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C H A P T E R 2 .

5 : G E R M A N E X PA N S I O N , 19 3 8 – 4 0

2.5 Paper 1 practice: The outbreak of Limitations

war, September 1939 ●● A limitation of the purpose is that Hitler will
want to keep his commanders-in-chief on
The full mark scheme for the full document
side and so is likely to indicate that this is a
question on pages 189–191 is given below..
justified attack and that there is no chance of
Compare your answers to this mark scheme.
Britain and France intervening.
First question, part a – 3 marks ●● The language is very positive regarding the
According to Source A, how had Britain caused attack and the chances of success.
the outbreak of hostilities in September 1939?
Third question – 6 marks
●● Britain had prevented the revision of the
Compare and contrast Sources A and C regarding
Treaty of Versailles.
Hitler’s motivations for the attack on Poland.
●● Britain had prevented a resolution of the
conflict between Poland and Germany. Comparisons
●● Both sources say that the West will not
●● Britain was the country being aggressive and
Germany was only responding to this.
●● Both sources stress that this is a good
First question, part b – 2 marks opportunity and there is a need to seize the
What is the message of Source B? initiative at this moment.
●● The overall message is that despite the pact ●● Both sources mention the strength of
and appearance of friendliness between the Germany’s economic position because of
two countries, neither side trusts each other. autarky.
●● Each will take the first opportunity to attack Contrasts
the other. ●● Source D mentions Hitler’s ideological aims,
●● Both have collaborated in the attack on such as the perceived need for Lebensraum
Poland. (living space), whereas Source C only focuses
on Poland as a cause of the tension.
Second question – 4 marks
●● Source C suggests that Germany has economic
With reference to its origin, purpose and content,
weaknesses that mean it has to attack now,
analyse the values and limitations of using Source
whereas Source D only focuses on Germany’s
A as evidence of Hitler’s aims in 1939.
economic strengths.
Values ●● Source D is explicitly cites Poland as a
●● The origin of the source gives it value: it is fabricated excuse for war, whereas the
a speech by Hitler, who is the driving force implication in Source C is that there are
behind Germany’s foreign policy. genuine grievances with Poland, which
●● A value of the date of the Source is that it was are a cause for war.
given in late August and so gives insight into Fourth question – 9 marks
Hitler’s views less than two weeks before the
Using the sources and your own knowledge,
assess the reasons for Hitler’s attack on Poland in
●● A value of the purpose is that Hitler needs to September 1939.
make the commanders of his army understand
These are the points that you could get from the sources
his plans and he is unlikely to want to mislead
to help you answer the question:
them as they are the carrying out the attack.
He says in the speech that he wants to give ●● Source A: Hitler is determined to overturn the
them confidence, and so there is a lot of detail Treaty of Versailles.
in his reasoning as to why Britain and France ●● Source B: The Nazi–Soviet Pact has protected
will not attack.
Hitler from a war on two fronts.

●● Source C: the fact that Britain and France ●● Hitler’s earlier successes in Rhineland, Austria
were not expected to intervene; the situation and Czechoslovakia have increased his
in Poland; and the economic situation of confidence, and given him a strong strategic
Germany. position from which to attack Poland.
●● Source D: Hitler’s aim is to take over Poland ●● The Pact of Steel with Italy is significant. Hitler
and then the Soviet Union; it is a favourable had expectations of support from Mussolini,
time to take action. and also from Franco after helping him in the
Spanish Civil War.
You could bring in these points from your own
knowledge: ●● Hitler wanted war in order to achieve his
goals; he would never have been content with
●● Hitler had the long-term aim of expanding
a negotiated settlement.
to the East to gain Lebensraum; his views as
written in Mein Kampf and articulated at the ●● Hitler made a miscalculation over France
meeting recorded by Hossbach are relevant. and Britain; he did not understand that they
would take action if he went into Poland.

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