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Pride Sample

These three images represent what I am the most proud of. The first
Image I am proud of because My senior year of high school soccer I got
MVP and 1st team CCC. I have worked very hard everyday at practice and
during the games to prove i can achieve my goals. It is one of my biggest
accomplishments as I dream of once playing at the highest level. The
second image I am proud of is having a relationship with one of the
greatest people I have ever met. We have been dating for over 2 years
now. It has been one of the best 2 years i've ever had. The Third Image I
am proud of my family, My parents and my sister for always being there for
me and always making sure everything is okay and making sure they put
food for all of us every day.They are supportive in anything I do, they are
loving,caring,smart and jokesters. I couldn't be any prouder of my family for
everything they have done.

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