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Submitted by – Shambhavi Verma Roll No- 20202337

Date of the interview – 7th April 7, 2021
Duration of the interview – Approx. 10 mins
Mode of the interview –- Face to Face
Service – Insurance

Questions –
Q.1) Who was the decision-making unit?
Ans.1) It was the sole decision of the customer
A. Who Bought the product or service?
 It was bought by my grandfather
B. Identify all those who played a role in the decision process. What role did they play?

 The primary area of concern was the age factor that came into the customer’s mind along with
the benefits that will be offered if he makes the purchase.
2. What motivated the purchase?

 The purchase was made keeping in mind the extra bills that hospitals charge in name of
simple checkups and monthly checkups.

A. What problems did the product/service solve? What functions would it facilitate?
 It has eased up on the expense part of the health-related issue. Will cover up the unwanted
heavy expense at the hospital if something uncanny occurs. It will also cover accidental
B. What attributes seemed important?
 Accidental Benefits, Death coverage, High sum assured to the customer all these seem to be
important and valuable attributes of the health insurance he brought.
3. Characterize the decision
It was a sole decision as he was willing/determined to buy a health insurance for himself.
A. Was it a first-time decision? A review of a previous decision? A careful Decision? A
causal Decision? Was the amount of deliberation appropriate to the decision?
No, it was not the first-time decision, as he has already opted for other types of insurance and is
familiar with the rules and benefits that are offered by the company.

4. Characterize the decision-making process.

Decision making process was short as it was the sole decision of the customer to buy the
insurance. He critically evaluated the alternatives and made the purchase.
A. What triggered the process?
 Due to the scam happening while making the hospital bills and overly charged hospitals rent
triggered the process of buying the insurance.

B. Was there an information search? How was the search conducted? How much
information was collected? What sources were used? When in the process was
information gathered?
 The customer first came to know about the insurance through print media. He went through
the details of the ad that was advertising the insurance. He looked into the rules and
regulations and the benefits the insurance was claiming.

C. How many alternatives were evaluated? Why those?

 Approx 4-5 alternatives were often checked into further to take the best out of it.

D. How was the final choice Determined?

 The final choice was made when the buyer has critically evaluated the terms and evaluation of
the insurance offered and examine the pros and cons of purchasing this insurance.
5. Where did the consumer Buy?

 It was bought with the help of an agent.


A. Why there?
Because the customer thought it was the safest way to buy the health insurance through an agent.
B. Which came first: first where to buy or what to buy?
The first question that popped the mind was where to buy as it was pre decided that the customer
wants to buy the health insurance.


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