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Java institute for Advanced Technology

Department of Examinations





● Answer all questions

● Maximum marks attainable for this paper is 100
● A scanned copy of the answer sheet should be uploaded.

Java Institute for Advanced Technology

Sri Lanka
1) I) Convert following numbers into binary numbers.
a) 245 (1 Mark)
b) FA3416 (2 Marks)
c) 6748 (2 Marks)
II) Convert following numbers into hexadecimal numbers.
a) 537 (2 Marks)
b) 1011011110100102 (2 Marks)
c) 3548 (2 Marks)
III) Convert following numbers into decimal numbers.
a) 4B2C16 (1 Mark)
b) 101010110012 (1 Mark)

IV) Evaluate.
a) 6A34BDI16 – 1F38CAB16 (2 Marks)
b) 101101012 + 01101112 (2 Marks)
V)Express (-34) in the form of,
a) Signed Magnitude (1 Mark)
b) 1’s Complement (1 Mark)
c) 2’s Complement (1 Mark)

2) Logic gates, Boolean Algebra and simplification o Logic circuits.

a) Draw logical circuit and truth table for following expression.
X = (AB + C’) + (AB)’ + (A’B’C) (10 Marks)

b) Using following logical circuit.

I)Get the Boolean expression for output (3 Marks)

II) Simplify the expression (4 Marks)
III) Create a truth table for simplified expression (3 Marks)
3) I) Evaluate, (10 Marks)

a) |4 − 9| b) |3 − 5|- |6 − 2| c) |−4| - |9| d) |−6| + |3 − 12|

II) Give the results of the floating-point arithmetic, (10 Marks)

a) 0.2233 * 102 + 0.668 * 102
b) 0.5432 * 103 * 0.3333* 10-5

4) Matrices and Determinant.

a) Evaluate. (2 Marks)

4 3 7 6 −4 5
−2 0 9 + 0 5 8
−7 4 −12 4 −5 8

b) Evaluate. (2 Marks)

3 −7 9
-4 * 5 2 −4
−8 9 −5

c) Evaluate. (4 Marks)

12 1
15 −8 −10
−6 6
7 −1 4
4 3

d) Get values for x, y and z using Cramer’s rule. (12 Marks)

3x +2y -z =40
2x -2y = 10
5x -3y + 2z + 45

5) Sets and Relations.

In a group of 100 persons, 72 people can speak English and 43 can speak French.
How many can speak French only and how many can speak both English and French?
Let A- be the set of people who speak English.
B- be the set of people who speak French. (20 Marks)
6) a) Write down algorithm and draw flow chart the sum of 5 numbers. (10 Marks)
b) Draw flow chart and finding profit or loss when CP = 325 and SP = 458.
CP- Cost Price
SP – Selling Price (10 Marks)

7) I) Construct truth tables for the given compound statement. (10 Marks)
a) (p ~𝑞 ) ~P
b) (p v ~q) (p ~𝑞 ).

II) Prove that, (10 Marks)

a) (p v q) ˄ ~ p = ~ p ʌ q
b) p v (p ʌ q) = p

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