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3.1) Existing system

The existing system is very paper based in small as well as medium supermarkets.
Even though the paper work and manpower requirement is less, the existing
system is not very economical for these markets. Relevant and irrelevant
information are entered and stored in the same place, which is very clumsy and
untidy process.
In case of big supermarkets, the existing system is computerized to some extent,
but it is not fully automated to cover all the aspects of the supermarket. The data
entry, storing, and retrieval procedure is very inefficient. Further, there are
chances of data misplacement and wrong data entry. The system is still very
insecure and inflexible to adapt to user requirements.

3.1.1 ) Proposed System:

The proposed supermarket management system aims at full automation of big,
medium, and mini supermarkets by making the system reliable, fast, user-
friendly, and informative. It reduces paperwork, manpower requirement, and
increases the productivity of the supermarket. Using this application, one can add,
modify, update, save, delete, and print details. There’s also a search feature to
find products available in the supermarket.

3.2 Requirement specification

Requirement analysis is the process of defining what the user requires from the
system and defining the requirements clearly and in an unambiguous state. The
outcome of the requirement analysis is the software developing activities which
deals with understanding the problem goals and constraints. This specification
part mainly focuses on what had been found during analysis. Requirement is a
relatively short and concise piece of information, expressed as a fact. It can be
written as a sentence or can be expressed using some kind of diagram.
Requirements are divided into two major types functional and non-functional.
3.2.1 ) Functional requirement
Sales transaction
A sale transaction both authorizes and settles the requested amount against the
payment method indicated Through authorizing the transition request confirm
that the payment method exist and that fund are available at the time of
authorization to cover the transition amount
. Product IDs from the bar code reader
. Weights reading from the automatic weighting sacale
. The SAS queries the database for the product Information and calculates the
total amount payable after inclusion of taxes
. A bill is created a printable format
. A formatted bill is printed for the customer

3.2.2 NON FUNCTIONAL Requirement

High level of performance require high speed network and high level connectivity

The available server must be resalable and the network connectivity in the
supermarket should be proper for smooth flow of all operators and data

Every user of the software is providers a unique login id and password which is
stored in the database hased by algorithm
The software is avilable for use from the supermarket opening time to the
closing time

Inverse requirement
. The software dose not allow the inventory to be reduce from the database
without the concerned item being purchesed
The software dose not allow any other person except the maneger to change the
price of the product

3.3 Planning and Scheduling:

Project planning refers to the steps you do to set up
your project for success. It's the process you go through to
establish the steps required to define your project
objectives, clarify the scope of what needs to be done and
develop the task list to do it.
It is the part of project management which relates to
use of schedules such as Gantt chart and Pert chart to
plan and subsequently report progress within a project

System Requirements

1. Software Requirements

• .NET Framework 3.5

• Windows XP and above
• Programming language VB.Net
• Database: SQL Server

2. Hardware Requirements

• PROCESSOR: Any processer with 2.4 Ghz processing speed or more

• HARD DISK: 50 GB or above
• RAM: 512 MB or above

Conceptual model :
Stores Entity : Attributes of Stores are stored, store name, stereotype, store
• Customer Entity : Attributes of Customer are customer ID, customer name,
customer mobile, customer email, customer username, customer password,
customer address Purchasing Entity : Attributes of Purchasing are purchased,
purchase_customer_id, purchase amount, purchase type, purchrelationships
ase_recepit, purchase bill, purchase descriptiorelationshitity: Attributes of Sales
are sales ID, sales_customer_id, sales amount, sales type, sales description
Payment Entity : Attributes of Payment are payment ID, payment_customer_id,
payment date, payment amount, payment description
• Products Entity : Attributes of Products are product ID, product_customer_id
product items, product number, product type, product description of Super
Market Management System Database:
• The details s is the Stores tables respective w tables
Enitity relationships Diagram
This ER (Entity Relationship) Diagram represents the model of Super Market
Management System Entity. The entity-relationship diagram of Super Market
Management System shows all the visual instrument of database tables and the
relations between Customer, Sales, Stores, Products etc. It used struc- ture data
and to define the relationships between structured data groups of Super Market
Management System functionalities. The main entities of the Super Market
Management System are Stores, Customer, Purchasing, Sales, Payment and

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