The Bocmotham Tanistry: History

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The Bocmotham Tanistry


The history of the Bocmotham Tanistry begins on the island of Boc-Eilean, where
the mountainous Satyr people developed their first civilizations. The most basic Satyr
villages were developed along chains of mountains and forests. The Satyr tribes lived in
divided tribes with little to no contact with each other until 99 ACS where a pack of great
Chimeras began to terrorize the Satyr tribes. In the Satyr village of Bocmotham in 109
ACS, a great Satyr by the name of Sarmog received a vision from Letobius, the head god
of the Boc-Eilean pantheon. Letobius told Sarmog to climb the tallest mountain in all of
Boc-Eilean, Mullach, to save the Satyr people from the Chimeran menace. At the top of
the mountain Sarmog found the most important artifact in all of Boc-Eilean history, the
Wabbajack. Upon grabbing the staff, Sarmog was attacked by a Chimera and then
learned that the Wabbajack could control the Chimeras, proceeding to tame the beast and
returning to Bocmotham on its back. This would mark the first Boc-Eilean tanistry upon
his return to the village, and his ascension, proclaimed by the people of Bocmotham, and
from that day on he was known as Sarmog “the Ascended”. Sarmog then began his
journey across all of Boc-Eilean and formed the first Bocmotham Tanistry and began
development of the mountain peaks, so as to be as close to the sky as possible. In the
middle of Sarmog’s rule, his ambitious son Druvnih, attempted to usurp his father by
taking his staff, in the middle of a sacred Boc-Eilean ritual. Upon grabbing the staff,
Druvnih, spontaneously combusted in a spectacular explosion. The rest of his reign
would see extreme growth across the entirety of Boc-Eilean, and in 153 ACS, he
ascended to the sky, never to be seen again. Sarmog’s third born son, Strav, after his
father’s ascension, attempted to grab the staff like his brother Druvnih, and after a brief
flash of light, Strav was left unharmed. The succession of the Bocmotham Tanistry would
continue for 900 years, with the sole proprietor of succession being the Wabbajack. In
1054 Vetrec, the 19th Tanist of Bocmotham, ascended to power, chosen by the
Wabbajack, had a different perspective on the future of the Tanistry. His first act as
Tanist was to send several search parties past the Boc-Eilean island. Upon hearing news
of advanced civilization beyond the island, Vetrec issued a decree of expansionism out
into the unoccupied islands. In modern Boc-Eilean society, March 19th is celebrated as
Ascension Day in honor of the Sarmog the Ascended.

Under the 12-year reign of Vetrec, a mass wave of Satyr colonization has swept
and an outward view to diplomacy was taken by the Satyr people, colonization of
archipelagos east, west, and southern parts of the mainland has been colonized by Satyrs.

Before the Ascension of Sarmog, polytheism was much more popular than
monotheism in Boc-Eilean has surged, with Letobius revered as the one true god, and
Sarmog being the true chosen of Letobius.

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