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Sick Days

There is always a time when things look good but turn out wrong!
Let me tell you a story about the time I went to Washington. It was 3AM, and I was
changing in my room. “Hurry up!”, my aunt yelled.
I was changing into the clothes I picked out!
When we were ready and done, my cousin Maggie asked
“Can I ride in the car with you?”, and my parents replied “Yes.”
As we were almost about to get into the car, we had forgotten a few things, but it was just a quick
As me and my cousins got into the car, we drove quietly and smoothly but then we got an alert!
Our first plane had gotten cancelled! Me and my cousin Marley were devastated as we still drove to the
airport. When my grandma dropped us off at the airport, we waved goodbye to her and my cousin
When we arrived, there was a long line with hundreds of people outside and inside the airport.
I was starving for food, and I asked “Can we get something to eat from here?”
My parents replied no as we waited to get into our gates.
Once near one of the airport staff, we asked “Our flight got cancelled, is there
anything we can do?” As we loaded our luggage, she insisted that she could get us onto another plane
a.k.a ‘Standby’. As we waited, me and my cousin Marley waited for our flight to come, we noticed there
was a mini-market near us. We asked them again, “Can we get something please?” As they had no other
choice, they replied “Fine.” I got a cheese stick and milk and my cousin got a snack and drink too! As we
had seen, they called our gate and we boarded the plane.
As I got on the plane, the pilot asked me “Is this your first time on a plane?’ I replied “Yes!” As he had
an amazed shock on his face, he led us into the cabin and as he took me on a tour of what the buttons do,
my parents decided to take a photo of me sitting on the pilot’s chair! As we were heading back to our
seats, they had given me a handbook and said “Every time you get on a new plane, make sure to hand
them this handbook and sign it.” I said “Ok!’ and went back to my seat. I had a window seat, to look at
the sunny skies and the fluffy clouds! As they had no TV’s on the plane, I took out my phone and watched
a movie I had on my phone. In about a second, I finally fell asleep and slept through those hours I needed
to catch up on.

When we finally arrived, it felt like a dream come true! There were so many museums and many popular
foods that we didn't have back home, and I was drooling! We waited patiently to get into the hotel, and
my oh my, it was like heaven in there! The pillows were all comfy, along with the clean and wonderful
bathroom and along with their being a mini living room? A MINI LIVING ROOM? I was so amazed at
the fact that we were gonna stay here for a whole week! I was screaming up and down with joy! As we
were getting ready to go to the oyster bar there, I was excited to try a restaurant that was out of my state!
While we were eating, we decided to go to the park over there at the restaurant and I bought a t-shirt
while at it. When we were ready to leave, we didn't use a car but walked!
We fell asleep at the hotel while our parents were partying downstairs enjoying the time of their lives! It
was the second day, and our exciting trip was to the National Smithsonian Museum. While we were
getting ready, my parents decided to take me to the breakfast bar and my oh my, the food was wonderful!
We were getting ready to head out by calling an Uber and we arrived at the museum in no time! We
checked out all of the exciting artifacts and all of the amazing stuff they had there! We were there for a
short time and most of the time, we were just repeating everyday with going to the museum while there
was this one specific day, and that was leaving Washington.

We had checked out of the hotel and decided to call an Uber. We stopped at a gift shop, and I got a hat and
some snacks while the parents and my cousin Marley picked out other things that they had in mind. We
checked out the items and got back in our Uber, and arrived at the airport. We checked into the 2 flight’s
we were going on and grabbed some snacks too. We waited for our flight as we got a devastating alert,
our two planes were cancelled! I was very sad and we had figured that we wouldn’t get to the next airport
in time, so we just booked a hotel and stayed there. The hotel on the other hand,was not so clean. It had
no shampoo or conditioner so we just used what we got and picked up some food. We stayed a whole
night and got back to the airport really early like the time we were getting ready to go to Washington. We
picked up some Dunkin Donuts, headed to the plane and got on the flight. We arrived at the next airport
quickly and got to the next airport in no time! We got back to our house by our grandparents picking us
up, and I said ,“ I don’t feel well.” Well to sum it up, I got Covid-19 and missed 2 weeks of school (which
were enjoyable) and I was devastated. I felt better time by time and finally came back to school as happy
as I could be.

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