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UJME 10 (1) 2021: 910-918

Unnes Journal of Mathematics Education
ISSN: 2252-6927 (print); 2460-5840 (online)

Analysis of The Mathematical Problem Solving Ability of

Junior High School Students Based on Adversity Quotient in
Problem Based Learning with Scaffolding
Annisa Luthfi Istiqomaha,*, Emi Pujiastuti,
Universitas Negeri Semarang, Kampus Sekaran Gunungpati, Semarang, 50229, Indonesia

* E-mail address:


Article history: The research aims to determine the initial conditions prosessed by each
Received 6 Sept 2021 type of AQ on students independence and problem-solving abilities before problem-
based learning with scaffolding, and to obtain effective learning. The research
Received in revised form 8
method combined mixed-method design with exploratory sequential design is used
Sept 2021
to answer the problem formulation with qualitative and quantitative methods
Accepted [Publish Date] respectively. The selection of qualitative research subjects was carried out by
purposive sampling, while the population of the research is tudents grade VII of
Keywords: Junior High School 3 Kartasura in the academic year 2020/ 2021 with the research
Problem Solving Ability; samples are VII D (experimet class) and VII A (control class) taken by simple
Problem Based Learning sampling method. The results showed that: (1) before problem-based learning with
with Scaffolding; scaffolding, students with climber type tendes to meet the indicators of learning
Adversity Quotient; independence, self-confidence, disciplice, initiative,and responsibility. Students with
Independent Learning.
the camper type tend to be able to meet the indicators of confidence, discipline, and
responsibility. While students with the quitter type tend to meet the indicators of
discipline and responsibility; (2) initial description of students' problem solving
abilities before learning, climber type tend to meet the indicators of reading and
understanding problems, formulating strategies, confirming the process and
confirming answers, camper type tending to meet indicators of reading and
understanding problems, formulating strategies, and doing confirmation of the
process, and quitter type tend to meet the indicators of completing the completion
process; (3) the achievement of effective learning in problem-based learning with
© 2021 Published by Mathematics Department, Universitas Negeri Semarang

1. Introduction

Mathematics is the queen of science. According to Kamarullah (2017) mathematics is called the queen
of sciences because mathematics never depends on other sciences. In addition, mathematics is an
important science but in reality mathematics is less desirable, feared, and considered boring (Novriani &
Surya, 2017). Not a few students complain and experience problems when learning mathematics, so
students seem to have less ability when solving math problems. According to NCTM (2000), to shape the
future it is necessary for people who are able to understand mathematics so that their opportunities and
choices can be increased.
To deal with problems in life today and in the future, mathematical problem solving is very necessary
(Hutajulu, et al, 2019). Students will have basic abilities which mean more according to reason so that
they can create solving strategies for problems faced next through problem solving. According to
Pujiastuti (2020), there are five steps in problem solving skills, namely (1) Reading and understanding,
(2) Organizing strategy, (3) Solving the problem, (4) Confirmation of the process, (5) Confirmation of the
process . If students are able to carry out these steps completely, they have good problem solving skills.

To cite this article:

Istiqomah, A.L., & Pujiastuti, E. (3/14/22). Analysis of The Mathematical Problem Solving Ability of Junior High
School Students Based on Adversity Quotient in Problem Based Learning with Scaffolding. Unnes Journal of
Mathematics Education, 10(1), 910-9109918. doi: 10.15294/ujme.v10i1.xxxxx
A. L. Istiqomah, E. Pujiastuti. 911

Based on an interview with one of the mathematics teachers at Junior High School 3 Kartasura
revealed that the factors causing the low problem solving ability of class VII students at SMP Negeri 3
Kartasura are: (1) students are less able to understand concepts, (2) the ability to understand the
prerequisite material possessed students are not good, and (3) students do not apply concepts in problem
solving, (4) students easily give up in dealing with questions that are considered difficult. In addition, the
role and activeness of students in participating in learning is not optimal. Students tend to be passive in
learning. This causes students to not be able to use their mathematical abilities optimally so that they have
difficulty in solving problems.
Learning in the 21st century emphasizes learning that emphasizes the activeness of students. The
change in learning from the 19th century to the 21st century is the change in learning from teacher
learning to student center. According to Vegas, as quoted by Wrahatnolo (2018), a successful education
system in schools is a system that is attached to problem solving and combines the context of the problem
with information. To activate students in developing problem solving, it is necessary to have an
appropriate learning model, one of which is problem-based learning or problem-based learning.
Problem-based learning includes an active learning model so that learning occurs student-oriented
which will lead to meaningful learning because students are faced with contextual problems (Yuliawanti,
et al, 2019). This is in accordance with the opinion of Kurniawan & Wuryandani (2017) which states that
the form of problem-based learning is to prioritize students in learning and be oriented to the process of
learning activities. To be able to solve problems, teachers can guide students while students seek
information, add insight from various sources and actively learn independently. Students' responses when
solving problems will result in two possibilities when the learning process takes place, namely students
can obtain information about knowledge well or vice versa cannot obtain information provided properly.
Scaffolding is another way to optimize the learning process, especially the problem-based learning
process through the provision of assistance according to student needs (Jatisunda & Nahdi, 2020).
According to Buyung & Dwijanto (2017), providing assistance to someone in the early stages of
learning and then that person immediately takes over the responsibility after being able to do it
themselves is called scaffolding. Assistance to students is useful for solving problems that students cannot
do independently. Janneke (in Nabila, 2017) mentions the notion of scaffolding is the assistance that
students get from the teacher when he cannot complete the task given by the teacher without any
assistance. So that students can connect the assistance provided to solve problems. According to Slavin
(in Haidar, 2020) assistance is provided in the form of teaching, questions, encouragement, stages of
problem solving, giving examples, directing, or other actions that enable students to overcome problems
in their learning.
During the research, learning was carried out online from their respective homes. So that the provision
of modules to students is a form of scaffolding that students can use to study independently. In addition,
scaffolding is carried out by providing assistance to improve students' problem solving abilities.
According to Hadi & Farida (in Hidayat, et al, 2020) independent learning is a learning activity that takes
place based on one's own ability, choice, and responsibility for learning. According to Sulistiono &
Budiretnani in (Maksum & Lestari, 2020) it is stated that the indicators of learning independence are self-
confidence, discipline, initiative, and responsibility. Students can learn independently, one of which is if
students are given a tool in the form of a module. According to Prastowo as quoted by Tjiptiany, et al
(2016), suggesting systematic and interesting teaching materials, including methods, content and
evaluation of teaching materials that can be used independently are called modules.
In solving problems, a student according to his/her characteristics has different abilities and levels of
difficulty. Students easily give up in doing math problems, one of the causes is the difficulty in the
problem solving process. Students can solve problems well if they are also supported by good problem
solving skills. The ability that a person has to deal with the difficulties he experiences is called Adversity
Quotient (Hidayat, et al, 2018).
Based on this background, the purpose of this research were to: (1) determine the independence of
learning in each type of Adversity Quotient before problem-based learning with scaffolding; (2) knowing

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A. L. Istiqomah, E. Pujiastuti. 912

the initial abilities of students based on the type of Adversity Quotient of students; (3) knowing the
achievement of effective learning in problem-based learning with scaffolding.

2. Methods

The research method used in this research is a mix method with exploratory sequential design. This
design is characterized by combining qualitative and quantitative research methods sequentially, where in
the first stage the research uses qualitative methods and in the second stage quantitative methods
(Sugiyono, 2019: 608).
Qualitative research was conducted for the selection of subjects by determining the type of Adversity
Quotient (AQ) of students consisting of climber, camper, and quitter types. Furthermore, this qualitative
research was also conducted to find out the initial problems that each type of AQ had related to
independent learning and problem-solving abilities so that through problem-based learning with
scaffolding, problems in each type of AQ could be improved. Qualitative research does not concern the
sample and population like quantitative research, so in this research the determination of the subject is not
randomly but by using purposive sampling. Purposive sampling is a technique used to determine samples
with certain considerations (Sugiyono, 2015: 124). The subjects in this research were six students of class
VII D taken from the experimental class.
The population in this reseacrh were students grade VII of Junior High School 3 Kartasura in the
academic year 2021/ 2021. The sampling technique used was simple sampling. In this research, selected
two grade samples are VII D as an experiment class and VII A as a control class. The experiment class
received learning using problem based learning with scaffolding, while the control class received using
problem based learning without scaffolding.
The variables of this research are problem-based learning, independent learning, problem solving
ability and AQ. The data collection methods used were test methods, AQ questionnaires, learning
independent questionnaires and interviews. The test method was used to collect problem-solving ability
data before and after problem-based learning with scaffolding in the experiment class and problem-based
learning without scaffolding in the control class. The AQ questionnaire was adopted on the ARP
(Adversity Response Profile) where the indicators, the questions, number of questions, and descriptions
of answers were adjusted to the modified ARP and adapted to conditions of class VII students. While the
independence learning questionnaire was made with the guidance of a psychology lecturer at Sahid
Surakarta University, Anniez Rachmawati Musslifah, M.Psi., Psychologist. The interview method in this
research was carried out to explore the independent of students and students' initial problem solving
abilities which were carried out in a structured free manner where before conducting interviews the
researchers had prepared interview guidelines in advance so that each informant received the same
questions, but during implementation the researchers could develop questions. according to the needs of
the researcher.

3. Results & Discussions

3.1. Qualitative Data Analysis

In this section, the results of the analysis of independent learning and problem-solving ability will be
presented in pretest of students problem-solving ability conducted by interview.
3.1.1 Independent Learning on The Adverity Quotient Type
Before knowing the independence of learning in the type of AQ, interviews were conducted with
the mathematics teacher and counseling teacher to find out which students have characteristics of each
type of AQ. Once known, the selection of research subjects is presented in Table 1.

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Table 1 Qualitative Research Subjects

Subject Code Type

S-1 E-03 Climber
S-2 E-19 Climber
S-3 E-05 Camper
S-4 E-17 Camper
S-5 E-22 Quitter
S-6 E-24 Quitter

Based on the results of interviews conducted with the teacher, the subject with the climber type has
very good learning independence, the subject with the camper type has good learning independence, and
the subject with the quitter type has pretty good learning independence. After conducting interviews with
teachers, interviews were also conducted with research subjects to explore their learning independence.
Based on interviews with climber types, S-1 shows that their learning independence is very good. S-1
does not ask friends if they have difficulties. S-1 tries on their own to work on the questions given by the
teacher by looking at the references they have. Based on interviews with teachers, S-1 have high
cognitive ability. Based on the interview with S-2, it can be seen that the learning independence that they
have is also very good. S-2 does not ask friends if they have difficulties. S-2 tries on his own to work on
the questions given by the teacher and then is corrected by his brother. Based on interviews with teachers,
S-2 have high cognitive ability. Subjects with the climber type have very good learning independence,
this is indicated by the fulfillment of learning independence indicators, namely self-confidence,
discipline, initiative, and responsibility.
Subjects with camper type AQ, have good learning independence. Based on interviews, S-3 shows
that they have moderate learning independence. S-3 asked his father if he had difficulties. S-3 tries on his
own to work on the problems given then his father helps him to solve them. Based on interviews with
teachers, S-3 does have a fairly high cognitive ability. While S-4 only works on the questions that they
feel they can. For questions that are considered difficult, they are often left out and work on other easier
questions. In addition, it is also seen that S-4 in working on problems, if they have difficulties, they are
left alone and do not have the initiative to solve problems independently. Initiatives owned by S-4 tend to
be lacking. This is indicated by the fulfillment of three indicators of learning independence, namely self-
confidence, discipline, and responsibility.
Meanwhile, subjects with quitter type AQ, have pretty good independence. Based on interviews, it
can be seen that the learning independence of S-5 is still low. S-5 doesn't like math. When studying
mathematics, he needs to be accompanied by other people. Based on interviews with teachers, S-5 does
have cognitive abilitity that tend to be lacking. In addition, S-5 does not have other references in studying
mathematics, so by giving the module it can increase the knowledge of S-5 apart from the books he has
received. Meanwhile, based on interviews with S-6, it can be seen that the learning independence of S-6
is also low. S-6 asked friends and looked for answers on the internet if they had difficulties. Based on
interviews with teachers, S-6 does have a fairly low cognitive ability. Subjects with the quitter type tend
to be able to meet two indicators of learning independence, namely discipline and responsibility.

3.1.2 Initial Problem Solving Abitily Based on Adversity Quotient

After the interview, the research subject was given pretest of problem-solving to determine the
abilitiy of the research subject. In addition to the pretest of problem solving ability given to the research
subjects, the pretest of problem solving ability was also given to the research sample to be able to find out
whether the two classes had the same initial ability or not.
Based on the results of the qualitative analysis of the pretest problem-solving abilities of students
who have camper type AQ, information was obtained that in indicator 1, S-1 and S-2 students were able

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to identify the known elements, which were asked, and the adequacy of the required elements. In
indicator 2, the S-3 subject is able to write down the formula that he will use in solving questions number
1, number 2 and number 3 while for number 4 it has not been written down. While S-4 subjects are
consistently able to formulate mathematical problems and develop mathematical models well in numbers
1, 3 and 4. This is characterized by S-4 being able to model the problems given in accordance with the
problems that have been given. In indicator 3, the S-3 subject is only able to carry out the indicators well
on questions number 3 and number 4. While S-4 students in question number 1 have not been able to
meet this indicator. S-4 has not written down the strategy that he will use in solving problem number 1. In
indicator 4, namely monitoring and reflecting on the student problem solving process, S-3 students are
less able to carry out indicators well, while S-4 are only able to carry out the fourth indicator on questions
numbers 2 and 4 only. One of the results of the work of S-1 in Figure 1.

Figure 1 The Result of S-1 Pretest, Question Number 1

Students with camper type AQ are S-3 and S-4 and have fairly good problem-solving skills. Based
on the results of the qualitative analysis of the initial problem-solving abilities of students who have a
climber-type AQ, information was obtained that in indicator 1, S-1 and S-2 students have been able to
identify the known elements, which are asked, and the adequacy of the required elements. In indicator 2,
the subjects of S-1 and S-2 have consistently been able to formulate mathematical problems and develop
mathematical models well. This is characterized by S-1 and S-2 being able to model the given problem
according to the problem that has been given. In indicator 3, namely implementing and completing
various appropriate strategies to solve problems, S-1 students are less able to carry out numbers 3 and 4
well. While the S-2 students in question number 1 have not been able to meet this indicator, while for the
other numbers they have met. In indicator 4, namely monitoring and reflecting on the problem solving
process of S-1 and S-2 students consistently implement this indicator. This is indicated by S-1 and S-2
writing down the conclusions they get according to the questions asked in the questions.
Then students with quitter type AQ are S-5 and S-6, have poor problem solving skills. Based on
the results of the qualitative analysis of the initial problem-solving abilities of students who have a quitter
type AQ, information was obtained that in indicator 1, S-5 and S-6 students were less able to identify the
known elements, which were asked, and the adequacy of the required elements. In indicator 2, subjects S-
5 and S-6 consistently have not been able to formulate mathematical problems and develop mathematical
models well on questions number 1, 2, and 3. This is characterized by S-5 and S-6 have not been able to
model problems according to with the given problem. In indicator 3, the subject of S-5 is only able to
carry out this indicator on question number 1 well. While the S-6 students in question number 2 have not
been able to meet this indicator. In indicator 4, S-5 students consistently do not do it while S-6 are only
able to carry out this indicator on question number 3 only.

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3.1.3 Adversity Quotient Questionnaire Results

After the pretest of problem-solving skills, students in the experimet class were given an AQ
questionnaire. Based on the calculation of the ARP questionnaire, out of 32 students in class VII D, there
are 7 students have AQ with climber type, 23 students have AQ with camper type, and 2 students have
AQ with quitter type. The results of the classification of students' AQ based on the questionnaire obtained
the following data.
Table 2 Classification of AQ in Experiment Class

Type Students Code

Climber E-03 E-04 E-11
E-12 E-14 E-18
Camper E-01 E-02 E-05
E-06 E-07 E-08
E-09 E-10 E-13
E-15 E-16 E-17
E-20 E-21 E-23
E-25 E-26 E-27
E-28 E-29 E-30
E-31 E-32
Quitter E-22 E-24

The results of the AQ questionnaire are used to form groups of students based on the students'
AQ where in each group there are students who have climber, camper, and quitter types. So that students
with the climber type can help students with the camper and quitter types if there are problems. Groups
formed by researchers are used to complete assignments given by researchers which can be completed in
groups. Group discussion activities are carried out online and are given one week of discussion time.

3.2. Initial Data Analysis

Initial data analysis was used for one of the references of sample selection by conducting normality
tests, homogeneity tests and similarity of the two average tests. After testing for normality, homogeneity,
and similarity of the two averages in the two classes, the data obtained from a normal distribution, has the
same variance (homogeneous), and there was no difference between the two classes.

3.3. Quantitative Data Analysis

The data intended in quantitative research are posttest scores of students in the experiment class and
the control class. Before testing the hypothesis, the data obtained were first tested for normality and
homogeneity. After testing for normality and homogeneity in both classes, the results show that the data
are normally distributed and have the same variance (homogeneous), so that it can be continued with
hypothesis testing. Here are the research data presened in Table 1.
Table 3 Recapitulation of Student Problem Solving Ability Data

Class N x The The

Highest Lowest
Score Score
The 32 80,06 92 64
The Control 32 70,81 85 60

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The achievement of effective learning in this research is the achievement of classical conditions in a
class, the average problem-solving ability of students in problem-based learning with scaffolding is better
than the average problem-solving ability of students in problem-based learning without scaffolding, and
there is an influence between independence learn with students' problem solving ability.
The calculation of hypothesis 1 test is a classical mastery test which aims to determine whether
problem solving skills in problem-based learning with scaffolding can achieve classical mastery. The
classical completeness criteria used are 75% of the results of students' problem solving abilities reaching
a value of 71. The test used to determine students' classical completeness is the z-test. In the one sample
proportion test, namely the right side, the calculation is obtained with π 0 = 0.75 and z table =1.64,
obtained z count =2.09 . Based on the test criteria, because z > z 0,5−α then H 1 is accepted. So it can be
concluded that students' problem-solving abilities in problem-based learning with scaffolding achieve
classical mastery. This is in accordance with research conducted by Ismawati (2017) which states that
problem based learning with a scaffolding strategy has achieved classical learning completeness of more
than 75%.
Hypothesis 2 was tested using a t-test, namely the Independent Sample T-Test. This test was
conducted to determine whether the average problem-solving ability of students in problem-based
learning with scaffolding was better than the average problem-solving ability of students in problem-
based learning without scaffolding. In the average similarity test obtained with t table=1.669, obtained
t count =5.162. Based on the test criteria, becauset >t 1−α then H 1 is accepted. So it can be concluded that
the average result of students' problem solving ability test in problem-based learning with scaffolding is
more than the average result of students' mathematical problem solving ability in problem-based learning
without scaffolding. The following is a problem-based learning step with scaffolding, so that the average
problem-solving ability of students in the treatment class becomes better.
Table 4 Problem Based Learning with Scaffolding Steeps

Activity Activity Description

Phase 1: Student Orientation on 1. The techer displays the problems presented on
Problems power point through google meeting
2. Students are asked questions related to
material problem
Phase 2: Organizing students to 1. The teacher provides scaffolding to students
learn in the form of providing modules so that
students can learn independently
2. Students are given assignments related to the
learning materials contained in the module
Phase 3: Guiding Individual and 1. Students are divided into groups according to
Group Investigations the type of AQ they have, where in one group
there are students with climber, camper, and
quitter types.
2. Students with camper and quitter types are
given more guidance by giving more
questions to get used to solving problems
related to problem solving.
3. Mentoring is focused on students with the
quitter type without ignoring students in other
types who if they have difficulty solving the
questions given, mentoring is done online.
Phase 4: Developing and 1. Students collect assignments
Presenting the Work 2. Through google meetings, students present
their work
Phase 5: Analyzing and 1. The teacher confirms the answers obtained by
Evaluating the Problem Solving the students.
Process 2. At the end of the meeting, students are given a

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quiz which is used as an evaluation of

students' problem solving abilities

This is in accordance with research conducted by Jatisunda & Nahdi (2020) which states that
students' mathematical problem-solving abilities in problem-based learning with scaffolding are more
than students who obtain problem-based learning without scaffolding.
Hypothesis 3 test found out the effect of learning independence ( X ) on the problem solving
ability of students (Y ) in problem-based learning with scaffolding. The independence data was obtained
from a learning independence questionnaire which acts as an independent variable and problem-solving
abilities whose data was obtained from the final test of problem-solving abilities which acted as the
dependent variable. In the output Coefficients the value of sig is obtained.
(contstant )=0.000< α=0.05 and sig.(independence) 0.000<α =0.05 , so H 0 is rejected. The
regression equation for the two variables can be expressed in the following model where Y is problem
solving ability and X is learning independence, namely Y =α + βX =37,099+0,486 X . The value of
the coefficient of determination of learning independence on problem solving ability is
0.68 .5( R square) or 68.5 %. This means that the contribution of learning independence to variations
in the ups and downs of problem solving abilities is 68.5 % and the remaining 31.5 % is caused by
other factors. This is in accordance with research conducted by Mayasari & Rosyana (2019) which
revealed that there is a positive influence between learning independence and problem solving abilities.

4. Conclusion
The results of research are: (1) before problem-based learning with scaffolding, students with the climber
type tend to meet the indicators of independence in learning, namely self-confidence, discipline, initiative,
and responsibility, students with the camper type tend to meet the indicators of confidence, discipline, and
responsibility. responsibility, while students with the quitter type tend to meet the indicators of discipline
and responsibility; (2) the description of initial problem-solving abilities in the climber type tends to meet
the indicators of reading and understanding the problem, formulating strategies, confirming the process
and confirming answers, subjects with the campers type tend to meet the indicators of reading and
understanding problems, formulating strategies, and confirming the process, and subjects with the quitter
type tend to meet the indicators of completing the completion process; (3) the achievement of effective
learning in problem-based learning with scaffolding.


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