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English For Specific Purposes

Student’s name :

Couttolenc Manzano René

Teacher’s name:

Karla Fabiola Reyes Hernández

October 24th 2022
-What is Industrial Engineering?

Industrial Engineering is a branch of engineering that focuses on the improvement of any

type of process, it’s often linked to the optimization of the manufacturing processes of a
company, by cutting down costs and bringing up issues and how to fix them with the least
resources as possible. They can be found on every single step of the assembly line in a
factory, they can be found in day to day operations of an office, they can even be found
on big picture more management type levels, and that’s the beauty of this major, one can
specialize on multiple things due to its nature.

-Why is Industrial Engineering important?

Industrial Engineering is particularly important nowadays because we live in a world

where our resources are always limited, so improving the ways in which a company
makes their products or services while cutting down costs and quantities of resources is
a very important skill to have.

Word Cloud:

I was able to research more about my own engineering major, and I had the opportunity
to do it completely in another language, so that’s always a fun way to learn new things.
I’m grateful that my major has plenty of information on the internet that I could research if
I needed to learn something new about it.
I’m really glad that I chose this major because I have the opportunity to learn various
things from many different subjects, so I feel like that makes me more and more prepared
each day to be a desirable candidate for a job of my liking.
Overall, I really liked this activity and it was a good way to start things out in this class.

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