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Indicators in Public Policy

Chapter · January 2021

DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-31816-5_3762-1


1 158

1 author:

Paulo de Martino Jannuzzi

Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics


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Indicators in Public Policy, objectively estimate the availability of public/

Brazil private goods/services in a given location. Like
photographs, social, economic, and environmen-
Paulo Jannuzzi tal indicators are approximate images of reality,
National School of Statistics, Rio de Janeiro, that is, they are simplified representations of it, the
Brazil better the more specific the aspects of interest in
Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statisticas, portraying and the more reliable and accurate the
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil information used to calculate the measurements.
Like seismographs, policy or project indicators
inform the dynamics of the actions triggered by
Synonyms the promoting agents and their potential effects.
Expressed as rates, indices, percentages or
Data and information; Evidences; Public statistics absolute data, indicators make up the information
framework that Lindblom (1993) highlights in his
analysis of the decision-making process in public
Introduction policies in democratic contexts. Indicators reduce
uncertainties, assist in the debate with society,
Indicator is a measure, in general, quantitative, subsidize decisions that are inexorably political
used to measure, approximate, or translate aspects with technical information. These data subsidize
of social, economic, or environmental reality or government planning activities in different
used to quantify the effort of allocating resources spheres of government; they make it possible for
or producing goods and services by public/private the public authorities and civil society to monitor
organizations (United Nations 1989). Labor the living conditions and well-being improve-
income, infant mortality rate, gross domestic ment; they allow the deepening of academic
product, and rate of forest deforestation are, in research on changes in society and to investigate
this sense, indicators as they translate into tangible the determinants of the different phenomena that
and operational figures, relevant, specific, and occur in it (Haupt and Kane 2000).
dynamic dimensions of the reality that surrounds Building an indicator involves a complex
us. Hospital beds per thousand inhabitants, aver- methodological operation that begins with an
age daily caloric consumption, number of benefi- effort to clarify or objectify the concept or public
ciaries of social protection programs, percentage action of interest. Living conditions, labor pro-
of households with access to basic sanitation are ductivity, environmental sustainability are exam-
also examples of indicators, allowing to ples of complex constructs that can only be
© Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2021
A. Farazmand (ed.), Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance,
2 Indicators in Public Policy, Brazil

“measured” if systematic efforts are done to needed to it, the computable indicator may still be
decode them into simpler concepts. Likewise, it useful as long as one knows its limitations in
is not easier and immediate to propose indicators terms of validity in representing the original con-
to implement and evaluate public programs for cept. The same idea applies if the information
improving educational performance, encouraging lacks the desired reliability. The better the efforts
technological innovation or sustainable exploita- to produce consistent indicators, one should never
tion of forests. The objectification of the concept forget that they are proxies of reality, not reality
and proposition of an indicator is an interactive itself.
process of concept-measurement: as soon as the Besides the name and the computation method/
social phenomenon – or public action – is proxied formula, indicator metadata – its documented
through preliminary versions of an indicator, its record – should also specify a more extended
analyses and use allow us to evaluate its validity definition of the measure, the data sources used,
and go further into a new specification of concept – geography and frequency it may the presented,
or action – and propose other possible “approxi- and comments on its taxonomy and properties
mate measures,” “proxies” or indicators (WHO 2015). There are several ways to classify
(Neufville 1975). indicators such as the broad thematic field – econ-
With a concept – or action – better specified, omy, society, and environment – public policy
one start to search for the information needed to programmatic sector – education, social protec-
build the indicators. For this purpose, information tion, fiscal, health, labor indicators, etc. – program
made available by statistical agencies, research implementation stage – context, input, output,
centers, universities and government agencies outcome indicators – or policy cycle phase – diag-
are commonly used. These institutions carry out nosis, monitoring, and evaluation indicators. Lit-
sample surveys and demographic censuses on the erature in area presents also several properties on
living conditions of the population, surveys and indicators, such as validity – how close is the
panels of economic conjuncture with companies, measure to the addressed concept – reliability –
and research on the use of natural resources and how confident are data used to compute it – cov-
the state of the environment. Public registers, erage – how representative it is of a segment or the
public service records, government purchases, whole population – sensitiveness – how sensitive
and management systems are other sources of it is to change over time or due to public interven-
relevant information to build indicators. For each tions – and intelligibility – how comprehensive it
country, these data can be gathered by internet is to the main users of the indicator (Jannuzzi
tools or can be extracted from microdata files at 2017).
the statistical agencies and government websites
(such as or
in Brazil). International indicators on many sub- Indicators, Welfare State, and
jects can be accessed at United Nations Statistical International Agenda
Division ( or at one of UN spe-
cialized agency, according to the main area of The emergence and improvement of the field of
interest such as labor, education, health, food, applied studies of social, economic, and environ-
and development (which links are accessible by mental indicators are intrinsically linked to the
the previous site). structuring of the social welfare state and to the
It should be said that the available information consolidation of public sector planning activities
in official databases or statistical surveys may not throughout the twentieth century (Desrosieres
be suitable – in terms of conceptual specificity, 1998). As economic indicators were first
periodicity, population coverage – as desired to demanded – to measure international trade, eco-
compute the indicator that better “fits” the concept nomic production, and unemployment levels due
someone is interested in. If it is not possible to to 1929 crisis – social measures appeared more
produce new data because of the cost and time recently, having gained technical-scientific body
Indicators in Public Policy, Brazil 3

in the mid-1960s, in the attempts to organize more (1966), and “Toward a Social Report” (USA
comprehensive systems to monitor social changes 1969), made by American government’s order,
and gauge the impact of social policies around the represented important milestones in this process,
world (Atkinson et al. 2005). The production of inaugurating what would later be called, at the
environment indicators became more common in time, in the mid-1960s of “Movement of Social
the nineties, as ecological questions entered on Indicators” (Miles 1985).
public agenda. The development of indicators technical field
There are certainly previous contributions to was also stimulated by United Nations’ 10-year
the construction of a conceptual framework on development agendas. As Koehler (2016)
social indicators, such as the studies by sociolo- observes, these agendas established by the United
gist Emile Durkheim in the first decades of the last Nations Assembly proposed quantitative targets
century or even earlier, as suggested by Neufville for economic growth and, gradually, broadened
(1975). She argues that although “social indica- the scope to include measures of social welfare for
tor” became the dominant term in the 1960s, “sta- the world and developing countries. In the second
tistics” as a practice for quantifying social “Development Decade” of the United Nations, in
phenomena for public decision-making dates the 1970s, besides the goals toward economic
back to the seventeenth century, with the work growth, it was included commitments for
of Englishman William Petty. But it was in the advances on employment, education, health, and
middle of the “thirty golden years of capitalism” nutrition policies. In the 1980s, the United
that the indicators gain prominence. In the post- Nations began to focus the fight against hunger
war period and in the following decade, there was and poverty as fundamental objectives of the
great interest in proposing more complex eco- international agenda, and since then this commit-
nomic indicators, framed in systems of national ment has not been withdrawn. The UN World
accounts, to produce better and international com- Conferences in the 1990s, the publication of
parable estimates of gross domestic product Human Development Reports, and other social
(GDP). But, in several countries, despite the reports organized by civil society organizations
increase in GDP, high levels of poverty remained summed up to create a second “Indicators Move-
and social inequalities were accentuated. Eco- ment.” Proposals of newer indicators – in such
nomic growth proved to not a sufficient condition news areas as cultural diversity, human rights, and
to guarantee social development (Carley 1985). In environment – emerged during those ten world
the now-developed countries, social indicators conferences concerning education (1990), child-
were needed to monitor social change and to hood (1990), environment (1992), human rights
evaluate the growing scope of public policies (1993), population (1994), social development
and government expenditure. The management (1995), women (1995), human settlements
of welfare state policies – on health, housing, (1996), youth (1998), and racial discrimination
labor, social assistance, education, etc. – (2001).
demanded newer statistics to produce indicators Such efforts on public policy commitments –
to policy making, monitoring, and evaluation. and therefore, on indicators – contributed to estab-
In this context, an immense conceptual and lish the Millennium Development Goals (MDG)
methodological effort was made to develop instru- agenda, that emerged from the “Millennium Sum-
ments for measuring well-being and social change mit” in 2000, in which leaders from 191 countries
in statistical agencies in different countries, under participated. However, reflecting the hegemonic
the auspices of multilateral institutions such as the liberal perspective on State role at that time in the
United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), the world, the development agenda was reduced to a
Organization for Economic Cooperation and more modest set of commitments, frustrating the
Development (OECD), and the various other encouraging expectations of social progress that
agencies of the United Nations System. The pub- had been built in the past decades. Even though,
lication of the books “Social Indicators,” by Bauer the international and political legitimation of the
4 Indicators in Public Policy, Brazil

agenda and the compromise to monitor the eight system all over the world. A quick examination
development goals represented a new impetus for of the 200 established indicators – of a set five
the field of indicators in the world. It was neces- times larger, when the discussions on the agenda
sary to produce and make available consistent started in 2010 – reveals that there are still many
indicators, on a regular basis, to monitor the pro- information gaps to be solved in the statistical
gress over the years. Less developed countries systems, even to developed countries, specially
were mobilized to improve their statistical system on environment indicators.
and produce social reports as a way to measure Most of the countries have been working on
their performance on the commitments such as SDG set of indicators as it can be seen, in Brazil-
reducing extreme poverty in 2015 to half of that ian case, at its SDG platform (https://odsbrasil.
observed in 1990, universalizing primary educa- The international progress toward this
tion, eliminating gender gaps in access to educa- third Indicators Movement can be seen at SDG
tion, or reducing childhood mortality to two-third website (
of the prevailing in 1990 (Koehler 2016).
At the end of the 2000s, Stiglitz-Sen-Fitoussi
Commission brought relevant contributions to the Indicators and the Public Policy Cycle
area, proposing new measures of economic per-
formance, social progress, and sustainable devel- Public policies are information-intensive bodies.
opment (Stiglitz et al. 2014). It might be said that Policies are complex systems proposed to attend
the commission reports marked the beginning of collective needs or solve public problems. In order
the third wave of the “Indicators Movement.” But to do it, policies involve the proposal of regulation
the most eloquent evidence of this new move- laws, universal coverage programs linked to redis-
ment – or its peak – would be configured with tributive ones in many sectorial areas. They are
the proposal of more than 230 indicators to mon- operated by agents at different government levels,
itor the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) with distinct management skills, to deliver several
agenda, in mid-2015. The SDG agenda enlarged kinds of products, services, and cash transfers to
the minimalist development perspective of the diverse target groups in many places in the coun-
previous one, a frequent criticism of non- try (Subirats and Dente 2014). Thus, in such com-
governmental organizations to the MDGs plexity, program design and implementation
(Mertens 2016). After decades of predominance require many indicators to fill diagnosis studies,
of liberal ideas in public management, SDG build monitoring systems, and subsidize results
agenda brought back the relevance of State and evaluation. In fact, indicators are indispensable
broader public policies. inputs in all phases of the policy cycle, from
SDG agenda conceives development as a pro- formulation to evaluation (Jann and Wegrich
cess that should simultaneously ensure economic 2007).
growth, social inclusion, and environmental sus- In order to promote a particular public issue on
tainability, a triad-concept discussed and vali- the priority policy agenda, the first stage of the
dated during the 2012 International Conference policy cycle, it is necessary to have indicators that
on Sustainable Development in Rio de Janeiro dimension and characterize the phenomenon.
(RIO + 20). So, it is a broader proposal, including Indicators play a fundamental role in the objecti-
all countries, dedicated to promote public policies fication and dimensioning of latent collective
and induce the private sector to achieve more than issues in society that, properly vocalized, can
160 commitments, gathered in 17 major objec- enter into government’s priority agenda. In this
tives. If it is true that the effort to monitor the sense, indicators instrumentalize the demands of
MDG agenda has left an important legacy of a political parties, unions, employers’ associations,
minimum set of around 60 comparable interna- the press, and other institutions. By modeling
tional indicators, the enlarged commitments scope problems such as hunger, poverty, poor school
brings a challenging work agenda to statistical performance, difficulties in accessing health
Indicators in Public Policy, Brazil 5

services, drug addiction, violence, and several The Political Nature of the Indicators
other inequities, the indicators contribute to the
discussion of the priorities of the government and In technocratic circles, indicators are seen as a
corporate agenda in the country (Jannuzzi 2016). powerful resource to legitimize public policy
The better these issues are dimensioned and char- decisions, due to the apparent impartiality they
acterized through structured information, the would hold (Porter 1996). In this sense, they con-
more arguments are provided to pressure groups, fer political authority on those who do not directly
government, and society to discuss priorities and hold it by vote or delegation. But, if it is a fact that
public budgetary allocation. indicators bring evidence to support political deci-
In the formulation of the public policy, indica- sions, they do not have the power to refer them
tors are needed to describe various themes of without question. As Miles (1985) warned a few
social reality. After all, it is necessary to have a decades ago, indicators cannot be understood as
multifaceted diagnosis about the living conditions neutral instruments, free from ideological or polit-
to subsequently guide the design of the programs ical values. Indicators illuminate aspects that its
to be implemented. Good diagnostic indicators are proponents want to highlight, in the perspective
characterized by the ability to explain the social that they consider relevant. There are always dif-
issue or to discriminate against typical situations ferent interpretations that can be made about a
in which this issue manifests itself in population single set of indicators or even, alternative indica-
groups or territories, in a given period of time. tors can be proposed to defend a certain position
In the implementation phase, a monitoring set or another, with greater or lesser analytical
of indicators are needed. This set should be strength.
parsimonious and be organized as an input- Like any technical resource, indicators can be
output-outcome logic to allow monitoring pro- used constructively or irresponsibly. They can
gram operations and its possible effects inform or misinform. Good use generates relevant
(McDavid and Hawthorn 2006). This monitoring knowledge for analyzing social change or govern-
framework makes possible to track how human, ment action. Misuse or abuse produces mis-
financial and physical resources are being used, information or factoid, under apparent technical
how fast the products and services are being deliv- varnish. They can contribute to improving poli-
ered and, finally, if possible, how programs are cies and programs or be employed to
changing people lives. For this purpose, monitor- delegitimize them.
ing indicators should be sensitive to program Social indicators, economic statistics, and
activities and its deliveries and, of course, be environmental data are public goods; they are
available in regular basis. not divisible goods, in which consumption by
In the evaluation stage, several indicators some limits the use by others. So, their use should
should be used in order to analyze to what extent be encouraged and subsidized. The more intense
the programmatic actions contributed to the miti- they are used by public institutions, private com-
gation of the collective problems pointed out in panies, and civil society, better the benefits for all
the diagnosis. Is it the time to have indicators that in forming consensus on how to face collective
account for effectiveness (has the program met its demands and to improve well-being.
objectives?), efficiency (have the resources been
well used?), and impact (what are other effects
generated by the program on beneficiaries and on
society?). Indicators for evaluating purposes need
to be specific and sensitive to their various pro-
▶ Brazil
grammatic components, to show effects – lack of
▶ Evidence-Based Policy Making
effects or even defects – when there is reason to
▶ Statistical Capacity
suspect that they have been produced (Rossi
et al. 2004).
6 Indicators in Public Policy, Brazil

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