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A. The definition of self-concept

Self-concept is an essential part in the development of
personality. Self in term of psychology has two meanings that
is attitude and feelings of a person’s towards himself, and
something the whole psychological process that controls
behavior and self-adjustment.1
According to Burns The Self-concept is self-esteem,
self-worth or self-acceptance that includes all beliefs and
judgments about ourselves, it will define who we are in our
own mind, what we can do in our minds and what we become
in our minds.2
According to Hurlock self-concept is the composition
of the picture of self-perception, that perception it is belief,
feelings, and attitudes about the values that are recognized by
the individual as his traits. 3 Hurlock explain that the
composition of self-concept is formed from a variety of
experiences in stages, the meaning that the composition is
formed from experience since the children as a basic element.

Sumadi Suryabrata, Psikologi Kepribadian (Jakarta: Rajawali Press,
1982) p. 290.
Burns, R. B., Konsep Diri: Teori, Pengukuran, Perkembangan, dan
Perilaku, (Jakarta: Penerbit Arcan, 1993) p. 87
Hurlock, E.B., Personality Development (New York: Megraw-Hill
Kogakusha, 1979) p. 93-95.


From that basic elements of the arrangement formed

subsequent experience. Every element of self-concept of the
new composed with arrangement to self-concept has been
established before, and the arrangement will affect the shape
of the arrangement that next ensues.
Hurlock use the term self-concept as a makeup primer
base, it composed from all social experience gained from
family life that have influenced it. Form of involvement in the
family affects the quality and intensity of self-concept person
Sartain as cited by Purwanto in his book argues that
the concept of self as the views, feelings about ourselves
which includes an appreciation, attitudes and feelings either
perceived or not.4
Patterson describes the 'self', self-concept, self-
structure is the perception of the relationship of "I as the
subject" and "me as an object". In other words, the various
aspects of life together with the values associated with these
developments were organized into a strong unity. 5
The self-concept is to do the imagery oneself as
someone else, which he calls the looking-glass self (self-glass)
as if we put glass in front of our own. The process begins by
Purwanto. M. Ngalim. Psikologi Pendidikan (Bandung: Rosdakarya.
1996) p. 124
Sangalang. Self Concept. (New York: Pustaka Group, 1992) p. 2

imagining how we look at others, we catch a glimpse of

ourselves as in a mirror. For example, we feel our face
attractive, or unattractive. The second process, we imagine
how others judge our appearance, whether others judge us
attractive, intelligent, or interesting. The third process, we
then experience a feeling of pride or disappointed by engaging
ourselves assessment and judgment of others. If the
assessment is positive you feel about yourself, then later
develop a positive self-concept. On the contrary, the judgment
of others towards us negatively, and we judge ourselves too
negative, then we develop a negative self-concept.6
According to Carl Rogers the self is the aspect of
phenomenological experience. Phenomenological experience
is one aspect of our experience of the world is the one that
meets our conscious experience is the experience of ourselves,
or self.7
Atwater says that self-concept is an overall sense of
self, which includes one's perception of self, feelings, beliefs,
and values that are associated with him. Furthermore Atwater
identify three forms of self-concept. First, body image,
awareness of his body that is how a person sees himself.

Savitri Ramadhani. The Art Of Positif Communicating. (Yogyakarta:
Bookmarks, 2008.) p.77
Daniel Cervone, Lawrence A. Pervin Kepribadian: teori dan
penelitian edisi 10 buku 1 (Jakarta: salemba humanika, 2011) p. 210

Second, the idea of self, that is how the ideals and

anticipations someone about him. Third, the social self, which
is how others see him.
Cooley8 put forward the theory of self-concept is
based on the view of symbolic interaction. There are three
things that underlie definition symbolic interaction, that is:
individuals respond to the environment based on
consideration of the environmental elements of the role of
meaning for him as an individual, the meaning is the result of
social interaction, the meaning, which is received by an
individual is subject to change in accordance with the
acceptance of the individual in the process of social
Based on the view that symbolic interaction, Cooley
proposed the theory of the glass (looking glass self), he said
that a person’s self-image is a reflection of the views of others
about him. The mirror is able to reflect the values described
by others person on the individual. Cooley define the self as
“I” means me, mine, and myself, to show that self contains
elements of emotional is stronger than the non-self elements.
And the self only can be understood through a subjective
feeling. Self-illustrated through the mirror grew from

Cooley, C.H., Human Nature and The Social Order, Scibners,New
York, 1912, p. 89.

symbolic interaction that occurs between him and various

primary groups, such as family. The group has the
characteristics of face to face relationship every time, it is
relatively stable and has a high level of closer in the
relationship between members of the group, so resulting in the
integration of the relationship between members and groups.
To face relationships in a group that is able to provide
feedback to individuals about how other people vote against
him. Because it is self-concept is formed by the process of
learning about values, attitudes, roles and identities in the
Mead10 refers to the Cooley’s theory, to further
develop the theory of the self. He also argues that self is
evolved from the basic relationship of the individual with
other individuals in the social process. Through social
interaction, self grows as the social structure of a social
experience. The self-concept grow and develop as an object,
these developments form an understanding about how other
people reaction to him. As an object, the concept of self has a
characteristic form of social identity, a self-image that has
been adapted to the demands of their social environment. Self-
concept thus allows one to anticipate the reactions of others
Mead, G., Mind, Self and Society, Univ of Chicago Press,Chicago,
1934, p. 34.

and allow the person to put themselves in the midst of its

environment. On the basis of understanding that individuals
can form in anticipation of the reaction of others towards him,
so he was able to establish appropriate behavior.
Individuals learn to give meaning to the environment
as well as every person in his environment also do the same.
Such estimates can provide and form a picture of the views of
others (generalized others). If everyone in the community can
learn from these estimates, it will be formed on the notion of
social community members together, which will be also
underlie the formation of an internal arrangement within each
individual conscience and it will guide behavior.
Mead stated that growing social self is a social
experience. Language is the connecting element between the
self and the community. Individuals can make use of the
symbols in the language of communication with another
person or with himself, he is able to communicate with
yourself, just as if he was communicating with others. It can
integrate the attitudes of others towards him as generalized
others. Community follow to shape and give meaning to self-
concept process of formation of the individual as a member of
society. Self and society are two inseparable things, resulting
in steady and sustainable development of the underlying
behavior of the individual.

Comparing the views of Cooley and Mead, they both

put the role of social environment interaction in the process of
self-concept formation. The difference in Cooley with glass
theory, he put the symbolic importance of the interaction
between individuals with primary groups, such as the family
as the basis for assessing individual learning and understand
themselves, while Mead is more emphasis on the wider
community, as symbolic interaction, forming a sense of how
the views of others in general (generalized others) helped
shape the patterns of behavior and sense of self. Cooley
outlook more to a view that emphasizes Hurlock also says that
the social experience of family life as the basis for the
formation of self-concept, so formed a self-concept of primary
and secondary of self-concept.
Of the several theories above it can be concluded that
self-concept is an attitude of confidence and conviction about
the advantages and disadvantages that exist in itself as well as
its physical characteristics are formed through the perception
and interpretation of themselves and their environment.

B. The Development of Self-Concept

The self-concept plays an important role in
determining behavior of someone in order to know ourselves
completely to resolve conflicts there is in him, and to interpret
the experiences they gained. Therefore, the self-concept is
necessary for someone to use it as reference of life.11
The self-concept of a person is not an innateness but
are formed through the learning process from someone growth
period from childhood to adulthood. Besides the self-concept
generated from the process of individual interactions with the
environment continuously. 12
Burns mentioned some factors that influence the
formations of self-concept which is quoted by Agus
Priyanto13, Factors that affect self-concept are:
a. Overview Self (body image)
Self-image is a person's attitude toward his body
consciously and unconsciously. This attitude includes
perceptions and feelings about the size, shape,
appearance function, and the potential of the body. Self-

Daniel Cervone, Lawrence A. Pervin Kepribadian: teori dan
penelitian edisi 10 buku 1 (Jakarta: salemba humanika, 2011) p. 33
Nashori. Hubungan antara Kematangan Beragama dengan
Kompetensi, (Yogyakarta: Universitas Gajah Mada, 2000) p. 28
Agus Priyanto, Komunikasi dan Konseling : Aplikasi dalam sarana
Pelayanan Kesehatan untuk Perawat dan Bidan. (Jakarta: Salemba Medika,
2009) p.42

image associated with personality. The worldview of the

individual against himself has an important impact on the
psychological aspects of the individual. A realistic view
of the self by receiving and measuring parts of the body
itself can give rise to a sense of security, relieve anxiety,
and can also improve self-esteem.
b. Ideal Self
Ideal self is the individual's perception of how
one should behave based on standard of aspirations,
objectives or specific personal votes. Ideal themselves
began to grow in childhood are influenced by people who
are important to her that provide benefits and
expectations in adolescence, while the ideal self is to be
formed through a process of identification of the parents,
teachers, and other people close.
c. Self-esteem
Self-esteem is a personal assessment of the
results achieved by analyzing how far behavior can fulfill
the ideal self. Self-esteem is very vulnerable interrupted
during adolescence and old age. High self-esteem
associated with the effectiveness of the group and
acceptance by others. Meanwhile low self-esteem
associated with poor interpersonal relationships and it is
the risk of depression.

d. Role
Roles are attitudes, behavior values and goals
expected of a person based on their position in the
community. Roles are defined is the role in which a
person has no other choice, whereas the acceptable role is
the role of elected or selected individuals.
e. Identity
Identity is an awareness of self that comes from
observation and assessment of individuals as well as a
synthesis of all aspects of self-concept as a whole.
Identity cards continued to grow since childhood
coincided with the growth of self-concept.

The self-concept essentially includes four basic

aspects that consists of:
1. How do people observe themselves
2. How do people think about themselves
3. How do people rate themselves
4. How do people tried in various ways to enhance and
sustain themselves. 14
The Self-concept of a person in childhood is usually
different from the self-concept they owned as a teenager. A
child's self-concept is not realistic, but then that unrealistic

Muntholi'ah, Konsep diri positif menunjang prestasi PAI,
(Semarang: Gunung Jati dan Yayasan Al-Qur'an, , 2002) P. 29

self-concept then replaced by a new self-concept in line with

the invention of himself or experience in the next age.
Hurlock explain that the composition of self-concept
is formed from a variety of experiences in stages, the meaning
that the composition is formed from experience since the
children as a basic element. From that basic elements of the
arrangement formed subsequent experience. Every element of
self-concept of the new composed with arrangement to self-
concept has been established before, and the arrangement will
affect the shape of the arrangement that next ensues.
The composition of the primary self-concept help
someone to establish secondary self-concept, it means that
basic composition also determine of formation of subsequent
experience, this is the beginning of the ideal-self
developments will be prepared in the onward development.
One’s ideal self-concept differs from self-concept that has
been previously owned, because the ideal self-concept is more
superior to the basic self-concept, and it is different from the
self-image that may not be preferred. Ideal self-concept in
formation is also influenced by self-concept has been
established previously and it is also associated with a variety
of special self-concept, until forming a hierarchical self-
concept. In one’s life, desires and expectations are not always
realized. Therefor, someone can establish a realistic ideal self-

concept grew out of dissatisfaction with one’s self is

associated with self-image and basic of self-concept has
owned. This will affect the behavior and the adjustment itself.
Because the composition of self-concept of the hierarchical
nature is the self-concept has been established, so it will not
be easy to change.
During its development, the ideal self-concept is
formed from a realistic of self-concept can help in directing
positive. Self-concept may be incentive for someone to
achieve something higher than what has been obtained. Ideal
self-concept can also be composed of dreams and fantasies, as
a form of disappointment and escape someone. Thus the Ideal
self-concept is negative, can be a barrier in adjustment. In the
formation of self-concept, the ideas owned or coveted by
someone, sometimes different from the reality, including very
high aspirations and expectations that are difficult to be
realized. If there is a match between what is desired and
reality, it will create self-acceptance.15
The self-concept evolved through the process,
generally individuals observe the function of himself, and then
he receive feedback about who he is from the others.
Individuals can also see who he is by the comparison with

Jersild, A.T. The Psychology of Adolescence, (New York: The
Macmillan Comp, 1963), p. 98.

others (parents, peers, and community). Many times ourselves

that cause problems further complicated by thinking nonsense
against a state or against ourselves. But the attitude of a
dynamic, self-concept can experience more positive
According to Rogers the individual perceive the
experience as well as external object and attribute meaning to
it. Total system of perception and meaning creates the
individual phenomenological field. The core of the
phenomenal field is to recognize what is called by the
individual as me or I that is self. Self or self-concept
symbolizes the pattern of perception that regular and
consistent. Although self is change, it always maintaining,
integrating, and organizing the quality of this pattern. 17
For Rogers, the self is not a small person who is in us.
Self is not the controlled behavior that runs independently.
However, the self is a series of regular perceptions held by
Rogers recognize the two different aspects of the self
that is the actual self and the ideal self. Rogers recognized that
naturally people are not just thinking only of himself at the

Nashori. Hubungan antara Kematangan Beragama dengan
Kompetensi, (Yogyakarta: Universitas Gajah Mada 2000) p. 29
Daniel Cervone, Lawrence A. Pervin Kepribadian: teori dan
penelitian edisi 10 buku 1 (Jakarta: salemba humanika, 2011) p. 210

moment, but also themselves potentially in the future.

Therefore they organized patterns of perception not only
about themselves, but also ideal self that they want. So the
ideal self is the self-concept which is wanted to be owned by
individuals. Ideal self includes perceptions and meanings that
are potentially relevant for self and highly appreciated by
them. Rogers understood if our understanding of ourselves
contains two different components, namely self we believe is
ourselves today and the ideal self that we see as ourselves in
the future.18
Self-concept is not formed and evolved itself but
supported by their individual interaction with others and the

C. The Types of Self-Concept

According to Calhoun, the development of self-
concept is divided into two, namely a positive self-concept
and negative self-concept:
1. Positive Self-concept
Positive self-concept show their self-acceptance
where people with positive self-concept knows himself
very well. Positive self-concept is stable and varied.
Individuals who have a positive self-concept can

Ibid p. 211

understand and accept the fact that a number of very

large assortment of himself so an evaluation of himself to
be positive and be able to accept what he was.
2. Negative Self-concept
Calhoun negative self-concepts divide into two
types, namely:
a. Individual views of himself totally disorganized, do
not have feelings, stability and wholeness. The
people really do not know who he is, his strengths
and weaknesses or appreciated in his life.
b. `View of himself too stable and orderly. This could
occur because individuals are educated in a way that
is very hard, thus creating a self-image that does not
allow any deviation from set of laws which in his
mind is a proper way of life.19
William D brooks and Philip Emmert divided of self-
concept into two kinds that are20:
1. Positive Self-concept that is characterized by such things
as the following:
a. Have confidence that he was able to overcome the

Renita Mulyanintyas. Bimbingan dan Konseling. (Ciputat: Quantum
Teaching, 2006) p.46
Jalaludin Rakhmad, Psikologi Komunikasi, (Bandung: PT Remaja
Rosdakarya, 1992) p. 105.

b. Feel equal with others

c. Receiving a compliment without feeling shame or
d. Recognizing that every human being has desires,
feelings and behaviors that are not necessarily fully
approved by society
e. Knowing and realizing the deficiencies that exist
within him and tried to fix it.
2. Negative Self-concept which characterized as follow:
a. Sensitive to criticism. Almost always cannot stand the
criticism of receipt. He saw it as the efforts of others
to drop his price, so sometimes he looks stubborn and
trying to maintain his opinion using a variety of
justifications and false logic.
b. The response to the praise, though he seemed not to
care and avoid the compliment but still seemed
c. Responds to praise, though he seemed not to care and
avoid the compliment but enthusiasm will still appear.
d. Have a tendency to feel unwelcome others. His
reaction to see each other as enemies, not least
because he was not considered. Even so he will feel
that he is the victim of a social system that is not right.

Meanwhile Fitts states that there are five aspects of

the general category in the self-concept that are physical self-
concept, personal self-concept, social self-concept, moral self-
concept, and family self-concept21:
a. Physical self-concept. This concept means the views,
thoughts, and assessment of adolescents to its own.
Individuals known to have a physical self-concept when
he looked positively his appearance, health, skin, good
looks, as well as the ideal body size. Individuals
considered to have a negative self-concept when looking
at those things negatively.
b. Personal self-concept. This concept means the views,
thoughts, and feelings of adolescents to own person.
Someone classified as having a positive self-concept
when looking at himself as a happy, optimistic, and able
to control themselves, and have a variety of abilities.
Conversely considered to have a negative self-concept
when looking at themselves as unhappy, pessimistic, and
unable to control themselves, and have a wide variety of
c. Social self-concept. This concept means the views,
thoughts, judgments, feelings of adolescents to the

Nashori. Hubungan antara Kematangan Beragama dengan
Kompetensi, (Yogyakarta: Universitas Gajah Mada 2000) p.31

existing social tendencies on himself. Social self-concept

relates to the ability of touch with the world outside
himself, feeling capable and valuable within the scope of
social interaction. Someone classified as having a positive
social self-concept if it sees itself as the people who are
interested in others, understand others, find it easy along
with other people, to feel cared for, keeping the feelings
of others, and is active in the social activities. Instead,
someone is said to have a negative social self-concept if
sees himself as a person who is indifferent to others, it is
difficult along with other people, do not pay attention to
others, and not active in social activities.
d. Moral self-concept. This concept means the views,
thoughts, feelings, and judgments about the morality of
adolescents themselves. This concept relates to the values
and principles that mean giving meaning and direction of
one's life. Someone classified as having a positive self-
concept of moral ethics if sees himself as a person who
cling to the values of moral ethics. Instead classified as
having negative self-concept of moral ethics when
someone sees himself as the one who deviates from the
standard of moral value that should be followed.
e. The family self-concept. This concept means the views,
thoughts, judgments, and adolescent mind on her own

family. The family self-concept related to the presence of

a person in the family. Someone classified as having a
positive family self-concept when looking at himself
loved and beloved the family, happy with family, proud
family got a lot of help and encouragement of family.
Conversely, if classified as having a negative family self-
concept if a person sees himself as someone who is not
comfortable in the situation of the family, hates his own
family and never get impulse of his own family.22

D. The Goal in Developing Self-Concept

Since the self-concept begins to form, someone will
behave in accordance with the self-concept they have. If a
person's behavior is inconsistent with the concept itself, it
would appear uncomfortable feeling in him. This is the most
important of the concept of self. One's view of himself will
determine the action to be done.
If a person has a positive self-concept, it will form a
high appreciation also to themselves, or to say that he has a
high self-esteem. Respect for self is the self-evaluation will
determine the extent to which a person sure of her abilities
and her success. So, if he has a positive self-concept,
Ema Widianti. Hubungan Konsep Diri dengan Penyesuaian Diri
Remaja (Analisis Bimbingan dan Konseling Islam). Semarang: IAIN
Walisongo Semarang. 2007. P. 22

demonstrated by the high self-esteem. Everything behavior

will always be focused on success. He will try and strive to
always realize the concept itself. For example, if one feels that
he can then he will study hard and work hard to prove that he
is really good at such beliefs. He also will not easily
discouraged because they have confidence that he would
succeed because of their versatility.
Conversely, if a person has a negative image of him
will appear also negative evaluation of himself. All
information will neglect her neighbor, and negative
information in the image itself will be kept as part of
strengthening confidence claim to hold. For example if a child
believes that he is a "bad boy" then he will behave according
to that belief. If he ever gets credit for helping a friend, he will
tend to ignore the praise for being incompatible with his belief
that he was a "bad boy". Compliment that "he was a good
boy" made him feel uncomfortable.
Developing self-concept can be done in various ways,
for example to learn to like yourself, develop positive
thoughts about yourself and others, improve the quality of
interpersonal relationships, being proactive, maintaining the
balance of life and change the way we communicate.

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