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Name: ______________________________________ Grade & Section: _________________

Subject: Science 8 Teacher: ___________________________ Score: _________________

Lesson : Quarter 3 Week 4 LAS 2

Activity Title : What changes take place when turns into liquid water?
Learning Target: Differentiate melting and freezing
References : Science 8 Learner’s module page 187-188, MELC S8MTIIIc-d-9

When you put one piece of ice cube on a glass, you have observed that after 15-20 minutes, the ice on
the glass turned into liquid water. The ice cube, which was taken from the freezer is at a lower temperature
than the surroundings is transferred to the water molecules in the ice. This increases the kinetic energy of
the molecules and as the heat transfer continues, the particles gain more and more kinetic energy. The
molecules vibrate faster and faster and at some point, have enough energy to overcome the forces that
hold them in their fixed places in the solid. Since the molecules vibrate so fast, they break away from their
fixed positions. The arrangement of the water molecules in ice gradually becomes disorganized and the
solid where the molecules are in fixed positions turns to liquid where the molecules are freer to move. This
transformation process in which a solid is changed to a liquid is called melting, it is the change of state
from a solid to a liquid. When a solid is at its melting point, any energy added to it is used to overcome the
attractions that hold the particles in place.
On the other hand, when you put liquid water inside a freezer, the cooling system of the refrigerator
removes heat energy from the water molecules as a result of which they have less kinetic energy and move
more slowly. As more and more heat is removed and as the molecules move more slowly, the forces of
attraction among the molecules cause the molecules to be aligned. As this removal of heat continues, the
molecules lose so much energy that they are not able to move from place to place but only able to vibrate
in place. In time, the liquid water becomes solid water, which is ice. Freezing is the process in which a
liquid is changed to a solid. Removing energy will cause the particles in a liquid to begin locking into place.
Activity: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
1. An Ice cube changing to a puddle of water is an example of?
a. Melting b. Freezing
2. Putting water in an ice cube tray and placing it in the freezer will cause the water to _________?
a. Melt b. Freeze
3. The addition of heat in ice cream will cause?
a. Freezing c. Melting
4. A process which changes states from solid to liquid.
a. Melting b. Freezing
5. What is an example of Melting?
a. Water turning into Ice
b. Chocolate bar turning into liquid chocolate

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