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Wandoxing dinges


aSaeni Naidu


hich lina Tols youthat ha Aingpsaing as ihuy

inshe bini dos'with uzs in_oH honds H=Singung
R HOamTolls us hat Jhisingota Alng 03athoya-

-ahe uandesung aingexs hale ne homanenl henesand

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amilies & thuy k shous any adnas alsout t?

de dhay haie a dllount halan e lamily and
SnbAltheugh, tha LSanaeung_bingexs ds nol hae any
hmonont home _oomily, thy do not shoue ans
andnLss asout it.n h1 line man_ake SU
kindeud,he uroildis LQuY hamethe_SOndeRung
Singes allus haf they con8Ldey Qllmankind heLy
4amlly and the_L0Hld theLY hamL
So thay erl a band urlh _usEMLYSNe and vat hame

g-3)Lhat do the usandaring singuxs sung olsout?uhat

might thux islones qt bien dhquH s00ga un Tiamae
aknoutkdge bmood?
ho uandoino ingL Laing aksui cilies uhich exe
enc qeat and lamousabaut h lauohtoy sand
tauty eLman_Lshe dizd lano a92,ld battlas and
kings and edloent habhykimhle and sad dbings.
a n uma o knededgi, listnatscan Juaxn
e husley and kolklou em dhe utandosuing Aemihing-
Sengs as dhay lng e cies,leattle,u0nan_and Rings
b Toms ol mosd, dhe listenu can leal_ tarst Loacina
tien,ttietLCUSIsuy, admLealien,kadnass and
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citi munT a, thy hn aleout cihe that used To lse

geand, voman ishe ag Le hahhy and beaulal
eattle dhat useHe Jsrarly oughtand kings Lshe uheLL
Oyoa Jeut none e uhomeri anymara

-9hydo the uandouing singees nef umit anyushou?

lne 11). Uhy do thy alusaya kup Txaueling (line )
ins h wondoxing ainge8 do not wait anyuhiuo becaue
no closo Jies on long Halallenshiph mok thun -et
Slay en at a houlculat_hlaao. he hohhines not
DBCIlhd sdh_a harlcular hlace uheu thoy migkt
ant to aut, nalad, ho uind, asut moues dly
em enehlace To anstheu, 0tms to col Te the iasda
uiandaun åinge Je Lolleut ha sund e_thuLsindl
a loals like.a voiceIo the singpMB,ucang sut te hom
to raiel ToenL hlaco enzday ond aDothen hlaco the
nuct dayhua deatinatiens kadp tz.changing like tñho
uind. Ao hay kaep moung em_blaca ta phce
Rolpepca o thu Colxt
|he he voice e the LHnd cnlls-=

ahau do the singos Lnndo alkau[

nAh4 LSandoHhHeugh JaHestz
and Cihe
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Dhy do dhey hald ito in.thais hands?

Onah sLeLun_en_the ute to accempany thoi singing
ham de dhuy conALden As dhoiy Jomly ond horno ?
Anshy think e aeyone b hoiomilu And thi
|Leh olo_u0ld as hay hom

T-OL lays aee citiea uwhose Jwliu-

Aimblo and saxtOusul things
ahat de dhay aingahaut ?
SnsJho sing0 Juallads alsoud Jseautilul usomun and
h oyun huaieand alse alsaui kinga and
hu aths.

bLShydo thuy Aing about bsth hahha and 3ad sengi

Shna eslh lke ë lizten s bsdh hoph and Sad
Ssngs The
Sinopo hoha dhay be ohhuuiabd the entsdtainm
cyNamadhe chaptand tha uute.
shhaChopln-andoung Singe Pset-anehin1 Naidu
Mak onlbnce @) Seeeul-Ho eyes uei
(byausbu-Soma cihes luse is shed SpeoLLeuL
(allPattle-Jlost el sthe Datties as ieuco
(d)Fal-lhn Jale is The toce hi ind
(edaughlor- SAshok bust in Jaughloy

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