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Lesson Plan (3/7/2022)

Teacher: VeNeesa Todd – 9th Grade English (SLD Program)

Lesson Plan Title: Idioms

Concept/Topic to Teach: Idioms- Literal and Figurative Language

General Goals: Learn the meaning of literal and figurative language and what an idiom is.

Specific Objectives:

*Students will be able to recognize and understand the meaning of idioms.

*Students will be able to understand literal and figurative language.

*Students will be able to use idioms in a sentence.

*Students will be able to understand cliché meaning

Required Materials:





Anticipatory Set:

I will ask students “What are idioms?” and to provide examples. Give a brief description of
idioms and the meaning of literal and figurative language.

Step by Step:

*As students come into class and I’ll give them a few minutes to get settled. I will then do the
Introduction discussion on idioms and literal & figurative language. I will ask students if they
know what idioms are, then I’ll provide the definitions along with examples.

*I will then instruct students to the projected board to watch the Brain Pop Video – Idioms

*After the video, I will assign an Idioms Worksheet.

*Students will then take the Brain Pop Idioms Quiz

*Before the end of the class, students will do an Exit Ticket of a review of the lesson by
providing an example of idiom and its literal meaning.

Plan for Independent Practice: Idioms Worksheet & Idioms Quiz

Closure: I will have students do an Exit Ticket; Students will provide an example of an idiom along with
its literal meaning
Assessment Based of Objectives: Idioms Quiz & Exit Ticket

Accommodations: Angela will use Immersive Reader (screen reader) that reads the quiz to her & speech
to text on Google Docs.

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