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“Ancient Greek Thinkers, Truth-Seekers” Article Outline and Questions EN100 Due Friday, March 27

Your name:

Please type your answers to the following questions:

1. What is being compared and contrasted in this article?

2. Below is an outline for this compare/contrast-style article. Complete the outline with information from the
article. (You may not be able to fill in every box; this is OK).

Socrates Plato Aristotle

Method of finding truth
Main view

3. Look at the first sentence of each paragraph. Which first sentences show paragraph transitions? Copy and
paste the sentences below, and explain the words in each that create a paragraph transition.


Plato, a student of Socrates, also achieved greatness as a philosopher.

This sentence is a paragraph transition, because it uses “also” to show that Plato is similar to Socrates.
Socrates was the previous paragraph.

4. What are some other topics could you use this type of essay format for? Think about a subject or concept
from one of your other classes.

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