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Question 1

1. A system is a collection of elements or components that are organized for a

standard purpose. This word sometimes describes the organization or plan itself (and
is comparable in desiring to method, as in "I have my very own little system") and
sometimes describes the parts within the system (as in "computer system").

computer system contain of hardware items that are carefully chosen so they work
well together and software components or programs that run within the computer.

The main software component is itself an OS that manages and provides services to
other programs which will be run within the computer.

A file system may be a group of files organized with a thought (for example,
alphabetical by customer).

All of nature and therefore the universe will be said to be a system.

2. Coupling-

Coupling use to the degree to which one class knows about another class. If one class
uses another class, that's coupling. Low dependencies between “artifacts” (classes,
modules, components). There shouldn’t be an excessive amount of dependency
between the modules, whether or not there's a dependency it should be via the
interfaces and will be minimal.

Cohesion -

In object- oriented design, cohesion refers all to how one class is meant. Cohesion

is that the Object- oriented principle most nearly related no ensuring that
a class is intended with one, well-focused purpose.
The further concentrated a class is, the further cohesiveness of that class is more.
The advantages of high cohesion are
that similar classes are much easier to take care of (and less constantly changed)
than classes with low cohesion. Another advantage of high cohesion is
that classes with a well-focused purpose tend
to be more applicable than other classes.
3. The system development life cycle is a design operation model that defines
the stages involved in bringing a design from commencement to completion.
Software development brigades,for illustration, for
example a variety of systems development life cycle models that include waterfall, 
spiral and agile processes.

system development life cycle stages?

System development stages are planning, system analysis, system design,

development, implementation, integration, and testing and operations ans


First one is Do a feasibility study and look at options. Economical Organizational and
Operational and Technical
Second one is create a project plan for keep the project on track and can be use for


breaking down into parts (draw a diagram).

Requirement gathering by talking to all Directors and share holders and technical
Create a proposal to present to Company Community.


If system will be created in house or outsourced.

2. Identify operate and used by the end users.
3. and design


The system is built or purchased and tested.

Training is implemented for end users.
A technical support plan is put into place.
Use by end users is evaluated.
Question 2

Water fall Methology

The waterfall model is a linear, sequential software model which was developed for
software development and product development. It is similar to water fall. DR.
Winston W.Royce first published in paper in 1970 and it is continues to be used in
industrial design.

Stages in waterfall methodology:

1. Requirement Gathering stage

At this stage, most of the detailed requirements of the software system are obtained
from the client.This stage handles the defining and planning of the project without
mentioning specific processes.
2. Analyze Stage
The analyzed stage is analyze to generate product models. It is guide production in
3. Design Stage
Created a outline technical design such as Hardware, Programming language,
databases like Java, PHP, .NET or Oracle, MySQL Other high-level technical
information on the project.
4. Deployment stage
Deploy and coding the application in the respective environment by Software
5. Testing stage
This is done to check if the system is working properly.
6. Maintenance stage
Once your system is ready to use, you may later require change the code as per
customer request. This could include releasing  patch   updates or releasing new
Advantages of the waterfall model

there are some advantages:

 Upfront documentation and planning stages allow for large or shifting teams to
remain informed and move towards a common goal.
 Forces structured , disciplined organization.
 simple to understand
 good coding habits
 specification changes to be made easily.
 Clearly defines milestones and deadlines.
 Allows for early design
 Less costly and time consuming

Disadvantages of the waterfall model

The disadvantages of the waterfall model :

 Design is not adaptive.

 Ignores the potential to receive mid-process user or client feedback and make
changes based on results.
 until the end of the development life cycle, delay testing
 Does not consider error correction.
 Does not handle requests for change
 Not ideal for complex, high risk
 Not suitable for large systems
 Not a single stage can be skipped
 No stage can be repeated

Most suitable places

Suitable for low cost and simple projects
Suitable for project team with inexperienced members
Suitable for projects where the duration is not short
Least appropriate opportunities
This method is not suitable for large and complex projects with urgent needs.
Also not suitable for systems that are expected to change over time
Question 3

1. Requirement Gathering Techniques

–Stakeholder analysis
–Analysis of existing systems or documentation,
background reading
–Discourse analysis
–Observation, ethnography
–Joint Application Design (JAD)
–Pilot system
–Use cases and scenarios
–Risk analysis


❑ Reviewing this process and documentation can help the analyst understand the
business, or system, and its current situation.
❑ Existing documentation will provide the analyst the titles and names of
stakeholders who are committed the system. This will help the analyst formulate
questions for interviews or questionnaires to ask of stakeholders, so as to achieve
additional requirements.
❑ The consultant may have a look at old requirement documents and reuse of the
necessities that will still be relevant, while discarding others which will be out of date.
❑ the explanation why this system is intended the way it's, which can suggest why
certain features were not noted. Principles and rules for the organization itself may be
discovered by analyzing documents. ❑ Reviewing existing documents might also
assist in understanding why a user performs certain tasks while observing them. 
❑ A drawback to analyzing documents is that documents could also be outdated, the
analyst must confirm whether the documents are current or not.
❑ Another drawback to reviewing documents is it is very time consuming, counting
on the organization and also the system. A system that interacts with many alternative
facets of the business will have large amounts of documentation to review. ❑ Useful
when building a replacement improved version of an existing system
❑ Important to know: –What is employed, not used, or missing –What works well,
what doesn't work –How the system is employed (with frequency and importance)
and it had been supposed to be used, and the way we might wish to use it
❑ Start with reading available documentation –User documents (manual, guides…) –
Development documents –Requirements documents –Internal memos –Change

Question 4
2. Start

Read the three Numbers A,B,C


Is Is
B>c A>C

Print “B is the Print “c is the Print “A is the

largest Number” largest number largest number”

Question 5

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using static System.Console;

namespace Entity2
class A
public int MemberId {get; set;}
public string MemberName { get; set;}
public string Department { get; set; }
public StaffMember()


class HOD : StaffMember

public HOD()

public int Course_Completed { get; set; }

public void Hod_Info()

string Info = $"Member Id ={this.MemberId} \n Member
Name={this.MemberName} \n Department Name={this.Department} \n Total Course
Completed ={this.Course_Completed} %";

class Teacher : StaffMember

public Teacher()

public int Hod_Id { get; set; }
public void Teacher_Info()
string Info = $"Member Id ={this.MemberId} \n Member
Name={this.MemberName} \n Department Name={this.Department} \n Id of HOD
={this.Hod_Id} ";

class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
HOD Obj_Hod = new HOD();
Obj_Hod.MemberId = 10;
Obj_Hod.MemberName = "Dileepa";
Obj_Hod.Department = "CSE";
Obj_Hod.Course_Completed = 85;

Teacher Obj_Tech = new Teacher();

Obj_Tech.Department = "CSE";
Obj_Tech.MemberId = 15;
Obj_Tech.MemberName = "Achira";
Obj_Tech.Hod_Id = 10;



Class A{
private int ssn;
private String empName;
private int empAge;

//Getter and Setter methods

public int getEmpSSN(){
return ssn;

public String getEmpName(){

return empName;

public int getEmpAge(){

return empAge;

public void setEmpAge(int newValue){

empAge = newValue;

public void setEmpName(String newValue){

empName = newValue;

public void setEmpSSN(int newValue){

ssn = newValue;
public class EncapsTest{
public static void main(String args[]){
A obj = new A();
System.out.println("Employee Name: " + obj.getEmpName());
System.out.println("Employee SSN: " + obj.getEmpSSN());
System.out.println("Employee Age: " + obj.getEmpAge());


Employee Name: Dileepa

Employee SSN: 133
Employee Age: 22


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