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A Certified Retard’s Review of the WZ-

111-1G FT
Let’s start with a little challenge called, “how many digits can you fit in a tank name?” The
answer is as many as you want, but preferably 3. That is, unless you’re a Chinese tank
designer, and have to fit at least 30 numbers in each of your design names as a rule of

Here's my intro to the WZ-111-1 FT, which I will now just call the WZ for simplicity’s sake.
The tier 8 tank destroyer isn’t popular, and I’m sure you can guess why. But under all of the
perceived mediocrity lies a TD with many powerful yet balanced characteristics (read: thicc

Let’s first discuss the statistics of the tank and the playerbase of the tank.

Among all tank destroyers, the WZ sits in the middle of the winrate bracket, at 50.09%.
Among all tier 8 TDs, the WZ fares slightly higher on the bracket. The same is true of other
statistics. Despite the player count, it’s basically a guarantee that you’ll see this tank once
every 50 battles or so because other TDs are more popular.

Module and Equipment Setup

DISCLAIMER: Don’t take my word for it. No one build wsorks for everybody, and
experimenting with different builds is a must for any tank.

Now, on to the setups.

The engine and tracks are a no-brainer; the guns, on the other hand, are a little more varied.
Want DPM and slightly better pen? Use the stock 122. Want a hard hitting gun? Use the
130. Both options are equally as good, and both can work depending on your playstyle.

The research order should be like this:

Tracks (lots of benefits to researching tracks first, like faster aimtime, better mobility, etc.)
Engine (enhances mobility, not as much as tracks)
Gun (since both guns are so similar in competitiveness, you should definitely research this
Generally, this TD can mount whatever equipment it needs, so feel free to experiment with
equipment setups. However, some consistently good pieces of equipment include:

Rammer/Cali: Both are good, just put on whatever feels best.

Optics: 9/10 cases Camo Net doesn’t do much for this tank.
Improved Assembly: The more HP the better, amirite?
CDS: Helps if you need your repair kit to come back faster.

One thing to note is that this tank, like the other Chinese TDs, gets superconsumables.
Another thing to note is that this is one of only 2 lines without any special mobility
consumables/provisions, so you might end up feeling a bit sluggish on the battlefield.

For consumables, I recommend running repair kit, adrenaline, and your choice of either
reactive armor (for assaults) or reticle calibration (for sniping/snapshots).

For provisions, I recommend running +10 food, improved fuel, and sandbags.

All the unicums on this server are 100% going to disagree with me.

Now, onto the tank itself.

While heavy tank destroyers aren’t a new concept, by the 1960’s such vehicles were
considered obsolete by the introduction of the ATGM. The WZ-111 heavy tank, developed in
the 1960’s, most likely would have no tank destroyer variant by the time it was greenlighted
for production.

From Wargaming,

“The development of the WZ-111-1G FT tank destroyer was based on the experience of the
WZ-111 heavy tank creation. A prototype of the latter was produced in the early 1960s. It
underwent running trials, which revealed a number of disadvantages in the vehicle's design,
and the development of the WZ-111 was discontinued in 1964. The design of the WZ-111-
1G FT shows the Soviet tank-building influence. There is no information about any produced

Of course, this is fake, as China would’ve needed no such vehicle.

From here, let’s talk about the tank in-game.

You can’t have a tank without a gun, and you can’t have a tank without something to put that
gun on. That thing, of course, is the hull of the tank. Generally, TDs of this form factor have
decent armor paired with good guns, decent mobility and low HP. This is true of the WZ,
which like most other TDs at its tier have between 150-200mm of casemate armor, yet only
have between 1100-1200 HP. The way it’s arranged isn’t special either; an almost flat
casemate housing the 122/130mm gun is placed on top of the hull of a WZ-111 1-4. At least
it isn’t paper, so you’ll have a chance to block most non-prammo rounds.

A special thing to note is the inclusion of superconsumables on this tank. Sandbags allow
you to build for higher HP (over 1200 with some builds) and reactive armor allows you to
mitigate damage taken on assaults.

Survivability score: 6/10

Passable, but not amazing. Works well for a jack-of-all-trades TD.

Armor Profile
This is where most of the reviewing happens, at least for TDs like the WZ. Because both
guns are highly competitive, I’ll be reviewing both of the WZ’s gun options.

122mm 60-122TG FT

The 122mm on this tank is all about the soft stats; packing a reduced reload, better pen and
better gun handling compared to the 130. On a good build, this tank can achieve a 9-9.5s
reload, allowing it to pump out shots as needed. In addition, the aimtime allows for a shorter
exposure time while comparatively hitting hard.


Shell types: AP/HEAT/HE

Alpha: 400/340/500
Penetration: 248/310/61, 260/341/67
Module dmg: 165 all shells
Velocity: 1000m/s
Reload: 9.26,9.96


100m: 0.326
Moving: 0.12
Rotating: 0.12
Moving the gun: 0.12
After firing: 0.4

Gun angles: (+15/-15/12L/12R)


Still: 33.3%
Moving: 21.6%
Firing still: 9.6%
Firing moving: 7.3%

You want accuracy? Take the 122.

130mm 59-130JG FT

This is the more damage-oriented gun between the 2, packing good alpha, good DPM, and
decent gun handling. It’s more suited for a second line/assault role compared to the more
sniper-like 122. With 460 alpha, you can hit other tanks for a good deal of HP, and your
reload isn’t that long either, sitting at 10.1/10.9 seconds. Another thing to note is the special
HE shells on this tank: although they don’t boast high pen like HESH shells, the do have
higher damage compared to the competition, sitting at 660 versus the average of 600.

Shell types: AP/HEAT/HE

Alpha: 460/390/660
Penetration: 246/325/65, 257/358/72
Module dmg: 180 all shells
Velocity: 930m/s
Reload: 10.1,10.86


100m: 0.308
Moving: 0.12
Rotating: 0.12
Moving the gun: 0.12
After firing: 0.4

Gun angles: (+15/-15/12L/12R)


Still: 33.3%
Moving: 21.6%
Firing still: 8.5%
Firing moving: 6.7%

A good gun best suited for the second-line support role.

One final tidbit to note is the addition of Reticle Calibration for this tank, allowing you to hit
your shots much, much more accurately compared to other TDs.

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