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Brief audit on one program

What went well.

Friday, October 23, 2020
Program: We went over The History of Classic Monster Movies
Setting: One-to-one room visits
I showed a picture to represent the monster movie to have each resident guess the movie.
After they guessed each movie I provided a discussion question such as how many monster
movies or scary movies have they watched? Do you enjoy horror movies? If so, why? What is
your favorite monster movie? What did you like about them?
I also hosted Trivia Questions to follow
For Instance, What distinguishing physical traits did the Frankenstein monster have?
Answer: He had a flat head, a prominent jagged scar on his forehead, massive hands and feet,
and bolts protruding from each side of his neck.
I feel that the program was very successful. We even talked about autumn topics such as what
the residents like to do in the fall like look at the trees and leaves change color, eat Halloween
candy, bake warm goodies, and see their family.

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