The Merciad, Oct. 10, 2002

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A R T S &• L ~ LAKER
Interpol's debut CD I Tips every download-junkie should know Men's soccer comes within
promises post-punk angst Page 2 three minutes of ten straight

Mercyhurst CollegtfSOl I a. 16 October

tToxic waste i Congress pledges unity:

Aeon***to»tor» tpMturantum
fi*i» lOdt on th* Gothu* Inditne'
rffVitlnn hM^iwttlWftl I j j
Rape occurs on campus Bush gains Dems., plans strike
in llw trfbt.
According to Roger Gregorich,
By Megan Fialkovich Dean of Public Safety, the rumor Saddam were to rest on a
News editor that the suspect entered the congressional resolution*.
A man who entered two buildings through a basement I think he will be, Daschle!
Briggs Avenue apartments in the window is unfounded and told NBC s Meet the Press.
early morning hours of Sunday, unlikely. Police are uncertain Washington, D.C. - At the end of the day, I think
assaulting two female students how the suspect gained entry to Congressional leaders said the U.N. is going to be with
in their bedroom and raping the buildings.
esy of www.campussate- Sunday a resolution authorizing us.
another in a different building, Police and Safety are currently war against Iraq, expected to A House vote is expected
is still at large. All three victims reviewing videotape from Jeanne Clery, Lehigh University pass with little dissent, will Wednesday or Thursday,
are all right, says Erie Police security cameras mounted on freshman, died Apr. 5,1986. The strengthen the U.S. hand at the according to Speaker Dennis
Detective Pamela Barber, who the buildings near where the Federal Campus Security Act United Nations and increase Hasten, R-Ill. Daschle said
ifaooaKHT J has taken over the investigation. assaults took place, and feel was established In her honor. pressure on Saddam Hussein to Senate passage should come
The rape victim was treated confident that they may be able disarm. & by next week. Congress is
at Hamot Rape Crisis Center and to identify the suspect, Whatyou need to know President Bush, after!a getting ready to break for
Campus Events released Sunday; the two assault according to Gregorich. W e re about sexual assault weekend in Maine, returned to midterm elections.
victims did not require medical going to do everything we can the White House and prepared Bush warned in his radio
Oct 10 - Professional treatment. to catch him. Assaults of a sexual nature to address the nation Monday address Saturday that delay,
psychology presentation in The two female students This is the first reported occur every day, but there are nightfromCincinnati. He was indecision I and
HirtU313 at 4:30 p.m. were awakened by a stranger stranger rape to have occurred number of steps you can take tq making the case against the inaction could| lead to
who assaulted them in their beds at Mercyhurst in its 77-year decrease your^ chances o Iraqi president on the one-year massive and sudden horror
Oct 10 - The War on around 4 a.m. An hour later, a history, and college officials are becoming a victim: anniversary of the start of for the United States. %
Terror: The Real Intelli- co-ed was raped in the building understandably concerned. As bombing in Afghanistan. Aides said Sunday his
gence Failure lecture in next door. mandated by the Clery Act, ~ Always be alert of your Senate Majority Leader Tom Cincinnati speech will answer
the PACat 8 p.m. The suspect was described fliers were delivered to all R. A. ssurroundings, and who is Daschle, who has counseled lingering questions about why
almost identically by all three on Monday, for distribution and nearby. caution in unilateral moves disarming Iraq is necessary,
Oct 11 -*The Scarlet victims as a white male, aged posting in campus housing. against Saddam, said he will even by force if required.
Pimpernel - play at PAC approximately 22-24, with a Anyone with information ~ Never travel alone after vote for the resolution but only The speech Is meant to
at 7:30 p.m£ medium build, 6 1 - 6 4 and regarding this case may contact dark; pairs or groups are after trying to make it more to deliver in one cohesive 20-
about ISO lbs. At the time the Mercyhurst Police and Safety at safer,* his liking. minute package Bush s
Oct 11 3 crimes took place, the suspect ext. 2304, or the Erie Police at A leading moderate Democrat arguments for confronting
College Pax Chrisd was wearing a dark blue 870-1158 or 870-1167. All calls *~ Avoid poorly-lit areas and suggested Bush was winning Saddam without delay, White
meeting in Cafe Diem sweatshirt and^blue jeans. may be made anonymously. shortcuts. broad Democratic support.for House officials said. Bush
at 8 p.m.*
-Trust your instincts; if you
Oct 11 - Coffee House feel that a situation isn t right
& Dueling Pianos in the walk away from it
Union at 10 p.m.
9* If you run or walk for
Oct 12 - Trip to Laurel exercise, do so during the
daylight hours, and take a
Cavens. Sign upin few friends along.
-*Keep thefrontdoors of
Oct 12 - Three-sided apartment buildings locked,
circle - band in union at 10 as well as doors to the
p.m. apartments themselves.'
Oct 14- -Men s Basket- ~ Lock the windows of
ball Midnight Madness in ground floor apartments.
the MAC at 1 lp.m.
~ Close and lock the
\ KRT file photo KRT rile photo
Oct 16 - Enigma - film in basement windows of Palestinian president Yesser President Bush is still courting
PAC at 8 p.m. Jody Mello/Merciad photographer apartment buildings (those Arefat is outspoken in his oppo- U.N. favor for forceful disarma-
which lead into the laundry sition to a U.S. invasion of Iraq ment of Hussein
Oct. 16 - Pre-major fair The tower of Old Main: a welcome eight now, but It will rooms, for example).
soon be just another snow-capped peak on campus. reasons of domestic politics as probably will discuss his ideas
in Mercy Heritage Room
at 8 p.m. ~ If you think that you re well as concerns about Iraq s for a postwar, post-Saddam
being followed, go weapons of mass destruction. Iraq. J
Oct 17 - Poetry reading Scholars, take your marks immediately to a populated
area (such as a store,
Many Democrats opposed He willframethe debate in
similar; legislation that a new and different way than
in Mercy Heritage Room authorized the Persian Gulf War he has in the past, said White
and 2002 s PA representatives people inside). or apartment with
at 7:30 p.m. waged by Bush s father in 1991. House communications
* By Megan Fialkovich came from Fairview, and hopes
News editor and the party is still smarting director Dan Bartlett.
are high for a^repeat from a perception as anti-war. Other officials would not
performance. - If attacked, even in a non- I think we need to work to rule out that Bush would
Beginning this fall, Erie will Each team is comprised of 9 sexual assault, do what you improve our image on that discuss new facts or
host meets of the 2003 United members, with 3 apiece at must to stay alive; score by taking a more intelligence about the threat
States Academic Decathlon honors,, scholastic and varsity possessions can be replaced, aggressive posture with regard posed by Iraq, but they said
competitions, a prestigious levels. % ^ but your life cannot. to Iraq, empowering the I hat was not the purpose of the
nationwide contest for high The students will be rigorously president, Sen. Evan Bayh of address. 1 %
school students. quizzed on such subjects as ~ Report any suspicious
Indiana, a leader of the centrist I d like to hear him put Iraq
Private and corporate donors mathematics, science, language, activity to the R.A.or security Democratic Leadership in context of all the challenges
1 immediately. Swift action is
have so far put up 60% of the literature, art and economics Council told Fox News and commitments facing the
estimated $100,000 cost of the through interviews, essays and needed to prevent crimes
from occurring, and infor- Sunday. United States today, including
events, which will bring speeches. Bush requested a strong the war in Afghanistan, and
upwards of $2 million in City Council and Erie School mation should be reported
promptly to ensure that the resolution that would have how are we going to sequence
revenue to Erie as competitors, Board members are pleased that given him a virtual free hand all of these, said Sen. Bob
coaches, judges and parents the city is hosting USAD events; memory is fresh. to deal with Iraq s chemical and Oraham, chairman of the
flock to the city. both local scholastic talent and
Sports Scores The competitions begin in the community itself will be ~ If you are a victim of a
biological weapons arsenals Senate
and its nuclear arms research Committee.
W. Soccer 3-3 (tie), 2-0 Nov. at 3 local colleges, showcased on a national level. sexual assault, IT IS NOT program by removing Saddam.
I (win), 1 -0 (win) including Mercyhurst, continue Judges, proctors and other YOUR FAULT. Your primary Last week, a bipartisan group
in Feb. at McDowell for the volunteers are still needed for concern is for your health Have a writing
of lawmakers went to the White
W. Volleyball 3-0 regionals, followed by Butler April s national meet, Anyone and well-being; save the House and endorsed a itch that can't be
County Moniteau High School s interested in volunteering their clothes you were wearing
(win), 3-0 (win)
March state meet, and ending when attacked, and go to the somewhat narrower version!It scratched? I
time for these events may would give Bush broad
W. Hockey 1-0 (win), with the nationals at Erie East contact Ous Picardo of the Erie nearest hospital after calling authority to use force to enforce Try your hand
High School and the Tullio School District s Academic the police, ? relevant U.N. resolutions, with with the Merciad.
2-1 (win) | Convention Center April 23-26. Sports League at 874-6160, or or without the cooperation of
Pennsylvania may send one by e-mail at r For emergencies, dial 9 for the Unfted Nations.
Football 36-3 (loss) an outside line, then 911; Stop into the
team to the national Daschle suggested that Bush
Police and Safety are at ext,
M. Soccer 4-1 (win), competition, which means that 2304; Erie Rape Crisis would be more likely to win the office in room
about 40 others will have to be (Source: Dana Massing, Erie Services ore always available approval he has requested from
1 -0 (win) eliminated before April. 2001 Times-News) the U.N. Security Council if the 114attheHirt
for counseling at 455-9414. |
Field Hockey 2-1 (win), case for moving against Center or call
3 1 (loss), 5-1 (loss) ext. 2376.

NEWS To contact: newsmerciad&mercyhursL edu

Whose j Computer viruses continue to alarm students:

l i n e w a s it, C o m p u t e r h e l p d e s k o f f e r s v a l u a b l e t i p s f o r s a f e c o m p u t i n g
on peripheral devices such as virus-scan Zip or floppy disks address may be suspect strangers. f
anyway? By Kristen MaUliard
Contributing Writer
floppy or Zip disks. Internet
users should always be cautious
before attempting a download.
E-mail seems to be the central
It s safer not to open
attachments that contain an
~ Always be cautious when
downloading Internet files.
about what and where to medium for virus infection. The unusual style of message ~ Update anti-virus software
By Megan Fialkovich Ever download an internal download; when the creators of concept of free entrance on regularly, t
writing; if the recipient is still
News editor file only to find out that it s a viruses have access to a most browsers basically hesitant, it s best to e-mail the~ Back up important computer
virus designed to crash the computer, not only will they welcomes any files from the net sender for verification before files on a regular basis.
In light or the reported rape on computer or ruin its hard drive? inflict destruction on that E-mail attachments may contain opening the attachment. ~ If in doubt about any potential
Mercyhurst s campus Sunday The Computer Help Desk, system, but the virus may have virus programs that can Here are some more virus-related situation, visit
morning, students are located across from the the ability to replicate and ruthlessly destroy an expensive useful anti-virus tips, courtesy http://wwwf
wondering why it took so long mail room in the basement of spread itself to other people s system.! Therefore, always of the Computer Help Desk: avert/avert-research-center/
for the Mercyhurst community Preston Hall, regularly posts systems via e-mail. . f remember to be careful with contactasp
to get information about the current virus warnings, general If one s p.c. doesn t attachments, both from ~ Never open anyfilesattached - Computer-sawy students may
incident information about where viruses automatically scan downloaded unfamiliar sources and friends to an e-mail from an unknown, update virus software from
The rape report was posted originate from and tips on how files for viruses, a program such alike. Some viruses can suspicious or untrustworthy McAfee/Virex themselves at
on the Mercyhurst intranet site to prevent infection of personal as Norton Antivirus needs to be reproduce and send itself to all source.
late Tuesday, and there have computers. installed as soon as possible to people listed in an ~ Don t open files attached to
been no e-mails sent to students The two mostfrequentsources prevent loss of files and/or e-mail address book, so that an e-mail if the subject line is The Computer Help Desk is
or faculty alerting them to the of computer viruses are Internet destruction of the computer s messagesfroma familiar questionable or unexpected. If devoted to providing students
situation. Commuters and off- or e-mail downloads, and files hard drive. It s also possible to opening the file is necessary, with computer information
campus students heard about the save it to the hard drive before and resources. For answers to
crime through Erie media, even doing so. virus questions or other
though the suspect is still at ~ Delete chain and junk e-mails. concerns, dial ext 3200, or visit
large. Don t forward them, they clog them on the intranet at:
Under the Federal Campus up the network.
Security Act of 1990, college ~ Don t download files from downloads dw main.html
officials are obligated to
compile crime logs and make
them available to the public.
Mercyhurst s crime logs are
published each week in The
Opportunities for students
Merciady and a hard copy is on
file in the Police and Safety
Science at your fingertips await at their fingertips
Colleges must also submit Career Services urges all students
last year, according to scientists D.C. metropolitan area as of
annual reports to the federal
By Megan Fialkovich at Washington, D.C. late. Typified as a spree or to update e-mail accounts 4s
government for publication in Additionally, the hole has split thrill killer , the suspect has
the Uniform Crime Report News editor
into two separate fissures; taken six lives so far and Kristin Purdy To remove or reset the
(UCR). Statistics are reported
Erie, PA: Local dermatologists thereason for this has been forwarding address, simply repeat
for 7 major categories of crime.
are utilizing narrow-band UVB attributed to warm cross-winds wounded two others. What s Editor-in-Chief
most remarkable is that the steps 1 through 4 and either delete
[>;: The Security Act of 1990,light therapy to treat psoriasis, near the polar vortex. Several perpetrator, most likely a man, the address or type in a different
better known as the Clery Act,
an irritating but non- other sizable holes exist over took out his intended victims Getting the message out about address and click on Save.
was created and named in honor
contagious skin condition. This Australia, Siberia and South with a single shot, suggestive job opportunities, internships,
of Jeanne Clery, a Lehigh procedure, called America Prolonged exposure to of a trained marksman. Spree and seminars is one of the main 1 Point your browser to
University freshman who was phototherapy, is painless and UVA rays and cosmic radiation, killers are the rarest and most jobs for the Career Services
raped and murdered in her bed
appears to be effective in which the ozone layer provides difficult to profile of all serial Office. Email is one of the best
in 1986. After Clery s death, it
retarding the growth of new a buffer against, causes killers. way8 for us to communicate with 2 Log in with your
was discovered that 38 violentdamaged cells. The downside melanoma, or skin cancer, v the Mercyhurst student body said Mercyhurst userlD and
crimes had occurred on the is that prolonged exposure to (Source: Associated Press, USA(Source: Laura Parker and Frank Rizzone, Assistant * password
Lehigh campus m the previous DVB light may cause certain Today) Donna Leinwand, USA Today)Director of Career Services.
V&ffi 3 Click on the down
3 years," unbeknownst to types ofmelanomas and ocular "With me constant growth of the
college, the need for fast and -arrow to the right of "^
students/ P^ damage; treatment times are
thus limited to a minute or so Kensington, MD: Forensic quick communication is now Personal Account
The Act also provides for psychologists have completed a
at most. Psoriasis is
timely warnings to students of Ifyou see science happening, more important than ever." Options
characterized by scaly patches profile of the unknown sniper send your submission to: That is why it is so important
imminent threats to their safety 4 Select change mail
of inflamed skin t who has been terrorizing the neAvsmerciad@mercyhurstedu, for Mercyhurst students to make
and welfare. If colleges do not forwarding
comply with these federal around the knees, elbows, and c/o Interface sure they are getting their emai l.
torso, in severe cases. Every student is issued a information
mandates, financial aid funding
may be revoked, and other (Source: David Bruce, Erie Mercyhurst email address. All 5 Type the complete and
penalties may apply. Times-News) f 13*yea*old important college information exact forwarding
Many students at Mercyhurst 20 km boy shot going out via email goes to a
students Mercyhurst email
address, for example:
report they only became aware
Boston, MA: Geneticists at the ]vlYUSERNAME@aioom
of the rape from hearing others
Forsyth Institute have managed at school address. That can become a
problem when students don't 6 Click on Save
talk about it or reading it in the
to grow healthy pig teeth in
local newspaper. There is norats, utilizing the latest stem regularly use or check their
information posted in the class
cell techniques. If successful, Mercyhurst accounts. Once students create a
buildings, student union, library
and reproducible in humans, One way for students to make forwarding address in their
or other non-residential areas
this development could sure they get all of their important Mercyhurst email account, it will
frequented by students. revolutionize dentistry as the email is to arrange to have their be possible for Career Services to
There have been suggestions
world knows it. Stem cell email from their Mercyhurst access the AHStudent email list
made on several occasions that
research remains a heated topic account, forwarded to their and any other college email lists.
the campus be provided with the
for both ethical and scientific favorite email address. Here are By using email forwarding to a
emergency call-box stations a few simple steps taken from the single account, students have the
reasons, andproponcnts claim Mercyhurst Information option of receiving all emails at
visible on other college that there is virtually no limit
campuses. Roger Gregorich, Technology student guide that one location, and will not miss
to the advances medicine could will help students with that any important communications
Dean of Public Safety, said the
make process. about your college experience.
proposal had been made to the with its widespread use. While
administration, and was turned
denture and crown wearers
down. may find solace in this
experiment, imagine an army
(Source: http:// of rats with pig teeth running
loose in the sewers of
www. campussafety, org/'schools/
cleryact) Manhattan, g

Antarctica: The marked hole

in the ozone over the largely
unpopulated continent has
shrunkfroma diameter of 9 to
6 million square miles since
Police and Safety Log-*
2Z22ZQ2 v Are you a pre-major student who hasn't
Warde Townhouses:
Laker Inn Fall Lunch Specials: Art you
declared a major yet?
an upperclassmen who \s still undecided
about what major to choose?
9/3Q/Q2 1 Monday: Mushroom Tuesday: Bagel Wednesday: Then come to the Pre-major fair and gain valu-
Parking lot #18: Criminal
mischief Swiss Burger Sandwich Taco Salad able Information regarding your f uturel
Small French Fry 8 Oz. Fruit Cup 20 Oz. WHEN IS THE PRE-MAJOR FAIR?
Parking lot #4: Larceny/theft 20 Oz. Fountain Drink 20 Oz. Fountain Drink Fountain Drink Wednesday, October 16 th
Parking lot# 22: Criminal WHAT TIME IS THE PRE-MAJOR FAIR?
mischief ••*-.
Cultural Diversity Center; : 8:00pm-9:30pm *
Larceny/theft Thursday: Friday: Wrap Saturday: Tuna Melt WHERE IS THE PRE-MAJOR FAIR?
Sizzling Salad 2 Cookies Small French Fry or In the Mercy Heritage Room, Sullivan Hall
10/5/02 }
20 Oz. Fountain Drink 20 Oz. Fountain Drink Fruit Cup
Baldwin Hall: Liquor law Faculty and student representatives will be
20 Oz. Fountain Drink available to provide Information for students
about choosing a course of study
/( Students: Don t Forget to GRAB Your
IBriggs Avenue: Sexual assault Freshman Pre-majors are required to
Lunch on the Runt attend this event
[Briggs Avenue: Rape

To contact: FEATURES

Mother Teresea's Influence Takes Over t i o o r a y for P a r t i s a n s h i p
By Ky la J. Smith within the campaigns of local
By Jennifer Ruffa and visiting the Taj Mahal, discovered her strong preference Along with the Biblical Contributing writer Democrat politicians, meetings
Contributing writer Hemsley made her way to the Ifor southern Indian food in teachings, Lisa also participated with elected Democrat officials,
city of Calcutta where she cared contrast to the northern in activities including arts and and continued idea sharing and
While most of us spent our for the sick and dying at alternatives. Her two favorites crafts with the children. With the election season upon education of anyone interested
summer soaking in the sun, Kalighat, which is most famous became Dosas or large, flat In New York, Tredway us, another reminder of partisan I in the Democratic Party.
working to buy college books, for Mother Theresa and her pancakes with a filling in the recalled television programs dichotomy is the emergence of The two enthusiastic
and going to see Spiderman at missionary work with the sick middle, as well as Chai which and movies she had previously a Young Republicans group on sophomores that have taken on
our hometown cinema, two of and dying. Hemsley aided the was a special tea containing seen throughout her life and campus and the continued the task of starting the
Mercyhurst's seniors traveled ill through administration of milk and "loads of sugar" as she how vivid and real the images growth of the Mercyhurst Mercyhurst College Young
away from the everyday medicine along with providing said. Hemsley hopes to return to actually are. She stated how one chapter of Young Democrats. Republicans are Richard Antin
''problems** and into the reality them with comfort through India one day in the future. can never fully understand the The Young Republicans group and William VanCise. These
of the outside world. conversation. Many of Also inspired by the incredible poverty families are suffering is the long-awaited brainchild two students have worked with
Kali ghats' occupants suffer works of Mother Theresa, until you are right in the midst their group advisor, Dr. Michael
Chantell Hemsley and Lisa of two sophomore]
from tuberculosis, AIDS, and Tredway traveled to Harlem, of it all. This became a great eye Federici. in theirfreshlywritten
Tredway independently majors, while the Young
cancer, in addition to severe New York this past summer to opener for her as she had constitution the Young
arranged and financially assist the Missionaries of Democrats group has been in
provided for their own travels mal nourishment to the point of children who willingly existence for about two years Republicans state their
emaciation. Charity. Tredway's initial plan informed her of their being objectives as to include helping
to aid others in need. Their was also to travel to India which now. While both clubs are still
finances came from their own As a religious study major, victims of abuse. In contrast, in the process of getting on their the future of the party through
Hemsley felt a calling to she temporarily postponed. A promotion of the party's
pockets; both were graciously there were also those who had feet with this year's activities,
minister to the sick and stronger calling led her to New philosophy and encouraging
given private donations through great family structure yet still the visibility of both groups is
experience a diverse culture of
York for the meantime. Her trip suffered from incredible rising by the day. participation in the political
Mercyhurst College. The
India. In the country, she was
began on the July 31, 2002 and poverty. process at all levels of
inspiration of late Mother The Mercyhurst College
subjected to many extremes of
lasted until Aug. 17, 2002. She Lisa plans on returning to the government in the
Theresa led these students' Young Democrats were
civilization. In one instant she
was housed in the Mother House camp for a few weeks next Commonwealth of
hearts to voluntarily assist the brought together for the first
less fortunate. witnessed overwhelming in Harlem while she worked in summer. time as a small group in the Pennsylvania. This constitution
Hemsley traveled to the beauty and the next moment the Bronx. As college students, it is easy 2000-2001 school year. Their was written to include the
northern and southern parts of severe impoverishment. At While in New York, Tredway for us to forget the incredible activities included gaining a principles of the Republican
India beginning in late June and times she did not know whether
worked at an all day camp for suffering many experience on a charter at the national level Party of Pennsylvania. The
lasting until mid August While she was enchanted or underprivileged children, daily basis. We become from the Young Democrats of activities planned for the year
there, Hemsley visited the disillusioned by the sights she
teaching them about Jesus and overwhelmed by our everyday America and having a are bimonthly meetings to
Buddhist city of Bodhgaya was witnessing. Constantlybringing them closer to an stresses of studying, paying bills "shindig" at the Metropolitan discuss the activities of the party
where Buddha was known for bombarded with sensory | understanding of Christianity. on time, and mending broken Club in downtown Erie with the and volunteerism in the
achieving his enlightenment, as information, Hemsley went Tredway lightheartedly recalls relationships. Lucky for us there Young Democrats of Erie campaigns of local Republican!
well as the Hindu city of from smelling sensual incenses
moments when she would ask are those individuals who take County. This year the Young politicians.
Varnasi. In Varnasi she viewed to garbage piled on the ground.
the children questions time out of their own lives and Democrats are led by President This year promises to be an
the Ganges River, a holy burial Another unique aspect of concerning the Biblical stories assist those with problems Morgan Tracy; Vice President active year for those politically
r ground for the cremated in travel which Hemsley they had be told, saying that greater than we could ever minded students interested in
Kirstin Kalidova. Sharing the
addition to a bathing ground. experienced is their different their answers were always that imagine. responsibilities of both joining these two groups.
Along with touring these cities types of cuisine. Hemsley of "Jesus" "Mary" or "sin." Secretary and Treasurer are Finally Mercyhurst has these
Albert Vevrka Andrea Bauer; in two clubs to promote political
addition to the officers Kyla J. awareness and encourage
Smith serves as the "hub" to the discourse between students
state and county level of the favoring either ideology. The
organization. Also contributing groups are already working on
her knowledge, leadership, and setting up encounters to debate
organizational skills is Casey current issues and policies.
"CJ" Kilroy, who serves as the Only time will tell on how
director of the Northwest much these groups can
region of Pennsylvania's Young accomplish but if predictions
Democrats organization. can be made based upon the
The faculty advisor, for the enthusiasm of the groups'!
Young Democrats is Dr. Alice members, the groups should be
Edwards. The activities "in the capable of making great strides
Photo contributed by Lisa Tredway Photo contributed by Chantell
Hemsley works" for this year include toward their goals and
more activities with the county supporting their respective
Tredway with kids of the free camp located in the Bronx Hemsley in a national park in Mudumalai, South India parties.
and state wide groups of Young
Democrats, volunteerism

The Green Jacket Crew

Beth Gylys, former Mercyhurst College

complete 30 hours of service
EnglistTTrbfBsso^'te^yiving a poetry
By Courtney Nicholas every term, which include tours, reading on"Thurs. Oct? 17th 2002 in
Features editor special events, etc. The students
the Mercy Heritage room. This read-
The Ambassadors Club of are also involved with
Mercyhurst College was founded committee's that inform the club ing is free and open to the public.
in 1992 by Mr. Michael of the changing information of
Furhman, who at the time was an Mercyhurst and any other news
Admissions Counselor. The that they should be aware of to
Ambassadors § | J conduct
Club takes 1 I meaningful
part in many tours. The
of the officers for
o f f i c i a1 2002 and
events that 2003 school
take place at year are
Mercyhurst. Ad v i s o r ,
The students Marianna
that are part S u r i ;
of this elite President
club are from Anna Signs;
all majors V i c e
and all Michael Furhman President!
backgrounds. I S t e p h
They are selected by personality, Balaban; and
test and speech scores, and how Secretary Lisa Foery.
they conduct themselves in the The Ambassadors are a very
presence of fellow students and important part of the Admissions
faculty. In addition, the process. Often times an
Ambassadors receive a Ambassadoi is the first person a
scholarship. President Garvey prospective student meets upon
visiting the school and gives the
looks highly on the Ambassadors
first impression of what it is to
for promoting Mercyhurst as a
be part of this community. The
strong, jovial college and one
club promotes a positive attitude
that prospective student would of Mercyhurst. Other colleges in
enjoy being a part of. the Erie area also have a program
Some of the responsibilities of similar to the program here at
the Ambassadors are to give Mercyhurst, Gannon, Edinboro,
tours to prospective students and and Penn State Behrend all have
theii families that visit the Ambassador programs.
campus, assist in any major
The purpose of the
events that take place on campus
Ambassador club is to represent Learn how to conlioi dobl handli credit cards, manage your undent loan and t m your broad.
such as the College Fairs,
Mercyhurst in the vision of the Plus, nd lute of etliei sfliari teal world lips it the m i n i source lor small sludunts.
Official Dinners of the School, Sisters of Mercy and the ideas
such as the Christmas Dinner, and faith that the school was
Freshman Convocation, Fresh founded on in 1926.
Start and many more. The
ouQjM •com r>
Ar*94tc<Hl IfiijcMuft %*rv«**>»
Ambassadors have certain rules /iir-K'li!)iwiitiiM;«Bi i$ biqu$l IIJOU « 3 futitln mm ty
AMrloafdwiliu* tenton andfcnmitatnliH •jhisr I'dutimtesiiliviAqflnty
that must be followed. They must

OPINION To contact:

Just War," just because
We are not concerned with successfully create a nuclear

• Special thanks to "super senior*' Leslie Echan contributions to last week's "Good, Bad and
matters within Arabian And Another Thing..* weapon. 'x
borders. The prospect of Iraq getting
Ugly" column. Her many astute conservations about campus life made for a lot of good reading. That statement, or something their hands on such technology
Couldn't have done the "OBIT without you, Leslie. Kudos. * * similar to that affect, was the Phil Pirrello may be more frightening than
United States stance at the Saddam sfingeractually on the
* The addition of the "Carpe Diem" campus logo to the tiled floor at the main entrance of the beginning of Iraq s invasion on button. T
Hirt Center. Not only was it completed in a f aster-than-usual fashion, it adds a much needed neighboring Iran in the late This is true, but these walls do Tribalism and nationalism,
touch of maturity and professionalism to the new building. 1980s through the 1990s. not need to be defended by along with propaganda and
But soon after Hussein and his propaganda or wolf cries. other belief and fear" traps, are
soldiers attacked their The knowledge of Iraq s past- successful political weapons.
• Nice touch installing heated entrance ways at the Hirt Center. With a quick glimpse at Erie's neighboring country, the U.S. aggressions does not provide But to those who would use
patented winter weather this week, we can take some comfort in the fact that at least we'll be was assembling troops and substantial motive to only them, your day should be over.
slightly warmer walking into class then we were were walking to class. preparing for a little intervention satisfy those Just War Doctrine But with the rise of this latest
called the Gulf War. provisions which benefit the potential incursion, one can see
Ironically, the son of the man here and now. that more days than endings are

THE BAD... who first dealt with Hussein For history, like hindsight, is soon to follow.
must now deal with him again. twenty/twenty. Yes, I am a fan of stopping the
The situation is the same: Future generations of bad guy before they start on us,
* What is the deal with DO locks on the bathroom stalls in the Hirt Center's men's restrooms? America playing big brother politicians will see such acts as even if it means exacting a pre-
Maybe the architects would have changed their tune about that little oversight if while they were and exaggerating the facts just an excuse to jump-start a war emptive strike. But I am not a
doin' their buisness, a professor or two walked in on them. Fix it, guys. And while you are at it, enough to garner approval from with a potential threat via fan of Bush engaging in a poor
can we lower the volume on the automaticflushers?Sounds like a damn gyser going off in there. registered voters and to inspire engaging in the practice of game of operator with his
a few good men to march half- entrapment, a practice that advisors, I am not a fan of Bush
cocked into a battle of mixed teases young men and women to misquoting aids and reports and
* The tuts Just keep on comin' for the Hirt... All week, random alarms buzzing and beeping inside messages, fought in the trenches believe a truth that is not passing off half-assed facts as
the new academic building. They wouldn't be as annoying if not for the addition of an automated, of political agendas and necessarily the whole truth. true writ. •
Troy McClure-esque announcer accompaning thefiredrills. "Hi, I'm Troy McClure. You might propaganda. From Yahoo! News: Speaking Wars of entrapment make us
remember mefromsuch drills as "ATornado's Comin'!" and "Bomb Scare, Anyone?" With such bold statements and to hundreds of flag-waving all want to fight, make us
history in mind, a pre-emptive supporters in the eastern U.S. believe that thefightis good and
war vs. Iraq is not a faithful state of New Hampshire, Bush worth fighting for. But such a
application of the Just War said delay was not an option in belief is not strong enough to
THE UGLY... Doctrine, with the concept of keeping Iraqi leader Saddam stand the test of present and
said war stemming from the Hussein from inflicting future ethical criticisms.
• Midterms. Stress. Studying. More midterms. Thank God for the Corner Stone, er, I mean days ofthe Roman Empire when massive and sudden horror But moral resources are easily
"Chicken Soup" books. Yeah, that's it such skirmishes were just, or with weapons of mass susceptible to such traps, even
most lawful. destruction. if they come via patriotism .
• In reaction to recent on-campus events, the pressure of added caution and constant senses of According to a recent feature Bush should also worry about America s longest-living Trojan
security (insecurity) are keeping many a student busy with the added stress. And to the criminal on MSNBC s Hardball, the the massive and sudden horror Horse.
situation with Iraq does not a pre-emptive strike will inflict But one day, and one day soon,
and inhumane monster responsible for all this, God be with you 'cause no one else on this earth
satisfy all the Just War criteria, on all those awaiting for that horse will be put out to
will be.
especially that of last resort beyond-doubt proof of these pasture.
and conducting the conflict weapons of mass destruction. Yes, I say Hussein first before
• There is already a crack in one of the Hirt Center's new windows. without emotional intervention. Maybe it is the presence of that one, or one million, American
The U.S. s safety is at stake from proof, in the form of a soldiers, bombs, or equipment
Iraq s so-called weapons of mushroom cloud or I say get the bastards before the
Promoting good will towards all mass destruction, which they contaminated water supply, that bastards get us.
once had in surplus before the Bush and Co. cannot wait for or But I say so in full
U.N. and their investigators do not want to see until it is too acknowledgement that I am
Selfless acts can yield the best results wiped out most of them.
So, if anything, this potential
late. speaking from a personal,
Containment and deterrence emotional, and ethically veiled
In the past few weeks, million share the U.S. has for strike is one driven by a sense can be employed, but a pre- stance.
opportunities to use one s Questioning Faith international debt relief so that of fear and sanctioned by four- emptive strike is far removed If only those on Capital Hill
individual power to help others the world s poorest countries starred scaredy-cats confusing from the concept of a last resort. made the same revelation, then
have been plentiful. can spend more of their money military necessity with national Nuclear weapons? Yes, Iraqis maybe this war would be over
Two weeks ago, many Sr. Geri'RosinsllV for adequate food, health care, security. working on them (according, to M ^ f t «tart«fr giying history^
responded generously to the •»,
schools and clean water. Ironically, those two items are a variety of AP and Knight a, chance fco allow .for
needs of the six baseball players vote for those bills that will Now is the perfect time to use rarely outside the same Ridder news sources) but they forgiveness while many never
who lost everything in a house positively impact the lives of your power as a citizen in behalf spectrum. To quote A Few Good do not yet possess the forget what could have been
fire. poor and hungry, bills which of poor and hungry people on Men: We a world that technology to refine enough done in the wake of what never
This past week many of you will also affect people in our our planet. has walls. uranium or plutonium to should have happened.
brought and/or collected canned own country and other nations In these last few weeks before
goods for Campus Ministry s
Examining the unexamined life
around the world. the November elections, our
annual food drive for the Erie v
Bread for the World, a legislators in Congress are more
County Food Bank. Christian citizen s lobby against receptive because they want to
Each instance provided a hunger, is based in Washington please us and win our votes in
moment of choice to use or the elections. must be educated and care. If we I think we need to reexamine
D.C and they suggest that we By Billy Elliott only care, then our nation cannot
withhold your individual power write, call or e-mail our So, here s a chance to use your Production manager those whom we call true
to help others \ in need. power as a citizen to help many function as a democracy. Americans those people who
legislators now and ask them not
Thankfully, many chose to use hungry people. Those people that are choose to remain ignorant are
to come home without passing
your power for the benefit of To send your message to your The unexamined life is a life uneducated and care are those not patriotic. Those people that
these three major pieces of
others in need;. •'» • senators or representative you not worth living, said Socrates. who end up in the rally around respond with emotion instead of
legislation: The Hunger Relief
The opportunities that we have can either call the Capitol Truer words have never been the flag syndrome, blindly rational thought are not
Act, which extends food stamps
daily to bring forth good for Switchboard (202-224-3121) or uttered. If we just coast through following the ideas ofthe higher patriotic.
to more than a million hungry
Others are boundless. In addition 2) email them from Bread For 11 fe without giving any thought ups without a question. They These people are just idiots.
people; a $1 -an-hour minimum
to the examples above, we have the World s website at to what we are doing, we are no believe that those in power care The true Patriots are those
wage increase, taking effect
our individual power as citizens over two years; and finally the better than cattle. people who are not afraid to
to influence our legislators to full application of the $435
WWW, ^ ^ ^
Use your power to save a life! We must not blindly accept
that which is presented to us as
64 We must not stand up and challenge that
which they find wrong. This is
news or fact. what the American ideology is

Rounding the victory lap When a friend, the press or the

Government tells of new
happenings or news, we must
not only question the validity of
blindly accept
that which is
about ^ freedom.
If people choose to give up
their freedom, they are not
patriotic. In fact, they are not
One Mercyhurst senior goes the extra term, mile it but also question the context presented to even citizens. They are leeches.
in which it is being passed

with bills, bills and more bills. along. us as news or It is Plato s allegory of the
cave. We, the citizens, are those
By Leslie Echan News and facts are not
Contributing writer
We should be grateful that we
are still covered under our unbiased. It is our duty to fact... We must people who are chained to their
seats, forced to stare ahead at a

So I m back, back again, to

parents life insurance.
Do you have any idea how
discover the underlying
circumstances behind these
demand answers bare wall.
There, we only see those
good ol Mercyhurst for an
extra year of schooling.
expensive that costs?
Try putting $180 dollars a
facts. This is what will enable
us to truly understand what we
from those in shadows created by the people
who are free and can know the
I m a senior, a super senior as
I like to call myself. Okay, I m
month toward your company for are being told, and why we are
being told it.
a plan, and that is just an average
power.' ' truth. These people represent
those in power, those with
just plain old. cost. The circumstances that access to the Truth.
^ Or at least I feel that way. I feel emotional over the factsurround the news are just as —iBilly Elliott % All we can see are the outlines
Especially when I look around that exiting the gates of important as the news itself, ofthe truth that they show us.
campus and see freshmen whom Mercyhurst will be here before We are not told this more about the right thing to do We are at the disadvantage.
I probably once baby-sat for. I know it. information, though. We must than their own jobs. We must rise up and cast aside
When I see those undergrads, search through all the facts
If it sounds like I am ranting, I This is why we must educate the chains of ignorance. It is our
I can t help but feel a little blue
thrown at us to find it. ourselves. right, no, it is our duty to find
Jody Mello/Merciad photographer appologize. But even though
upon my return. Ihave just about graduated, I feel Once we do this we can see We must demand answers from the truth.
% But then again, lots of people Pictured, from left, Super senior
mixed emotions over the fact
Leslie Echan taking a break with friend
the bigger picture. those in power. If we let them We may find that some of our
do not finish schooling within end fellow senior, Kristin Purdy that my exiting Mercyhurst s Questioning the information control the information we have beliefs are just false. It will be
four years. gates will be here before I know presented to us is our civic duty. lost any chance we have in painful. g
I congratulate all that do. For perfect job is found. it. ;..: > Jefferson once stated that for a
% influencing their decisions. ^ But I would rather have the
the remaining few (dozen), I say f/' Let us enjoy those late night So, to my fellow fifth year democracy to work the populous cold certainty of truth over the
let s live it up I Honestly, we have drinking binges with our friends. seniors, let us try to enjoy our Wf comfort of falsehood
to look at the bright side of And enjoy them while we can few remaining moments in Erie.
things. because before we know it, we 11 If we can survive the small tow
Let us enjoy living away from be setting our alarms for 6 a.m. and all the snow, then we can
home for an extra semester or instead of five minutes before definitely survive one more year
Got Opinions?
two. our afternoon class. I I** (he Opinion page be your soap box.
of college.
Because once we cross that Prolonging the real world Seeking incite, Intelligent points-of-views from students about anything from what'sriehiu,hh Hi
Attention 5th year seniors: We'd
finish line, once we graduate can be a fun experience. like to hear your "victory lap" ' " ; - ' <° w
! ! f r n
? r t h t h
« r d i a F m m m
"un " " * * * • t o
" " £ * E ^

from books to work, most of us ^ But as fun as it may look now, reflections. Please send your opinion and the Men-lad wants to print it, jm*y ««.»
will return home until that putting things off does come thoughts to:
Send your rants, er, articles to:
October 10,2002

To contact: opinionmerciad%mercyhurst, edu OPINION

Campus Question: Second opinion
Caknpus Question): More parking, less tuition little time for me to do much of as around 9:30 a.m. on Mondays
What do other colleges havelthat the Hursfineeds? By Kerry Marshall
Contributing writer
anything. and Wednesdays, when parking
Let me take you through a can be almost impossible. You
Fraternities and sorties We must get rid ofthe rule that More public phones typical day: I get up in the can end up spending a huge
because iftis a good way to makes girls leave the dorm room available. 1 remember needing If you polled college students morning at about 6 a.m. and 1 amount of time driving back and
meet new people and to be at 2 a.m. on weekends and 12 to?use one and since I don t across the nation, I would be go to work at 8 a.m. Then, at forth between parking lots and
involved in school activities. p.m. on weekdays. The rule have a cell phone, it was my willing to bet that the number some point during the middle of then end up finally parking
Heather Dubich, freshmen really sucks and mat is not the last resort Anyway, I finally one thing that they would need my day, I leave for classes. illegally. Such a search has now
way college should be. found one in Old Main after more of would be money. Once I finish class, I am back made you late for class and
[Students need a] 24 hour Scott Jansson, freshmen searching many buildings and Sex and/or alcohol would to work again. when you get back out to your
library. Students need a place asking a lot of people. | probably take a close second. Ifinishup the evening with a car, you get the pleasure of
to study no matter how late an Mercyhurst needss newer Katie Tillma, freshman At any rate, when I was asked night class and by the time I get dealing with the ticket stuck to
hourfWe need a Fitness Center materials in our library. We have -j

what I mink Mercyhurst College home, I am exhausted. I am your windshield.

that opens earlier than 10 a.m. a great library but our books are More open-hours cafeteria. needs that other colleges have, willing to bet that if tuition was I wouldn't have such a problem
Many students want an earlier outdated. When doing research, Maybe: late hours like after 8 the first thing that came to mind lower, I would be able to with there not being enough
start to their day? with a good it is impossible to find sources p.m. Not everybody is able to was a severely lowered tuition. eliminate going back into work parking if it wasn't for the fact
work out that'/would be considered go to the cafeteria for dinner And with that in mind, the after classes; This would then that every student has parking
Kerri*Ruschak, senior credible. because of classes and other po wers-at-be should take notice, give me the ability to maybe fees billed in their tuition. B
Lindsay Eichenmiuer, junior responsibilities. if they had any sense, to the have somewhat of a social life If all of us are charged to pay
I mink that Mercyhurst needs p Visar Ferali, junior needs of ail the parents and and get a little sleep. ~ | to park, if such attention is paid
to bring the students together Mercyhurst needs emergency check books they bleed. I know that I am living in a to make sure wallets get filled,
in a different way. Many events call boxes on campus. I think Maybe this request is dream world when I make such then equal attention should be
I mink that Mercyhurst needs paid to make sure that what ALL
on campus are boring — movie | Mercyhurst College also needs to have more flexible library unrealistic, but I think it may be a request, because as we all
night every weekend?!, W& a pool, because many people know, tuition will continue to of us are paying for is there to
hours, especially during something worth looking into. be had. Would you pay for
artAllardice, junior like to get their workout while midterms and finals weeks. I thought of what the benefits rise to the point where the Mint something that is guaranteed on
swimming.? Having the library open 24 of such a decrease would be and will have to make af new your bill if it weren't guaranteed
I feel that Mercyhurst needs Jessica Ellam, senior hours is more convenient for aside from the obvious denomination (Garvey's face on on campus?
to offer more scholarships for finding a quiet place to study. economic advantage to the the trillion dollar bill?) I
students who wish to study From my experience, I would Dayna Benm, junior student, the health and social That is why I decided to pick No, but greed makes more
abroad. Unfortunately; since say that Mercyhurst is not benefits could be phenomenal. a second thing that Mercyhurst sense then necessity.
Mercyhurst does not offer lacking anything, but it | § not Mercyhurst needs more Since I started going to school needs, and I find this to be a Maybe this situation will
financial assistance for the type emphasizing what we do have activities to include more at Mercyhurst, I have always reasonable request: more never change, at least not while
ofprogram, many students who available. For example the study students in the college and the had two jobs along with being a parking! I'm around to see it. But I would
would benefitfrornitare forced abroad program is an amazing community. J full time student. My life During parts of the day, finding like to say that it would be really
to remain in Erie, Pa. There is opportunity that many students Missy Hunt, sophomore consists of work, school and a place to park is no problem. great if it did.
a-vast .world out there but miss out on because...students then more work. This leaves But there are other times, such
Mercyhurst does not help its aren t necessarily encouraged to More attempts to bring
students to enjoy 'm $'
Sara Lopata, j unioro
doit* $g$ J
Jen Connelly, Junior
| serious art students in.
Thomas Gamble, sophomore Ready-to-wear: Exotic fashions for the
Painfully thin: eating disorders expose fashion trends
dorm-bound traveler
By Megan Cvitkovic spice up your world very gold beading, sheer fabrics, and
women who've subsisted on last Sunday's New York Times, Contributing writer quickly and easily. small amounts of largely spaced
By Jane Eisner naked lettuce and bancha twig "but it used to be something you Flowing, asymmetrical styles laces.
Knight Ridder Newspapers tea for a month. The waif look didn't admit — like the model So it s only October, but we laced withfringe,beads or gold But the most essential pieces
is, unfortunately, not new in "sent away' to dropfivepounds are already making plans for the decorations, and accented with to your well-traveled wardrobe
The spring fashion collections contemporary fashion. before she could work again. well-deserved spring break. elaborate jewelry, will brighten are the accessories.
that strutted down the runways But in perusing the latest Now, diets are discussed openly Yet many ofus are discovering any dreary wardrobe. Jewelry pieces inspired by
in New York are, according to runway photos, I realized that and unashamedly. ? that we lack certain funds to Start .with the, basics: skirt, such countries as India are
the'Critics, art'utoimttgrnative they looked chillingly similar to Having a diet is travel to exotic islands, foreign shirts and sassy_!little dresses.' 'among the most Exotic*: From
throwback to the r$50s\' eVoking' the pictures posted on pro- rigueur. There are important lands and tropical paradises. Virtually every retailer this low hanging chandelier earrings
an era of pastel domesticity, anorexia Web sites that have differences between the But as usual, where there is a season is carrying tops or to gold-jeweled necklaces that
illusory safety, even a kind of caused such concern in the faddishness of the fashion set problem, there s a solution. bottoms that would fit into this literally need to be seen to be
Eisenhower dullness. mental-health community.' and the serious mental illness And as fashion conscious category, and most for a believed. The key to these pieces
The fashionistas will cluck and These online societies of the afflicting the 12 million to 13 people, we tend to fix our relatively low price. is a less-is-more approach.
chatter and have their say; this starving are extolling a million people — mostly problems with clothes, and why This fall, skirts flow freely When questing for such
is their moment, after all. When perverted vision of beauty and women — who suffer from not? Jlp* *? \ with tiers and wrapping the goods, great retailers to check
the rest of us bother to look at perfection that is only a few anorexia and bulimia. So if you need a quick pick predominant styles. These are places like Express and The
photographs of models in pounds shy of what paraded Staring at the pages of Vogue me up, or just want to look a pieces go back to the old world Limited, stores that tend to
impossibly short shorts and down last week's runways. wont automatically turn little more exotic, travel to some way of dressing, when capitalize on such sassy styles.
scandalously see-through You can see why eating someone anorexic. Nor will new styles this fall with these wrapping and draping garments The idea behind this trend is
blouses, we are likely to see disorders are so prevalent online sites Infect a user the way easy tips. reined supreme. to add a little spice and culture
something else: & among a certain sliver of that the bombardment of violent In your many searches, you Richly decorative patterns to your life, making you look
Thin. | America. images on television may affect may call these hot now clothes work well on skirts and can add like a world traveler or inspire
Very thin. The glorification of thinness is a child's behavior. folk, Mediterranean, or India- a little more funk to a bias you to become one, without
So thin that bones protrude reinforced at every turn. Anorexia and bulimia were inspired. But whatever you call blouse. having to go anywhere besides
and backsides disappear and In a nation of affluence and once isolating diseases. With the them, these styles are a little Fringed edges add a little the mall. |
every bodily shape seems abundance, there are now mini- Internet, they take on the piece of foreign culture that can something extra, as does some Happy travels!
airbrushed away. societies of those who will not attributes of a cult. At a time
When I think of the 1950s, I eat, or will not eat very much, when obesity is reaching
think of women who filled out or will only eat Atkins, or Zone, epidemic proportions in
their Peter Pan-collared blouses or on odd days of the week. America, it seems the ultimate
MTV rocks the vote with sex ed.
and bouncy, pleated skirts, Where once such behavior was irony that ever-younger victims nominees offer their answers: care about, but not ones to be
Editorial Staff
seeking to equal! Marilyn a personal secret, now it is a of eating disorders are showing Democrat Ed Rendell says he preached to or manipulated.
Monroe's generous curves. In stylish form of group identity. up in doctors' offices. Knight Ridder Newspapers favors abstinence-based Weaned on TV and the Internet,
today's revisionist fashion "Diets have always been Ironic, but understandable. education, Republican Mike they know when they are being
scene, the "retro" clothes look woven into the life of the image- On October 3, MTV departed Fisher wants abstinence to be patronized.
as if they could be worn only by conscious," wrote Kate Betts in from its usual fare of music taught, but would leave the Or ignored.
videos and bare-bellied details to local school boards. "Their hot button is community
teenagers to present a half-hour A debilitating cycle is at work involvement. The more a

news special tackling the issue in modern-day politics. candidate can make the case of
of sexual education in the , Parents, teachers, coaches and being a community problem
schools. employers also don't do nearly solver and a community
The show visited a conservative enough to encourage 18-year- volunteer, the better the chance
community in Lubbock, Texas, olds to exercise their precious of winning these voters," write
and heard from young people franchise. In a society that David Skaggs and Adam
who supported comprehensive eagerly marks other rites of Anthony, of the Center for
sex ed, men zoomed over to two passage, the First Vote is greeted Democracy and Citizenship at
Editor-in-Chief editormerciad@mcrcyhurst. edu star football players who by a collective yawn. & the Council for Excellence in
Kristin Purdy
Managing Editor explained why they have made This is not an immutable fact Government.
Adam Dushole "virginity pledges." • of life,. It can be changed, one
News Editor This experience with
Megan Fialko vich It's a new kind of voter person, one television show, one community service has a
Courtney Nicholas Features Editor
Opinion Editor opinionmerciad@mercyhurst. edu registration drive. Really. campaign ad at a time. profound effect on many young
Phil Pirrello The cable television station First, if you turn 18 by Nov. 5 people.
Mackenzie Dexter Sports Editor
Photo Editor that pioneered "Rock the Vote" and have not yet registered, do They're used to grappling with
J ody Mello has found that there's little it. Now. Pretend this is as local issues, but too many don't
Emily Crofoot Copy Editor
benefit in sustaining a traditional important as registering for a take the next step and vote.
Production Manager voter registration drive in off- driver's license. C'mon, just k "If we talk about the
Billy Elliott year elections. So MTV hit on pretend. importance of voting in and of
Megan Eble Advcrtisinig Manager
another idea: Focus on an issue Second, if you have a child or itself, it falls flat. It has to touch
near and dear to the hearts of its a student who is eligible to vote, their lives," says Stephen
viewers, and use that to drive be a grown-up, for goodness Friedman, MTV's vice president
these new Voters to the polls. 1 sake. All the research shows mat for strategic partnerships.
TheMerciad is the student-produced newspaper ofMercyhurst College. It is published And In all its surveys, MTV parents are the great predicters "But when we localize the
throuahout the school year, with the exception ofmidterms week andfinalsweek. Our found that sexual health of whether a new votei will topic, and connect the local
office is in the Hirt Center, room LL114. Our telephone number is 824-2376. trumped education, terrorism, actually vote, with teachers a action with a national issue, then
drugs, alcohol and even crime close second. they're interested in voting.
as a concern for young And if you're a candidate, pay That's why our; Get
The Merciad welcomes letters to the editor. All letters must be signed and names will be people.So have you heard about attention! Young people are the registered to vote. It could save
included with the letters. Although we will not edit the letters for content, we reserve the this issue in the tightening nation's largest block of your life."
' ^ letters tofit.Letters are due the Thursday before publication and may not be governor's race :in Unclaimed voters, independent So, go ahead. Register to vote.
Pennsylvania? Only when thinkers, concerned about the It could save your life.
fokgerthan 300 words. Submit letters to box PH 485. f f f queried did the key party same issues that older voters

ENTERTAINMENT To contact: entertainmentmerciad@mercyhursL edu

Post-punk angst or mainstream marketing?
Pie in the Sky:
A^slice of Bohemian heaven
Established in 1991, Pie in the
Oct 22 § * g*
Sky was my restaurant
Girls with Guitars II Terri
Clark, Tanya Tucker, destination this week. Unknown Check, please
Tammy Cochran, Holly to many, this quaint, eclectic
Lamar, Jennifer Hansenwill. J restaurant sits in a downtown
neighborhood of Erie. It looks
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, By Betsy Donner
like a simple cafe sitting on the
Cleveland? By Robbie Bahl corner* but what is inside is Contributing writer
Contributing writer simply wonderful.
Oct 27 Upon entering, a lunch crowd bread, and my diningfriendhad
Observe the Sabbath. It was Sept. 6,2002.1 arrived happily dining to some smooth their Roasted Eggplant on
Odeon, Cleveland. On sale in Erie, Pa at about noon that jazz tunes, filled the front Ciabiatta bread. *Vfe were overly
Oct 4 at TicketMaster. day solely for the purpose of room.'My walk to my table in satisfied, and filled and barely
traveling to Cleveland later that the back room took merightpast had room for dessert, but we
Oct 29 evening to witness the hyped the small and busy kitchen, couldn t resist ^
SR-71. Odeon, Cleveland. live performance of Interpol. where the staff was busy L/All oftheir pies are homemade
On sale Oct. 4 at These NYU indy rockers making their homemade and we had the pleasure to
TicketMaster. have been drummed up an goodies.* indulge it two of them.
insane amount of publicity for [ Naturally lit, the dining areas Raspberry Pie and Chocolate
Nov. 3 a young three piece with a debut are comfort to a whole new Torte were our decisions from
album, so I was naturally level; paintings, which are for the list of possibilities. Aside
Meshell NdegeoceUo.
curious to see if these folks sale, fill the walls, all each from pies, they also bake
Odeon, Cleveland. On sale homemade muffins for
could live up to their sudden unique in their own way."The
Oct. 4 at TicketMaster breakfast, which have been
new reputation. most interesting were those of
Their show in NYC on the 5 flowers whose paint exploded recognized as the best muffins
Nov. 5 was surprisingly sold out rather Photo courtesy of Michael Edwards
onto the walls on either side, around.
Moe. Metropol, Pittsburgh. quickly, leaving me no choice The boys of Interpol as pictured on the cover of their debut album, giving the vision of a luscious The great thing about dinner
On sale Oct 5 at but to travel the eight-hour trip Turn On the Bright Lights. live bouquet mounted the wall. at Pie in the Sky is that their
TicketMaster. to Erie a few days early just to Other crafts and sorts were menu changes*weekly, so a
see the Cleveland show. Driving also part of the decor, offering Wide variety of dishes are
Nov. 6 T ; down Interstate 80,' their debut repetitive rock-and-roll as the band broke into Obstacle a warm, homey atmosphere.™ available for you to keep coming
• . •

Disco Biscuits. On sale album, Turn on the Bright strewn about MTV nowadays. 2, one of their more energetic Five days a week they serve back for.'Also, you couldn t ask
Oct 4 at TicketMaster. Lights, soon became an With only a hint of garage tracks. breakfast, and the prices range for a better place for a romantic
addiction. The emotion, rhythm, rock, Interpol throws in The band concluded with from only $2.25-55. They offer date, where dinner is served at
Nov. 9 and intimate catharsis blended passion, restrained outbursts of NYC, a track dedicated to their waffles, French toast, crepes, candlelight
Prodigals. Odeon, remarkably to create an absolute aggression, and disturbing hometown of New York City. a fresh fruit plate and a variety The only negative to Pie in the
Cleveland. On sale Oct. 4 at masterpiece. imagery in their vocals. Ok, to The clean, echoing sound of the of interesting omelets, including Sky, is its hours of operation.*It
TicketMaster. The post-punk sound of put it bluntly this band rocks. lead guitar combined perfectly a Creole and spinach feta.They is only open Monday through
Interpol is powerful and full of I haven t been excited about a with Banks performing his also serve lunch on those days, Friday, breakfast from 7:30
Nov. 13 i changing guitar riffs that make new project in quite some time. unsteady warble-like vocals and prices range from $2.25- a.m. til 10:45 a.m., lunch from
Galactic, North Mississippi up an entirely affecting album. So back to the show. almost identically to the album $6.95,"They have an 11:30 a.m. til 2 p.m., and Friday
All-Stars) Metropol, Vocalist/guitarist Paul Banks has Cleveland s Grog Shop, a dark recording. interesting variety of hot and and Saturday for dinner from
Pittsburgh. On sale Oct. 4 been strongly compared to the bar/club venue was packed on The ringing in my ears during cold sandwiches, salads, 5:30 p.m. - 9 p.m..'You may
legendary vocals of the now a Tuesday night, a rather the ride home was one of quiche, and pizza. have to pencil in a trip to the
at 5 p.m. at TicketMaster. defunct Joy Division, and for unusual scene according to unconditional satisfaction. I started out with the soup of Pie, but you will thoroughly
good reason. Obstacle I, the some eavesdropping on my part Interpol was the best debut of the day, Creamy Mushroom and enjoy it a
Nov. 13 j second track on the album, is The openers sounded hopeless, the year. Word has it that a video Herb, which took the chill out Pie in the Sky is located at 463
Beth Orton. Rosebud, about as Joy Division as the so I attempted to drown out the for their track, PDA, is going of my morning.*I followed the West 8th Street, and you can call
Pittsburgh. On sale Oct. 5 band gets, k sorry excuse for music with to be receiving regular play on warm goodness with a hot 459-8638 for more information
1st noon at TicketMaster. L Their version of minirnalistic stolL I y L i MTV2 in the next few weeks, Humus sandwich on sunflower* oh theirspecials: •• - *
melodic punk, while similar to Interpol took the stage around and on the show 120 Minutes.

Red Dragon.
Nov. 16 ! f t rock legends of the past, has an midnight with their expensive Yippee.
My Life with the Thrill impressive amount of originality haircuts and Dolce and Oabanna Maybe if we re lucky,
Kill Cult. Continental, and theatrics. With the garage- suits. They opened with the first everyone will start liking them
Buffalo. On sale Oct 5 at rock syndrome spreading like track on their debut album, and then they 11 get realrichand
TicketMaster. the plague, Interpol is a relieving Untitled. It was bliss. There start making crappy music.
retreat from the chang-chang wasn t a still head in the crowd Can t wait Quid pro quo, Dr.Lecter
Nov. 17 J Red Dragon, the prequel to

Art for art sake

Seven Nations. Odeon, the Hannibal Lecter trilogy,
Cleveland. On sale at Oct 4
at TicketMaster.

succeeds as a masterfully TicketStub

crafted thriller, even if the
infamous cannibal s brand-name
Nov. 18 I and variety of forms that art is which many people have wasn t attached. By Phil Pirrello
My Life with the Thrill By Bridget Hughes able to take. already purchased and I m sure Dragon is a compelling, taut Opinion editor
Kill Kult Club Laga, Contributing writer In just a simple stroll around will sell out soon. The psychological study ofthe limits
Oakland, Pa. to view the unique ceramic imagination and creativity that good guys will go to in pursuit
sculptures, an appreciation for has gone into each and every of the ultimate evil man should sensational}aspects of the
Nov. 19 There is a good portion of the arts is developed in an piece is simply magnificent and never have to understand. character. No matter what
Goo Goo Dolls, guest TBA. students here at Mercy hurst that instant. Fish imagery is an deserves the utmost attention The film opens with Anthony inflections Hopkins employs,
Warner Theatre, Erie. are intrigued by the art forms issue explored by Mr. Hubert, and consideration from the Hopkins Hannibal Lecter as Lecter is a villain audiences love
$30.75. On sale Oct. 5 at and representation of the artistic which is illustrated by a variety viewer. The fluid forms that civilian, beginning to acquire a to hate, and for good reason.
noon at Tullio Arena box side of the human existence. of ceramic bowls, teapots, and accompany this production are taste for liver and fava beans. We, shockingly, root for Lecter
office, TicketMaster outlets, Then again, some of the sculptures of fish. all full of movement and are He is visited by Will Graham in his face-offs with Graham,
by phone at 452-4857 or students are not.^ This idea stemmed from the constantly in a state of motion (Edward Norton), an FBI like we did in Silence. Ed
Of course, art isn t for artist s production of a six-foot that is very apparent when profiler whom the doctor is Norton', stands his ground
456-7070, and online at everyone I suppose, however long fiberglassfish, participating walking around and watching helping solve a case whose end against the Oscar winner, but
perhaps those who do not care in Erie s local art project, entitled the forms. bom realize will mean capture his character provides most of
for such an expressive subject Go Fish. This became the While many students have a for the good doctor. the forward exposition with
Nov. 23 have never considered walking base of ideas for his many great attention to the arts and After this great teaser and every crime scene investigation.
Club Paradise Tour with into the art gallery in the Mary ceramic pieces. Thirty-four in enjoy the many creations that Seven-esque opening title Ralph Fiennes, as the Tooth
Phil Vassar, Carolyn D Angelo Performing Arts all, each one seems to have a are displayed in the art gallery sequence, we flash forward Fairy, is the most sympathetic
Dawn Johnson, Sizwire. Center and viewing such a different feeling about it. My here at Mercy hurst, perhaps the seven years later. Graham has monster since Frankenstein.
Warner Theatre, Erie. meaningful outlook on culture favorite out of all of them is the rest of us should all take out a retired, Lecter is in his cage, and The brutal past the killer faced
$28.25 On sale Oct. 5 at 10 and customs of another 8 way Fish Teapot which is made of little time in our day to explore FBI agent Crawford (Harvey as a boy never leaves Fiennes
a.m. at Tullio Arena box oflife. I porcelain and glaze. There and examine" the'' different Keitel) asks for Graham s help eyes, providing the actor with
office, TicketMaster outlets, Ceramic Explorations by seems to be a strikingly similar avenues of the arts. A little in solving the murders of the an opportunity to evoke a
by phone at 452-4857 or Mercyhurst s own Tom Hubert movement to it, which makes culture in someone s life can Tooth Fairy, a serial killer who constant state of raging tears
456-7070, and online at is on display until Oct. 18 in the me think of the travel of.water really make a difference and add earns his namesake by leaving which seem to always cry on gallery of the PAC and is and fish actually swimming. some knowledge and insight into a distinct bite mark in his victim. the inside.
strongly encouraged for Prices of these works of art your world of art. Graham, like Starling in Silence, The conclusion is a cheat,
students to enjoy the diversity can range from $175 to $3,000; goes to seek Lecter s help with opting for a been-there, done-
Nov. 24 the case and discovers that the that showdown between
Gum n Roses. Gund Tooth Fairy and Hannibal share Graham and the Tooth Fairy.
Arena, Cleveland. On sale
Oct. 5 at 10 a.m. at St. Mark Seminary College a parasitic relationship; Lecter But the filmmakers have created
feeds off the ego bruising the
TicketMaster. a tensely confident movie with
I Vocation Dlscrenment Retreat Tooth Fairy gives but never
receives. enough set pieces (a flaming
Nov. 26 wheelchair-bound victim) to
Tori Amos, Howie Day. 7:00pm Oct. 25 to 7:00pm Oct 26. The best Dragon has going distract the audience from the
for it is its appreciation for style pat ted-down ending.
State Theatre, Cleveland.
On sale Oct 5 at 10 a.m. at
St. Mark Seminary, Erie, Pat over substance, character I am surprised to have enjoyed
development over-clich d Dragon as much as I did. I had . . . A prayerful retreat to help young men in college gimmick. Where Hannibal little faith in the director of
offered expensively produced Money Talks abilities with this
Dec. 5 I £ discerning wether or not Christ might be calling them to the B-movie sensationalism, Rutner project. But despite borrowing
Trans-Siberian Orchestra preisthood . . . The only cost is 24 hours of your time .. \ The and screenwriter Ted Tally (who many of Silence s trademark
Warner Theatre, Erie. On retreat is under the direction of Fr. Michael Kesicki, Fr. Nicho wrote the original Silence) dive (close-ups, Ratner makes
into the elitist world of Lecter Dragon all his own
sale date TBA.
las Rouch, and Fr. Edward Lohse . . . Confidential inquires are as villain-of-nature, a world of Red Dragon succeeds where
Dec. 10 welcome. endless shadow and ironic Hannibal failed and dares to
John Tesh, Nicole C. compromises that never compete for Silence s level of
Mullen. Orchard Hill cheapen the drama but rather horrifying greatness.
Church, Wexford. On sale To inquire or register, send on email to give it a spin all its own. A little competition never hurt
Oct. 7 at TicketMaster. or call 824-1200 Hopkins downplays the anyone.

To contact:
Mercyhurst women's soccer team shuts
out Northwood and Northern Michigan
By Emily Pisula
Contributing writer
The Mercyhurst Lady Lakers
girl's soccer team played two
undefeated games this weekend.
The away games this weekend
helped to improve the Lakers'
overall record to 8-2-1 and 2-0 in
their conference.
Friday's game against
Northwood was held in Midland,
Michigan. The Lady Lakers
played a strong game and was
able to defeat the Timberwolves
2-0. The game, being played on
the Timberwolves' ownfieldwas
a major upset for them. The game
was- the first loss for the
Timberwolves in seven games.
Mercyhurst scored both of their
goals late in the second half of the
game. Junior forward Jessica
Morgan and senior defender
Jessica Hoppe scored the goals.
Senior goalie Dayna Shelkey was
able to provide the shutout for
Mercyhurst. The Lady Lakers
were able to outshot the
Timberwolves 15-9. Krista Ross/Contributing photographer Krista Ross/Contributing photographer
The game Sunday against
Northern Michigan was at Senior defender Jessica Hoppe kicks the ball downfield as an Edinboro player Sophomore midfielder Elln Minge fights for possession against an Edinboro player.
Marquette, Michigan, and was looks on. The game ended In a tie after two overtimes Tuesday, Oct. 1. Hoppe Minge has one goal for the season. The Lady Lakers play Ashland Friday, Oct.
played in periodic rainfall. The has been an Instrumental player for the Lady Lakers all four years. 11. i v '• • • :• i J •** **. F . C
game against the Wildcats was a
little tougher of a match for the
Lakers then the Timberwolves. Wildcats 1 -0. This game dropped midfielder Julia Kowzan scored Kowzan's first game-winning free kickfromthirty yards. their next games against Slippery
The rainfall, though, did not stop the Wildcats overall to 4-9 and 1 - the only goal of the game late in goal, and her fifth goal of the The Lady Lakers will hope to Rock Wednesday, Oct. 9, and
the Lakers from beating the 2 in the GLIAC. Sophomore the first half. The goal was season. The goal was scored on a continue their winning streak with Ashland Friday, Oct. 11.

Women's hockey Women'sjvolleyball ranked

eighth in Great Lakes
team^&weeps Bemidji Senior goal tender Tiffany stopping 23 of 24 shots on goal
By Emily Pisula
Contributing writer
This win helped to increase their
record to 14-3.;The scores from
the individual matches were 31-
31-29, and 30-24. This game
gave the Lady Lakers their sixth
straight win and third shutout in
By Bryan Christop her Ribble posted 21 saves. Her first 29,30-27, and 30-26. Sophomore the last four matches. Macko and
and pulling off big saves during a
Contributing writer junior Jenn Barba led the Lakers
action since Dec. 16,2001, Ribble two-person advantage for The girl's volleyball team had Lyndsi Hughes, who was just
A weekend sweep of Bemidji stopped every single Bemidji shot Bemidji and added pressure late two undefeated games this chosen as OLIAC South In kills with a combined number
State has the Lady Lakers off to a on goal and helping to kill all 6 in the third period. weekend, increasing their overall Division's player for the week of of 24 kills. Clapham led the
fast start. of their power plays. Over the weekend, Mercyhurst record to 15-3 and 7-1 in their Sept. 30, and senior Leslie Macko Lakers in the game with a total
On Saturday, each team scored conference. Including last years were leaders for Mercyhurst in of 42 assists. F
Entering the weekend ranked outshot the Beavers 59-46. Friday
1 lth nationally, Friday night's first period goals. Almost nine night's crowd of 723 was the matches, the Lakers have won 21 kills with 11 and 12 kills, The start of the Lady Lakers'
game featured outstanding minutes in, Ireland scored first. largest in women's hockey school out of the 26 last matches. Due respectively. Freshman Kari season is one of the best that the
defense. Early in the second Bemidji answered late in the history. to the games this weekend the Clapham led the Lakers with 35 volleyball s program has ever
period, Mercyhurst co-captain period. Late in the second period jjThe Lady Lakers host The Lady Lakers are now ranked assists. seen. Come and cheer them on
eighth in Great Lakes Region. The game Saturday, Oct. 5 was as they host Grand Valley State
senior C.J. Ireland assisted senior senior defender Jenny Jeffrey University of Connecticut for the Friday, Oct 11 at 7 p.m. and
defender Randi Pilger's goal, broke the tie and secured an first competition between these The Lady Lakers won their held at Hillsdale. Mercyhurst beat
fifth match in a row Friday, Oct. Hillsdale 3-0 with scores from the Farris State at 1 p.m. Mercyhurst
eventually becoming the game- eventual 2-1 win. Ribble again two programs ever this upcoming also travels to Saginaw Valley
winner. The match ended 1-0. came up big for the Lady Lakers, weekend. 4 defeating Wayne State 3-0. individual matches were 30-26,
State Friday, Oct. 18 at 7

Now at Kmart

The stuff of life


To contact; sporimerciad@mercyhur$L edu
SPORTS Upcoming
Men' soccer team still undefeated 'Hurst
By Emily Pisula
Contributing writer Men's soccer
Men's soccer travels to Ashland
The men's soccer game Friday, Friday. Oct 11 for a 4:30 p.m.
Oct 4 could have been the Lakers game and Wheeling Jesuit
10 straight win of this season. Wednesday, Oct 16 for a 7 p.m.
After defeating Le Moyne 4-1 at game. The Lakers then host
home Tuesday, Oct* 2 the men's GLIAC opponents Saginaw
soccer team, ranked fourth in the Valley State Saturday, Oct 19 at
nation, is on a winning streak. 2:30 p.m. and Hillsdale Sunday,
Oct. 20 at 2:30 p.m.
The game against Northwood
Friday at Midland, Michigan,
however was called to a halt at 67 Women's soccer
minutes of play. The game was Women's soccer travels to
halted due to the worsening Slippery Rock, Wednesday, Oct
conditions of the field and the 9, and Ashland Friday, Oct. 11.
heavy rains. Since the game was The Lady Lakers then host
called to a halt, the teams however GLIAC opponents Saginaw
were not able to complete the Valley State Saturday, Oct 19 at
required 70 minutes of game time 12 p.m. and Hillsdale Sunday,
Jody Mello/Merciad photographer Jody Mello/Merciad photographer
to have an official game. The Oct. 20 at 12 p.m.
game, however, being a GLIAC Senior forward John Kitcho plays defense against a Le Moyne Sophomore goalie Marty Ruberry makes a save as a player slides
scheduled game was declared "no playerTuesday, Oct. 2. Kitcho has four goals and four assists for into him. Ruberry has played all 10 games and made 46 total Cross country
contest" due to the fact of not the season. saves. Men's and women's cross
completing the full 70 minutes of country travel to Slippery Rock
game time. defender Nick Jordan showed the ordan's first goal of his career. a 10-0 overall record. Wheeling Jesuit Wednesday, Oct. Saturday, Oct. 12 to compete.
In the 67 minutes that were team that the bad weather did not The GLIAC Commissioner The men's soccer team will be 16 for a 7 p.m. game. The Lakers
played, the Lakers were defeating bother him, by scoring the only declared the game official traveling to Ashland Friday, Oct. will then host Saginaw Valley Football
Northwood 1-0. Freshman goal of the game. The goal was Monday, Oct. 7 giving the Lakers 11 for a 4:30 p.m. game, and State Saturday, Oct. 19 at 2:30 Football travels to Ashland
p.m. Saturday, Oct. 12 for a 1 p.m.
game. They host Ferris State

Lakers lose 36-3 in parents' weekend game Saturday, Oct. 19 at 1:30 p.m.
The Ferris State game will be
televised live by Image Sports
on both Erie Cable vision
Channel 20 in the city and
Adelphia Cable Channel 12 in
By Bryan Christopher the county.
Contributing writer

Men's golf
The Lakers struck first, but Men's golf travels to
failed to answer to 36 points, Westminster Monday, Oct 14
which the Findlay Oilers to and hosts the Mercyhurst
remain unbeaten. Invitational Tuesday, Oct. 15 at
Afifteenplay, 83 yard drive 12 p.m.
late in the first quarter resulted in
senior Vinny Repucci's fifth field Field hockey
goal of the season, giving head Field hockey begins a three
coach Marty Schaetzle's Lakers game road trip Wednesday, Oct.
a 3-0 lead. 16 at 7 p.m at Washington &
The Mercyhurst defense Jefferson. The Lady Lakers
followed with a stop, only to travel to Millersville Saturday,
watch sophomore quarterback Oct. 19 for an 11 a.m. game and
Jim Schuler throw his first career to Bloomsburg Sunday, Oct. 20
interception, and the Oiler for a 1 p.m. game.
defense ran back for a touchdown.
Findlay, entering the weekend Men's hockey
ranked 22nd in Division II, Men's hockey travels to Lake
featured a potent running game Superior State Friday, Oct. 18
scoring late in the second quarter. and Saturday, Oct. 19 for 7:05
Findlay kicked afieldgoal late in p.m. games.
thefirsthalf to make the score 17-
3 at halftime. Jody Mello/Merciad photographer Jody Mello/Merciad photographer Women's hockey
The second half was not kind Sophomore Justin Adams runs with the ball as three Findlay Junior Tim Smith and senior Bryan Paulozzi run to tackle a FindlayWomen's hockey hosts
to the Lakers, who after giving up players chase after him. The Lakers lost 36-3. player. Connecticut this Saturday and
19 more points, fell by a final Sunday. Saturday's game begins
score of 36-3. five passes for 48 yards, giving After five games, senior Brian Mercyhurst will travel to at 2 p.m. while Sunday's is at 1
The Mercyhurst offense was starter Weidig and was 16 of 32 him 137 rushing and 190 Smith leads the team in tackles Ashland this weekend. p.m. The Lady Lakers travel to
without senior quarterback Brett for 153 yards and threw 3 receiving for the season. with 25.5. i^:& St Lawrence Saturday, Oct 19
Weidig and senior running backs interceptions. Senior Faheed Defensively, sophomore Game time attendance and Sunday, Oct. 20. Both
Phil Provenzano and Craig Williams led the Lakers with 12 linebacker Jason Staley recorded exceeded 3,000 for the second games start at 2 p.m*;
Joseph. Schuler filled in for the carries for 85 yards and caught his first collegiate interception. week in a row.
Intramurals Update Women runners finish first Men's and women's rowing
compete in the Stonehurst
Invitational beginning at 8 a.m.
Intramurals is in full swing with Monday Night Football taking place Monday at 5 p.m. on the turf in Rochester, NY Sunday, Oct.
at Tullio Field. Eight teams have joined the league: The Browns, Bills, Steelers, Jets, Giants, Rams, 13. |
' Packers, and the Patriots.
| Tennis
Other intramural sports that will be offered this fall include Sand Volleyball and Ultimate Frisbee. Women's tennis travels to
Please read this column next week for all of the details. GLIAC opponents Grand Valley
State Friday, Oct, U at 3 p.m.
For further information, please contact the intramural office at cxt. 2441. and Ferris State at 10 a.m. The
men's team will join the
women's team as they both
i i travel to Robert Morris Friday,
Oct 18 for 3 p.m. matches. The
MOJO PIZZA 2 Ian izzas women's team goes on to play
Pittsburgh Saturday, Oct, 19 at
ith one toppin i '•'_ Kathy Noble-Fraley/Contributing photographer 11 a.m. and Ashland Sunday,
J+tax The Mercyhurst women s cross country team lines up for the away.
Oct. 20 at 2 p.m. Both games are
start of the Le Moyne invitational.
Women's volleyball
By Mackenzie Dexter sophomore Katie Mieczkowski in
22:43 and junior AnneMarie Women's volleyball host
Sports editor GLIAC opponents Grand Valley
Romano in 23:23.
The men's cross country team State Friday, Oct, 11 at 7 p.m.
I Located at L and Ferris State Saturday, Oct.
2618 Parade Street J Subs just men's cross country team also ran well in the Le Moyne
12 at 1 p.m. The Lady Lakers
finished first out of eleven teams Invitational finishing fifth out of
456-4598 4 4.95 +tax at the Le Moyne College twelve teams with 142 points. travel to Saginaw Valley State
from 12 varieties Invitational held Saturday, Oct. 5 Junioi Ryan Knight led the Friday, Oct. 18 at 7 p.m.,
with 38 points. The race was five Laker men,finishingin seventh Northwood Saturday, Oct, 19 at
kilometers long. place overall out of 101 runners. 3 p.m. and \ Bdinboro
Freshman Beth Kenniston led Knight finished in 28:27, Other Wednesday, Oct. 23 at 7 p.m.

jpst prices and?he 14" Chee

i the race from the start, but was top finishers for the Lakers were
edged out at the finish by nine senioi team captain Stephen Men's water polo
Men's water polo travels to
seconds. Kenniston finished with Gerics in 29:41, junior David
^best food inprie and onm toppin a time of 20:37. Other top Frederick in 29:48, sophomore Grove City Friday, Oct. 18 and
finishers for Mercyhurst were Scott Bishop in 30:19, junior Saturday, Oct 19 for the League
i \ 11:00pm Pwith 15 wings sophomore Karen Thomas in Timothy Fox in 31:07, sophomore Crossover. The Lakers play
Friday and Saturday: 11:00am - Midnigh\ $ 9,99 21:04, senior team captain Kate Michael Wozniak in 32:32 and Penn State Behrend at Slippery
Rock Tuesday, Oct. 22 at 7:30
Cywinski in 21:06, sophomore senior Robert Quiggle in 32:40
Subday: 3:00pm- 11:00pm ure h Heidi Irons in 21:09, sophomore Both teams will compete at p.m.
With coupon Stephanie Schnacke in 22:42, Slippery Rock Saturday, Oct. 12.

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