IT Report

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IT Report

Application of technology in different areas

1. Communications technologies

Long distance communication is one area

where technology has made a profound impact on
workplaces. Businesses used to employ fax
machines, surface mail and the telephone in the

Today, email, SMS, and various chat

software tools have become the principal modes of
business communication. Also, the use of video
conferencing is on the rise, thus reducing the need
for physical travel.
2. Office productivity

Word processing, spreadsheets, digital

presentations and other office productivity software have
become so commonplace that their use has become
routine, and this has completely transformed office work.

Office software is now becoming integrated with

other productivity and decision-making tools like PowerBI
and this new wave will revolutionize the workplace again.

3. Record keeping and retrieval

Another area where advanced technology is

already ubiquitous is record keeping.

Most businesses have switched to electronic

databases, rather than paper files, to store and access
their records, and this has become an essential and
everyday part of our work environment.

4. Internet and search

One other major tool that has become so

commonplace so as to become nearly unremarkable is the
internet and its organization through search portals such
as Google and Bing.

Information retrieval and research using internet

tools has become an indispensable tool for all work.
5. Decentralized work and cloud computing

The proliferation of laptops, tablets, and

smartphones has made it easier for professionals to
work from anywhere and has led to flexible-work
environments like freelancing, work-on-demand, and

Recently, this trend has accelerated because of

the adoption of cloud computing which allows workers
to store and use data and applications on a server.

6. Analytics and new decision structures

Big Data analytics has become an important tool for all

business functions. For instance, marketing through digital
channels requires professionals to routinely use advanced tools
for analytics and computational advertising.

Human resource departments are using specialized

tools for recruiting, performance tracking, and worker
retention. Such data-driven decision systems are allowing
front-line workers to act quickly, without always waiting for
direction from the traditional top-down management structure.

7. Automation, robotics and future factories

Many workers, especially in the manufacturing sector,

already work alongside autonomous robots. This is increasingly
true in many other settings such as warehouse logistics, office
sanitation, and building security.
8. Adoption of virtual and augmented reality

Sales and marketing using augmented reality

(AR) and virtual reality (VR) are gaining ground in
several sectors.

For instance, real estate companies have

enthusiastically adopted this approach and have built
simulated environments through a series of linked
panoramic photographs of the property's interiors by
using high-quality lenses of 360-degree cameras.

9. Conversational systems: Chatbots, assistants

Conversational systems, like chatbots and

personal assistants, are important AI tools. Many
companies have deployed chatbots to offer round-the-
clock customer support and customer support systems
usually have bots as frontline agents, backed up by
human agents.

Another use of conversational technology is the

use of talking assistants that are integrated across their
home and work environments and are designed to help
workers navigate their duties.

10. Information security

With the spurt in technological advancements, a big concern for

businesses is the security of sensitive data.

Protecting customer and business data is an essential task for any

enterprise, and a lot of invasive but indispensable security processes, from physical access
control using tokens or biomarkers,
communication control, and elaborate digital
access control mechanisms have become an
intrinsic part of the 21st century workplace.

Today, digital disruption is playing a key

role in transforming businesses. Major
innovations like artificial intelligence, blockchain,
machine learning, internet of things, and virtual
reality have started to completely transform the
world and the nature of work.

In addition, basic technologies like office productivity tools, electronic record keeping,
internet search, video conferencing, and electronic mail have already become everyday parts of
our work lives.


Demonstrate ways a given algorithm applies to problems across

A better understanding of how developments in science and technology influence the creation of
new occupations and subsequent changes in educational programs can help decision makers at
all levels of our society. As a result of research and development efforts, innovations are
achieved, resulting in the creation of new occupations and the demand for employees with
expertise in these new areas. To fulfill the demand, universities and colleges often revise their
programs to address these needs. Several data sources are described in this paper that might help
us to explore the relationship between advancements in industry, emerging occupations, and
educational changes over time.
Microsoft Windows

While not strictly a computer program (it’s what is known

as an operating system), Windows is likely to be the face
that greets you every day as you turn on your PC. Without
it, many wouldn’t be able to access all of the programs that
we need – so it is worthy of a place on our list.

Microsoft Internet Explorer

When we talking about computer programs we use every day,

your instant thoughts may have been of Facebook, Twitter or
Google. However, these are all examples of websites and
without a web browser, you wouldn’t be able to see them.
While Firefox and Google Chrome have gained popularity over
the years, Microsoft’s Internet Explorer is still the market

Microsoft Office and Outlook

Word, Excel, PowerPoint and even Publisher; how would we get

anything done without them? Add Outlook on top of that and you have
the complete Microsoft Office Suite. While you may not produce
many documents or spreadsheets at home, in education and especially
in the workplace, these programs are ubiquitous.

McAfee Antivirus

To keep your computer safe from rogue viruses that abound on the
internet, you need an antivirus on your PC. One of the most popular is the
McAfee Antivirus program which operates in the background – so you
use it every day without even knowing it. It appears on our list over other
antivirus software due to their recent link up with many NHS trusts.
Adobe PDF

The PDF is the one thing that can bring all of these programs
together. Adobe’s PDF is viewable on all computers. PDFs are also
easily distributed across the internet. Since 2007 it has been possible
to create PDFs from Microsoft Office. The PDF remains the most
popular way to distribute files via email and Adobe has recently
announced two security updates which make PDFs the friend of the
virus checker.


Understand the importance of the technology in the development of

areas that are not directly related to the technology


Since the arrival of computers, the entire face of the

business world has been changed. To run the different
departments of business swiftly, use of Information
Technology is important and it is possible with computers
and software. The use of information technology can be
seen in departments such as finance, human resources,
manufacturing, and security. Role of IT can’t be ignored.


Technology enables teachers to be up to date with new techniques

and help their students to be updated with latest technologies such
as use of tablets, mobile phones, computers, etc. in education.
Information technology not only helps students to learn new things
but also helps students of college dropouts.

Information Technology opens the doors for traders and

common people to do online purchases. Banks keep records of
all the transactions and accounts through computers. Unlike
before, now the transactions and other deals have become
faster and easier.


With Information Technology, the field of medicine and

health has been seeing tremendous improvements. For
doctors, sending and receiving information, checking
patients, and discussing with other experts have become
very convenient. Also, it reduces the time taken in


Online transactions and keeping records of all the online

transactions are now safer than earlier times. Only proper
management and a person responsible for the system can
access the data online. It prohibits any random person from
checking the details. All these have been made possible by
keeping the system passwords proof. Only permissible
authority can access your information.


With improvements in information technology, globalization has increased.

The world is brought closer, and the world’s economy is quickly becoming a
single interdependent system. Information can be shared quickly and easily
from all over the globe, and barriers of linguistic and geographic boundaries
can be torn down as people share ideas and information with each other.

With Information Technology, new jobs have been

introduced. It creates new jobs for programmers,
hardware and software developers, systems
analyzers, web designers and many others.
Information Technology has opened an entirely new
fields and thousands of jobs for IT professionals.

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