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Catering Industry


ACTOR What they can do on the software created

Employees ● Main users on the web page of the Canteen Ordering System.
● Select lunch dishes from menu and create order.
● Can edit or cancel order before checking out (latest by 11 AM

Canteen ● View orders placed by employees.

● Request delivery to the employees’ workstation.

Delivery Boy ● Close the online customer order after delivering the lunch.

Payroll ● Handle payroll deductions from the employee’s salary.


Management ● View the following reports:

Most popular dishes

Employees using the system

Employee satisfaction on the system

Daily sales

Monthly earnings

Order forecasting

Problem Definition and Solution

Problem: Employees are spending a lot of time waiting for tables during lunch time, while the
regular canteens can only afford a limited number of seats. This also results in more time being
spent on lunch and less working productivity. Moreover, huge food wastage is also a pressing
problem since employees may not want certain dishes and those dishes are then thrown away.
Objective: A system that aims to save lunch time for employees and improve their food choices
based on their preferences, which should consequently improve quality of work life and
productivity. The system should also allow food in demand and food resources monitoring to
reduced food wastage problem. A better process should also be implemented to reduce overall
operating costs.

Advantages and Objectives

Advantages of the Canteen Ordering System:

● Save time for employees.

● Allow employees to get their preferred food.

● Improve quality of work and productivity of employees.

● Canteen will be able to reduce food wastage.

● Canteen will be able to reduce operating cost.


● Replace conventional, manual ordering routine at the canteen.

● Manage meal order life cycle from ordering to delivery.
● Reflect food demand and food inventory to improve food costs.
● Provide insightful reports for management level.
● Easy to maintain.

Existing System

● In the current situation, there is no system in place to manage employee order.

Proposed System

What is the proposed solution or system? Mention in points how the system itself will be for the

● User friendly interface.

● Fields are easy to understand.
● Employees can place lunch order online.
● Employees can select the dishes they like.
● Employees can submit feedback.
● Lunch orders should have time limit so that canteen manager can view and prepare food
● Canteen manager can view placed order and inventory to make necessary purchases.
● Canteen manager can request delivery to employees’ workstation.
● Management level can view necessary reports.

Scope using use case diagram (UML)

Create a use case diagram including all the actors and processes for an end to end process of the

Scope using context diagram

Depict the scope using Context diagram.

In Scope

● Mention the name of features and what they are used for.

Out of Scope

● Food vendor
● Lunch payment (handled by payroll system)

Activity Diagram for the System:

Create an activity diagram for the system.

ER Diagram for the System:

Create an ER Diagram for the system you have designed.

Preconditions and Triggers: Example

 What user/manager should be able to do in a step?

 What are the triggers?
 What is the basic flow?
 What are the data elements?
 In case of errors, what happens?

Business Requirements:

Business objective – 1:
● Reduce canteen food wastage by a minimum of 30% within 6 months, following initial
Scale: Value of food thrown away each month by examining the canteen inventory
o Previous - 25% wasted.

o Must plan for: Less than 15%.

Business objective – 2:
● Reduce canteen operating cost by 15% within 12 months, following initial release.
Business objective - 3:
● Increase effective working time by 30 minutes per employee per day, within 3 months.
Business objective - 4:
● Automate ordering process, delivery to workstation => reduce canteen operating cost.

Functional Requirements
 Webpage Canteen Ordering System (COS) has an up-to-date menu, presented as a list of
dishes available for the day along with price.
 Employees can place online lunch order in COS latest by 11 AM. Employees can select
lunch dishes and edit or cancel as will until checkout time at 11 AM.
 After 11 AM system does not allow users to place order.
 Orders which are checked out cannot be changed.
 Menu manager can create and update menu in COS.
 Canteen manager can view placed orders and request delivery once an order is
 Delivery boy has access to COS and can close online lunch order once his delivery is
 Employees can submit feedback about food item or delivery.
 Reports list:
o Which dishes are the most popular?
o How many employees are using the system?
o Feedback report to reflect employee satisfaction.
o Sales for each day.
o Total monthly earning.
o Order forecasting i.e., a prediction of which items will be ordered and when they
will be ordered.

Nonfunctional Requirements
System Requirement:

 System is required to support 1500 employees ordering

 Web page should be light and render fast
 The screens should be self-explanatory and very user friendly. Management would not
want employees not ordering from the system as they cannot understand the screens
and data fields on screen.

 Maintain in Java

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