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entitlements and increases in income ment at rates that make for very sound of the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism
and payroll taxes. spending of taxpayer dollars. Prevention Act of 2004 (Public Law 108–458; 50
AbilityOne provides nearly 48,000 peo- Finding job opportunities has always U.S.C. 1801 note) is amended by striking
‘‘May 27, 2011’’ and inserting ‘‘June 1, 2015’’.
ple who are blind or who have signifi- been a challenge for individuals who
cant disabilities with quality job op- are blind or have significant disabil- By Mr. CARDIN (for himself, Mr.
portunities, to earn a living which pro- ities. We must maintain the Federal MCCAIN, Ms. AYOTTE, Mr.
vides a pathway towards increased Government’s commitment to these BEGICH, Mr. BLUMENTHAL, Mr.
independence. hard working Americans. DURBIN, Mr. JOHANNS, Mr. KIRK,
There are nearly 600 nonprofit orga- I urge my colleagues to join Senator Mr. KYL, Mr. LIEBERMAN, Mr.
nizations across the country working VITTER and me in cosponsoring the RUBIO, Mrs. SHAHEEN, Mr.
to find job opportunities for people who AbilityOne Improvements Act. WHITEHOUSE, and Mr. WICKER):
are blind or have significant disabil- Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- S. 1039. A bill to impose sanctions on
ities, through the AbilityOne program. sent that the text of the bill be printed persons responsible for the detention,
With Maryland’s proximity to the seat in the RECORD. abuse, or death of Sergei Magnitsky,
of the Federal Government, AbilityOne There being no objection, the text of for the conspiracy to defraud the Rus-
creates considerable job opportunities the bill was ordered to be printed in sian Federation of taxes on corporate
in the service sector for Marylanders the RECORD, as follows: profits through fraudulent transactions
with disabilities. S. 1036 and lawsuits against Hermitage, and
However, there is a growing trend Be it enacted by the Senate and House of for other gross violations of human
among Federal facilities that is Representatives of the United States of America rights in the Russian Federation, and
undoing the progress that the in Congress assembled, for other purposes; to the Committee
AbilityOne Program has made and in SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE.
on Foreign Relations.
turn is contributing to the growth of This Act may be cited as the ‘‘AbilityOne Mr. CARDIN. Mr. President, I rise
unemployment for Americans with dis- Improvements Act’’.
today to introduce the Sergei
abilities. The bill Senator VITTER and I SEC. 2. APPLICABILITY OF JAVITS-WAGNER-
Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability
are introducing today aims to address Act of 2011.
Section 585(a) of title 40, United States
this problem. While this bill bears Sergei
Code, is amended by adding at the end the
More and more Federal facilities are following: Magnitsky’s name in honor of his sac-
moving out of federally owned and op- ‘‘(3) APPLICABILITY OF JAVITS-WAGNER- rifice, the language addresses the over-
erated properties and into leased space O’DAY ACT.—A lease agreement for space all issue of the erosion of the rule of
in privately owned buildings and facili- under this section for the accommodation of law and human rights in Russia. It of-
ties. The General Services Administra- a federal agency as described in paragraph (1) fers hope to those who suffer in silence,
tion estimates that the Federal Gov- that is issued or renewed after the date of whose cases may be less known or not
ernment leases more than 7,300 build- enactment of this paragraph shall require
the federal agency, lessor, or property man-
known at all.
ings in more than 2,000 communities While there are many aspects of
ager to comply with provisions of the Javits-
across the country. When GSA has Wagner-O’Day Act (41 U.S.C. 46 et seq.) that Sergei’s and other tragic cases which
sought lease space in Maryland I have are applicable to federal buildings if— are difficult to pursue here in the
generally supported these moves. ‘‘(A) the lease is for 60 percent or more of United States, there are steps we can
Federally leased properties create the useable space on the property or im- take and an obvious and easy one is to
terrific economic opportunities for the provement in which 1 or more federal agen- deny the privilege of visiting our coun-
business districts they come to. Feder- cies are to be accommodated, as determined try to individuals involved in gross vio-
ally leased properties bring revenues by the Administrator; or lations of human rights. Visas are
for State and local governments, in- ‘‘(B) the federal agency to be accommo-
dated under the lease is, as of the date of the
privileges not rights and we must be
crease the tax base of the regions they willing to see beyond the veil of sov-
lease, required to contract pursuant to that
come to and often provide the back- Act for services being transitioned to the ereignty that kleptocrats often hide
bone for small business growth and leased space.’’. behind. They do this by using courts,
consulting services around the feder- prosecutors, and police as instruments
ally leased facilities. By Mr. REID (for himself and Mr. of advanced corporate raiding and hope
The economic opportunities a Fed- MCCONNELL): outsiders are given pause by their offi-
eral lease on private real estate pro- S. 1038. A bill to extend the expiring cial trappings of office and lack of
vides for a community are great for ev- provisions of the USA PATRIOT Im- criminal records. Further, we must
eryone except for service workers with provement and Reauthorization Act of protect our strategic financial infra-
disabilities who are no longer helped by 2005 and the Intelligence Reform and structure from those who would use it
AbilityOne because federally leased Terrorism Prevention Act of 2004 until to launder or shelter ill-gotten gains.
space falls outside the scope of the Jav- June 1, 2015, and for other purposes; Despite occasional rhetoric from the
its-Wagner-O’Day Act. read twice. Kremlin, the Russian leadership has
As the law is written, Javits-Wagner- Mr. REID. Mr. President, I ask unan- failed to follow through with any
O’Day only applies to federally owned imous consent that the text of the bill meaningful action to stem rampant
and operated facilities. be printed in the RECORD. corruption or bring the perpetrators of
Our bill makes a simple and practical There being no objection, the text of numerous and high-profile human
fix to the Javits-Wagner-O’Day Act to the bill was ordered to be printed in rights abuses to justice.
apply the AbilityOne Program services the RECORD, as follows: My legislation simply says if you
to federally leased space. My bill states S. 1038 commit gross violations of human
that when the Federal Government oc- Be it enacted by the Senate and House of rights don’t expect to visit Disneyland,
cupies 60 percent or more of the usable Representatives of the United States of America Aspen, or South Beach and expect your
space within a private building or facil- in Congress assembled, accounts to be frozen if you bank with
ity that the Federal Government, the SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. us. This may not seem like much, but
lessor, or property manager must com- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘PATRIOT in Russia the richer and more powerful
ply with the service contract procure- Sunsets Extension Act of 2011’’. you get the more danger you are ex-
ment requirements of the Javits-Wag- SEC. 2. SUNSET EXTENSIONS. posed to from others harboring designs
smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with SENATE

on your fortune and future.

The Javits-Wagner-O’Day Act, and AUTHORIZATION ACT OF 2005.—Section 102(b)(1) Thus many are standing near the
the thousands of men and women who of the USA PATRIOT Improvement and Re-
doors and we can certainly close at
authorization Act of 2005 (Public Law 109–177;
have found employment opportunities least one of those doors. I know that
50 U.S.C. 1805 note, 50 U.S.C. 1861 note, and 50
through the AbilityOne Program, have U.S.C. 1862 note) is amended by striking others, especially in Europe and Can-
a proven track record of success in ‘‘May 27, 2011’’ and inserting ‘‘June 1, 2015’’. ada are working on similar sanctions.
terms of providing exceptional services (b) INTELLIGENCE REFORM AND TERRORISM I first learned about Sergei
and products for the Federal Govern- PREVENTION ACT OF 2004.—Section 6001(b)(1) Magnitsky while he was still alive

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when his client William Browder, CEO whose greed or cowardice has blinded the White House in 1999. On this ever-
of Hermitage Capital, testified at a them to their duties, an inspiration to present danger and demoralizer he cau-
hearing on Russia that I held as Chair- still greater integrity for those labor- tions us, ‘‘Indifference elicits no re-
man of the Commission on Security ing quietly in the mundane yet nec- sponse. Indifference is not a response.
and Cooperation in Europe in June essary tasks of life, and a comfort to Indifference is not a beginning, it is an
2009. those wrongly accused. end. And, therefore, indifference is al-
At the Helsinki Commission we hear The Wall Street Journal described ways the friend of the enemy, for it
so many heartbreaking stories of the Sergei Magnitsky’s death as a ‘‘slow- benefits the aggressor—never his vic-
human cost of trampling fundamental motion assassination,’’ while the Mos- tim, whose pain is magnified when he
freedoms and it’s a challenge not to cow Prison Oversight Committee called or she feels forgotten. The political
give up hope and yield to the tempta- it a ‘‘murder to conceal a fraud.’’ Pul- prisoner in his cell, the hungry chil-
tion of cynicism and become hardened itzer Prize-winning reporter Ellen dren, the homeless refugees—not to re-
to the suffering around us or to reduce Barry writing in the New York Times spond to their plight, not to relieve
a personal tragedy to yet another stated that, ‘‘Magnitsky’s death in pre- their solitude by offering them a spark
issue. While we use trends, numbers, trial detention at the age of 37 . . . of hope is to exile them from human
and statistics to help us understand sent shudders through Moscow’s elite. memory. And in denying their human-
and deal with human rights issues, we They saw him—a post-Soviet young ity we betray our own.’’
must never forget the face of the indi- urban professional, as someone uncom- Speaking of our humanity, I offer the
vidual person whose reality is the issue fortably like themselves.’’ following words as a contrast. They are
and the story of Sergei Magnitsky is as Outside the media, President of the from Russian playwright Mikhail
unforgettable as it is heartbreaking. European Parliament Jerzy Buzek Ugarov who created One Hour Eight-
Sergei Magnitsky was a young Rus- noted that ‘‘Sergei Magnitsky was a een, which is the exact amount of time
sian tax lawyer employed by an Amer- brave man, who in his fight against it took for Sergei Magnitsky to die in
ican law firm in Moscow who blew the corruption was unjustifiably impris- his isolation cell at Moscow’s
whistle on the largest known tax fraud oned under ruthless conditions and Matrosskaya Tishina prison. Ugarov
in Russian history. After discovering then died in jail without receiving ap- asks, ‘‘When a person puts on the uni-
this elaborate scheme, Sergei propriate medical care.’’ While Trans- form of a public prosecutor, the white
Magnitsky testified to the authorities parency International observed that, lab coat of a doctor, or the black robe
detailing the conspiracy to defraud the ‘‘Sergei did what to most people seems of a judge, does he or she inevitably
Russian people of approximately $230 impossible: he battled as a lone indi- lose their humanity? Do they lose their
million and naming the names of those vidual against the power of an entire ability to—even in a small way—
officials involved. Shortly after his tes- state. He believed in the rule of law empathize with a fellow human being?
timony, Sergei was arrested by subor- and integrity, and died for his belief.’’ In the case of Sergei Magnitsky, each
dinates of the very law enforcement of- One might have thought that after of the people who assumed these pro-
ficers he had implicated in this crime. the worldwide condemnation of Sergei fessional duties in the case left their
He was held in detention for nearly a Magnitsky’s arrest, torture, and death humanity behind.’’
year without trial under torturous con- in the custody, the Russian govern- The coming year will be a significant
ditions. He developed severe medical ment would have identified and pros- moment in the evolution of Russian
complications, which went deliberately ecuted those responsible for this hei- politics. With Duma elections sched-
untreated and he died in an isolation nous crime. Instead, the government uled for the end of 2011 and presidential
cell while prison doctors waited outside has not prosecuted a single person and elections for early 2012, there is an op-
his door on November 16, 2009. many of the key perpetrators went on portunity for the Russian government
Sadly, Sergei Magnitsky joins the to receive promotions and the highest to reverse what has been a steady tra-
ranks of a long list of Russian heroes state honors from the Russian Interior jectory away from the rule of law and
who lost their lives because they stood Ministry. Moreover, the officers in- respect for human rights and toward
up for principle and for truth. These volved feel such a sense of impunity authoritarianism.
ranks include Natalia Estemirova a that they are now using all instru- Private and even public expressions
brave human rights activist shot in the ments of the Russian state to pursue of concern are not a substitute for a
head and chest and stuffed into the and punish Magnitsky’s friends and real policy nor are they enough, it’s
trunk of a car, Anna Politkovskaya an colleagues who have been publicly time for consequences. The bill I intro-
intrepid reporter shot while coming fighting for justice in his case. duce today sends a strong message to
home with an arm full of groceries, and They have forced the American those who are currently acting with
too many others. founding partner of Magnitsky’s firm, impunity in Russia that there will be
Often in these killings there is a veil Jamison Firestone, to flee Russia in consequences for corruption should you
of plausible deniability, gunmen show fear for his safety in the months fol- wish to travel to and invest in the
up in the dark and slip away into the lowing his colleague’s death after United States. Such actions will pro-
shadows, but Sergei, in inhuman condi- learning that the same people were at- vide needed moral support for those in
tions, managed to document in 450 tempting to take control of an Amer- Russia doing the really heavy-lifting in
complaints exactly who bears responsi- ican client’s Russian companies and fighting corruption and promoting the
bility for his false arrest and death. We commit a similar fraud. And they have rule of law, but they will also protect
must honor his sacrifice and do all we used the same criminal case that was our own interests—values or business
can to learn from this tragedy that used to falsely arrest Magnitsky to in- related.
others may not share his fate. dict Sergei’s client Bill Browder. They We see before us a tale of two Rus-
Few are made in the mold of Sergei have opened up retaliatory criminal sias, the double headed eagle if you
Magnitsky, able to withstand barbaric cases against many of Hermitage’s em- will. To whom does the future of Rus-
deprivations and cruelty without ployees and all of its lawyers, who were sia belong? Does it belong to the
breaking and certainly none of us forced to leave Russia to save their Yevgenia Chirikovas, Alexey Navalnys,
would want to be put to the test. A own lives. These attacks have only in- Oleg Orlovs and countless other coura-
man of such character is fascinating tensified since my colleague and friend geous, hard working, and patriotic
and in some ways disquieting because Congressman JIM MCGOVERN intro- Russians who expose corruption and
we suspect deep down that we might
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duced the Justice for Sergei Magnitsky fight for human rights or those who in-
not have what it takes to stay loyal to Act of 2011, a similar measure in the habit the shadows abusing and stealing
the truth under such pressure. House of Representatives, last month. from their fellow citizens?
Magnitsky’s life and tragic death re- In the struggle for human rights we Let us not put aside our humanity
mind us all that some things are more must never be indifferent. On this out of exaggerated and excessively cau-
valuable than success, comfort, or even point, I am reminded of Elie Wiesel’s tious diplomatic concerns for the
life itself—truth is one of those things. hauntingly eloquent speech, The Perils broader relationship. Let us take the
May his example be a rebuke to those of Indifference which he delivered at long view and stand on the right side—

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and I believe the wise side—with the ruption in many public speeches, including influenced. Furthermore, senior officials of
Russian people who have suffered so stating in his 2009 address to Russia’s Fed- the Government of the Russian Federation
much for the cause of liberty and eral Assembly, ‘‘[Z]ero tolerance of corrup- have acknowledged that the arrest and im-
tion should become part of our national cul- prisonment of Khodorkovsky were politi-
human dignity. They are the ones who
ture. . . . In Russia we often say that there cally motivated.
daily risk their safety and freedom to are few cases in which corrupt officials are (14) According to Freedom House’s 2011 re-
promote those basic principles en- prosecuted. . . . [S]imply incarcerating a few port entitled ‘‘The Perpetual Battle: Corrup-
shrined in Russian law and many inter- will not resolve the problem. But incarcer- tion in the Former Soviet Union and the
national commitments including the ated they must be.’’. President Medvedev New EU Members’’, ‘‘[t]he highly publicized
Helsinki Final Act. They are the con- went on to say, ‘‘We shall overcome under- cases of Sergei Magnitsky, a 37-year-old law-
science of Russia. Let us tell them with development and corruption because we are a yer who died in pretrial detention in Novem-
one voice that they are not alone and strong and free people, and deserve a normal ber 2009 after exposing a multimillion-dollar
that concepts like the rule of law and life in a modern, prosperous democratic soci- fraud against the Russian taxpayer, and Mi-
ety.’’. Furthermore, President Medvedev has khail Khodorkovsky, the jailed business
human rights are not empty words for
acknowledged Russia’s disregard for the rule magnate and regime critic who was sen-
this body and for our government. I of law and used the term ‘‘legal nihilism’’ to tenced at the end of 2010 to remain in prison
urge my colleagues to support this bill. describe a criminal justice system that con- through 2017, put an international spotlight
I ask unanimous consent that the bill tinues to imprison innocent people. on the Russian state’s contempt for the rule
be printed in the RECORD. (8) The systematic abuse of Sergei of law. . . . By silencing influential and ac-
There being no objection, the text of Magnitsky, including his repressive arrest complished figures such as Khodorkovsky
the bill was ordered to be printed in and torture in custody by the same officers and Magnitsky, the Russian authorities have
the RECORD, as follows: of the Ministry of the Interior of the Russian made it abundantly clear that anyone in
S. 1039 Federation that Mr. Magnitsky had impli- Russia can be silenced.’’.
cated in the embezzlement of funds from the (15) Sergei Magnitsky’s experience, while
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep-
Russian Treasury and the misappropriation particularly illustrative of the negative ef-
resentatives of the United States of America in
of 3 companies from his client, Hermitage, fects of official corruption on the rights of
Congress assembled,
reflects how deeply the protection of human an individual citizen, appears to be emblem-
rights is affected by corruption. atic of a broader pattern of disregard for the
This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Sergei (9) The politically motivated nature of the
Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act numerous domestic and international human
persecution of Mr. Magnitsky is dem- rights commitments of the Russian Federa-
of 2011’’. onstrated by—
SEC. 2. FINDINGS. tion and impunity for those who violate
(A) the denial by all state bodies of the basic human rights and freedoms.
Congress finds the following: Russian Federation of any justice or legal
(1) The United States supports the people (16) The tragic and unresolved murders of
remedies to Mr. Magnitsky during the nearly Nustap Abdurakhmanov, Maksharip Aushev,
of the Russian Federation in their efforts to 12 full months he was kept without trial in
realize their full economic potential and to Natalya Estemirova, Akhmed
detention; and
advance democracy, human rights, and the Hadjimagomedov, Umar Israilov, Paul
(B) the impunity of state officials he testi-
rule of law. Klebnikov, Anna Politkovskaya, Saihadji
fied against for their involvement in corrup-
(2) The Russian Federation— Saihadjiev, and Magomed Y. Yevloyev, the
tion and the carrying out of his repressive
(A) is a member of the United Nations, the death in custody of Vera Trifonova, the dis-
persecution since his death.
Organization for Security and Co-operation appearances of Mokhmadsalakh Masaev and
(10) Mr. Magnitsky died on November 16,
in Europe, the Council of Europe, and the Said-Saleh Ibragimov, the torture of Ali
2009, at the age of 37, in Matrosskaya Tishina
International Monetary Fund; Israilov and Islam Umarpashaev, the near-
Prison in Moscow, Russia, and is survived by
(B) has ratified the Convention against fatal beatings of Mikhail Beketov, Oleg
a mother, a wife, and 2 sons.
Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or De- Kashin, Arkadiy Lander, and Mikhail
(11) The Public Oversight Commission of
grading Treatment or Punishment, the the City of Moscow for the Control of the Ob- Vinyukov, and the harsh and ongoing impris-
International Covenant on Civil and Polit- servance of Human Rights in Places of onment of Mikhail Khodorkovsky, Alexei
ical Rights, and the United Nations Conven- Forced Detention, an organization empow- Kozlov, Platon Lebedev, and Fyodor Mikheev
tion against Corruption; and ered by Russian law to independently mon- further illustrate the grave danger of expos-
(C) is bound by the legal obligations set itor prison conditions, concluded, ‘‘A man ing the wrongdoing of officials of the Gov-
forth in the European Convention on Human who is kept in custody and is being detained ernment of the Russian Federation, includ-
Rights. is not capable of using all the necessary ing Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov, or of
(3) States voluntarily commit themselves means to protect either his life or his health. seeking to obtain, exercise, defend, or pro-
to respect obligations and responsibilities This is a responsibility of a state which mote internationally recognized human
through the adoption of international agree- holds him captive. Therefore, the case of rights and freedoms.
ments and treaties, which must be observed Sergei Magnitsky can be described as a SEC. 3. DEFINITIONS.
in good faith in order to maintain the sta- breach of the right to life. The members of In this Act:
bility of the international order. Human the civic supervisory commission have (1) ADMITTED; ALIEN.—The terms ‘‘admit-
rights are an integral part of international reached the conclusion that Magnitsky had ted’’ and ‘‘alien’’ have the meanings given
law, and lie at the foundation of the inter- been experiencing both psychological and those terms in section 101 of the Immigra-
national order. The protection of human physical pressure in custody, and the condi- tion and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1101).
rights, therefore, particularly in the case of tions in some of the wards of Butyrka can be (2) APPROPRIATE CONGRESSIONAL COMMIT-
a country that has incurred obligations to justifiably called torturous. The people re- TEES.—The term ‘‘appropriate congressional
protect human rights under an international sponsible for this must be punished.’’. committees’’ means—
agreement to which it is a party, is not left (12) According to the Financial Times, ‘‘A (A) the Committee on Financial Services,
exclusively to the internal affairs of that commission appointed by President Dmitry the Committee on Foreign Affairs, and the
country. Medvedev has found that Russian police fab- Committee on the Judiciary of the House of
(4) Good governance and anti-corruption ricated charges against an anti-corruption Representatives; and
measures are instrumental in the protection lawyer [Sergei Magnitsky], whose death in (B) the Committee on Banking, Housing,
of human rights and in achieving sustainable prison in 2009 has come to symbolise perva- and Urban Affairs, the Committee on For-
economic growth, which benefits both the sive corruption in Russian law enforce- eign Relations, and the Committee on the
people of the Russian Federation and the ment.’’. Judiciary of the Senate.
international community through the cre- (13) The second trial and verdict against (3) FINANCIAL INSTITUTION; DOMESTIC FINAN-
ation of open and transparent markets. former Yukos executives Mikhail CIAL AGENCY; DOMESTIC FINANCIAL INSTITU-
(5) Systemic corruption erodes trust and Khodorkovsky and Platon Lebedev evokes TION.—The terms ‘‘financial institution’’,
confidence in democratic institutions, the serious concerns about the right to a fair ‘‘domestic financial agency’’, and ‘‘domestic
rule of law, and human rights protections. trial and the independence of the judiciary in financial institution’’ have the meanings
This is the case when public officials are al- the Russian Federation. The lack of credible given those terms in section 5312 of title 31,
lowed to abuse their authority with impu- charges, intimidation of witnesses, viola- United States Code.
nity for political or financial gains in collu- tions of due process and procedural norms, (4) UNITED STATES PERSON.—The term
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sion with private entities. falsification or withholding of documents, ‘‘United States person’’ means—
(6) The Russian nongovernmental organiza- denial of attorney-client privilege, and ille- (A) a United States citizen or an alien law-
tion INDEM has estimated that corruption gal detention in the Yukos case are highly fully admitted for permanent residence to
amounts to hundreds of billions of dollars a troubling. The Council of Europe, Freedom the United States; or
year, an increasing share of the gross domes- House, and Amnesty International, among (B) an entity organized under the laws of
tic product of the Russian Federation. others, have concluded that they were the United States or of any jurisdiction
(7) The President of the Russian Federa- charged and imprisoned in a process that did within the United States, including a foreign
tion, Dmitry Medvedev, has addressed cor- not follow the rule of law and was politically branch of such an entity.

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SEC. 4. IDENTIFICATION OF PERSONS RESPON- vestigate money laundering relating to the section 4(a) have been added to the list re-
SIBLE FOR THE DETENTION, ABUSE, conspiracy described in section 4(a)(1)(C). If quired by that section during the year pre-
AND DEATH OF SERGEI MAGNITSKY, the Secretary of the Treasury makes a deter- ceding the report; and
mination under section 5318A of title 31, (B) if few or no such persons have been
CERTAIN CORPORATE PROFITS, AND United States Code, with respect to such added to that list during that year, the rea-
OTHER GROSS VIOLATIONS OF money laundering, the Secretary of the sons for not adding more such persons to the
HUMAN RIGHTS. Treasury shall instruct domestic financial list; and
(a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 90 days institutions and domestic financial agencies (2) efforts to encourage the governments of
after the date of the enactment of this Act, to take 1 or more special measures described other countries to impose sanctions that are
the Secretary of State, in consultation with in section 5318A(b) of such title. similar to the sanctions imposed under this
the Secretary of the Treasury, shall publish (b) FREEZING OF ASSETS.—The Secretary of Act.
a list of each person the Secretary of State the Treasury shall freeze and prohibit all
has reason to believe— transactions in all property and interests in By Mr. LIEBERMAN (for himself
(1)(A) is responsible for the detention, property of a person that are in the United and Mr. MCCAIN):
abuse, or death of Sergei Magnitsky; States, that come within the United States, S. 1040. A bill to enhance public safe-
(B) participated in efforts to conceal the or that are or come within the possession or
ty by making more spectrum available
legal liability for the detention, abuse, or control of a United States person if the per-
son— to public safety entities, to facilitate
death of Sergei Magnitsky; or the development of a public safety
(C) committed those frauds discovered by (1) is on the list required by section 4(a); or
(2) acts as an agent of or on behalf of a per- broadband network, to provide stand-
Sergei Magnitsky, including conspiring to
defraud the Russian Federation of taxes on son on that list in a matter relating to the ards for the spectrum needs of public
corporate profits through fraudulent trans- activity for which the person was added to safety entities, and for other purposes;
actions and lawsuits against the foreign in- that list. to the Committee on Commerce,
(c) WAIVER FOR NATIONAL INTERESTS.—The Science, and Transportation.
vestment company known as Hermitage and
Secretary of the Treasury may waive the ap-
to misappropriate entities owned or con- Mr. LIEBERMAN. Mr. President, I
plication of subsection (a) or (b) if the Sec-
trolled by Hermitage; or
retary determines that such a waiver is in rise today, with my colleague Senator
(2) is responsible for extrajudicial killings, MCCAIN, to introduce legislation to en-
the national interests of the United States.
torture, or other gross violations of human sure that we take advantage of a once-
Upon granting such a waiver, the Secretary
rights committed against individuals seek- shall provide to the appropriate congres- in-a-lifetime opportunity to build a
ing— sional committees notice of, and a justifica- coast-to-coast communications net-
(A) to expose illegal activity carried out by tion for, the waiver.
officials of the Government of the Russian work for our Nation’s first responders
(d) ENFORCEMENT.— that is secure, interoperable and resil-
Federation; or (1) PENALTIES.—A person that violates, at-
(B) to obtain, exercise, defend, or promote tempts to violate, conspires to violate, or
internationally recognized human rights and causes a violation of this section or any reg-
As it stands now, the mobile device
freedoms, such as the freedoms of religion, ulation, license, or order issued to carry out the average teenager carries has more
expression, association, and assembly and this section shall be subject to the penalties capability than those of the men and
the rights to a fair trial and democratic elec- set forth in subsections (b) and (c) of section women who put their lives on the line
tions. 206 of the International Emergency Eco- for us each and every day and that is
(b) UPDATES.—The Secretary of State shall nomic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1705) to the just wrong.
update the list required by subsection (a) as same extent as a person that commits an un- Today, we introduce the Broadband
new information becomes available. lawful act described in subsection (a) of such
(c) NOTICE.—The Secretary of State shall— for First Responders Act of 2011, which
section. will set aside the so-called D Block of
(1) to the extent practicable, provide no- (2) REQUIREMENTS FOR FINANCIAL INSTITU-
tice and an opportunity for a hearing to a spectrum for public safety entities and
person before the person is added to the list (A) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 120 days provide them the bandwidth they need
required by subsection (a); and after the date of the enactment of this Act, to communicate effectively in an emer-
(2) remove a person from the list if the per- the Secretary of the Treasury shall prescribe gency. Companion legislation has been
son demonstrates to the satisfaction of the regulations to require each financial institu- introduced in the House of Representa-
Secretary that the person did not engage in tion that is a United States person— tives by Representatives PETER T. KING
the activity for which the person was added (i) to perform an audit of the assets within
to the list.
and BENNIE G. THOMPSON, the Chair-
the possession or control of the financial in- man and Ranking Member of the House
(d) REQUESTS BY MEMBERS OF CONGRESS.— stitution to determine whether any of such
Not later than 30 days after receiving a writ- Committee on Homeland Security.
assets are required to be frozen pursuant to I am proud to stand with the rep-
ten request from a Member of Congress with subsection (b); and
respect to whether a person meets the cri- (ii) to submit to the Secretary—
resentatives of more than 40 organiza-
teria for being added to the list required by (I) a report containing the results of the tions representing public safety offi-
subsection (a), the Secretary of State shall audit; and cials, and with the ‘‘Big 7’’ associations
inform that Member of the determination of (II) a certification that, to the best of the representing State and local govern-
the Secretary with respect to whether or not knowledge of the financial institution, the ments, to call on Congress to put the D
that person meets those criteria. financial institution has frozen all assets Block in the hands of public safety.
SEC. 5. INADMISSIBILITY OF CERTAIN ALIENS. within the possession or control of the finan- Those groups include the International
(a) INELIGIBILITY FOR VISAS.—An alien is cial institution that are required to be frozen
ineligible to receive a visa to enter the Association of Chiefs of Police, the
pursuant to subsection (b).
United States and ineligible to be admitted International Association of Fire
(B) PENALTIES.—The penalties provided for
to the United States if the alien is on the list in sections 5321(a) and 5322 of title 31, United Chiefs, the National Sheriffs Associa-
required by section 4(a). States Code, shall apply to a financial insti- tion, the Major Cities Chiefs Associa-
(b) CURRENT VISAS REVOKED.—The Sec- tution that violates a regulation prescribed tion, the Major County Sheriffs Asso-
retary of State shall revoke, in accordance under subparagraph (A) in the same manner ciation, the Metropolitan Fire Chiefs
with section 221(i) of the Immigration and and to the same extent as such penalties Association, the Association of Public-
Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1201(i)), the visa or would apply to any person that is otherwise Safety Communications Officials—
other documentation of any alien who would subject to such section 5321(a) or 5322.
be ineligible to receive such a visa or docu- International, APCO International, the
mentation under subsection (a). retary of the Treasury shall issue such regu- National Emergency Management As-
(c) WAIVER FOR NATIONAL INTERESTS.—The lations, licenses, and orders as are necessary sociation, the National Association of
Secretary of State may waive the applica- to carry out this section. State EMS Officials, the National Gov-
tion of subsection (a) or (b) in the case of an SEC. 7. REPORT TO CONGRESS. ernors Association, the National Con-
alien if the Secretary determines that such a Not later than 180 days after the date of ference of State Legislatures, the
waiver is in the national interests of the the enactment of this Act, and annually
smartinez on DSKB9S0YB1PROD with SENATE

Council of State Governments, the Na-

United States. Upon granting such a waiver, thereafter, the Secretary of State and the
the Secretary shall provide to the appro-
tional Association of Counties, the Na-
Secretary of the Treasury shall submit to
priate congressional committees notice of, tional League of Cities, the U.S. Con-
the appropriate congressional committees a
and a justification for, the waiver. report on— ference of Mayors, and the Inter-
SEC. 6. FINANCIAL MEASURES. (1) the actions taken to carry out this Act, national City/County Management As-
(a) SPECIAL MEASURES.—Not later than 120 including— sociation.
days after the date of the enactment of this (A) the number of times and the cir- I am pleased that President Obama
Act, the Secretary of the Treasury shall in- cumstances in which persons described in has pledged his commitment to reserve

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