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Teaching science with case studies: A national survey of faculty perceptions of

the benefits and challenges of using cases

Article  in  Journal of College Science Teaching · January 2007


120 5,184

7 authors, including:

Aman Yadav Mary Lundeberg

Michigan State University Ringling College of Art and Design


Mike Deschryver Nancy Schiller

Central Michigan University University at Buffalo, The State University of New York


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Teaching Science With Case Studies:
A National Survey of Faculty Perceptions of
the Benefits and Challenges of Using Cases
By Aman Yadav, Mary Lundeberg,Michael DeSchryver,Kathryn Dirkin,
Nancy A. Schiller,Kimberly Maier,and Clyde Freeman Herreid

To understandmore aboutfaculty per- One effort to improve the teach- student learning, critical thinking, and
ceptions of the instructionalbenefits of ing and learning of science involves motivation? and (2) what do science
and barriers to using case studies, we instruction through the use of case- faculty think are the main obstacles to
surveyed 101 sciencefacultyat universi- based methods and problem-based implementing case-based instruction
ties andcolleges in the UnitedStates and learning. Case-based instructional in their own teaching?
Canada. The resultsprovided evidence methods use realistic or true narra-
that, overall, faculty think cases have tives to provide opportunities for Methodology
a positive impact on student learning, students to integrate multiple sources Participants
criticalthinking, andparticipation. of information in an authentic context, Participants were drawn from fac-
often engaging students with ethical ulty who attended one of the training
and societal problems related to their workshops and conferences conduct-
n recent years, a number of National discipline (Dori, Tal, and Tsaushu ed by the National Center for Case
Science Foundation and National 2003; Herreid 1994; Lundeberg, Study Teaching in Science in 2005.
Research Council reports have Levin, and Harrington 1999). Prob- Of the 101 faculty who completed the
advocated the need to improve lem-based learning is a kind of case- online survey, 83% were Caucasian,
undergraduate science instruction and based instruction that focuses on di- 7% African American, 3% Asian
enhance science literacy for all students lemmas in multidisciplinary contexts, American, and 7% Pacific Islander.
(e.g., NRC 1996; 2002). Many under- and uses cooperative-learning groups Sixty-four percent of respondents
graduates, especially women and tradi- to engage students in self-directed were women. Participants came from
tionally underrepresented groups, avoid study. Although such methods are 23 states, with Arizona and Michigan
higher-level science and mathematics used in some university-level courses having the highest levels of compara-
courses. Students who have switched in the fields of science, mathematics, tive participation. The majority of the
from science and mathematics majors and education, and individual faculty faculty taught at the university level
in college report "poor teaching by have written about their use (e.g., Her- (only 4% were high school teachers),
faculty" as a significant reason for reid 1994), relatively little research and less than half of the faculty had
switching (Seymour and Hewitt 1997). has examined whether or how these tenure (17.6 % were lecturers, 36.5%
Examples of poor teaching in science case-based teaching approaches are were assistant professors, 23% were
at the undergraduate level include an being utilized, what science faculty associate professors, and 19% were
emphasis on memorizing facts, lack think the benefits are of case-based professors). Twenty-eight percent
of application of concepts, dullness, instruction on student outcomes, or of the respondents were relatively
and failure to encourage connections what challenges faculty face when new faculty, having taught 5 years
among concepts (Kardash and Wal- implementing cases in their own or less; 25% had taught 6-10 years;
lace 2001). Aikenhead (2006) argues teaching (Lundeberg, Levin, and Har- 30% had taught 11-20 years; and
that one of the failures of traditional rington 1999). 17% were very experienced, having
science curricula is that "students tend Our purpose in conducting a taught over 20 years. The faculty
not to learn science content meaning- national survey was to investigate the represented a diversity of science
fully (i.e., they do not integrate it into contexts of using case studies in sci- disciplines, with biological sciences
their everyday thinking)." The lack ence courses as well as faculty percep- (44%) and psychology (7%) reported
of relevance to the everyday world in tions of the benefits and challenges of most often. Twenty-three of the sur-
traditional science curriculum has led using them. Specifically, our research vey participants attended a two-day
to declining student enrollment and questions in this study were (1) what conference, 65 attended a five-day
disenchantment with science (Aiken- are science faculty's perceptions of the seminar, and five attended both (eight
head 2006). benefits of case-based instruction on did not respond to this question).

34 TheJournal of College Science Teaching

More than half of the faculty (55%) student discussion, or small-group Instructionalbenefits
work"). In addition to the Likert-scale The data related to the respondents'
had not used cases in their teaching
items, the survey included open-ended perceived instructional benefits to
prior to attending one of these train-
short-response questions for faculty to students are illustrated in Figures 1-3.
ing opportunities; however, a vast
share their experiences using cases in (Note: Percentages in the following
majority (84%) used cases in the year
following their training. their teaching. Finally, demographic figures do not add to 100% because
information was collected, such as percentages of participants who
the subject matter taught, the level of reported "Neutral" are not shown.
Survey instrument
classes taught, gender, ethnicity, years For items showing only "Agree" in
The final survey was developed based
of teaching, and state or country of the figures, remaining participants
on a review of the relevant literature
residence. The overall reliability (i.e., reported "Neutral.")
and a pilot survey. The literature
Cronbach's alpha of the instrument) As shown in Figure 1, faculty
review included 59 articles from
was 0.83. believed that students' critical think-
peer-reviewed journals related to the
ing increased and their understand-
advantages and disadvantages of case-
Procedure ing deepened when learning via
based instruction and problem-based
One hundred and thirty-nine science case-based instruction. The faculty
learning. An open-ended pilot survey
faculty from 23 states and Canada reported that students in classes using
was given to 152 science faculty who
were invited by e-mail to complete case studies demonstrated stronger
had attended the National Center
an online survey to assess their critical-thinking skills (88.8%), were
for Case Study Teaching in Science
perceptions of the impact of using able to make connections across
workshops in prior years. Research-
case studies and their experiences in multiple content areas (82.6%), and
based principles aggregated from the
teaching with cases. A hyperlink to developed a deeper understanding of
existing literature and responses from
the online survey was embedded in concepts (90.1%). Most of the faculty
the pilot survey were used to develop
the e-mail. One week after the first also agreed that when they used case-
Likert-scale questions for the final
e-mail was sent, a second reminder study teaching, students were better
survey. The survey was then piloted
e-mail message was sent to those who able to view an issue from multiple
with six science faculty to assess the
had not yet completed the survey. A perspectives (91.3%). Open-ended
clarity of the questions; as a result,
third e-mail reminder was sent two answers in the survey corroborate
those that were unnecessary or un-
weeks after to those who still had not these findings that faculty believed
clear were removed or revised.
completed the survey. The final fol- cases helped students connect better
The first page of the online survey
low-up was four weeks after the initial to textbook readings and gain a deeper
asked participants whether they had
e-mail to the participants who had not understanding for why certain statis-
used cases prior and/or subsequent to
completed the survey. This yielded tical procedures were used. Faculty
attending the workshop. Subsequent
the 73% response rate obtained (101 also reported that students would ex-
pages of the survey followed a branch-
participants). tend their case-related research efforts
ing design. For example, ifparticipants
beyond class requirements and even
had not used cases after attending the
Results enrich discussions in other classes.
workshop, they were redirected to the
Use of cases Stated succinctly, one wrote, "I enjoy
demographic portion of the survey.
The participants who had used cases Prior to attending a seminar or confer- having students think critically and
ence on case-study teaching in science, evaluate real data."
in their teaching after attending the
fewer than half of the respondents used As shown in Figure 2, some of
workshop answered additional ques-
case studies. Afterward, 84% reported the potential negative reactions to
tions regarding their experience with
using case studies in teaching. Most case-based learning were refuted by
case-based instruction. They were Although content cov-
(88%) of these faculty used between one this study.
asked about their perceptions of the
and five cases per semester (47% used erage remained about the same,
influence of case-based teaching on students retained
only one or two cases), and a few (12%) faculty reported that
student learning (e.g., "Students have did as well on tests using
used six or more cases per semester. The more and
a better grasp of the practical applica- majority of the
majority ofthese cases took one class pe- case instruction. The
tion of core course concepts"), critical disagreed with the statement
riod or less to complete (66%), and 33% faculty
thinking (e.g., "Students make connec-
tions across multiple content areas"), took two to five class periods. Only 1% that students using cases retained less
of respondents used cases that spanned from class (87.5%) and that students
participation (e.g., "Students take a
more than five class periods. Faculty did worse on tests (65.1%). Instead,
more active part in the learning pro-
were generally writing their own cases faculty reported that students had a
cess when they use case studies"), and
(58%) or modifying cases (35%), and better grasp of the practical applica-
whether they encountered any obsta-
only a few (7%) found, rather than wrote tions of core course concepts when
cles to implementing case-based teach-
or modified, the cases they used. learning via case-based instruction
ing (e.g., "Assessing student learning,

September/October 2007 35
Stdn erigpretin:Ciia hnig
:• >;•I•!g
m i if • vi ii ii ! F ! ii l] ii i " ii ' i > •
attend class more when cases are used
(Hoag, Lillie, and Hoppe 2005).

Students are better able t

to - Obstacles to implementing
%%wan Issue torn multip
case-study teaching
The data related to potential obstacles
Student deelop•a deev
understanding of concepi
Srhthat respondents experienced are il-
1 lustrated in Figure 4. Faculty reported
Students demonstrai lack of preparation time as one of the
stronier cdittcaJ thinking skill
main obstacles to case-study teaching,
Students rnake connection a
with only 21.3% faculty reporting that
acroes multiple content area they experienced no difficulty with
preparation time; 34% of the faculty
Students haw Increased the ,r reported slight difficulty; 38.3% re-
discussion of ethical issue S
i ported moderate difficulty; and 6.4%
Students haw diilult
maling connections scros reported severe difficulty with the
multiple content aee "" lack of preparation time required for
o 20 40 0e
Susing cases in teaching. Sixty-eight
80 100 percent of respondents also reported
PbiwsagneeEAgr7ee some difficulty in assessing student
learning with the case method. Two
of the free-response comments re-
flected these two concerns precisely.
(91.3%; Figure 3). (Comments from case-study approach. I feel that stu- One faculty noted that the "biggest
the open-ended que stions described dents really want the ability to interact challenge is developing objective
how students appreciated the real- in the classroom-they want to be assessment tools for evaluating stu-
world relevance of case studies: "Al- given the opportunity to participate." dents' learning/work on case studies,
most all case studies in class helped However, it is interesting to note that because it involves multiple layers:
them learn the fundatmental material 55% of the faculty were neutral and individual preparation, group partici-
and also see better how chemistry 17.5% of the faculty disagreed when pation, group productivity, individual
worked in real syst ems." One fac- asked if attendance increased on the productivity." Another stated, "I know
ulty member also coommented that days when cases were used. This it's an excellent way to approach
although students sai d they preferred finding is contrary to other research teaching and learning, but I still have
lecture, their perfor mance on tests that has shown that students tend to difficulty finding time to plan and
when case study was used was much
better. When asked whether more E ý
. ... I) ..
content was covered in their class-
room when using cases, only 18.8%
of the faculty agreed, while 33.8%
were neutral and 47.6% disagreed. Students retain less from 1
As shown in Figure 3, faculty
believed that student participation Students feelthat what they
are learningIs not applicable
increased when using case studies to ther field of study

in their classroom. The overwhelm-

Students do wome on tests
ing majority of the faculty (95.1%)
agreed that students took an active
Students feel that they are not
part in the learning process when coverng enough
they used case studies and that stu-
dents did not encounter any difficulty Students are fkstrated by
working in small groups (65.1%). The
majority (93.8%) of the faculty using Students Ind the onmnat
case-study teaching also agreed that
students were more engaged in the
0 20 40 s0 80 100
class when using cases. One faculty
member wrote, "Students become 10DIsagree MAgree
much more involved when I use a

36 Te Journal of College Science Teaching

Teaching Science With Case Studies

FIGURE 3 This national survey of faculty experi-
Student learning perceptions: Participation. ences using the case-study method of
teaching in science adds to the litera-
Wtudet e
mcv ctivk
takin rM ture by providing data on the context of
pailk hetenk•g ocs
wt,hi they use cemestuds
case use, as well as faculty perceptions
of the benefits and challenges in using
Studets awemwr ewVaged in cases to teach science. The findings
of this survey provide evidence that
case-based instruction is generally
perceived by faculty to be a teaching
corn coume concepts
practice that can address many of the
problems commonly associated with
teaching undergraduate science. For
example, the faculty believed that as a
hxwun•,tis str9ims result of using cases students increased
critical thinking, made better connec-
0 20 4tions across multiple content areas, had
Percent a better grasp of the practical applica-
tions of core concepts, and were better
able to view an issue from multiple
perspectives. These survey results also
giving up 'amount of content."' Lack still adapting to teaching with cases, indicate that case-based instruction is
of relevant case stucdies was another which may have led to more uncer- consistent with the National Research
main obstacle that faculty reported tainty in the classroom for students. Council (1996) principle that learning
in using case studie s, with 58.4% of Little resistance from colleagues science should be active, involving
the faculty experie ncing moderate- was reported, as only 34% ofrespondents "minds-on" experiences in which
to-severe difficulty because of lack noted slight-to-moderate difficulty from students are engaged and interact with
of relevant case studlies. this. Resistance from administrators to teachers and peers.
Forty-nine perc ent of the faculty their using the case-study approach was Most of the obstacles reported
reported slight-to-in oderate difficulty not an obstacle, as 91.5% of the faculty by faculty, while telling, are not in-
from student resistaince. Sixty percent reported no such difficulty in implement- surmountable barriers to using case-
2l•n indicated that s•tudents found the ;nn e-p _Qhddvtpe9hing based instruction in the classroom.
case format challenging, while 52.6%
agreed that students were frustrated FIGURE4
by the perceived ambiguity using Top five obstacles faculty encounter. (Note:For' 'Severe" percentages, partici-
cases; however, only 5% and 8.8%, pants indicated experiencing severe difficulty.)
respectively, within these two groups
had severe difficulty. Free responses
Lck e•tin me I.
reflected these contrasting experi- euired br your use of cases
ences as well. While some described
students who responded to case A ssswdent or sme_
studer discussiawn
studies "very positively" and "quite
receptively," others found students to
be "reluctant to try something new" or A tuckef mWmeetCOSA
demonstrating "a lack of enthusiasm
with some of the cases." This ambigu- StuhXW
ity may be related to the comments me shady approach to
indicating that students preferred
lecture even when they performed s cr
better on tests of case-based material;
we speculate that the integrated nature
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
of case-based instruction may be more
difficult for students, especially if it is
new to them. It is also likely that many IoNDwa* msweDci

faculty involved in this survey were

September/October 2007 37
Teaching Science With Case Studies

In fact, it would be expected that classes that used the case method and 2005. Piloting case-based instruc-
increased use of case-based instruc- their choice of majors, and comparing tion in a didactic clinical immunol-
tion would serve to minimize these that data to students who have not had ogy course. ClinicalLaboratory
obstacles. For instance, concerns case-based science courses, may pro- Science 18 (4): 213-20.
about lack of preparation time with a vide empirical evidence of whether Kardash, C.M., and M.L. Wallace.
new teaching practice are not surpris- these methods impact persistence in 2001. The perceptions of science
ing. As well, although nearly 60% of science education. classes survey: What undergraduate
faculty indicated a lack of relevant More broadly, further research
case studies as an obstacle, as more science reform efforts really need
that specifically assesses the impact to address. Journalof Educational
faculty use cases and make them of case-based instruction on student Psychology 93 (1): 199-210. I
available to others, this will be less learning is needed, since there has Lundeberg, M.A., B.B. Levin, and
of a problem in the future. Finally, been little empirical research in this
as students experience more classes H.L. Harrington. 1999. Where do
area (Lundeberg and Yadav 2006). we go from here? Reflections on
that utilize the case method and be- Future research needs to explore this methodologies and future direc-
come more familiar with case-based phenomenon by using assessment tions. In Who learnswhatfrom cas-
learning environments, the perceived measures that directly evaluate student es and how: The research basefor
student concerns with ambiguity of learning from cases. Such measures of teaching and learning with cases,
expectations and resistance to its use assessment may include near- and eds. M.A. Lundeberg, B.B. Levin,
may decrease. far-transfer tasks that ask students to and H. Harrington. Mahwah, NJ:
The results reported in this paper use principles learned from the study Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
are limited in terms of the influence of cases in other novel situations, and
of case-based teaching practices on Lundeberg, M.A., and A. Yadav. 2006.
should integrate existing research Assessment of case study teaching:
student learning, as the data reflect that has demonstrated that open- Where do we go from here? Part I.
faculty perceptions only, and no mea- ended assessment is more effective
sures were intended to assess student Journalof College Science Teach-
in measuring learning outcomes from ing 35 (5): 10-13.
learning. Moreover, although the case-based instruction than standard- National Research Council (NRC).
survey provides evidence that case- ized assessments (Dochy et al. 2003). 1996. National science education
based instruction may be effective in a Finally, given that collaborative learn-
variety of learning areas (e.g., critical standards. Washington, DC: Na-
ing is often an essential ingredient tional Academy Press.
thinking and deeper understanding), in the use of case-based instruction, National Research Council (NRC).
it does not provide insights as to investigations that examine the most 4
2002. Investigating the influence
why this may be so, or what specific effective size of student groupings of standards. Washington, DC:
characteristics of case-based teach- when using case-based instruction
ing practice may produce increased National Academy Press.
would be informative. m Seymour, E., and N.M. Hewitt. 1997.
learning in students. Another potential
limitation of this survey is that all sur- Talking about leaving: Why under-
References graduates leave science. Boulder,
vey respondents had self-selected into Aikenhead, G.S. 2006. Science educa-
workshops or conferences in which CO: Westview Press.
tion for everyday life: Evidence-
the goal was to learn about and begin basedpractices.New York: Teach- Aman Yadav(amanyadav@purdue.edu)isan
to integrate case-based instruction ers College Press. assistantprofessorin the Departmentof Edu-
into their own teaching. Dochy, E, M. Segers, P. Van den Bos- cationalStudies at Purdue University in West
The next steps in this particular sche, and D. Gijbels. 2003. Effects Lafayette, Indiana.Mary Lundeberg is a pro-
line of inquiry should involve exam- ofproblem-based learning: A meta- fessorinthe DepartmentofTeacherEducation
ining whether these methods may analysis. Learningand Instruction andMichaelDeSchryverandKathrynDirkin
serve to decrease the number of disen- are doctoralstudents in the EducationalPsy-
13 (5): 533-68.
chanted science students and increase chologyandEducationalTechnologyprogram
Dori, Y, R. Tal, and M. Tsaushu. 2003. at Michigan State University in East Lansing,
student persistence in science majors. Teaching biotechnology through Michigan. Nancy A. Schiller is the engineer-
In addition, focus groups or inter- case studies-Can we improve ing librarianand co-directorof the National
views would be helpful in obtaining a higher order thinking skills of Center for Case Study Teaching in Science at
more in-depth qualitative perspective nonscience majors. ScienceEduca- the UniversityatBuffalo.KimberlyiMaieris an
from both faculty and students, and tion 87 (6): 767-93. assistantprofessor in the Measurement and
may begin to provide insights into the Herreid, C.F. 1994. Case studies in Quantitative Methods program at Michigan
specific elements of cases that lead to science: A novel method in science State University. Clyde Freeman Herreidis a
increased learning in various areas. education. Journalof College Sci- distinguishedteachingprofessorintheDepart-
Finally, gathering data about students ment of BiologicalSciences andco-directorof
ence Teaching 23 (4): 221-29. theNationalCenterforCaseStudy Teaching in
who have taken introductory science Hoag, K., J. Lillie, and R. Hoppe. Science at the University at Buffalo.

38 TheJournal of College Science Teaching


TITLE: Teaching Science With Case Studies: A National Survey

of Faculty Perceptions of the Benefits and Challenges of
Using Cases
SOURCE: J Coll Sci Teach 37 no1 S/O 2007

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