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Credits Special Thanks

Dungeons & Dragons Ben Allen, Cerialking, ChojiBoy, Emilio HF, Fflouke,
Copyright © 2014 Wizards of the Coast LLC, Dungeons & HansRaider, Laser Rifle, LoPanda, Marian, Meri W, Muatra,
Dragons, D&D, Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Myrrdin, Rydiculous, TES Fan Girl, The Thieving Mick,
Guide, and all other Wizards of the Coast product names and Timothy Hyche, Tjelvar Lidegran, UESP, Wes Wisdom,
their respective logos are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast. Whistlehunter, everyone on discord, and everyone who has
supported this project.
D&D Lead Designers: Mike Mearls, Jeremy Crawford
Design Team: Christopher Perkins, James Wyatt, Rodney Intellectual Property
Thompson, Robert J. Schwalb, Peter Lee, Steve Townshend, The conversion contained in this booklet is an unofficial fan
Bruce R. Cordell made project. This work is not for profit and its commercial
distribution to anyone under any circumstances is strictly
The Elder Scrolls prohibited.
Copyright © 2014 Bethesda Softworks LLC, a ZeniMax Media
company. The Elder Scrolls, Bethesda Softworks, ZeniMax Release: January 2019
and their respective logos are registered trademarks of Zeni-
Max Media Inc. All Rights Reserved.

About This Book
All art is used without permission. Art is expected to be prop- ummerset is home to many dangerous and

erty of Bethesda Softworks LLC, unless noted otherwise. amazing beasts. Within this bestiary, you
Please correct any inaccuracies to the author of this website will find 17 creatures suitable for your
and credit will be given as appropriate. Elder Scrolls campaign. Each creature
Sea Sload art by Kevin Yan. Yaghra larva by Stephen Mabee. comes with information that is known
about them. Whether rumor or fact, you will find
Unofficial Elder Scrolls Tabletop Roleplaying Game out different details, like who they are, where they
Lead Designer/Writer: Michael Bonar live, and what makes them unique. As with many
tales from Tamriel, the information within may

come from an unreliable narrator. How these
creatures really are may surprise you at your table. Table of Contents
Some of these monsters, like the Sload, are iconic
to the Elder Scrolls, and have been part of the world Coral Crab .............................................................4
since some of the earliest editions. Others, such as Giant Salamander..................................................5
the Yaghra and the Indrik, are relatively new, as we Gryphons ..............................................................6
discovered Summerset together in Elder Scrolls Gryphon..............................................................6
Online for the first time. Gryphon Hatchling..............................................7
This book reads as though it was a part of the
Gryphon Matriarch .............................................9
Monster Manual and adopts a similar presentation.
If you are unfamiliar with the monster stat block Indrik ..................................................................10
format, read the introduction of the Monster Man‐ Reef Viper ............................................................12
ual before proceeding further. It explains stat block Sea Sload.............................................................15
terminology, and gives rules for various monster Yaghra .................................................................16
traits—information that isn’t repeated here.
Yaghra Larva .....................................................16
This book attempts to capture the essence of each
creature and focus on those traits that make it Yaghra Monstrosity............................................17
unique. Nothing said here is intended to curtail Yaghra Spewer...................................................18
your creativity. Yaghra Strider ...................................................18
The creatures in this bestiary are organized Alinor Ringtail......................................................19
alphabetically. A few are grouped under a banner Heron ..................................................................19
heading; for example the “Yaghra” section contains
Salamander .........................................................20
stat blocks for various kinds of Yaghra, including
striders and monstrosities. The back of the book Sep Adder ............................................................20
gathers a handful of simple beasts that don’t Springbok ............................................................20
warrant longer entries, but are still a part of
Summerset and can be customized to serve your

Coral Crab
These large crustaceans have adapted to the crystal
clear and coral filled shores of the Summerset Isles.
They cover themselves in coral, anemones, and other
sea creatures that can be coaxed into taking root on
their shells. With their one massive claw, they can also
crush thick carapaces and pry open the most obstinate
bivalves. Most are indifferent to adventurers unless
Functional Decor. Coral crabs spend most of their
time surrounded by the beautiful coral on the sunny
beaches of Summerset. To hide from predators, and
hide from their prey, they cover themselves in bits of
sand and coral, which fuses to their shells. These deco‐
rations act as an excellent natural camouflage, but also
as an elegant display for potential mates.
Natural Defenses. The coral camouflage provides
more than just visual benefits for these giant crabs.
The dried sands and living coral provide an extra layer
of defense, deflecting attacks from rival crabs or pesky
adventurers. Coral crabs have also learned how to cre‐
ate powerful surges of water, temporarily disabling ene‐
mies while they try to hide.

Giant Salamander
Giant salamanders are large amphibians that can usu‐
ally be seen along the coastlines of the Summerset
Isles and hiding from the sun in the many water filled
caves. They can be easily recognized by their distinctive
markings. Bright, colorful lines run along their sides.
These lines appear to change color based on survival,
often indicating a type of natural magic that flows
through them. These salamanders are aggressively
hostile and can quickly adapt to their surroundings
and threats by changing their appearance and behav‐
Elemental Shifters. Salamanders, like many crea‐
tures of the Summerset Isles, are remarkably magical
by nature. If the salamander feels threatened in any
way, they can quickly adjust their natural forms and
generate potent elemental energy. They can quickly
pulse out burning fire, bolts of lighting, or even encase
themselves in ice to start a hyper-effective form of
Sticky Predators. Even if the salamander doesn't
utilize it's elemental expertise, these amphibians are
still incredibly lethal foes. Without having to put them‐
selves in harms way, they can launch their tacky
tongues at their prey, restraining them. Once their prey
is retracted, their poisonous glands quickly subdue

As rare as they are ferocious, gryphons can only be
found on the isle of Summerset, and are held in high
regard by the local High Elves. To some extent, the
High Elves look at the majestic and powerful gryphons
and see things in them that they admire about them‐
selves: pride, beauty, strength, and wisdom. A symbol
of the Altmer people is the eagle, and so they revere the
gryphon, as they are a combination of eagle and lion.
They are symbolically important to the High Elves just
on this basis.
Gryphon's are winged, four legged predators, evolved
for flight, and with traits you'd also happen to find in
big cats and birds of prey. Completely coated in feath‐
ers, these beautiful creatures have bright plumage on
their heads, broad feline shoulders, and powerful tails
and legs, designed to help the creature fly and make
tight turns when closing in on their prey. Their promi‐
nent lynx-shaped ears have an endearing charm of
predatory beauty, while the unique toe arrangements
on the gryphons feet allows them to have the clasping
talons of an eagle, while still maintaining the fast and
nimble movement of a lion.
Ground and Sky Superiority. While few in number,
gryphons can still be found nesting in Summerset's
wilds, and an adventurer that encounters one in their
travels is recommended to choose flight rather than
fight. Gryphons are especially agile and dangerous
foes. Aggressive and territorial, gryphons engage in
brutal aerial combat to defend their nests. Able to
strike from the ground or while soaring in the air,
these monsters force their foes to always keep their
head on a swivel and eyes on the sky.
Trained Mounts. Of course, not all of the island's
gryphons are aggressive. Some have been trained to
fight beside their High Elf masters, such as those rid‐
den by the Welkynar of Cloudrest and Sunhold, who
develop a special magical bond with their gryphons
from birth.

Gryphons are proud and fierce predators that are ex‐
tremely territorial, with good reason. As long as Altmer
and Gryphons have lived nearby, the High Elves have
had dreams of taming the creatures. Generations tried,
but the gryphon would never succumb. Eventually,
stealing a gryphons egg had become a rite of passage
for many Altmer, especially the gryphon knights, the
Welkynar. For those with less grand ideas, eggs were
stolen by chefs as delicacies for kings, or by mercenar‐
ies and treasure hunters looking for quick riches.

Gryphon Hatchling
While newborn hatchlings are always adorable, it is
best to observe these aggressive fledglings from a dis‐
tance. A gryphon raised from an egg can be trained to
serve as a mount. However, such training is time con‐
suming, expensive (mostly for the ample food the crea‐
ture requires), and dangerous. Expert trainers well
versed in the gryphon's legendary ferocity are typically
the only ones able to raise these creatures safely.
Once trained, a gryphon is a fierce and loyal steed. It
bonds with one master for life, fighting to the death to
protect the rider.

Gryphon Matriarch
Some gryphons find a way to reach even greater
heights than their other kin. These gryphons are ex‐
tremely dangerous and usually take control over large
territories. If they make their lairs too close to well
traveled passages or become the unsuccessful targets
of egg pillagers too often, they can develop a taste for
the flesh of men and mer, making them even more dan‐
gerous and aggressive.
The Altmer of Sunhold have fostered a deep and
trusting relationship with the gryphons. Sunnawel, a
tame (but still ferocious) matriarch, watches over the
coastal city and flies alongside the Welkynar.

A Gryphon's Lair Regional Effects
Gryphons lair in the high rocky clifftops, building their The region containing a legendary gryphon's lair is
nests from sticks, leaves, and the bones of their prey. warped by the creature's presence, which creates one
Once gryphons establish a territory, they remain in or more of the following effects:
that area until the food supply has been exhausted. • Water sources within 1 mile of the lair are crystal
clear and fresh. Any creatures that drink such water
Lair Actions gains 5 temporary hit points.
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the • The land within 6 miles of the lair takes twice as
gryphon can take a lair action to cause one of the fol‐ long as normal to traverse, since the wind gusts
lowing effects; the gryphon can't use the same effect around the area are strong and relentless.
two rounds in a row: • Between gusts of wind, fog lightly obscures the land
• The gryphon calls forth the nearby kin in it's lair, within 1 mile of the lair.
having 1d6 gryphon hatchlings arrive in 1d4 If the gryphon dies, the winds stop in 1 day, and the
rounds. The hatchlings act as allies of the gryphon other effects fade in 1d10 days.
and obey its commands. The hatchlings remain for 1
hour, until the gryphon dies, or until the gryphon
dismisses them as a bonus action.
• Gusts of wind surge in a direction that the gryphon
chooses. Each creature in a direct path of the wind
must succeed on a DC 15 Strength saving throw or
be moved back 15 feet and knocked prone.
• The gryphon creates fog as though it had cast the
fog cloud spell. The fog lasts until initiative count 20
on the next round.

Indriks are physical manifestations of Nirn itself, which Indriks have antlers, similar to a stag, but unique
takes on the form of a majestic beast. Often appearing in their own way. Points of the finest crystals sprout
in a form similar to a stag, the indrik has a single horn from their crowns like the branches of a glimmering
on it's head and is covered in bright plumage. Indriks tree. Like the unicorn, they have a single horn,
are highly intelligent and highly territorial and attack which is both beautiful and deadly at the same
anything that is deemed a threat to it's environment. time. Their bodies are covered in a tapestry of fur,
When it is slain, it's corporeal form disintegrates and feathers, and fronds that defy classification. They
it's energy is returned to Nirn. appear to be animal, bird, and plant, all at once.
Although they are exceptionally elusive – they can Lastly, they possess four ears, which might stand
vanish in an instant, those who get the chance to get a out on any other animal, but they’re hardly notice‐
glimpse of these magical creatures can only describe able on a creature that is already so grand.
them as truly breathtaking. Few words can describe
the indrik. At a glance, they can be easily mistaken for
a common deer, but even the most casual observation
reveals that they are so much more.

Y'ffre's Steed. A folk tale as old as the Altmer civiliza‐ The horn is not the only part of the indrik that is
tion tells of how Y'ffre the singer wove indriks out of surrounded by fable. Tales of the heart of the indrik
the very essence of the forest, giving them the aspect of travel wide. The heart appears as a perfect gem, resem‐
every living thing found within. With this in mind, it is bling a crystallized ruby. The legend tells that if the
believed that the indrik is closer to Aedra than to mor‐ heart is touched by someone with an unpure heart, a
tal. dark shadow blossoms within the crystal's center.
Alchemical Treasures. Countless legends surround From then on, it will curse all those who possess it
the indrik's horn. It is believed to be an alchemical with heartbreak, filling their lives with such great sor‐
cure-all; that touching one will extend your life seven- row that it drives most to suicide.
fold. It's even believed that the horn is made from
Y'ffre's tears.

Reef Viper
The large and deadly reef vipers are cunning predators
that can be found stalking along the beaches of Sum‐
Hostile Pests. These winged serpents are treated as
vicious vermin—an invasive species brought to the
isles by the Sea Elves. The Maormer bring them to the
coasts as a means of goading the Altmer and disrupt‐
ing the natural habitats of Summerset.
Venomous Hunters. Reef vipers are giant, stout
snakes with large wingspans, allowing them to fly short
bursts. Combined with their razor sharp teeth, these
creatures are made from ophidiophobic nightmares.
They like to get up close to their opponents and use
their internal bile sac to produce a sticky fluid to aid in
catching and digesting the serpent's prey.

For naughty Altmer children, a mother's warning that teleportation magic and use it as one of their main
the Sload will get them is enough to make them be‐ forms of travel. Similar to the Wood Elves' communion
have, or at least, have nightmares for days. Sload, the with the plants of Valenwood, the Sload also have the
slug-like beast-folk of the Coral Kingdom of Thras are ability to command the coral they live among.
creatures that have terrorized the High Elves since be‐ While they are skilled at many forms of magic, they
fore recorded time. These hulking slug-folk are notori‐ are known specifically for their mastery of the necro‐
ous for their necromantic mastery. mantic arts. They slaughter and revive sea crea‐
These cantankerous creatures live in the Abecean tures—turtles, crabs, and the like—to keep them as
Sea and are loath to treat with any of the races of Tam‐ vile pets, or send them to the coasts to lay siege on
riel. They are generally hostile and belligerent to all Skywatch. They've also destroyed enemy armies only to
other mortal races, although there is some evidence of reanimate them to serve the Sload. They are also
diplomatic traffic between the Sload and the Maormer, known to keep reanimated slaves on hand to complete
even though there are plenty of accounts of conflict be‐ their more menial tasks. It is rumored that there might
tween the slugmen and the Sea Elves. be an agreement between the Sload and the King of
Arcane Adepts. The Sload are very capable sorcer‐ Worms, Mannimarco.
ers, who are known to command powerful magics, be‐ Metamorphic Biology. Sload begin their life on the
yond just necromancy. They are notable experts in Trassian Atolls as little amorphous grubs. Ignored by

their pendulous parents, these grubs squirm their way culate it in their best interests, and they don't perceive
to the sea, where they mutate into aquatic quasi- or honor friendship or loyalty in the familiar human
cephalopods known as polwygles. In adulthood, Sloads terms, except for a cheerful affinity for those who de‐
spend a great deal of time in the shallow lagoons of feat them or trick them in any endeavor. These features
their atolls, due to their corpulence, wallowing among allow Sload to excel as merchants and smuggling en‐
the polwygles. They show no interest in the fate of their trepreneurs, with many dealing in the devious soul
offspring. Those larvae that prove too slow to avoid trade.
their parents' pseudopods are caught and harvested, Sload also have a grotesque fascination with disease,
culling the weak and providing the raw material for and all manners of unnerving afflictions, suppurating
sload soap. Adult Sloads have no limit to age or size. extrusions, blood-rot, and festering myiasis. This ob‐
The oldest Sload collapse under their own weight, un‐ session is likely what resulted in the Thrassian Plague.
less buoyed by water.
Sload Soap. The captured polwygles are tossed into Thrassian Plague
a boiling cauldron and reduced to a slimy broth. This
broth undergoes an alchemical commixture with mate‐ Also known as the Slug Famine (because of the wrig‐
rials known only to the Sload, after which it is poured gling gastropods that carried the flesh-eating disease),
into molds and allowed to cool. Once solid, the bars are the Thrassian Plague infected not just people, but live‐
scooped out and wrapped in the viscera of hagfish for stock and wild animals as well. The plague claimed
preservation. more than half of the continent's population and in‐
The sload use this soap as a primary component in spired the largest allied naval force in Tamrielic history.
their necromantic rituals. The emulsified reagent con‐ Syrabane, an Aldmeri god-ancestor of magic, wiped
cocted from one's own descendants acts as a profound out the plague, leaving no trace of it behind. Two theo‐
intensifier in the magics of undeath. Sload soap is ries have emerged from the peoples of Tamriel about
rarely seen away from Thras, and when it is, it com‐ the source of the Thrassian Plague.
mands high prices from alchemists, who prize its The plague has been associated with Namira or
unique properties for creating potions of agility and, Peryite, as the Spirit Daedra's sphere includes slime
rarest of all, the mutation of personality. It may even and slugs, while the Taskmaster's includes disease and
contain many more undiscovered alchemical proper‐ contamination. It's well known that the Sload traffic
ties. Plus, it's an exceptional cleanser, deep-cleaning with the Princes from time to time, so the involvement
yet mild, that leaves your skin feeling youthful and re‐ of Namira or Peryite is quite credible. However, Divayth
freshed. Fyr postulates in the ‘Pestilent Progeny Thesis’ that the
infectious slugs that invaded Tamriel were mutated
versions of the Sloads' own infantile larvae.
Sload Society These two theories are by no means mutually exclu‐
Sload move slowly and act slowly, and take a long time sive, and it could be that the truth lies somewhere in
to come to decisions. Their heroes are philosophers between. Only the Sload know for sure.
and they have no language for adventure—the closest
equivalent means “tragic disaster”. All their mythic vil‐ Sea Sload
lains act quickly, and always fail. While they do not
read or write, they remember everything they see or Sea Sload rule the undersea kingdom of UI'vor Kus in
hear. the Sea of Pearls. These particular Sload are even more
As a society, they generally reject worship, but they reclusive than their more numerous Thrassian
will enter into pacts with daedra when it suits them. cousins. Sea Sload society is typically hermetic, unless
The cultural leadership among Sload are known as the a common goal exists to unite them. They form small
Elder Distended Ones. They become even more repul‐ cabals of like-minded individuals who will cooperate
sive than the more common Sload. Some are described until their ambitions are met. These cabals often break
as impressively corpulent, with strange pulsating up, reform, or reorganize as interest and necessity
heads. They can even grow strange new body parts. warrants.
One elder grew three eyes that emerged from its belly. They have just as strong of an interest and capacity
Each eye opened as a toothless mouth, disgorging un‐ for necromancy as other Sloads, but they also
mentionable nourishment, which was shared and ea‐ demonstrate significant skill in alchemy, shadow
gerly consumed by its attendants. magic, and mind magic, as well as other arcane
While they do not seem to experience or display any disciplines. Through their magic, these arrogant and
familiar human emotions, they are skilled diplomats unfriendly creatures have been known to utilize all
and actors. They produce gross exaggerated parodies of kinds of terrible sea monsters.
human behavior: laughing at lame jokes, weeping at Abyssal Pearls. Sea Sload grow special abyssal
apparent misfortunes, and throwing furious tirades at pearls in reefs and caves, which they use as impressive
folly or ineptitude. Sload have no compunctions about magical conduits. By adding alchemical mixtures into
blasphemy, theft, torture, kidnapping, murder, or geno‐ the water, and drawing strange sigils around the float‐
cide. They are willing to break laws whenever they cal‐ ing pearls, and even on their lustrous surfaces, the

Sload imbue the pearls with incredible power, causing thralls to a location. It's believed, with enough Abyssal
the pearls, and the water that surrounds them, to glow Geysers strategically placed, the Sea Sload could sink
with arcane light. large islands, including Summerset itself.
These abyssal pearls are used by the Sea Sload to
channel incredible magic that can be used as a magical
lure for terrifying sea creatures and undead
monstrosities under their thrall. These strange pearls
have even been used to create immense Abyssal
Geysers, which can quickly transport hordes of their

Yaghra are fantastic, deep sea creatures that live in
Nirn's many oceans and seas. The extent of the
yaghra's spread across the world is generally unknown
and they have no known names to surface-dwellers.
These crustacean creatures are protected by their
chitinous carapaces, spikes, and strange internal biol‐
ogy. They are strongly influenced by pheromones and
appear to communicate through their chemical physi‐
ology, sometimes regurgitating their stomach acids.
The different forms of yaghra that have appeared
throughout Tamriel may be unique breeds, or different
morphologies of the same life cycle.

Yaghra Larva
The young yaghra larva are spider-like bottom feeders.
They have six legs and a volatile, enlarged abdomen.
The larva tries to keep enemies at bay by ejecting acidic
bile at their foes. These fragile creatures instinctually
self-dispose of themselves when under extreme duress.
They explode in a violent display of acid, bile, and chiti‐
nous spikes.

Yaghra Monstrosity
Yaghra monstrosities take on the role of the yaghra
queens, rapidly reproducing larva. These enormous
yaghra share a lot of similarities with the larva they
produce. Their massive, enlarged abdomen is protected
by a hard shell, and is cluttered with orifices that serve
dual purposes. They can expel acidic bile in a
pustulent eruption to defend themselves, or quickly
produce new larva to create new soldiers.

Yaghra Spewer
Spewers are bipedal, lobster-like crustaceans with nu‐
merous eyes and bio-luminescent lures that line the
backside of their carapace. While their elongated pin‐
cers are physically weaker than their cousins, they are
capable of producing a variety of deadly excretions and
pheromones that help bolster their allies.

Yaghra Strider
Yaghra striders are the soldiers of the yaghra pod. They
are extremely aggressive and agile and have a carapace
that has adapted to their role as protectors. Broader
than their spewer cousins, the striders are more formi‐
dable and covered in dense, jagged spikes. It is best to
try and avoid their powerful claws, and even more im‐
portant to stay away from their fearsome mandibles.

Miscellaneous Creatures

Alinor Ringtail Heron

Tiny beast, unaligned Small beast, unaligned

Armor Class 12 Armor Class 11

Hitpoints 2 (1d4) Hitpoints 3 (1d6)
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft. Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft.

5 (–3) 15 (+2) 11 (+0) 4 (–3) 10 (+0) 6 (–2) 5 (–3) 13 (+1) 11 (+0) 4 (–3) 14 (+2) 7 (–2)

Senses passive Perception 10 Skill Perception +4

Languages — Senses passive Perception 14
Challenge 0 (10 XP) Languages —
Challenge 0 (10 XP)
Keen Hearing and Smell. The ringtail has advantage on
Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell. Keen Sight. The heron has advantage on Wisdom
(Perception) checks that rely on sight.
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 1 piercing damage. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 1 piercing damage.
These small raccoon-like mammals are known for
their ringed tails and stuffing their cheek Herons can be found in wetlands, swamps,
pouches with small items. They can be trained to ponds, and lakes. These long-legged birds feast
get into places no one else can, hiding small valu‐ mostly on fish and frogs and are excellent flyers.
ables in their mouths.

Salamander Springbok
Tiny beast, unaligned Medium beast, unaligned

Armor Class 11 Armor Class 13

Hitpoints 2 (1d4) Hitpoints 4 (1d8)
Speed 30 ft., climb 30 ft. Speed 50 ft.

7 (–2) 12 (+1) 11 (+0) 2 (–4) 10 (+0) 3 (–4) 11 (+0) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 2 (–4) 14 (+2) 5 (–3)

Senses passive Perception 10 Senses passive Perception 12

Languages — Languages —
Challenge 0 (10 XP) Challenge 0 (10 XP)

Actions Actions
Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +2 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 1 piercing damage. Hit: 2 (1d4) piercing damage.

Springbok are graceful antelope that can be

Sep Adder found prancing throughout the grasslands of
Tiny beast, unaligned Summerset.

Armor Class 13
Hitpoints 2 (1d4)
Speed 30 ft., swim 30 ft.


5 (–3) 16 (+3) 11 (+0) 1 (–5) 10 (+0) 2 (–4)

Senses blindsight 10 ft., passive Perception 10

Languages —
Challenge 1/8 (50 XP)

Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target.
Hit: 1 piercing damage, and the target must make a DC 10
Constitution saving throw, taking 5 (2d4) acid damage on a
failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.

Although the tiny and diminutive sep adder has

wings, it cannot truly fly and moves along the
ground with grace. While their bite can be deadly,
they are often kept as pets by curio collectors and


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