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Interview Reflection

The most challenging part about the interview was asking the questions. Grace and her
family go to our church and come over but I never ask her many questions. I never felt uncom-
fortable during the situation. Funny side note, I always feel uncomfortable when Chinese people
do my nails and talk their language but, I didn’t feel uncomfortable while Grace was speaking to
the owner of the restaurant in Spanish. My view points didn’t change at all during this interview
and assignment. I feel like everyone should be treated with respect, no matter what color, sex,
ethnicity or background you are. In my opinion, this did not change my perspective but it proved
what I have been trying to say. Grace teaches her children to respect everyone, no matter what
color they are. The writing was the most challenging part of the assignment for me. I wanted to
just put the questions and her answers. But, I really had to think about all the information she
gave me and summarize it all. Honestly, I realized a lot about Mexican culture. Before coming
into this assignment, I enjoyed Mexican food and hanging out with Grace’s family but I didn’t
appreciate it like I do now. Every encounter I’ve had has been good. Recently, while trying to
buy a horse the owner of one of them was Mexican. So, doing this project opened my eyes to the
people around me. Another challenging part was getting through the questions. I was so shocked
about some of the answers she gave me, I just kept asking. My favorite part about this experience
was the food and getting to learn about where she is from and how she was raised. It is crazy to
me when people are raised so much different from me. Especially when I heard a little bit about
how Mexico is.

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