Problem 1: First Network

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MAS237 – Tutorial 2 (assignment)

Dr. Damiano Padovani


Problem 1
A volume flow rate equal to Q = 25 [L/min] of mineral oil is flowing inside a circular pipe with internal
diameter d = 25 [mm]. Answer the following questions:
a) What is the average velocity of the fluid in [m/s]?
b) Maintaining constant the given volume flow rate, what is the pipe’s internal diameter in [mm]
necessary to have an average fluid velocity u = 0.5 [m/s]?

The results are: a) 0.85 [m/s]; b) 32.57 [mm].

Problem 2
A circular pipe transfers a constant volume flow rate of water equal to Q = 100 [m3/h]. The inlet diameter
of this transmission line is d1 = 40 [mm] while the outlet diameter is d2 = 25 [mm]. Answer the following
a) What is the average velocity of the fluid in [m/s] at the inlet section?
b) What is the average velocity of the fluid in [m/s] at the outlet section?

The results are: a) 22.10 [m/s]; b) 56.59 [m/s].

Problem 3
An orifice is part of a hydraulic system filled with mineral oil characterized by kinematic viscosity ν = 42
[cSt] and density ρ = 875 [kg/m3]. The discharge coefficient of this orifice results Cd = 0.9 [-] while the
volume flow rate through the orifice corresponds to Q = 65 [L/min].
Evaluate the following parameters assuming turbulent flow:
a) The flow area in [mm2] in order to have a pressure drop Δp = 3 [bar] across the orifice;
b) The Reynolds number of the flow condition resulting from point a), assuming a circular-shaped
flow area.
The results are: a) 45.97 [mm2]; b) 4292.83 [-].

Problem 4
The two-orifice networks shown in Figure 1 are
First network
part of a hydraulic system using mineral oil
with density ρ = 875 [kg/m3]. The different pA #1 pB #2 pC
orifices (type #1 and #2) are always connected
in series, however, in a different sequence. The
two orifice types are characterized by the
following discharge coefficients (Cd,i) and flow Second network
areas (Ai): #2 pB #1 pC
 #1: Cd,1 = 0.7 [-], A1 = 25 [mm2];
 #2: Cd,2 = 0.7 [-], A2 = 10 [mm2].
The total pressure drop across the entire Figure 1. Orifice networks addressed in Problem .
networks is known to be equal to Δp = pA - pC =
140 [bar], where pC = 8 [bar] is the back
pressure and pB is the intermediate pressure.

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MAS237 – Tutorial 2 (assignment)
Dr. Damiano Padovani

For both networks, compute the following magnitudes:

a) The volume flow rate in [L/min] transferred through the network;
b) The intermediate pressure pB in [bar].

The results are: a) 69.76 [L/min]; b) 1st network 128.69 [bar], 2nd network 27.31 [bar].

Problem 5
The sharp-edge orifice portrayed in Figure 2 is characterized
by the discharge coefficient Cd = 0.6 [-]. This orifice introduces
a pressure drop equal to Δp = p1 – p2 = 100 [bar] when the flow
rate is Q = 60 [L/min]. The known fluid properties are the
density ρ = 883 [kg/m3] and the kinematic viscosity ν = 75
[cSt]. Calculate the circular-shaped flow area in [mm2] and
provide numerical evidence to show that the correct equation
has been used (i.e., define the Reynolds number). Figure 2. Simplified cross-section of the
orifice considered in Problem .
The results are 11.07 [mm2] and 4521.02 [-].

Problem 6 (optional)
A network of orifices is assembled according to the schematics represented in Figure 3. The relationship
between each orifice flow (Q) and its pressure drop (Δp) can be described by the following compact
formulation of the orifice equation, where k is a constant term and A represents the flow area.
Qi  k  Ai  pi

Determine an equivalent orifice that #1 #2 #3

replaces this network by using the
appropriate equations only in the Q
symbolic form (i.e., numerical results
are not required). Assume ideal #4
transmission lines (i.e., no pressure
losses across lines).
Figure 3. The orifice network addressed in Problem .

Problem 7 (optional*)
* This problem is not representative for the final exam (this topic will never come during the exam).
However, it is a good exercise to familiarize yourself with the Bernoulli Equation.

Reminder about the Bernoulli Equation

The following quantities are defined in first place: p is the pressure, ρ is the fluid density, u is the fluid
velocity, g is acceleration of gravity, and h is the height. Thus, the mechanical energy per unit mass (eMech)
of a flowing fluid can be expressed as follows:


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MAS237 – Tutorial 2 (assignment)
Dr. Damiano Padovani

p u2
eMech    g h ,
 2
where p/ρ is the flow energy, u2/2 is the kinetic energy, and g·h is the potential energy of the fluid, all per
unit mass (i.e., they are measured in [J/kg]).

Consider the motion of a fluid particle in steady flow where frictional forces are negligible, there are no
pumps or turbines (i.e., mechanical energy is not added to the flow or removed from the flow), there is no
heat transfer, and the flow is incompressible (i.e., ρ=const.). Then, the mechanical energy is conserved.
In other words, the sum of the kinetic, potential, and flow energies of a fluid particle is constant. Focusing
the attention on two points of the flow (e.g., point #1 and point #2), this means:
p1 u12 p u2
eMech ,1  eMech ,2    g  h1  2  2  g  h2 .
 2  2

Text of the problem

Water with density ρ = 998 [kg/m3] is flowing in a vertical pipe.
The nozzle installed at the outlet of the pipe causes a thin jet of
high-speed water to emerge. The gage pressure inside the pipe
right before the nozzle is p1 = 2.5 [bar].
Assuming negligible frictional forces in the fluid and
incompressible flow, what is the maximum height in [m] that
the water jet could achieve?

The result is 25.54 [m]

Since the location of point #1 is just before the nozzle, the flow
velocity is low so that it can be neglected (i.e., u1 ≈ 0 [m/s])
because it is much lower than the fluid velocity at the tip of the nozzle.


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