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Candle Color Meanings and Magic You Need To


We use candle color meanings in our daily life all the time, and we’re often unaware of it. If you
have ever sprawled in the grass on a bright sunny afternoon, soaking up the sunlight, you were
unknowingly using the powerful color magic of yellow, orange, and gold. The same magical
intentions are infused into sun tea you soak beneath the sun’s powerful energy.

Candle magic can be as simple as blowing out a candle on your birthday cake and making a
wish. However, in this post, we’re going to go a step further. Instead of asking for your desire to
come to fruition, you’ll assist and empower it to do so.

Candles are an essential part of any spiritual arsenal. They can either be placed around your
home to encourage positive energy or incorporated into rituals,spiritual intentions, or spells to
enhance and spread magical power.

Please remember to practice fire safety and don’t leave candles unattended.

Please note that posts on this site may contain affiliate links that allow me to earn a small commission from the
purchases you make (at no extra cost to you!)

Table of Contents
What is Candle Magic?
How To Use Candles in Your Spiritual Practice
Why Does A Candle’s Color Matter?
Is Candle Magic Cultural Appropriation?
How To Choose a Candle
How To Dress or Anoint Your Candle
Manifestation Candle Ritual
Candle Magic Divination
Candle Flame Meaning
Flickering Candle Meaning
Jumping Candle Flame Meaning 
Dancing Flame Meaning
Candle Popping
Tall Strong Flame
Weak Flame
Dual Flames
Candle Color Meanings Correspondences for Each Day of the Week
Candle Color Meanings
Red Candle Meaning For Spirituality
Green Candle Meaning For Spirituality
Black Candle Meaning For Spirituality
White Candle Meaning For Spirituality
Blue Candle Meaning For Spirituality
Pink Candle Meaning For Spirituality
Purple Candle Meaning For Spirituality
Orange Candle Meaning For Spirituality
Yellow Candle Meaning For Spirituality
Brown Candle Meaning For Spirituality
Silver Candle Meaning For Spirituality
Gold Candle Meaning For Spirituality
Where Do I Buy Candles for Candle Magic?
Sunshine Candles

What is Candle Magic?

The power you’re harnessing in candle magic is energized by the element of fire andsymbolizes
change, new beginnings, and transformation.

By incorporating color magic into your spiritual practice with candles, you apply each color’s
spiritual meaning to your intentions.

Candle magic is rooted in the same ideas and concepts as color therapy. Colors have specific
vibrations and frequencies that can be used in many ways, including our mental wellness and
spiritual practice.

Remember not to underestimate the power of scent in addition to colors. Scents can invoke
powerful emotions and bring back strong memories.

One example of the link between colour and emotion is the common perception that
red, orange, yellow, and brown hues are “warm,” while the blues, greens, and grays are
“cold.” The red, orange, and yellow hues are said to induce excitement, cheerfulness,
stimulation, and aggression; the blues and greens security, calm, and peace; and the
browns, grays, and blacks sadness, depression, and melancholy. It must be
remembered, however, that the psychological perception of colour is subjective, and
only general comments about its features and uses can be made.
Britannica – The Psychology of Colour

Candle magic can be used to establish an intention or generate a specific type of energy. It is
powerful and swift, so make sure you’re focusing on something you truly desire and are prepared
to receive quickly.

The ritual of lighting candlesgoes back many years in human history and can be found in various
spiritual practices. A lit candle symbolizes and joins the physical world with the spiritual.

How To Use Candles in Your Spiritual Practice

The practice of lighting candles is the act of illuminating yourself and your spirituality.Candle
magic can be customized to fit your needs, intentions, and your unique method.
To get started, please ensure your candles are clear of defects or splits, as these reduce the
candle’s magical potency.

Situate your candle in a cleansed space where it will be free from disturbances. Spend time
focusing on your desire or intention as it burns to help charge your candle. Watch the flame and
pay attention to how it moves and reacts.

Place your candle in a cleansed, sacred space and return to it at about the same time each night to
focus on your goal until the candle is finished or for a set number of nights. Keep a watch on the
flame and pay attention to how it moves (keep reading for candle flame meanings).

You’ll find many spiritual practitioners prefer to burn a candle down entirely for the spell or
intention to release and be complete fully. Due to this, they’ll often buy smaller candles.

However, this is not required, and I know many practitioners that will extinguish the flame and
come back to it every day. They will sit and continue meditating and focusing on their intention
until it burns down completely. It’s believed the daily ritual will increase the spell or intentions

You can choose to perform certain spells and intentions during certain corresponding moon
phases. For example, if you’re focusing on manifestations or fresh starts, the new moon would be
an excellent time to work your candle magic.

Dispose of the remaining candle bits by burying or burning them; don’t throw them in the
garbage as it’s disrespectful. Now that release the intention from your mind and allow it to work
as you go about your daily life.

Why Does A Candle’s Color Matter?

As discussed above, colors have specific vibrations and frequencies representing different
meanings and can be utilized in spellwork or intentions.

You can see this represented in the color spectrum as each one radiates a specific wavelength of
light. Particular colors also evoke a subconscious reaction in your brain based on your unique
memories and life experiences.
Is Candle Magic Cultural Appropriation?
Candle magic is not cultural appropriation as long as you avoid candles or rituals that are part of
a closed practice.

How To Choose a Candle

When it comes to candle magic, beeswax candles are excellent because of the correspondence
and symbolism of bees and because it’s a natural product. However, beeswax candles are pretty
pricey, so soy candles or anything in your budget is also a great choice.

When it comes to the style of a candle, you can use any type that suits you as long as you keep
your intention clear.
As discussed above, you’ll find some spiritual practitioners believe you need to burn a candle
down entirely for the spell to release fully. Due to this, they’ll often buy smaller candles like
votives. However, this is not required and is a personal preference.

Always use a new candle, not one that has been used previously.When a candle starts burning, it
draws energy from emotions and elements surrounding it.

If a candle has already been influenced by negative energy or vibrations, it will most likely result
in poor or unsuccessful results.

How To Dress or Anoint Your Candle

There is no one-size-fits-all solution to dressing a candle, but the technique below illustrates one
method. Choose and select whichever approach works for you in your practice! You don’t have
to dress or anoint your candle if you do not want to. Simply choosing a corresponding candle
color will be fine.

Cleanse your candle

You can do this with Moon Water, smoke, crystals, moonlight, or the cleansing method of your
choice. Some practitioners feel that simply focusing your gratitude, and positive energy on your
candle is enough to cleanse it thoroughly.

Intentions are an essential aspect throughout your magical practice, but it is incredibly significant
in candle magic.

Infuse the candle with your energy, determination, and power by being precise about what you
seek in your intentions.

Add Symbols

Carve spiritual symbols of meaning to you into your candle that are personal to you. Here are a
few ideas to get you started.

Norse Elder Futhark Runes
Celtic Ogham Alphabet
Create Your Own Sigils
Sacred Geometry
Magic Element Symbols
Theban Witches Alphabet
Any other Pagan or Witch symbol
Add Oils and Herbs

Cover your candle in a natural oil like olive, almond, jojoba, grapeseed, or coconut; avoid using
too much oil, or it may affect how it burns. Oil helps to create a pathway for your desire to
manifest in the physical world.

If you’re using a candle in a glass jar, try poking holes into the candle (a metal kabob skewer
works well), allowing it to burn more evenly and eliminating the oil from sitting on top of the

Continue focusing your intentions toward the candle as you dress it with oils and herbs.
Remember incorporating symbolism and meaning into your magic gives it so much power and
focuses your energy.

Next, consider your desired outcome and add herbs with corresponding properties to your
For example, Lavender’s magical properties include joy, love, peace, luck, and protection. So if
your goal consists of any of those intentions, you’d add lavender to your candle.

Herbs are an essential element of many spiritual rituals because they are from Nature and vibrate
with the earth’s energy.

ManifestationCandle Ritual
Here is a simple manifestation candle ritual for beginners. Feel free to customize it to your
individual needs.

1. Consider the changes you want to make in your life. Be detailed, genuine, positive, and
compassionate. Try journaling about it for a little bit if you need help focusing or clarifying
your thoughts.
2. Focus your intentions into a short sentence and write it down
3. Using a white candle, hold it in your hands and visualize your spells or intention as if it has
already come into fruition. Use your five senses to fully bring it into your mind, and
experience all the emotions you would feel. Focus your breathwork and release any tension
or anxiety.
4. Light your candle and repeat this chant as many times you feel is necessary:

I am grateful for the abundance I experience in my life

I am worthy of love, kindness, and respect

I use my magic and power to bring (state your intention) into my life

I welcome and continue to honor prosperity each day

Candle Magic Divination
Candle divination is prevalent in many spiritual practices and is the belief that a candle’s flame,
smoke, or wax will provide insight into the future. When it comes to candle magic, it can
indicate yourspell or intention’s potential outcome.

The most popular methods are:

Capromancy – Smoke divination

Ceromancy – Wax divination by dropping it into water
Pyromancy – When used with candles, it represents flame divination

Another type of candle divination involves using multiple candles to give you an answer or help
guide you in the best direction –
A Multi-Candle Divination

Set up as many identical candles in holder as you have choices facing you. If you wish
an answer to a simple question, use two candles: one for yes, one for no.

In an area free of breezes, name each candle after one of your choices and light them.

The first to burn down and sputter out is your best bet.

Scott Cunningham,Earth Power Techniques of Natural Magic

Candle Flame Meaning

Candle flame meanings are one of the most asked about topics when it comes to candle
divination so let’s break down the meaning of the most common ones.

Remember every practitioner interprets each meaning differently, but these are the most frequent
meanings. Keep your mind open to possibilities.

Before we break down each one, it’s important to note that you should always consider non-
magical and scientific meanings before spiritual ones.

Is your wick too long or too short? Is there a fan on in your room or a window open that’s
creating a breeze?

Always consider the mundane before the magical to keep your readings accurate!
Flickering Candle Meaning
A flickering candle flame often indicates the presence of a spirit.

If your candle was used for religious purposes and represented a god, goddess, spirit guide, etc.,
it indicates your intention was accomplished, and your request was understood.

Another possibility is that your spell involves powerful and intensefeelings, which might later
cause conflict.

Jumping Candle Flame Meaning 

A jumping candle flame is a lot more feisty than a flickering flame and indicates that your spell
is surrounded by a lot of energy. This is typically a good sign and indicates your magic or
intention will manifest quickly.
Dancing Flame Meaning
In candle magic, an irregular dancing flame represents high-intensity mixed with wild energy. A
dancing flame suggests success, but it is likely to coincide with complications. The taller the
flame jumps, the more resistance and obstacles you’ll likely encounter.

Candle Popping
A candle popping flame signifies that a spirit or ancestor is trying to communicate with you by
using candle crackles, sizzles, and pops. Try using a notepad, journal, or grimoire to record what
you hear so you can piece it together. You may understand a different meaning at a later time.

Also, consider the spell or intention you’re trying to set when interpreting the message’s

When it comes to mundane meanings, it can also mean that your wick is wet!

Typically indicates your intention or spell has been resolved or decided. Your candle will
sometimes self-extinguish if the outcome has already happened before the candle is completely
burned out.

This isn’t always a bad thing; it could mean that your message was received and noted.

Give it some time, re-evaluate your intentions, and try the spell again later if your results don’t
come to fruition.

Tall Strong Flame

Your intention was successful and will happen. There’s a lot of power behind your magic;
challenges are crumbling; and quick, positive outcomes are inevitable.

A tall, strong flame is capable of pushing past any barrier and reaching the peak of your dreams
and desires.

When it comes to mundane meanings, your wick may be too long!

Weak Flame
A weak flame will deliver inefficient outcomes, and your intention is up against a variety of

If the flame is little but steady, it can still be a promising indicator; positive outcomes are
possible, although you may need to wait a while.

It can also suggest that the spell is flawed, mainly if it vibrates. It could indicate that your timing
is incorrect or that your intention requires more effort and energy before it can fulfill your desire.
Maintain focused on your goal, don’t give up!

​ hen it comes to mundane meanings, your wick may be too short, or you have too much
anointing oil.

Dual Flames
This usually indicates that an unexpected presence has joined the ritual. Dual-flames typically
represent two different energies; refer to your intention or spell and use your intuition to
determine if this is positive or negative.

If positive, it might mean two energies are working together to achieve this spell or intention.

If negative, it could indicate another spiritual practitioner or spirit is actively preventing your
goal from coming to fruition.
Candle Color Meanings Correspondences for Each Day of
the Week
Specific candle color meanings are more potent when used on designated days of the week. Each
color is also connected with a planet.

Sunday – Orange and Gold, associated with the Sun

Monday – White and Silver, associated with the Moon
Tuesday – Red, associated with Mars
Wednesday – Yellow, associated with Mercury
Thursday – Blue (associated with Jupiter) and Purple (associated with Jupiter and Neptune)
Friday – Green and Pink, associated with Venus
Saturday – Black (associated with Saturn) and Brown (associated with Earth and Saturn)
Candle Color Meanings
Remember that each candle color’s meaning can be unique to each practitioner, and this is a
general overview to get you started with candle magic.

Try experimenting in your home or sacred space with different colors to see how they spiritually
resonate with you. Mix it up with pillows, blankets, flowers, artwork, crystals, or anything that
you feel vibrationally attracted to. This will help you start feeling each color’s meaning on an
individual and more profound level.

The deep meaning of candle colors allows each spiritual practitioner to concentrate and reflect on
their desires, concerns, and eventual results.

Red Candle Meaning For Spirituality

Frequently used in romance and seduction,  it’s a great addition if your sex life needs a boost.
They are often used to represent the element fire.When you want a quick and decisive outcome,
use a red candle. Red’s candle color meaning assists you in achieving recognition and success
and makes you feel more adventurous and motivated.

Red candle spiritual intentions are associated with –

Sexual Love
Strong energy
Maximize vitality
Personal power

Green Candle Meaning For Spirituality

Green brings your visions to fruition and enhances success. Representing Nature, development,
and riches are all represented by the color green. This makes sense when you consider a time
when abundance represented a plentiful green crop—often used to represent the element
earth.Green candles can also help you balance feelings of anxiety, stress, or spiritual disconnect.

Green candle spiritual intentions are associated with –

Financial abundance
New business success

BlackCandle Meaning For Spirituality

Black candles meaning is frequently confused with sinister or malicious intentions; however, this
couldn’t be further from the truth. Black candles are effective in banishing magic, as well as
letting go of past traumas, meaningless relationships, and grieving or mourning a loved one.
Black candles absorb negative energy as a way to protect you, similar to what black tourmaline
does.Often used in destructive magic and symbolizes the unconscious. Helpful when facing
significant life changes, as it clears out a lot of stagnant energy.

As I stated in this post about different types of witches, please don’t use the terms “white magic”
and “black magic” because there are clear negative racial connotations with those phrases.
Instead, use the terms left-handed or right-handed paths, which are sometimes referred to as
destructive and constructive magic, respectively.

Blackcandle spiritual intentions are associated with –

Protection from negative energy, disease, evil, etc

Eliminates bad habits
Death (as in the afterlife or spiritual realm)
Unblock energy
Breaks curses or hexes
Reveal secrets
Cord cutting
Removes barriers

WhiteCandle Meaning For Spirituality

White candles are fantastic for sweeping out negative energy and welcoming in positive energy.
White candles help to remove stress and add tranquility and peace to your home and sacred

White contains the purest kind of spiritual characteristics. Hence, if you’re uncertain about what
color to use, grab a white candle because it canbe swapped and substituted for any other color
in candle magic.

White candle spiritual intentions are associated with –

Moon energy
BlueCandle Meaning For Spirituality
Blue candles represent soothing and healing and are often used to represent the element water.
Blue candles are helpful when trying to sort out strong feelings, emotions and looking for truth.
Those suffering from depression or feeling vulnerable often find comfort from a blue candle’s
spiritual vibrations.

Blue candle spiritual intentions are associated with –


PinkCandle Meaning For Spirituality

Pink candles are often used for positive and happy spiritual purposes in spellwork. Pink
represents emotional and compassionate love; without the sexual undertones that red represents.
Pink also symbolizes love in many varieties, including children, family, and other loved ones.

Pinkcandle spiritual intentions are associated with –

Unconditional love

PurpleCandle Meaning For Spirituality

Purple candles are used by those who want to enhance what they currently have. They may also
seek spiritual support, praise, or peace with anything in the spirit world. Burn a purple candle to
acknowledge and remember a loved one who has passed.

Purple candle spiritual intentions are associated with –

Spiritual enligtenment
Hidden knowledge and secrets
The unconscious
Spiritual transformation

OrangeCandle Meaning For Spirituality

Orange is the bright and powerful color of solar energy and feels light-hearted and cheerful.
Useful for success (business or personal) or if you lack energy or enthusiasm. When your path
has become unclear, orange candle magic is an excellent source of inspiration, vitality, and

Orange candle spiritual intentions are associated with –

Positive energy
Profound change
Fast action

YellowCandle Meaning For Spirituality

Yellow candles are often used to represent the element air and solar energy. The analytical mind
is ruled by yellow energy and is terrific for concentration.Use a yellow candle when you need a
blast of warmth and happiness.Excellent for divination when seeking clarity.

Yellow candle spiritual intentions are associated with –

Mental health
Studying or exams

BrownCandle Meaning For Spirituality

Sometimes used to represent the element earth, symbolize soil, and creates rooted and robust
energy. Brown’s energy is terrific when you’re pursuing more dependability, stability, and trying
to get your feet on solid ground.Brown candles can help you feel more grounded when you’re
feeling lost and can be helpful when working with animal guides.

Brown candle spiritual intentions are associated with –

Earth Magic
Real estate, land, or property

SilverCandle Meaning For Spirituality

Silver is excellent when working with Moon or Cosmic energy. Use a silver candle when you’re
developing your divination and intuition abilities. Silver will help you to become very successful
in dreamwork.

Silver candle spiritual intentions are associated with –

Moon energy
Cosmic strength

GoldCandle Meaning For Spirituality

Gold represents energy and light in its most accurate form. They are best used in rituals focused
on gaining power, influence, success, knowledge, or prosperity.
Gold candle spiritual intentions are associated with –

Personal strength
Gaining skills or abilities

Where Do I Buy Candles for Candle Magic?

Buying candles to use in your spiritual practice is a very personal choice. Find what resonates
with you most and the meaning you have behind it.

There is often debate about purchasing online versus in person. The choice is, of course,
completely up to you, but I buy my candles online frequently and have never had a problem.
Remember, you can also buy some simple ones at the Dollar store!Here are a few other options
to help you get started –

Sunshine Candles
I buy most of my candles online through a fellow Peculiar’s shop called Sunshine Candles which
you can check out here, and as a matter of fact, her candle is in the header image of this blog

Pure Beeswax Handmade Taper Candles
Soy Spell Candles in Tin

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