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LankaBangla Securities Ltd.

A.A Bhaban (Level 5), 23 Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-1000

CLIENT WISE PORTFOLIO STATEMENT Buy/Sale Order Book is not signed.

Client Code: H5398 Name: FAKRUDDIN KHAN As On:15-Mar-2022

BO ID: 1201830070347191 A/C Type:Direct Trading with no Margin
Company Name Saleable Lock Qty Lien Total Qty. Cost Cost Market Market %Portf Unrealize %Gain
Qty. Qty Amount Price Value olio Gain
(TK.) (TK.) (TK.)
*Desh General Insurance Company Limited 430 0 0 430 50.05 21,521.75 35.20 15,136.00 100.00 -6,385.75 -29.67

Total: 21,521.75 15,136.00 100 -6,385.75 -29.67

Account Status Till Today

Sector Exposure in %
Available Balance : 371.77 Marginable Securities(MS) : 15,136.00 Sector Exposure %
Immatured Balance : 0.00 Non Marginable(NM) : 0.00 INSURANCE 100.00
Unclear Cheque : 0.00
Accrued Interest(AI) : 0.00 :
Total Portfolio Value(PV) 15,136.00
Current Assets(CA)/(Liabilities) : 371.77
Blocked for IPO : 0.00
Online Req Amount : 0.00 Equity(EQ) : 15,507.77
Marginable Equity(ME) :
Deposit & Withdraw Status 15,507.77
Loan Ratio (LR) : 0.00
Deposit : 36,945.00
Ipo Refund : 40,800.00 Availed loan Ratio (LR) : 0.00
Cash Dividend : 0.00 Margin Sanction Amount (MS : 0.00
Total Deposit 77,745.00 Purchase Power (PP) : 371.77
Share Transfer In : 5,000.00
Withdraw : 36,000.00 Exposure on Equity : 0.00
Ipo Application : 45,800.00
Total Withdraw 81,800.00
Share Transfer Out : 0.00
Realized Gain/Loss : 21,943.52

NB: EQ=(Lower(PV,CV)+CA) ME=(Lower(PVM,CVM)+CA) PVM:PV of Marginable Securities CVM:CV of Marginable Securities

Apply your IPO through LankaBangla Securities Ltd with additional charge TK 5.00.
Any discrepancies must be notified in written within 7 days from the statement date.This statement will otherwise be considered correct.
LankaBangla Financial Web Portal
LankaBangla Contact Centre, Domestic: 16325, Overseas: +8809611016325

Printed On: 14-Mar-2022 7:17:21PM Page 1 of 1

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