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Standard 4 Study Guide

4.1- Impact of Railroads on the U.S. and Native Americans
Impact of the transcontinental Railroad for Native Americans:
White action Result on the Native Americans
Whites kill bison so that they don’t hit the trains

Whites want Native American land

Whites want Native Americans to assimilate

Whites send Native American kids to boarding


Whites feel threatened by the Ghost Dance

Terms to know:
Transcontinental Railroad

Pacific Railway Act

Homestead Act

Dawes Act

Ghost Dance

Battle at Wounded Knee

4.2- Economic Growth in the U.S.

Factors of production (AND THEIR DEFINITIONS):


Physical capital=
Financial capital=
Why have an open-door immigration policy during the Boom?

Who did the government support during this time, laborers or businesses?

Terms to know:
Chinese Exclusion Act



4.3- Big Business

Andrew Carnegie
Industry he had a monopoly in

Process he used to mass produce his product

Type of integration he used (and definition)

Way to remember Andrew Carnegie and his monopoly=

John Rockefeller
Industry he had a monopoly in

Way he monopolized his industry

Type of integration he used (and definition)

Way to remember John Rockefeller and his monopoly=

Terms to know:

The Jungle


Bessemer process

Vertical Integration

Horizontal Integration

Robber Barons

Sherman Anti-Trust Act

Captains of Industry

Social Darwinism


Gospel of Wealth
4.4-Populist Movement
Populist Party=______________________________________________
Who supported the Populist Party?

What did the Populist Party want regulated?

What did the Populist Party want unlimited coinage


Major strikes
The strike: What happened:
Railroad Strike of 1877
Haymarket Incident

Pullman Strike

Who did the government back in these strikes, the business or the laborers?

Terms to know:
Granger Laws

Gilded Age


Wildcat Walkouts


Yellow Dog Contracts

4.5- Urbanization in the US

Who did immigrants place their trust in when they arrived in the US? Hint--- it’s the people who gave them

Blacks Migrate North

Why’d they go North?

What was it like when they got there?

Terms to know:
4.6-Women’s Suffrage and Progressive Movement
Progressivism= ______________________________________
What did people want out of the progressive

Progressivism emerged as a result of what 2 sources

of information?

Which group of people also worked along with the

Progressive movement to attain more rights?

Key Politicians in the Progressive Movement

Teddy Roosevelt Woodrow Wilson
Ways in which they were

Terms to know:
Carrie Chapman Catt

19th Amendment

Alice Paul

Jane Addams

Bully pulpit

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