerate the development
and production of new vaccines that could stop
put an end to this world crisis. slow down
3 The main topic for the meeting of global a. a set of guidelines to be
leaders is to accelerate the development followed for protection against a
and production of new vaccines that would disease
protect people from this disease.
b. a substance used to produce
antibodies that could provide
immunity or protection against
one or several diseases

c. an anti-virus program that

protects computer units from
shutting down

4 World Health Organization has declared a. an outbreak of disease that

COVID-19 a pandemic because it has occurs over a wide range of
affected a high population in many countries with high proportion of
countries. the population contracting a

b. an outbreak of disease that

occurs to few countries with
high proportion of the
population contracting a

c. an outbreak of disease that

occurs to a few countries with
low proportion of the population
contracting a disease

5 According to WHO Director-General-Dr. a. selfishness

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the virus
could only be stopped if countries act b. unity
together in solidarity.
c. strength
6. There is an urgent need, therefore, to test a. common
and track all contacts of people who test
positive, for innovative COVID-19 b. new
vaccines, diagnostics and treatments.
c. deadly

7 Unprecedented gathering of heads of a. unconventional

government, institutions and industry
worldwide commit themselves to b. common
accelerate development and delivery of a
new vaccine for all populations. c. traditional

8. There is an urgent need to test and track a. immediate

all contacts of people who test positive, for

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innovative COVID-19 vaccines, diagnostics b. noncritical
and treatments.
c. unimportant
9. To eventually develop the perfect vaccine a. advancement
for this infectious disease will give its final
halt to its devastating effect of killing b. continuation
c. end
10 To eventually develop the perfect vaccine a. nondestructive
for this infectious disease will give its final
halt to its devastating effects of killing b. disastrous
people and damaging countries’ economic
growth. c. beneficial

✓ The vocabulary words used in the sentences under Unlocking of Unfamiliar Words were
used in the news article that you are going to read. Knowing the meanings of these
words will help you understand the news article better.

➢ Reading of the News Article

Read the news article and answer the questions that follow.

NEWS ARTICLE: April 24, 2020

Global leaders unite to ensure everyone everywhere can access new vaccines, tests
and treatments for COVID-19
(24 April 2020/News release)

Unprecedented gathering of heads of government, institutions and industry cements

commitment to accelerate development and delivery for all populations

Heads of state and global health leaders today made an unprecedented commitment to
work together to accelerate the development and production of new vaccines, tests and
treatments for COVID-19 and assure equitable access worldwide.

The COVID-19 pandemic has already affected more than 2.4 million people, killing over
160,000. It is taking a huge toll on families, societies, health systems and economies around
the world, and for as long as this virus threatens any country, the entire world is at risk.

There is an urgent need, therefore, while following existing measures to keep people
physically distanced and to test and track all contacts of people who test positive, for innovative
COVID-19 vaccines, diagnostics and treatments.

“We will only halt COVID-19 through solidarity,” said Dr. TedrosAdhanom Ghebreyesus,
WHO Director-General. “Countries, health partners, manufacturers, and the private sector must
act together and ensure that the fruits of science and research can benefit everybody.”

Work has already started. Since January, WHO has been working with researchers from
hundreds of institutions to develop and test vaccines, standardize assays and regulatory
approaches on innovative trial designs and define criteria to prioritize vaccine candidates.

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The Organization has prequalified diagnostics that are being used all over the world, and
more are in the pipeline. And it is coordinating a global trial to assess the safety and efficacy of
four therapeutics against COVID-19. The challenge is to speed up and harmonize processes
to ensure that once products are deemed safe and effective, they can be brought to the billions
of people in the world who need them. Past experience, in the early days of HIV treatment, for
example, and in the deployment of vaccines against the H1N1 outbreak in 2009, shows that
even when tools are available, they have not been equally available to all.

So today leaders came together at a virtual event, co-hosted by the World Health
Organization, the President of France, the President of the European Commission, and the Bill
& Melinda Gates Foundation. The event was joined by the UN Secretary General, the AU
Commission Chairperson, the G20 President, heads of state of France, South Africa, Germany,
Vietnam, Costa Rica, Italy, Rwanda, Norway, Spain, Malaysia and the UK (represented by the
First Secretary of State).

Health leaders from the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI), GAVI-
the Vaccine Alliance, the Global Fund, UNITAID, the Wellcome Trust, the International Red
Cross and Red Crescent Movement (IFRC), the International Federation of Pharmaceutical
Manufacturers (IFPMA), the Developing Countries Vaccine Manufacturers’ Network (DCVMN),
and the International Generic and Biosimilar Medicines Association (IGBA) committed to come
together, guided by a common vision of a planet protected from human suffering and the
devastating social and economic consequences of COVID-19, to launch this groundbreaking
collaboration. They are joined by two Special Envoys: Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Gavi Board Chair
and Sir Andrew Witty, former CEO of GlaxoSmithKline.

They pledged to work towards equitable global access based on an unprecedented level
of partnership. They agreed to create a strong unified voice, to build on past experience and to
be accountable to the world, to communities and to one another.

“Our shared commitment is to ensure all people have access to all the tools to prevent, detect,
treat and defeat COVID-19,” said Dr.Tedros. “No country and no organization can do this alone.
The Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator brings together the combined power of several
organizations to work with speed and scale.”

Health leaders called on the global community and political leaders to support this
landmark collaboration and for donors to provide the necessary resources to accelerate
achievement of its objectives, capitalizing on the opportunity provided by a forthcoming
pledging initiative that starts on 4 May 2020. This initiative, spearheaded by the European
Union, aims to mobilize the significant resources needed to accelerate the work towards
protecting the world from COVID-19.


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✓ Read each and answer each question. Write your answers on a sheet of paper
or in your English notebook.


1. What is the news article about?

2. What is significant about this article?
3. When was it published?
4. As of April 24, 2020, how many have been infected with the pandemic?
5. How many of this number have lost their fight for the disease?
6. What were the identified measures to help solve this medical crisis?

7. What does the statement of World Health Organization Director General

Dr. TedrosAdhanom Ghebreyesus mean?

“We will only halt COVID-19 through solidarity.”

“No country and no organization can do this alone. The

Access to COVID-19 Tools Accelerator brings together the
combined power of several organizations to work with speed
and scale.”

8. Give some of the countries present during the virtual event.

9. What is the “common” goal of these nations?
10. In your own understanding, what could be the best solution to solve this

11. In your own way, how can you help solve this problem?
12. How was the news article helpful to you? What benefit did it serve you?

13. What may be the purpose of the news writer? (to inform, to inspire, to
give hope)

14. What is the overall tone of the writer/article? (positive,


15. What did you feel while reading the article?

✓ When you discovered the meanings of unfamiliar words using context clues, read
the news articles and answered questions about the details read from the news
article, you were actually learning some Reading comprehension skills that are
necessary to understand the meaning and interpret hidden messages from a story
or text.

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Day 3

D. Discussing New Concepts

✓ Today, you are going to read another news article and answer questions
✓ As you take note and interpret the message of the text, you will learn essential
reading skills, such as; noting details and identifying the tone, mood and author’s

➢ Read the article and answer the questions that follow.

Write your answer on a piece of paper or in your English notebook.

Frontliners get heroes’ tribute

April 14, 2020 (by Ernie B. Esconde)

PILAR, Bataan: The Mount Samat Flagship Tourism Enterprise Zone (FTEZ)
and the Philippine Veterans Affairs Office in coordination with OGV Lights and
Sounds held a one-hour show on Sunday evening at the giant War Memorial Cross
at the Mount Samat Shrine in this historic town to pay tribute to frontliners in the war
against coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).

Carissa Bautista, Mount Samat FTEZ information officer, said,“the event “Salute of
Lights for Frontliners: We Light as One, We Heal as One,” which marked the Araw
ng Kagitingan (Day of Valor), was an initiative of the lights and sounds industry of
the country to call for solidarity amid the human crisis the whole world was facing.”

Lights and sounds owners nationwide simultaneously illuminated the sky from 7 p.m.
to 8 p.m. OGV Lights and Sounds held the event at the 92-meter high cross to make
it more visible in Bataan and the frontliners.

“With the Salute of Lights, we give thanks to our present-day heroes – those who
are risking their lives to fight against this dreaded disease with utmost courage and
valor that match that of our forefathers,” Mount Samat FTEZ Administrator Francis
Theodore Initorio said.

“As we salute them, we must ensure that their efforts and sacrifices will not be in
vain by doing our part, slowing down the spread of the infection, flattening the curve,”
the administrator added.


1. What is title of the article?

2. Who wrote the article?
3. When was it published?
4. From what source was it taken?
5. Who were given a tribute?
6. Why were they given a tribute?
7. What kind of tribute was conducted?
8. Why was it held at the War Memorial Cross at Mount Samat Shrine?
9. What may be the purpose of the writer for this article?

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10. What is the general mood of the article?
11. What tone does the writer convey?
12. What is your personal view on the sacrifices of the frontliners?
13. How do you feel that a lot of doctors, nurses and other frontliners have
acquired COVID-19 and a good number had fallen to the disease?
14. How can we you help fight this pandemic?

✓ Facing such global pandemic is indeed challenging. Every Filipino must cooperate
and follow health protocols in order to win over this health crisis.


✓ On a sheet of paper or in your English notebook, answer these questions.

➢ Answer each question in 1 to 2 sentences only.

1. How dangerous is COVID-19 to one’s health and life?

2. Why do we need to follow or obey the guidelines set by World Health

Organization/Department of Health?

3. Are the actions of the Philippine government effective in solving and ending
this pandemic? Why or Why not?

E. Continuation of the Discussion of New Concepts

✓ Study the graph and answer the questions that follow. Write your answer on a
piece of paper or in your English notebook.

Daily New Cases in the Philippines

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1. What type of graph is presented?

2. What is the title of the graph?
3. What data does the graph present?
4. What does each of the graph axis represent?
5. When was the first local COVID-19 transmission recorded?
6. In what period was the highest number of daily cases recorded?
Approximately, how many cases were recorded that day?
7. From March 10 to May 9, was there any period or day when no
COVID-Case was reported? Justify.
8. What is the purpose of this report to us?
9. What is the implication of this in our country’s economy and education?

Values Integration:

10. Why is it important to understand what we read or view?

11. Why do we need to take note of important details, determine the tone, mood
and purpose of the author or writer from what we read or view?
12. Why is it essential to read or view with understanding?


F. Developing Mastery

➢ Graph Interpretation

• Observe the line graph below.

This graph presents the summary of the COVID-19 cases as of May 10, 2020
and mention that it is based on the World Health Organization official report.

• Study the graph and answer the questions that follow.

Write your answer on a piece of paper or in your English notebook.

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Number of Days


• Questions:

1. What kind of graph is presented?

2. What is the title of the graph?
3. From what source was the graph taken?
4. What data are presented in the line graph?
5. What do the multi-colored lines represent?
6. What does each axis represent?
7. Looking at the graph, which country has the least number of cases over
the 60-day period?
8. Which country tops the rank on the number of cases?
9. Which 2 countries have almost the same number of cases?
10. What conclusion/s or generalization/s could we draw out from these data?
11. What inferences or assumptions could we make on the rising number of
cases worldwide?
12. If you are to formulate a sentence summary of this report, what could it
be? Write a one sentence summary.


13. What is the probable message of this report to us? What could we learn
from this report?
14. How could the data presented through graphs or illustration help us
understand the report better?
15. What other types of graphs have you studied before?

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G. Finding Practical Application of Concepts and Skills in Daily Living

✓ As a student and person, it is important that you learn to write a persuasive essay
and/or a poem. Since these two writings are means or ways you can express your
ideas, thoughts, feelings and experiences well.

✓ Hence, it is important to read with understanding and write with sense.

✓ Having accomplished all the learning activities and having answered all the
questions, you have learned vocabulary and reading skills that could help you
write sensible essays and creative poems.

✓ Now, it’s time for you to accomplish the specified task for you.
Read the notes and accomplish the task.

✓ You may write it on a piece of paper or in your English notebook.

➢ Composition Writing

✓ For this part, you will either be writing a poem or a three- paragraph
persuasive essay. Your poem or essay must have COVID-19 integration.

✓ Remember:

➢ An essay is composed of three parts or paragraphs; an introduction, the

body and the conclusion.

➢ In a persuasive essay, the writer attempts to convince or persuade

readers to believe in his or her point of view.

➢ A poem is a literary piece that conveys personal experiences and



1.) a three-paragraph persuasive essay– Grades 11

2.) a 4-liner, 3-stanza poem (free-verse or with rhyme scheme) – Grade

H. Making Generalization and Abstractions about the Lesson

✓ What have you learned from our discussions?

• In this lesson, you have learned how to identify the tone, mood and author’s
purpose. You have also learned how to formulate generalization, summary and
conclusions and to interpret graphs.

• All these skills are important for a student like you. These skills will help you read
and interpret articles and illustrations critically.

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I. Evaluating Learning


NOTE: For this test, answers may be written on a piece of paper or in your English

➢ Test I. Read the given sentences. Give the meaning of each underlined
word based on how it was used in the sentence (context clues).

1. Lockdown has been declared to some a. a temporary measure that

countries worldwide to prevent the spread of gives people freedom to go to
COVID -19. With this, citizens are prohibited to specific places, like church,
report to work as they have to stay and work malls and markets for the
home until the declaration is lifted. purpose of essential activities

b. an emergency measure in
which people are temporarily
prevented from entering or
leaving specific areas for the
purpose of safety

c. the government policy that

requires people to follow
social distancing and use
preventive equipment

2 Because of this pandemic, the government was a. badly

desperately looking for more funds for a massive b. easily

cash and food aid intended to prevent the poor
from starving to death. c. freely

3 Because of this pandemic, the government was a. few

desperately looking for more funds for a massive b. large

cash and food aid intended to prevent the 18
million poor families from starving to death. c. small

4 President Duterte demanded that the aid be a. slower

given more rapidly amid complaints of delays
and confusion over who should get it. b. faster

c. longer

➢ Test II. Read the news article published by “The Mainich” -Japan’s National
Daily, published April 7, 2020 and answer the questions that follow.

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Lockdown in Philippines extended to April 30
April 7, 2020 (Mainichi Japan)

MANILA, Philippines (AP) -- The Philippine president has extended by half a month
to April 30 a lockdown that requires millions of people in the country's main northern
region to stay home amid the coronavirus outbreak.

President Rodrigo Duterte said Monday in a late-night TV speech that the

government was desperately looking for more funds for a massive cash and food aid
intended to prevent the poor from starving to death. There have been appeals for middle-
class families to be given emergency aid too, he said.

"If there's nothing to eat, a human being can be violent especially if he sees his
children without food and he's driven to tears," Duterte said, adding he has ordered the
finance secretary to "steal, borrow, I don't care," just to produce more emergency funds.

The government has targeted 18 million low-income families for economic rescue
under the lockdown with a 275-billion-peso ($5 billion) budget in the next two months.

Interior Undersecretary Jonathan Malaya told foreign correspondents Monday

16.3 billion pesos ($320 million) have been distributed so far.

Duterte demanded that the aid be given more rapidly amid complaints of delays
and confusion over who should get it.

The Philippines has reported 3,660 cases of COVID-19 disease, including 163


a. In 3-5 sentences, write a summary of the news article. (5 pts.)


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➢ Test III. Study the pie graph and answer the question/s that follow.

Source: CLTV 36 Official FB Page


a. In 3-5 sentences interpret the meaning of these data. (5 pts.)


➢ Test IV: Choose one of these illustrations and make a conclusion of its meaning.
Explain it in 2 to 3 sentences.


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J. Additional Activities for Application or Remediation

NOTE: Additional activities may be done at home.

➢ Using the graphic organizer -semantic web, present the ideas expressed in
this illustration.You may only choose 4 of the 8 parts of speech.

✓ Use the example in explaining the task.


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