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Xavier University is known for facilitating high quality education. It’s community service and social
outreach are exceptional and very relevant.

Students are trained and formed to uphold the values and principles of Jesuit education, to become
persons for others, to work for peace and justice. They go through a developmental kind of formation
program that hopes to produce graduates who are excellent, skilled and have the heart to serve others.

The services that the pool of human resource Xavier University has contributed to many communities
are brought about by her sincerity and commitment to implement the mission vision, by her utmost
respect of her history, traditions, and identity.

Purpose of Education
 Two (2) general PURPOSE of Education
a. The PERSONAL Dimension - education must teach and prepare the students how to attain
their personal ambitions or objectives in life
b. The SOCIAL Dimension - education is a vital component of the society. It must teach and
prepare the students how to interact in the society and how to fulfill his/her social self
 Education is not value-free. It teaches students not only skills but impart values through the
methods of teaching and curriculum.
 Education not only forms the person intellectually and physically. It also forms the person’s
heart, values and attitudes especially in relating to oneself, to others and to the material things.
 Education is also an opportunity to develop and deepen one’s faith in God. Students can learn
some basic and fundamental knowledge about their faith. They will be able to experience living
and expressing their faith.
 Education must prepare the students for the future. It must teach them how to persevere in the
present society and how to help improve the situation. Education then must expose the
students to realities in the society.

The STUDENT FORMATION PROGRAM of Xavier University is ladderized or developmental. There are
formation activities every year level through a specific program or core subjects

4th / Program
5th (SLP)

RS /
3rd subjects /


2nd Philosophy
Year Subjects

1st Year Training
Three-fold thrust of Xavier University Student Formation
Xavier University aims to provide a holistic development of her students through its three-fold
1. Academic Excellence
 Xavier engages in the authentic search for the truth through teaching, formation,
research and social outreach — dedicated to the renewal, discovery, safeguarding and
communication of knowledge and human values.
2. Growth in Spiritual Life
 It stresses growth in Spiritual Life and for Christians it represents Jesus Christ as a
personal friend who gained forgiveness and the true freedom for us through His death
and resurrection
 It aims to animate the spiritual growth of everyone and offers a progressive initiation to
prayer and worship. Xavier University facilitates retreats, recollections and prayer
 There are also religious organizations that students can be members of.
3. Commitment to a Life of Service
 It assists in the formation of men and women who will put their beliefs and attitudes
into practice through lives.
 It encourages Faith and expresses itself in works of justice and peace in building a more
humane world and a community of love.
 It helps students to realize that their God-given talents are also for the benefit of the
larger society. There are community outreach, advocacies on issues and concerns and
service learning projects.

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