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I’m Mariegold Pascua


These are my parents my

father's name is Roman V
Gayla Jr. and my mother's I got 22 last March 26. And
name is Marciana P. Gayla. currently live in San Vicente
They passed away last April
29 and 30, 2016. So, these Tarlac City.
photos of mine were my
happiest and saddest memory
with them.

In Observation

The Latin verb  observāre, "to

attend to," is the foundation for our word
observation, which requires that you pay

December 06, 2021

On our first day in observing I experienced attending their
homeroom, wherein they do their flag ceremony twice a week. Like
Get to Know Me

December 07, 2021

Y2On our second day in observing online class, I experienced

attending their homeroom, in grades 4 to 6. Just like the primary
grades they also do their flag ceremony twice a week. Just like they

December 09, 2021

Y3 On our third day in observing online class, at 8 o'clock in the

morning, I attend again in their Homeroom just like yesterday in
grades 4 to 6.

This time my first period is mother tongue which is my

December 10, 2021

On our last day in observing online class, Every Friday
they don't do Homeroom or the Flag ceremony. They used pre-
recorded videos that students can watch their lesson in detail
sometimes. So, we have a chance to meet the other teachers at
Creston academy. They teach us how to open their Genyo
they give us a glimpse of it. And show us how to make their
learning kit.

I just attend one online class the math in grade 3.

This is our last day meeting my cooperating teacher.

My cooperating teacher instructs me to make the drill and
transfer it into a quiz. So that on Tuesday the students will
answer it, sadly I did not see them answering my drill. so, it’s
a goodbye or see you next time at Creston academy.

Mother Tongue

I. Piliin ang thumb up kung ang salita ay nagpapakita ng salitang kilos at thumbs down kung

1. naglilinis
a. b.

2. maganda

a. b.

3. pagduyan

a. b.

4. nagluluto

a. b.
5. tatay

a. b.

II. Basahin at pagtambalin ang mga salitang kilos na nasa hanay A at mga larawan na nasa Hanay B.

1. nakaupo

2. kumakain

3. umiinom

4. tumatalon

5. lumalangoy
III. Ilagay sa kahon ang salitang kilos na angkop sa mga larawan. Ilagay ang sagot sa kahon.

nagdadasal nag-aaral

nagtatanim naghuhugas


1. Palagi akong _____________ tuwing gabi.

2. Ako ay _________ ng plato.

3. Ako ay ___________ ng leksiyon bago maglaro.

4. Ang dalawang bata ay _____________ ng halaman.

5. Ako ay ________________ pagkatapos kumain.
Physical Aspect of Classroom Management

Classroom setup is an important component in a learning environment because it is an essential

piece of classroom management to support both teaching and learning. The physical atmosphere of the
classroom can help prevent behavior issues as well as promote and improve learning. The structuring of
the learning environment is essential for teachers and students.

WHY is it important to have an effective classroom management?

1. Increase chance of student success
2. Paves the way for the teacher to engage students to learning
3. Helps create an organized classroom environment
4. Increase instructional time
5. Creates consistency in the employment of rules and regulations.
6. Aligns management strategies with school wide standards.
7. Decrease misbehavior in the classroom.
8. Give students boundaries and consequences.

Physical Classroom Management

1.Lighting- Quality affects students’ abilities to see clearly, concentrate and perform well in the classroom.
Since lighting plays a critical role in our everyday lives, it’s worth our while to understand the quality of light
that’s shining down on our children.

2.Ventilation- Is very important because lack of it can lead to tiredness. Sufficient windows should therefore
be provided to let in fresh air.

3.Seating Arrangement- The most common arrangement for formal teaching would be for pupils to sit in
rows facing the teacher and the chalkboard. Regardless of the height, arrangements should be made by
the teacher to provide a seat for the short-sighted ones and the hard of hearing. However, pattern of sitting
arrangement is to be determined often time by the prevailing classroom activity and the method the teacher
intends to use.
4.Structure/Design of Classroom- Refers to the way each area in the classroom environment is set up and
where materials and furniture are placed. A physically structured classroom provides organization for
students and helps the staff, students, and classroom visitors understand what activities are occurring in
each area of classroom at any given time. Physical aspect of the classroom and course delivery, such as
classroom type (e.g., an auditorium, a small classroom, a lab), layout (e.g., students sit facing the front of
the room, students sit in small groups, everyone sits in a circle), and medium (e.g., face-to-face, online).

5.Physical Space/Learning Station- Learning Stations are physical locations in your classroom that allow
students to tackle different activities. The physical layout reflects your teaching style. If you want students
to collaborate in small groups, for example, organize them around tables or clusters of desks. For frequent
whole-group discussions, try a circle or U-shaped desk configuration. If you plan on an individualized, self-
paced curriculum, you might set up learning stations. Many teachers prefer to create different areas within
the classroom. For example, a classroom might feature a quiet reading corner, a music area where
students can play soft music while completing work, a discussion/conversation center, a large table for
cooperative projects, spaces for wet or messy projects, multimedia spaces, learning centers or stations,
and individual work areas.

6.Traffic Patterns- When arranging classroom furniture, the traffic patterns of the students and teacher
need to be considered. Both students and teachers need to be able to enter and exit the classroom quickly,
have easy access to classroom materials, and move around without disturbing other students.

7.The Teacher Desk- All good teachers know that teaching should never occur from a seated position at
the teacher's desk. Therefore, in order to keep in accordance with this and previous spatial dimensions, the
teacher's desk should be placed in an unobtrusive spot.
8.Teacher Movement- To keep as many students in the action zone for as long as possible, teachers must
develop the habit of constantly moving about the classroom. Furniture should be arranged with the mindset
of being at any desk within a matter of seconds.

Personal Aspect of Classroom Management


1. Voice- teachers should focus on their voice we do not want a very high-pitched voice or very low-pitched
voice; we want a voice that is well modulated that can be heard at the back.

2. Personal grooming- is important for a positive self-image and every effort should be made to encourage
and assist the resident to maintain a pleasing and attractive appearance.

3. Attendance- is directly related to the academic outcomes of their students. Not only does it affect the
academic achievement of students, but it also affects the overall running of the building. Being absent, as a
teacher, affects a lot of people in the school and causes more of disruption.

4. Punctuality- Teacher can use this in the classroom to optimize learning opportunities for students. Time
management is important because it helps you prioritize your work. By being well organized and punctual,
the teacher would have set an excellent example for the students to follow. In addition, it would send a
positive signal to the students of what is expected of them from the beginning. This makes control easier,
and the pace of teacher-success would have been in motion.

5. Personal Philosophy- Acquiring a philosophy is powerful, in that it directs and guides a teacher's
teaching practices in the classroom as well as how they perceive teaching and learning and the students
around them.


PEDx | FS1 Episode 7 Physical and Personal Aspects of Classroom Management - YouTube
Post Activity:
Identifying Personal and Physical Aspect of Classroom Management

Aspects of Classroom Management Yes No

Is the teacher well-groomed that he/she demands respect from the learners?
Is the teacher’s voice modulated and can be heard by the entire class?
Was the teacher present in the class?
Did the teacher arrive on time in class?
Does the teacher exude a positive attitude towards teaching?
Is the classroom well-ventilated?
Is the lighting good enough?
Is the classroom free from noise?
Does the seating arrangement provide better interaction?
Is the design/structure of the room inviting to classroom activities?
Is the physical space/ learning station clear from obstruction?

1. How does the voice of the teacher affect classroom instruction?

2. How does the punctuality of the teacher affect classroom discipline?

3. Why do we need to check on the physical aspects of classroom management?

Lesson Plan

Center of Development in Teacher Education

Reaccredited Level IV by the Accrediting Agency of Chartered
Colleges and Universities of the Philippines
I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson students will be able to:
a.) Identify the names of each of the the four seasons of the earth.
b.) Explain how the tilted Earth rotates on its axis, causing day and night.
c.) Demonstrate how the revolution of the Earth around the Sun causes the change in seasons in both the
northern and southern hemisphere.
II. Subject Matter:
a. Topic: Seasons of the Earth
b. References:
Author: about Duckters

Semi Detailed Lesson Plan in

c. Materials: ball, flashlight, Styrofoam, video presentation,
III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities:
 Prayer:
LORD, thank you for a new day.
Please go before me and clear the way.
Thank you for protecting me.

Topic: Seasons of the

Thank you for guiding me.
Thank you for loving me.
In Jesus name, Amen.

 Greetings: Earth
Open music while everybody is not yet around:
GOOD MORNING KIDS! I am teacher Goldie your teacher for today.
 Checking of attendance:
 Okay kids you may put your names in our attendance chart so that teacher Goldie will see who is
absent today.

B. Review:
Using the Weather Wheel:
Teacher will play a song, give a ball, and a box.
Submitted by:
The ball will pass it to their seatmate when the ball stops.
The student who is holding the ball will pick a name of weather.
Gayla, Mariegold P.
Then put it on the weather wheel.
Using the Weather Wheel:

C. Motivation:
Post some pictures of the 4 seasons around your classroom, then ask them what they see and
describe it.
Using small pieces of papers that will post in the board.
D. Discussion:
We divide up the year into four seasons: spring, summer, autumn, and winter. Each season lasts 3
months with summer being the warmest season, winter being the coldest, and spring and autumn
lying in between.
The seasons have a lot of impact on what happens on the earth. In the spring, animals are born,
and plants come back to life. Summer is hot and is when kids are usually out of school, and we
take vacations to the beach. Often crops are harvested at the end of the summer. In autumn, the
leaves change colors and fall off the trees and school start again. Winter is cold and it snows in
many places. Some animals, like bears, hibernate in the winter while other animals, like birds,
migrate to warmer climates.

Why do seasons occur?

Seasons are caused because of the Earth's changing relationship to the Sun. The Earth travels
around the Sun, called an orbit, once a year or every 365 days. As the Earth orbits the Sun, the
amount of sunlight each location on the planet gets everyday changes slightly. This change causes
the seasons.
The Earth is Tilted
Not only does the Earth revolve around the Sun every year, but the Earth rotates on its axis every
24 hours. This is what we call a day. However, the Earth does not rotate in a straight up and down
manner relative to the Sun. It is slightly tilted. In scientific terms, the Earth is tilted 23.5 degrees
from its orbital plane with the Sun.
Why does our tilt matter? The tilt has two major effects: the angle of the Sun to the earth and
length of the days. For half of the year the Earth is tilted such that the North Pole is more pointed
towards the Sun. For the other half, the South Pole is pointed at the Sun. When the North Pole is
angled toward the Sun, the days on the northern part of the planet (north of the equator) get more
sunlight or longer days and shorter nights. With longer days the northern hemisphere heats up and
gets summer. As the year progresses, the Earth's tilt changes to where the North Pole is pointing
away from the Sun producing winter.

For this reason, seasons north of the Equator are the opposite of seasons south of the Equator.
When it is winter in Europe and the United States, it will be summer in Brazil and Australia.

We talked about the length of the day changing, but the angle of the Sun changes as well. In
summer, the sunlight shines more directly on the earth giving more energy to the Earth's surface
and heating it up. During the winter, the sunlight hits the Earth at an angle. This gives less energy
and does not heat the Earth as much.

Longest and Shortest Days in the Northern Hemisphere the longest day is on June 21st while the
longest night is on December 21st. It is just the opposite in the Southern Hemisphere where the
longest day is December 21st, and the longest night is June 21st. There are two days a year where
the day and night are the same. These are September 22nd and March 21st.

Read more at:

E. Generalization
Emphasis these words for them not to confused.
What is rotation?
What is revolution?

F. Application
Students will make a craft like this.
Interactive quiz: Using the link below.
1. Which season is the coldest season?
a. Spring
b. Summer
c. Autumn
d. Winter

2. During which season do the leaves change color and fall off the trees?
a. Spring
b. Summer
c. Autumn
d. Winter

3. How often does the Earth orbit the Sun?

a. Every 24 hours
b. Every 7 days
c. Every 30 days
d. Every 100 days
e. Every 365 days

4. What is the main cause of the seasons?

a. The tilt of the Earth in relation to the Sun
b. The changing distance between the Sun and the Earth
c. Sun activity including Sunspots
d. The speed of the spin of the Earth
e. The speed that the Earth rotates around the Sun

5. Which pole is pointed towards the Sun when the northern hemisphere is experiencing winter?
a. North Pole
b. South Pole
c. All of the above
d. None of the above

6. True or False: When it is winter in the northern hemisphere, it is spring in the southern hemisphere.

7. Are the nights longer during the summer or winter?

a. Summer
b. Winter
c. The nights are the same during both seasons

8. Which season has the warmest temperatures?

a. Spring
b. Summer
c. Autumn
d. Winter

9. During which season do most plants begin to grow and many animals have their babies?
a. Spring
b. Summer
c. Autumn
d. Winter

10. True or False: The length of the day and of the night is always the same throughout the year.

Make an infographic that talks about the four (4) seasons of the earth.
Are you ready?
202 1
September 25,
Student-Teacher Organization invited two credible and reliable speakers. One of
the speakers is Ms. Nia C. Garcia speaks about stress management. She is currently
pursuing a Doctor of Philosophy at Pangasinan State University. She is also the
President of the Philippine Guidance and Counseling in Tarlac Chapter. Ms. Garcia
taught and served in different schools throughout Tarlac City, providing guidance
services such as student orientation, counseling, leadership.
While sir Aries T. Galas speak about Time Management and pursuing his
Doctor of Philosophy at Tarlac Agriculture University. According to sir Aries, in the
year 2014 to 2016, he taught at Madapdap Resettlement High School in Mabalacat City,
Pampanga. He also attended numerous leadership, research, and senior high school
seminars and training. Sir Aries was my subject teacher when I was in Senior high
We all experience the effects of stress in our daily lives at some point. However,
not everyone realizes how important it is to learn how to overcome this obstacle.
However, there are simple techniques that people can learn to deal with even the most
stressful situations in their lives.
I've discovered that effective stress management allows you to break free from
the grip that stress has on your life, allowing you to be happier, healthier, and more
productive. The goal is to live a well-balanced life with time for work, relationships,
leisure, and enjoyment, as well as the ability to deal with stress and obstacles.
While in time management taught me how good it is and will help you. Because
it allows me to accomplish in less time, giving you more freedom, improving yourself
in terms of concentrating, increasing your productivity, lowering your stress, and
allowing you to spend more time with the people who you value.
Dr. Norbina Genever M. Castro was the speaker in the webinar. She is the Associate Professor V,
CTEd. In 1984, she received her bachelor's degree in Education with a major in English and a minor in
Library Science from Far Eastern University in Manila. Tarlac College of Technology awarded her a Master
of Arts in Education with a major in Administration and Supervision in 1989. Tarlac State University
awarded her Doctor of Education in Educational Management in 2011.
Today's students are very different from previous generations, and educators must adjust their
teaching methods accordingly. Students in today's classrooms want a change in teaching methods because
they can absorb knowledge faster than any previous generation. It provides users with on-demand access to
the material, tools, training, information, and support they need to develop and increase learning relevance
by utilizing both school and personal technology. Acquiring new knowledge as well as changing and
reinforcing what you already know may be considered learning. "Flexible Learning" refers to educational
methods and ideologies that allow students to study in the way that is most comfortable for them. Flexible
learning gives students the ability to choose where, when, and how they are taught. Individualized learning
is another term for it.
The webinar educated us on the critical role classroom management plays in both students' and
teachers' learning abilities. Because of this factor, a teacher's ability to be productive and genuinely ENJOY
teaching. Most importantly, classroom management has a direct impact on student's academic progress.
𝗜.𝗠. 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝘆: 𝗗𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗹𝗼𝗽𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗜𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗿𝘂𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹
𝗠𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗹𝘀 𝗧𝗼𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗱𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗕𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿
November 06, 2021

Dr. Ian Carlo t. Feliciano, the resource speaker last November 06, 2021.
Entitled 𝗜.𝗠. 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝘆: 𝗗𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗹𝗼𝗽𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗜𝗻𝘀𝘁𝗿𝘂𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻𝗮𝗹 𝗠𝗮𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗶𝗮𝗹𝘀 𝗧𝗼𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗱𝘀 𝘁𝗵𝗲
𝗕𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗡𝗼𝗿𝗺𝗮𝗹". He completed his bachelor’s degree at Tarlac State University
Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in English as Cum Laude as well as the
former Governor of COED Student Council.
Instructional materials are critical resources for improving instructor and
student efficiency in teaching and learning. We should be prepared with new IMs
in our future practice teaching to achieve Better Normal Education.
Any educational activity is heavily reliant on instruction. Your learning
objectives will guide what students do, and your assessments will track their
progress along the way, but it will be your teaching that defines the journey. It is
the content with which students interact to develop themselves, achieve their
goals, and most likely succeed. Now that we are facing a pandemic. We need a
different environment which is the online class takes many forms, including
textual e-books, video lectures, and new applications to have interactive classes.
Future teacher of primary grades someday. Instructional materials are vital to us
because we need to pique the interest of our learners in whatever form they take.
Tech Talk: Utilization of Technology Towards
Teacher and Learning Process Webinar
November 08, 2021

In 2019, our speaker received his Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in

Technology and Livelihood Education as Cum Laude from Tarlac State University was a
board passer for the Professional Teachers Licensure Examination in September 2019
and passed the Civil Service Examination in October 2019.
The use of technology is one of the teachers' most powerful weapons in the fight
against the pandemic. The privacy and safety of our future students on social media
platforms are dependent on our preparation as pre-service teachers, which includes
understanding how technology can improve the teaching and learning process while also
protecting our privacy and safety.
Fundamental structural changes brought about by technology have the potential
to boost productivity. Technology in the classroom improves course options,
experiences, and learning resources; supports learning 24 hours a day, seven days a
week; fosters 21st-century skills; promotes student engagement and motivation and
accelerates learning. Technology may also alter education by introducing a new type of
linked instruction. As a result, instructors can improve their teaching and personalize
As a teacher we must know how to incorporate technology in our teaching, as
well as the contents and methodologies. Mr. Jeith Parazo's taught us how to use
technology in the classroom, which includes an engaging presentation, innovative
quizzes, an organized lesson plan folder, and various applications and online resources
for pre-service teachers may be beneficial to pre-service teachers.
Mr. Parazo reminded pre-service teachers that technology must be adaptable to
fit in with their teaching style as well as their students' learning goals when used. He
concluded his presentation by encouraging us to try new things because they would help
us grow in the future.
EdukAksyon: An Enhancement
Webinar for Pre-Service Teachers
in Writing an Action Plan
November 15, 2021

Our respected resource speaker earned a Bachelor of Elementary

Education with a Specialization in Mathematics as a Cum Laude from
Tarlac State University (2006)
Being able to observe and reflect on the classroom environment, as
well as identify the specific needs of children, is a key skill in conducting
action research. In the field of education, we can still make a difference.
To ensure that our students receive a high-quality education, we
must first work on improving our skills. We are responsible for our
students' future success as well as the overall quality of education, so we
must never stop learning and inventing.
This webinar aims to convey important insights and concepts
about conducting Action Research in education to pre-service teachers
enrolled in the courses EDUC 302: Field Study 2 and EDUC 301: Field
Study 1 (Observation of Teaching-Learning in the Real School
Environment) (Participation and Teaching Assistantship).
We must constantly improve ourselves as educators to better serve
our students, and we must take action that leads to personal and
professional growth.
Action research is important in education because it improves
learning and teaching processes and expands teachers' capacities.
Furthermore, it helps to advance scientific knowledge, practical
improvement, and policy information. As a result, educators can use the
findings of this study to improve their skills as well as the teaching and
learning processes.
(NOVEMBER 20, 2021)
On November 20,2021, the Student-Teacher-Organization hosted a webinar titled
"RATED A: Optimizing Assessment of Student Learning for the Better Normal."
This webinar's resource speakers are Mr. P. Mark 𝐂𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐥𝐥𝐨. In 2016, he completed
his bachelor's degree in Elementary Education with a major in General Education
at Tarlac State University, where he received awards for Academic Excellence and
Best in Demonstration Teaching in Mathematics (Elementary Level). In the same
year, he was ranked first in the Licensure Examination for Teachers (Elementary
Level). And Mrs. Melody P. Our second resource speaker is Sapad. In 2016, she
graduated with honors from Tarlac State University's Bachelor of Elementary
Education, Major in General Education program. She took the Licensure
Examination for Teachers (LET) several months after graduating and placed in the
top ten for the Elementary level.
The purpose of this webinar is to teach pre-service teachers how to use
various assessment methodologies based on Domain 5 of the Philippine
Professional Standards for Teachers (PPST). to assess students' growth,
particularly in the context of flexible learning
Assessment is critical in the teaching and learning process because it is the
heart that determines whether the goals have been met. If we are successful in
conveying information and skills that are beneficial to our students, we should
evaluate our performance as educators. To help students succeed in the classroom,
pre-service teachers must learn and master the skill of assessing students.
A variety of evaluation methodologies and tactics were developed to deal
with the pandemic. In the face of these new approaches, it is critical to remember
what works best for students.
(NOVEMBER 27, 2021)

Sir Deyo Carlos L. Dela Cruz is the webinar's resource speaker. He is a

Licensed Professional Teacher who earned a bachelor's degree in Secondary
Education with a major in Social Studies from Tarlac State University in 2017.
If we, as future educators, continue to develop as educators, the quality
of our teaching and how our students learn will be greatly improved. Finally,
the needs of the students should always come first.
The primary goal of the webinar is to educate teachers and pedagogues
on the most recent trends and ideas in the field of education. It is also meant to
teach pre-service teachers about the importance of the art of teaching.
In pedagogy, education and culture are intertwined. It is based on the
educator's understanding of how learning takes place. In the classroom,
students and teachers must form meaningful relationships. The goal is to build
on previous knowledge while also developing skills and attitudes. Education
professionals are concerned with ensuring that the curriculum is presented in a
way that is relevant to the needs of students.
A well-thought-out pedagogy may benefit both the quality of your
instruction and the way students learn. Teachers must be aware of how they
teach to help students learn more effectively. As a result, students' perceptions
may be influenced, leading to more collaborative learning environments. The
right approach benefits students by encouraging them to think critically.
Teachers may be able to assist students in achieving their educational goals if
they use a teaching technique that is tailored to each student's preferred
learning style.
The teaching profession: understanding the
legal bases in education
(November 29, 2021)

On November 29, 2021, the Student-Teacher-Organization

hosted a webinar titled "The Teaching Profession: Understanding the
Legal Bases in Education." Mr. Christian Lingad, who graduated as Cum
Laude from Tarlac State University in 2018 with a Bachelor of
Secondary Education degree in Social Studies, is this year's keynote
The webinar's goal is to educate pre-service teachers in the
Philippines on important laws that serve as legal grounds in the
education system. It also aims to provide rationalizations and reviews on
a variety of topics from the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET)
to help fourth-year students practice and prepare for the exam.
It is critical to understand the legal basis because it serves as a
guide for us educators in how to properly deal with our students. Legal
bases are constraints that limit both the educator and the student to avoid
situations that may infringe on both parties' rights. Understanding these
legal bases can help us understand what a teacher is expected to do and
vice versa.
To understand the true purpose and responsibility of being a
teacher, teachers must internalize all educational laws. We can keep
ourselves in check if we are aware of and understand the norms and
constraints that have been imposed on us as educators. The legal
foundations help us become better teachers with big hearts and big

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