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United States Patent Office Patented June 20, 1961

2,989,448 per gallon
BRASS, COPPER-TEN, AND COPPER PLATING Tin (as metal) ----------------------------- .006
Daniel R. France, 1650 W. 3rd St., Brooklyn 1, N.Y. Vanadium (as metal) ----------------------- 0003
No Drawing. Filed Apr. 8, 1959, Ser. No. 804,880 Wetting agent ------------------------------ .16
8 Claims. (C. 204-44) Ethylenediaminetetra acetic acid (Versene) ----- .08
This invention relates to new and useful improvements Yellow brass bath
in plating baths and plating bath brighteners for brass,
copper-tin and copper plating. 10 Free NaCN -------------------------------- 4.8
An object of the invention is to provide a single basic CuCN ------------------------------------ 8.0
brightener which will operate satisfactorily and with equal NaOH ------------------------------------ 10.0
results in brass, copper-tin and copper plating baths. ZnCN ------------------------------------ 5
Another object of the invention is to accomplish what KNaCH4O64H2O ... -- - - - - - - - - as are r or - - - - - - - 2.0

has long been desired in the art of electroplating-to de 5 Arsenic (as metal) -------------------------- 01.
posit copper, copper-tin, and brass in Such a manner as Lead (as metal) ---------------------------- .0034
to cause a smoothing out of the surface imperfections of Tin (as metal) ----------------------------- 0
the underlying metal plated and to maintain this surface Vanadium (as metal) -------------------- - .0009
over wide ranges in current densities and temperatures. Wetting agent ------------------------------ 5
Still another object is to provide a brightener which 20 Versene ----------------------------------- 25
will deposit copper, copper-tin or brass in a fully bright
condition from the plating bath without agitation or per All three types of plating baths are worked at tempera
iodic reverse of the bath. tures from 135 to 160 degrees Fahrenheit and all three
Other objects, advantages and features of the invention produce bright plated deposits at from 3 to 100 a.p.s.f.
will be apparent from the specification and appended 25 Agitation or periodic reverse is not required. The free
claims. NaCN is kept at the same ratio to copper cyanide in all
The general composition of the brightener is the metals three plating baths (.6 ounce of free sodium cyanide for
lead, arsenic, tin and vanadium and organic materials each one ounce of copper cyanide which is contained in
alkyl-aryl amine type wetting agent and ethylenediamine the plating bath). This ratio is kept regardless of any
tetra acetic acid (Versene). However, either tellurium, 30 other metal present in the bath such as ZnCN in the brass
selenium, antimony or bismuth in the same quantities as or NaSnO4 in the bronze.
the vanadium in the examples hereinafter set forth can be The brightener provides bright deposits at the temper
used to replace the vanadium and good results still be atures of the baths (135 to 160 degrees). High C/D
obtained. - can be employed without burning the deposit. Excellent
More specifically, the composition of the brightener is 35 color control is provided over wide range in C/D in the
as follows: brass and bronze baths. There is 100% anode efficiency
Ounces due to high tolerance to a high free NaCN content. A
Sodium hydroxide ---------------------------- 16 leveling of the basic metal occurs by the metal being de
Arsenic trioxide ------------------------------ 6 posited and the metal is deposited in a fully bright con
Lead subacetate ------------------------------ .6 40 dition. -- -- - - .. . . . .

Sodium stannate ------------------------------ 3 As above mentioned, the vanadium in the brightener

Vanadium pentoxide -------------------------- .2 can be replaced by tellurium, selenium, antimony or bis
Ethylenediaminetetra acetic acid (Versene) ------- 1. muth. Examples of plating baths showing such replace
Wetting agent (alkyl-aryl amine type) ------------ 3.2 45
ment are as follows: -
Water to make one gallon.
Copper plating bath
The plating bath formulas, the proportions in which Ounces
they should be maintained and the amount of brightener per gallon
needed to produce the best result is as follows:
50 Free NaCN -------------------------------- 4.8
Copper plating bath CuCN ------------------------------------ 8.0
Ounces NaOH ------------------------------------ 8.0
per gallon Arsenic (as metal) -------------------------- 015
Free NaCN -------------------------------- 4.8 Lead (as metal) ---------------------------- .0034
CuCN ------------------------------------ 8.0 55 Tellurium (as metal) ------------------------ .0009
NaOH ------------------------------------ 8.0 Tin (as metal) ----------------------------- .02
Arsenic (as metal) -------------------------- .015 Wetting agent ------------------------------ 5
Lead (as metal) ---------------------------- .0034 Ethylenediaminetetra acetic acid -------------- 25
Vanadium (as metal) ----------------------- .0009
Tin (as metal) ----------------------------- .02 60 Copper-tin bath (bronze)
Wetting agent ------------------------------ .5
Ethylenediaminetetra acetic acid (Versene) ----- 25 Free NaCN -------------------------------- 1.8
NaSnO4 ----------------------------------- 3.5
Copper-tin bath (bronze) CuCN ------------------------------------ 3.0
KNaC4H4O64H2O ---------------------------
65 6.0
Free NaCN -------------------------------- 1.8 NaOH ------------------------------------ 1:5
NaSnO4 ----------------------------------- 3.5 Arsenic (as metal) -------------------------- 005
CuCN ------------------------------------ 3.0 Lead (as metal) ---------------------------- .001
KNaC4H4O64H2O --------------------------- 6.0 Tellurium (as metal) ------------------------ 003
NaOH ------------------------------------ 1.5 70 Tin (as metal) ----------------------------- 006
Arsenic (as metal) -------------------------- .005 Wetting agent ------------------------------ .16
Lead (as metal) ---------------------------- .001 Ethylenediaminetetra acetic acid -------------- .08
3 4.
Yellow brass bath Yellow brass bath
Ounces per gallon
per gallon
Free NaCN -------------------------------- 4.8 Free NaCN -------------------------------- 4.8
CuCN ------------------------------------ 8.0 CuCN ------------------------------------ 8.0
NaOH ------------------------------------ 10.0 NaOH ------------------------------------ 10.0
ZnCN ------------------------------------ .5 ZnCN ------------------------------------ .5
KNaCHO4H2O au. - a - - - - - - - - - - - - a mo um a- or are also as to a 2.0 KNaC4H4O64H2O--------------------------- 2.0
Arsenic (as metal) -------------------------- .015 O
Arsenic (as metal) -------------------------- ,015
Lead (as metal) ---------------------------- .0034 Lead (as metal) ---------------------------- .0034
Tin (as metal) ----------------------------- .02 Tin (as metal) ----------------------------- .02
Tellurium (as metal) ------------------------ .0009 Antimony (as metal) ------------------------ .009
Wetting agent ------------------------------ 5 Wetting agent ------------------------------ 5
Ethylenediaminetetra acetic acid --------------- .25 15
Ethylenediaminetetra acetic acid --------------- .25
Copper plating bath Copper plating bath
Free NaCN -------------------------------- 4.8 Free NaCN -------------------------------- 4.8
CuCN ------------------------------------ 8.0 CuCN ------------------------------------ 8.0
NaOH ------------------------------------ 8.0 NaOH ------------------------------------ 8.0
Arsenic (as metal) -------------------------- .015 20 Arsenic (as metal) -------------------------- .015
Lead (as metal) ---------------------------- .0034 Lead (as metal) ---------------------------- .0034
Selenium (as metal) ------------------------ .0009 Bismuth (as metal) ------------------------- .0009
Tin (as metal) ----------------------------- .02 Tin (as metal) ----------------------------- .02
Wetting agent ------------------------------ 5 25 Wetting agent ------------------------------ 5
Ethylenediaminetetra acetic acid --------------- 25 Ethylenediaminetetra acetic acid --------------- 25
Copper-tin bath (bronze) Copper-tin bath (bronze)
Free NaCN -------------------------------- 1.8 Free NaCN -------------------------------- 1.8
NaSnO4 ----------------------------------- 3.5 NaSnO4 ----------------------------------- 3.5
CuCN ------------------------------------ 3.0 30 CuCN ------------------------------------ 3.0
KNaCH4O64H2O - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -- -- - - - 6.0 KNaC4H4O64H2O--------------------------- 6.0
NaOH ------------------------------------ 1.5 NaOH ------------------------------------ 1.5
Arsenic (as metal) -------------------------- .005 Arsenic (as metal) -------------------------- .005
Lead (as metal) ---------------------------- .001 Lead (as metal) ---------------------------- .001
Selenium (as metal) ------------------------ .003 35 Bismuth (as metal) ------------------------- .0003
Tin (as metal) ----------------------------- .006 Wetting agent ------------------------------ .16
Wetting agent ------------------------------ .16 Ethylenediaminetetra acetic acid --------------- .08
Ethylenediaminetetra acetic acid --------------- Yellow brass bath
Yelloy brass bath 40
Free NaCN -------------------------------- 4.8
Free NaCN -------------------------------- 4.8 CuCN ------------------------------------ 8.0
CuCN ------------------------------------ 8.0 NaOH ------------------------------------ 10.0
NaOH ------------------------------------ 10.0 ZnCN ------------------------------------ 5
ZnCN ------------------------------------ 5 KNaCH4O64H2O - - - - - - -- - - - -- - - - -- - -- - - - 2.0

KNaCH4O64H2O as as a sers a no r a who - - - - - - - a o on as all as 2.0 45 Arsenic (as metal) -------------------------- .015
Arsenic (as metal) -------------------------- 015 Lead (as metal) ---------------------------- .0034
Lead (as metal) ---------------------------- .0034 Tin (as metal) ----------------------------- .02
Tin (as metal) ----------------------------- .02 Bismuth (as metal) ------------------------- .0009
Selenium (as metal) ------------------------ .0009 Wetting agent ------------------------------ .5
Wetting agent ------------------------------ 5 50 Ethylenediaminetetra acetic acid --------------- .25
Ethylenediaminetetra acetic acid --------------- 25
Copper plating bath Having described my invention, I claim:
1. A brightener for plating a metal selected from the
Free NaCN -------------------------------- 4.8 group consisting of copper, copper-tin and brass compris
CuCN ------------------------------------ 8.0 ing the following in the following proportions, sixteen
NaOH ------------------------------------ 8.0 ounces sodium hydroxide, six ounces arsenic trioxide, six
Arsenic (as metal) -------------------------- .015 tenths ounce lead Subacetate, three ounces sodium stan
Lead (as metal) ---------------------------- .0034 nate, two tenths ounce vanadium pentoxide, one and six
Antimony (as metal) ------------------------ .0009 tenths ounces ethylenediaminetetra acetic acid tetrasodium
Tin (as metal) ----------------------------- .02 60 Salt, three and two tenths ounce alkyl-aryl amine type
Wetting agent ------------------------------ .5 wetting agent and water sufficient to make one gallon of
Ethylenediaminetetra acetic acid --------------- 25 brightener.
Copper-tin bath (bronze) 2. A copper plating bath comprising the following in
the following proportions per gallon: 4.8 ounces free
Free NaCN -------------------------------- 1.8 sodium cyanide, 8.0 ounces copper cyanide, 8.0 ounces
NaSnO4 ----------------------------------- 3.5 sodium hydroxide, .015 ounce arsenic (as metal), .0034
CuCN ------------------------------------ 3.0 ounce lead (as metal), .0009 ounce vanadium (as metal),
KNaCH4O64H2O - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 6.0 .02 ounce tin (as metal), .5 ounce wetting agent and .25
NaOH ------------------------------------ 1.5 ounce ethylenediaminetetra acetic acid tetrasodium salt.
Arsenic (as metal) -------------------------- .005 3. A copper-tin plating bath comprising the following
Lead (as metal) ---------------------------- .001 in the following proportions per gallon: 1.8 ounces free
Antimony (as metal) ------------------------ 003 Sodium cyanide, 3.5 ounces NaSnO4, 3.0 ounces copper
Tin (as metal) ----------------------------- 006 cyanide, 6.0 ounces Rochelle salts, 1.5 ounces sodium
Wetting agent ------------------------------ .16 hydroxide, .005 ounce arsenic (as metal), .001 ounce
Ethylenediaminetetra acetic acid --------------- .08 lead (as metal), .003 ounce vanadium (as metal), .006
5 6
ounce tin (as metal), .16 ounce wetting agent and .08 7. A copper-tin plating bath comprising the following
ounce ethylenediaminetetra acetic tetrasodium salt. in the following proportions per gallon: 1.8 ounces free
4. A yellow brass plating bath comprising the follow sodium cyanide, 3.5 ounces NaSnO4, 3.0 ounces copper
ing in the following proportion per gallon: 4.8 ounces cyanide, 6.0 ounces Rochelle salts, 1.5 ounces sodium
free... sodium cyanide, 8.0 ounces copper cyanide, 10.0 hydroxide, .005 ounce arsenic (as metal), .001 ounce
ounces sodium hydroxide, .5 ounce zinc cyanide, 2.0 lead (as metal), .006 ounce tin (as metal), .16 ounce
ounces Rochelle salts, .015 ounce arsenic (as metal), wetting agent, .08 ounce ethylenediaminetetra acetic tetra
.0034 ounce lead (as metal), .02 ounce tin (as metal), sodium salt, and .0003 ounce of a metal (as metal) from
.0009 ounce vanadium (as metal), .5 ounce wetting agent the group consisting of selenium, bismuth, antimony and
and .25 ounce ethylenediaminetetra acetic tetrasodium O tellurium.
salt. 8. A brightener for plating a metal selected from the
5. A yellow brass plating bath comprising the follow group consisting of copper, copper-tin and brass com
ing in the following proportions per gallon: 4.8 ounces prising the following in the following proportions: .6
free sodium cyanide, 8.0 ounces copper cyanide, 10.0 ounce lead subacetate, 6.0 ounces arsenic trioxide, 3.0
ounces sodium hydroxide, .5 ounce zinc cyanide, 2.0 15 ounces sodium stannate, .2 ounce vanadium pentoxide,
ounces Rochelle salts, .015 ounce arsenic (as metal), .15 .25 ounce ethylenediaminetetra acetic acid tetrasodium
ounce wetting agent, .25 ounce ethylenediaminetetra salt, .5 ounce wetting agent, 16.0 ounces sodium hydroxide
acetic tetrasodium salt and .0009 ounce of a metal (as and water to make one gallon of brightener.
metal) from the group consisting of selenium, bismuth,
antimony and tellurium. References Cited in the file of this patent
6. A copper plating bath comprising the following in UNITED STATES PATENTS
the following proportions per gallon: 4.8 ounces free
sodium cyanide, 8.0 ounces sodium hydroxide, .015 ounce 2,841,542 Manquen --------------- July 1, 1958
arsenic (as metal), .0034 ounce lead (as metal), .02 2,881,122 Foulke et al. ------------ Apr. 7, 1959
ounce tin (as metal), .5 ounce wetting agent, .25 ounce
ethylenediaminetetra acetic acid tetrasodium salt and FOREIGN PATENTS
.0009 ounce of a metal (as metal) from the group con 2,778,788 France ----------------- Jan. 22, 1957
sisting of selenium, bismuth, antimony and tellurium. 2,838,448 France ---------------- June 10, 1958

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