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TG (Group Dynamics)
Duration: 13-17 minutes
Grouping: Mixed Levels
Setting: U-shape
Procedures: In this class,
students will continue
talking about innovation
in terms of sustainability
as a continuation to the
previous class. Read the short
paragraph with students,
and explore it, promoting a
chat about the subject. Ask
them if they stop buying a
certain product because the
company is not sustainable
and have a debate about the
questions proposed. Help
Beginner and Basic students
convey their message. It is
a spoken activity, so give all
students the chance to talk.
Have higher-level students
give complete answers and
“A 2019 survey led by Hotwire found that 47% of internet users worldwide had justify their opinion. Beginner
students are expected to
ditched products and services from a brand that violated their personal values. use broken sentences, or
participate at word-level,
Protecting the environment topped that list.” which is fine. Encourage them
to take risks.
Correction Techniques:
Recasting and Class Correction

Available at:

Do you prefer to buy products from eco-friendly companies? Do you make your
choice based on how sustainable the company is?

Answers will vary.




Write examples using the linguistic topics you studied by watching the Language Videos. TG (Knowledge Sharing)
Duration: 18-22 minutes
You can use the pictures below for inspiration, or any other context you’d like.
Setting: Pairs or Groups
Groupings: Same Level and
Mixed Levels
Procedures: Explain to
students that they are supposed
to write sentences using the
linguistic topics they learned
in their class preparation. After
they do it, they will present
the examples, structures, and
uses of the linguistic topics to
the class. They can use the
pictures for their examples,
or come up with sentences of
contexts other than those. Split
students in same-level groups
into Breakout Rooms and give
them 10 minutes to prepare a
presentation about the linguistic
topics listed below, in which
they will give an example,
and explain the uses. Visit the
Breakout Rooms to help them
with their topics, provide them
with hints for the presentations,
and make sure everyone is
participating. Remind students
that you can visit only one
group at a time, but they can
ask for help anytime they want
(explain to them how to use
the tool). When students are
in groups, they can produce
together by sharing a Google
Doc, then sharing their screen
with you. The Annotation tool
can also be used in the Breakout
Rooms. Visit students more than
once, giving them the chance
to try to self-correct. When
time is up, make sure everyone
returns to the Main Room. Then,
give students about 10 minutes
to present the main linguistic
topics they used during the
activity. For the presentations,
share the Whiteboard screen,
and tell them to write using the
Annotation tool. You can also
divide the Whiteboard into parts
by using the Draw function.


Remember to allow students to

BEGINNER annotate. Make sure to divide
the time according to the number
of groups you have in class. It
is important to help students
Giving and Requesting Personal Information overcome their fears. Help shy
and insecure ones during the
When, what time, and prepositions of time presentations. If there are no
students at a certain level, the
presentation of the corresponding
Answers will vary. content will not be necessary.
____________________________________________________________________________ Use Class Correction when they
make mistakes or ask questions.
____________________________________________________________________________ Motivate students to ask questions
to their classmates who are
presenting, and promote chats
____________________________________________________________________________ after different presentations, so
this moment becomes even more
____________________________________________________________________________ interactive.
Correction Techniques: Group
Correction and Class Correction

Knowledge Sharing

Beginner: Giving and requesting

personal information - When, what
time, and prepositions of time
Basic: Giving and requesting
BASIC personal information - How old,
how often, how long, and how far ;
Expressing possession
Giving and Requesting Personal Information Lower Intermediate: Expressing
ability and making requests - Can,
could and be able to, and may
How old, how often, how long, and how far Intermediate: Making predictions
and statements - Paired
conjunctions – either… or;
Answers will vary.
____________________________________________________________________________ neither… nor ; Tag questions
Upper Intermediate: Making
____________________________________________________________________________ predictions and statements - Modal
____________________________________________________________________________ Advanced: Making predictions and
statements - Modal verbs; Paired
____________________________________________________________________________ Upper Advanced: Speaker’s
choice - Passive and Active voice



Expressing Ability and Making Requests

Can, could and be able to, and may

Answers will vary.






Making Predictions and Statements

Paired conjunctions – either… or; neither… nor

Answers will vary.






Making Predictions and Statements

Modal expressions (e.g., it is mandatory…, it is necessary…)

Answers will vary.






Making Predictions and Statements

• Modal verbs – choose 2 modal verbs and give examples.

• Paired conjunctions

Answers will vary.







Speaker’s choice

Passive and Active Voice

Answers will vary.




TG (Reading and Writing)
Duration: 20-25 minutes
1. Warm-up Settings: U-shape and Groups
Grouping: Nearby Levels
Which companies you know have sustainable practices? Do they share this Procedures: Start the activity
with the warm-up questions,
kind of information on social media? linking them to the Group
Dynamics. Have students
participate and share ideas,
keeping the flow of the
conversation. After that, work
on the Vocabulary Activation
exercise. Those words are
in the text, so working on
2. Vocabulary Activation this pre-teaching will help
students understand the main
information from the text more
Take a look at the following words and relate them to the pictures. easily. Give students about 3
minutes to match the pictures
to the words, and correct
them using Class Correction.
Then, move on to the text. Split
students into nearby-level
Breakout Rooms, and have
them do their exercises.


1 2
Visit students in their Breakout
Rooms, asking them to share their
screen so you can check their
production. Guide them, leading
students to use the linguistic
topics they studied at home.
When there is a mistake, provide
guidance, but give them time to
try to self-correct. Visit all groups
as many times as you can, so you
give students several chances to
correct mistakes on their own.
Give students about 8 minutes for
this part. When they are done and
return to the Main Room, have
them present what they wrote.
3 4 Make this presentation moment
collaborative, having students
who are watching interact with
the ones presenting.
Correction Techniques: Class
Correction and Group Correction

( 2 ) Recycling material

( 3 ) To throw

( 4 ) Trash

( 1 ) Carbon emission

( 5 ) Campaign


3. Text
Read the text and answer the questions about Up Group according to your level.

Up Group

Atlanta, Georgia

We are proud to announce that Up Group has made important changes in its
processes and is now recognized as a green company. We have recently built a
recycling center, where all workers can throw recycling material during worktime,
and even bring recycling material from their homes any time from 8:00 a.m. to
8:00 p.m., which is when the company opens and closes. By doing so, we motivate
all workers who do not know what to do with the material or where to throw it to
give trash the right destination. When it comes to plastic, every month we have
campaigns about reducing plastic waste, and all workers have their own mugs
as well. Twice a month, during our meetings, we dedicate a few minutes to look
for new solutions to print less and reduce paper waste. We have also adopted
new technology to reduce our daily energy demand. We have also implemented
new technology which will allow us to reduce carbon emission on 90% of our new


What time does the company open? What time does it close?

How often do they talk about plastic waste? What about paper waste?

Write the requests you think the company makes to the employees to reduce paper waste.
Remember to use modal verbs.







What else can the company do to become greener? Use paired conjunctions to detail.

What do employees have to do to have a greener routine at work? Use modal expressions to
explain, such as it is of utmost importance, it is urgent…, it is important / mandatory…

Say what has to be done for companies to make changes and become more sustainable.




___ __________________________________________________________________________


TG (Self-Evaluation)
Duration: 5-7 minutes
Setting: U-shape
Grouping: Mixed Levels
Procedures: Read the
questions with students,
rephrasing them if needed, then
give students time to answer
them on their own. Then,
promote a debate about the
subject. Take this opportunity to
talk to students about the fact
that every day is an opportunity
to reflect upon our routine,
and make it more practical,
more sustainable, and more
effective. Explain the For Next
Class section to your students
and motivate them to keep on
studying. Give them individual
feedback whenever necessary.
Correction Technique:
Recasting (when
communication gets blocked)

Innovation is about a new idea or method to do something. Which innovative practices would
you like to implement in your routine?

Answers will vary.


What would you like to change in your study habits to make your learning process even
more effective?

Answers will vary.



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Watch the language videos of class T03 and do the extra activities on your platform.

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