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Mongolian University of Science and Technology

School of Information and Communication Technology

Assessment work II

English for Specific Purpose Syllabus /S.ESP 310/

Spring of the 2020 – 2021

Teacher :………………………/Bayarmaa.D

Student: ………………………B180940030 G. BUYANDELGER

Ulaanbaatar city


Individual work I

Video conferencing

Task A. Study the instructions for using a video conferencing system.

Try to find this information quickly.

What do these keys do?

a. (E) Puts Near End, Far End or both on mute

b. (L) controls zoom in and out of the Far End camera

c. (B) selects numbers from speed dial list

d. (H) ends the call

Which buttons do you use to:

a. make a call? -A

c. switch off the picture-in-picture? -F

b. adjust the volume? -G

d. zoom in and out the Near End camera? -J

Dialing a video call

Ensure ‘Picture Tell Ready’ is displayed on the monitor.

Press the Call button (A). The monitor will prompt you to:

1. Make a manual call

2. Re-dial the last video numbers

3. Place a call from the speed dial menu.

To select a number from the speed dial list, use the direction keys (B), then press enter (C).

When the call has been successfully connected, you will see the Far End location on the monitor.


On the left-hand side there is an audio mute key (E). When this is in operation, a banner will appear
on your main monitor telling you that Near End, Far End, or both are on mute. Use the Mute button
if you want to have a private conversation.


To adjust the incoming volume, simply press the Volume key (F).


If you prefer not to see your own image, you can switch the P-I-P off using button (G).

Moving the camera

The right-hand side of the keypad houses the Near End (I and J) and the Far End (K) and (L) camera
controls. The diamond-shaped keys (I, K) control the direction of the camera and (J, L) the zoom in
and out.

Ending your video conference

When your meeting is finished, remember to end the call by pressing the Hang Up key (H). It is
preferable for the call originator to hang up.

Task B. Complete the chart with the missing words.

# Noun Verb Adjective

1 appearance appear --------------

2 success succeed successful

3 operative operate operative

4 location locate locateable

5 origination originate originable

6 movement Move movable/moveable

7 connection connect connective

8 image imagine imageable

9 direction direct directable

10 preference prefer preferable

Task C. Match two halves to make sense.

A. 1. to make a) keys

2. to select b) volume

3. diamond-shaped c) hand

4. right d) a call

5. to adjust e) a number

1-d 2-e 3-a 4-c 5-b

B. 1. audio a) button

2. to place b) direction

3. to have c) mute key

4. mute d) a conversation

5. to control e) a call

1-c 2-e 3-d 4-a 5-b

Task D. Describe the diagram of the video conferencing system without looking at the text given

Video conferencing is a technology that allows users in different locations to hold face-to-face
meetings without having to move to a single location together. This technology is particularly
convenient for business users in different cities or even different countries because it saves time,
expenses, and hassles associated with business travel. Uses for video conferencing include holding
routine meetings, negotiating business deals, and interviewing job candidates.

Companies with
multiple offices
might establish
direct video
between their
locations in order
to allow their
teams to work

Video conferencing can also be used as a medium for conducting training, with the instructor
teaching a remote class from almost anywhere. This can be done in a corporate context, especially
for getting workers the knowledge they need to better perform their jobs. The academic world can
also make use of video conferencing to connect a traditional classroom setting with students who
based a considerable distance from the school. A video conference may also be used to conduct
regular meetings with a company staff or to confer with shareholders about the latest activities at
the business. It may be used to announce significant changes at a company, such as introducing a
new CEO or to present information in an interactive way that allows all participants to engage in
discussion about what they see on screen.

Hotels and conference centers sometimes make video conferencing services available to guests who
require such services. This may be offered in suites or conference rooms that have been equipped
for this purpose.

Individual work II


Task A. Listen to a dialogue about iris scanning. Number the topics in the order in which you hear

Task B. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences from the

dialogue. Then listen again and check your answers.

you on how getting are?

How are your getting on?

you have systems with up what come?

What systems have you cme up with?

what system we that about that other about spoke?

What about that other system that we spoke about?

that have looked into you?

Have you looked into that

you see what I mean yes.

Yes I see what you mean

more on me go tell.

Go on , tell me more

the how so operate system does?

So how does the system operate?

you catch after I’ll weekend with the up.

I’ll catch up with you after the weekend.

Task C. Complete the text, using the words and phrases in the box.

8 and 35 cm activated converted scanning digital

iris identity PIN numbers security door

video camera technology database

Iris recognition technology provides accurate identity

security without (1) PIN numbers passwords or cards.
Verification takes less than two seconds. Although the
term ‘iris scanning’ is commonly used, there is no (2)
_scanning_ in fact. The methodology is based on (3)
__video camera__. For recognition, the person is
positioned between (4) ___ 8 and 35 cm ___ from the
auto-focus camera. Then a (5) ___digital___ video is
taken of the iris. Individual images are taken from the
video. The patterns of the iris are (6) __converted____
into a 512-byte digital template. This is stored in a (7)
___database___ and is accesed by the Identification
Control Unit. When a person approaches a Remote
Optical Unit (ROU), it is (8) ___activated___ by
proximity sensors. The ROU uses the same video and
image capture technology to compare the present-time

Task D. Underline the one noun that cannot be combined with each

adjective in bold.

1. exceptional efficiency weather atmosphere improvement 2. huge increase

improvement effort prediction

3. massive force impact trend explosion

4. spectacular pattern building rise result

5. staggering speed record exchange achievement

6. tremendous force weakness impact earthquake

Task E. Make questions to the underlined words.

1. The airline has been screening baggage on X-ray machines.

- What has been screened on X-ray machines in airline?

2. I was in the detection zone.

-Where were you?

3. The printed materials have been stored in a computer by optical


-What have been stored printed materials in a computer?

4. Voice recognition is one of the most important pattern

recognizing technologies in recent years.

-How long has been voice recognition is one of the most important pattern
recognizing technologies?

Task F. Study the word list closely.

Nouns Nouns Adjectives Compound nouns


amplifier breach hand-held baggage X-ray

capacitance criminal innocent machine

capacitor fingerprint manual capacitive

capacitor plate investigation non-conductive scanning

charge circuit jaw VERBS CCTV camera

coil official affect detection zone

conductor password beep fingerprint

conductor plate pin number convict scannig

dielectric procedure detect hand-held metal

discharge ridge discharge detector (HHMD)


magnetic field security disguise iris scanning

magnetism source scan optical scanning

microchip surgeon pulse-induction

reflected pulse surgery remote display


resistor valley voice recognition

sensor walk-through

terminal metal detector


Task G. Complete the descriptions of these diagrams with the words in bold

in column 1 of the Word list. One word is used twice.

1.capacitor 2.conductor plates 3 dielectric 4 capacitor plate

5 capacitance 6.discharge circuit 7capacitor 8.resisto

Individual work III


Task A. Listen to
this lecture about
an FDR (Flight data

Underline the correct alternatives in the speculation chart.

Operating frequency 375 kilohertz / 37.5 kilohertz

Maximum operating depth 14,000 feet / 40,000 feet

Frequency of tramsmission of signal once every 30 seconds / once

per second

Duration of signal 13 days / 30 days

Shelf- life of battery 6 months / 6 years

Method of transporting FDR it it has in a container of ice / water

been in water

Shape of beacon cylindrical / conical

Colour of FDR orange / black

Task B. Complete the description of how an FDR’s locator beacon works.

Use the correct form of one of the words in each pair for each gap.

The circular memory units with the flight data are stored in a large rigid cylinder that is (1) fastened
onto the base of the FDR. The FDR is usually mounted in the tail section of the plane. In an accident,
it becomes (2) ___deatached____ from its mount. There is a submergence sensor on the side of the
FDR’s beacon. When water touches the sensor, this (3) ___activates____ the beacon (4)
___automatically____ . The beacon can (5) ___transmit____ signals under water and above ground.
Because of the weight of the FDR, it does not (6) ____float___ on the surface of the water, but
comes to rest on the seabed. After a diver has located the FDR on the seabed, it is (7) ___winched
up____ and transported to the computer lab for analysis.

Task C. Underline the one word which makes a compound noun with each

word in bold. The first one is done for you as an example.

1. satellite beacon signal wavelength

2. low-altitude centre orbit station

3. radio data power frequency

4. operating range length power

5. air-sea range beacon rescue

6. safety device antenna centre

7. rescue beacon team signal

Task D. Study closely the Word list and translate it.

Nouns Nouns Verbs Adjectives
(rescue) (Transmission)

beacon antenna activate free-floating

coastguard antennas (plural) carry out geostationary

flare data (no plural) convert polar

life raft emergency detach unseen

survivor ground station eject visible

vessel hydrostatic release ensure ADVERBS

unit (HRU)
float automatically

lever arm inflate manually

magnet locate PREPOSITIONAL


megahertz process out of range

radio beacon release

tab submerge

wavelength winch

Beacon-гэрэлт цамхаг Process-үйл явц

Coastguard-эргийн харуул


Flare-гэрлэн дохио

Submerge -живэх

Life raft-аврах сал


Survivor-амьд үлдэгч

Free floating-чөлөөт хөвөлт Vessel- хөлөг онгоц

Geostationary - геостационар

Antenna-Антен polar- туйлт

Data- өгөгдөл

unseen- үл үзэгдэх

Emergency- онцгой байдал

visible- харагдана

Ground station- газрын станц

automatically- автоматаар

Hydrostatic release unit- Гидростатик суллах хэсэг

manually- механикаар

Lever arm- хөшүүрэгний гар

out of range-хамрах хүрээнээс гарах Magnet-соронзон


Radio beacon- радио гэрэлт цамхаг


Wavelength- Долгионы урт


Carry out- Хэрэгжүүлэх

Convert- Хөрвүүлэх


Eject- Гаргах

Insure- даатгал

Float- хөвөх

Inflate- хийлэх Locate- байрлуулах

Task E. Complete this paragraph, using the compound nouns in the box.

Use each compound once only.

rescue centre ground station national centre

emergency beacon rescue team radio signal satellite signal

When the (1) emergency beacon switches itself on, a signal is sent to one or more satellites. A (2)
___radio signal__ is then transmitted back to Earth to the (3) __ground station___ . The (4)
___satellite signal__ are processed at the ground station and converted into useful data. This data is
then passed on to a (5) __national centre___ . Information about the location is forwarded to the
nearest (6) __rescue centre___ where a (7) __rescue team___ is sent out to look for the crashed
ship or plane.

Task F. Label the pictures with nouns from the Word list.

Individual work IV

Data transmission basics

When entering data into a computer via a keyboard, each selected keyed element – an alphabetic or
numeric character, for example – is encoded by the electronics within the keyboard into an
equivalent binary-coded pattern using one of the standard coding schemes that are used for the
interchange of information. In order to represent all the characters on a keyboard with a unique
pattern, seven or eight binary digits (bits) are utilized. The use of seven bits means that 128 different
elements can be represented, while eight bits can represent 256 elements. A similar procedure is
followed on output except in this case the printer will decode each received binary-coded pattern to
print the corresponding character. The coded bit patterns for each character are often referred to as

The two most widely used codes that have been adopted for this function are the Extended
Binary Coded Decimal Interchange (EBCDIC) and the American Standards Committee for
Information Interchange (ASCII). The EBCDIC code is an 8-bit code that is used with most equipment
manufactured by IBM. As such it is a proprietary code but, owing to the widespread use of IBM
equipment in the computer industry, it is frequently used.

The ASCII code is the same as that defined by the CCITT – known as International Alphabet
Number 5 or IA5 – and also that used by the International Standards Organization known as ISO 645.
Each is a 7-bit code.

Both coding schemes cater for all the normal alphabetic, numeric and punctuation
characters – collectively referred to as printable characters – plus a range of additional control
characters – also known as non-printable characters. Examples of the latter include format control
characters – BS (backspace), LF (line feed), CR (carriage return), SP (space), DEL (delete), ESC
(escape) and FF (form feed) – information separators – FS (file separator) and RS (record separator) –
and transmission control characters – SOH (start-of-heading), STX (start-of-text), ETX (end-of-text),
ACK (acknowledge), NAK (negative acknowledge) and SYN (synchronous idle).

Although such codes are used for input and output, once numerical data has been input into
the computer, it is normally converted and stored in an equivalent, fixed-length binary form.
Typically the latter are either 8, 16 or 32 bits. An 8-bit binary pattern is referred to as a byte while
longer patterns are known as words. Because of the range of bits used to represent each word, it is
usual when communicating data between two DTEs to use multiple, fixed-length elements each of

eight bits. Thus in some instances the eight bits being transmitted across a data link may represent a
binary-encoded printable character (seven bits plus an additional bit for error detection purposes)
while in others it may represent an 8-bit component of a larger value. In the latter case, the element
is referred to either as a byte, or, for communication purposes, as an octet.

Task A. Match two halves to make compound nouns.

1. printable a. code

2. similar length

3. proprietary link

4. fixed pattern

5. binary procedure

6. data characters

1-f 2-e 3-a 4-b 5-d 6-c

Task B. Underline the one word which makes a compound noun with each

word in bold.

binary form code element digit

numeric procedure data character

multiple elements functions information choices

error material detection model definition

Task C. Derive adverbs from adjectives listed below.

typical ___typically____

additional ___additionally_________

normal ___normally_________

numeric ___numerically_________

collective ___collectively_________

similar ____similarly________

electronic ____electronically________

frequent ____frequently________

wide ____widely________

different ____differently________

Task D. Read the passage above and any additional material available for you and select the best

1. A person listening to digital dat transmitted at very low data rate

would hear a long noise for:

a. 10 b. 1 c. 2 d. 100

2. Data communication system is a/an ______ system.

a. mechanical c. magnetic

b. electronic d. electric

Which of the following is responsible for carrying information?

a. computer c. telephone line

b. modem d. telephone

Methods are used for transmitting characters are:

a. two c. four

b. six d. ten

Standard telephone lines are widely used as:

a. parallel lines c. communication lines

b. perpendicular lines d. crossing lines

Data communication needed basic elements:

a. two b. four c. three d. five

Which of the following is responsible for modulation and demodulation?

a. computer c. telephone

b. modem d. NIC card

Which of the following has communicaton capabilities?

a. microcomputer c. minicomputer

b. supercomputer d. all of the above

The telephone networks were designed for the human voice:

a. transisting b. transferring c. transmitting d. none of these

It receives data or information:

a. sender c. receiver

b. transmitor d. telephone

Most tape drives can transmit information to main memory at a rate exceeding:

a. 10,000 bps c. 100,000 bps

b. 1,000,000 bps d. 1,000 bps

A coaxial cable can transmit information at much higher rate of per second.

a. 5 mega bits c. 10 mega bits

b. 15 mega bits d. 20 mega bits

Task E. Read the passage about data communication basics again and retell the main ideas
without looking at the note you have made.

Individual work V

Radio waves

Although there is no clear-cut demarcation between radio waves and microwaves, electromagnetic
waves ranging in frequencies between 3 kHz and 1 GHz are normally called radio waves; waves
ranging in frequencies between 1 and 300 GHz are called microwaves. However, the behavior of the
waves, rather than the frequencies, is a better criterion for classification.

Radio waves, for the most part, are omnidirectional. When an antenna transmits radio waves, they
are propagated in all directions. This means that the sending and receiving antennas do not have to
be aligned. A sending antenna sends waves that can be received by any receiving antenna. The
omnidirectional property has a disadvantage, too. The radio waves transmitted by one antenna are
susceptible to interference by another antenna that may send signals using the same frequency or

Radio waves, particularly those waves that propagate in the sky mode, can travel long distances. This
makes radio waves a good candidate for long- distance broadcasting such as AM radio.

Radio waves, particularly those of low and medium frequencies, can penetrate walls. This
characteristic can be both an advantage and a disadvantage. It is an advantage because, for
example, an AM radio can receive signals inside a building. It is a disadvantage because we cannot
isolate a communication to just inside or outside a building. The radio wave band is relatively

narrow, just under 1 GHz, compared to the microwave band. When this band is divided into
subbands, the subbands are also narrow, leading to a low data rate for digital communications.

Almost the entire band is regulated by authorities (e.g., the FCC in the United States). Using any part
of the band requires permission from authorities.

Radio waves use omnidirectional antennas that send out signals in all directions. Based on the
wavelength, strength, and the purpose of transmission, we can have several types of antennas.
Figure 1 shows an omnidirectional antenna.

Figure 1. Omnidirectional antenna

The omnidirectional characteristics of radio waves make them useful for multicasting, in which there
is one sender but many receivers. AM and FM radio, television, maritime radio, cordless phones, and
paging are examples of multicasting.

Radio waves are used for multicast communications, such as radio and television, and paging

Task A. Answer the questions.

What is a clear difference between radio waves and microwaves?

- Radio waves have wavelengths of 1 m up. The frequency at 1 m is 300 MHz. Microwaves have
wavelengths of 1 mm (millimeter) to 1 m. The frequency at 1 mm is 300 GHz.

What is the drawback of the omnidirectional property?

The radio waves transmitted by one antenna are susceptible to interference by another antenna that
may send signals using the same frequency or band

What makes radio waves a good candidate for long- distance broadcasting such as AM radio?

Radio waves, particularly those waves that propagate in the sky mode, can travel long distances.

What characteristic of the radio waves limits isolation of a communication to just inside or outdide a

Radio waves, particularly those of low and medium frequencies, can penetrate walls.

What are radio waves applied for?

- Radio waves have been applied to the body for 100 years in the medical therapy of diathermy for
deep heating of body tissue, to promote increased blood flow and healing. More recently they have
been used to create higher temperatures in hyperthermia treatment and to kill cancer cells.

Task B. Join two halves to make compounds.

sending property

long communications

low distance

digital antenna

omnidirectional frequency

1-d 2-c 3-e 4-b 5-a

Task C. Put the words in a plural form.

criterion _criteria_ 5. distance ___distances__

antenna __antennas__ 6. characteristic _characteristics__

this _These/Those__ 7. property __properties_

frequency__frequencies___ 8. direction __directions__

Task D. Solve the crossword puzzle on electromagnetic waves.

Across Down

5. Which Type of electromagnetic wave does your 1. A wave that

body emit?  you can see with
your sees.
6. Which type of electromagnetic waves has the
longest wavelength?  2. These waves
are used for
7. What color in visible light spectrum has the highest satellite
frequency? communication.
8. What decreases in a wave, when the frequency is 3. Which type of
decreased?  electromagnetic
9. Physicians can use these waves to destroy wave causes a
cancerous cells. chemical glow in
a fluorescent light

10. This wave is used at airports to screen passengers. bulb? 

4. What is energy
carried by an
wave called?


2.M G 3




4 O A R


5.I N F R A R E D W A V E S V


6.R A D I O W A V E S O


7.V I O L E T E


8.E N E R G Y L


9.G A M M A R A Y S G


10.X - R A Y T

Task E. Complete the sentences with the correct words in the word bank.

broadcast, radio waves, antenna, electromagnetic waves,

signal, propagation, frequency, wavelength

__Radio waves__ are electromagnetic waves with a very long wavelength, measurable in meters.

We were young children under a sky that was empty of __Propagation___.

Researchers found that the velocity of __electromagnetic__ of different musical sounds was the

As we know from physics, red light has a longer __wave length__ than green, and green than blue.

The satellite has difficulty swiveling its _antenna___ toward Earth.

In the evening this station changes __frequency_ and broadcasts on another band.

The football game will be __broadcast__ simultaneously on TV and radio.

We live too far from the city to get a strong television __signal__.

Task F. Choose the best answer

Which type of radio waves are used to broadcast FM radio?



What are UHF radio waves commonly used for?

television broadcasting

mobile phone communications

global positioning systems (GPS)

all of these answers are correct

The ____ of a wave is the number of times it repeats itself in a certain time period.

frequency c. wavelength

wave number d. hertz

Sound waves are not _______ .

electromagnetic waves c. waves

mechanical waves d. compression

The higher the frequency the ______ the energy. 

higher c. neither, stays the same


All electromagnetic waves have the same ________ .

frequency c. energy

speed d. wavelength

Which waves are used to show heat loss with heat sensitive cameras?

infrared radiation c. gamma rays

ultraviolet radiation d. microwaves

The height of a wave is...

amplitude c. wavelength

frequency d. speed

Which color has the longest wavelength?

green c. blue

violet d. red

What type of waves do cell phones use?

radio waves c. x-rays

microwaves d. gamma rays


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