Nutritional Supplements For Muscle Mass

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Critical Reviews in Food Science and

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Nutritional Supplements to Increase Muscle Mass
Priscilla M. Clarkson a; Eric S. Rawson a
Department Exercise Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.

Online Publication Date: 01 May 1999

To cite this Article: Clarkson, Priscilla M. and Rawson, Eric S. (1999) 'Nutritional
Supplements to Increase Muscle Mass', Critical Reviews in Food Science and
Nutrition, 39:4, 317 — 328
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Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition, 39(4):317–328 (1999)

Nutritional Supplements to Increase Muscle Mass

Priscilla M. Clarkson* and Eric S. Rawson
Department Exercise Science, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA

Referee: Dr. Emily Haymes, Florida State University, Department of Nutrition, Food, and Movement Science, 216 Johnston Building,
Tallahassee, FL 32306–1490

* Correspondence to: Priscilla M. Clarkson, Department of Exercise Science, Totman Building, University of Massachusetts, Amherst,
MA 01003

ABSTRACT: Although nutritional supplements purported to increase muscle mass are widely available at health
food stores, gyms, by mail order, and over the Internet, many of these supplements have little or no data to support
their claims. This article reviews the theory and research behind popular nutritional supplements commonly
marketed as muscle mass builders. Included are the minerals chromium, vanadyl sulfate, and boron, the steroid
hormone dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), β-methyl-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate (HMB), creatine, protein supple-
ments, and amino acids. Research has shown that chromium, vanadyl sulfate, and boron do not appear to be
effective in increasing lean body mass. The few studies examining DHEA have not supported the claim of
increased muscle gain. Preliminary work on HMB supports an anticatabolic effect, but only one human study is
currently available. Many studies reported increased body mass and several have reported increased lean body
mass following creatine ingestion. This weight gain is most likely water retention in muscle but could also be due
to some new muscle protein. Although athletes have a greater protein requirement than sedentary individuals, this
is easily obtained through the diet, negating the use of protein supplements. Studies on amino acids have not
supported their claim to increase growth hormone or insulin secretion. Nutritional supplements can be marketed
without FDA approval of safety or effectiveness. Athletes who choose to ingest these supplements should be
concerned with unsubstantiated claims, questionable quality control, and safety of long-term use.

KEY WORDS: muscle mass, chromium, vanadium, DHEA, HMB, creatine, protein, supplements.

I. INTRODUCTION Kovacs, at the same height as Arnold, weighed

over 300 lbs. for his first professional bodybuild-
Growth in the popularity of nutritional supple- ing contest and has a 65″ chest and 26″ biceps.2
ments to increase muscle mass is perhaps a reac- Toys have also followed this muscular trend
tion to the cultural standards of a more muscular in the image of the ideal man. G. I. Joe was first
body type for males. In competitive bodybuild- launched in 1964 as a “fit and trim soldier”, but in
ing, which embraces the most extreme ideals as to 1976 Hasbro stopped making the figure. How-
what constitutes the ideal male physique, the stan- ever, in 1992, after Operation Desert Storm,
dards have moved forward at a fast pace. At the Hasbro brought back G. I. Joe with a new super-
turn of the century, Eugen Sandow, the first mod- muscular body to compete with other action fig-
ern bodybuilder, boasted measurements of a 49″ ures on the market.3 In the last 30 years, toy
chest and 18″ biceps. Arnold Schwarzenegger, figures have changed from the realistic-looking
considered by many to be the greatest bodybuilder soldier to the fantastic and often grotesque
of all time, claimed measurements of a 57″ chest superheros of today.4 Recently, Fisher-Price de-
and 22″ biceps at a body weight of 240 lbs.1 In veloped a “good-guy” line of action heros, the
contrast, a recent professional bodybuilder, Greg Rescue Heros, who depict very muscular figures

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of a firefighter, mountain ranger, scuba diver, and there is not sufficient information to establish a
construction worker.5 Even Mattel’s popular Ken requirement for humans.13,14 Boron intake is esti-
doll now appears very tight, muscular, and “bulked mated to range between 0.5 and 3.1 mg, and about
out”.6 1 mg/d of boron may be needed.14
This trend for a supermuscular body as the Both chromium and vanadium are thought to
ideal body type for males has perhaps led to body potentiate insulin action and stimulate amino acid
image dissatisfaction in some males, where they uptake by cells.15,16 Based on evidence that chro-
perceive themselves as not being muscular enough mium supplements increase muscle mass and
or big enough to meet a projected ideal.7 In a growth in animals,17 it is thought that simulating
sample of adolescent males, it was found that amino acid uptake with chromium will increase
about 36% were trying to gain weight.8 Recently, protein synthesis and muscle mass in humans.
Pope et al.9 described a disorder in muscular body- Recently, Rubin et al.,18 examining chromium
builders where they perceived themselves as too excretion with stable isotopes, found that increased
thin, too small, or too insufficiently muscular. excretion with resistance exercise reflected an
Research has suggested that this disturbance in increase in chromium absorption that may play a
body image in males may lead them to anabolic role in increased muscle mass. Data suggesting
steroid use.10 It is probably the case that males that vanadium has an anabolic effect on muscle
who want to gain muscle mass first start with are derived from laboratory studies of cells and
nutritional supplements and, if these are ineffec- studies of animal models.14 The exact function of
tive, move on to drug use. boron has not been identified but it is thought that
Muscle building supplements are available boron affects calcium and magnesium metabo-
for purchase on supermarket shelves and are often lism and can influence membrane function.19
advertised and available at weight-training cen- Boron was purported to increase muscle mass
ters, by mail order, and by ordering over the based on data showing that it increased testoster-
Internet. This article reviews the theory and one in post-menopausal women.20
research behind popular nutritional supplements
to enhance muscle mass: chromium, vanadyl sul-
fate, boron, dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA), B. Effects on Muscle Mass
β-hydroxy-β-methylbutyrate (HMB), creatine,
protein, and amino acids. Other similar reviews Chromium is found in supplements in the
are also available.11,12 form of chromium picolinate, chromium nicoti-
nate, and chromium chloride, with chromium
picolinate being the most commercially available.
II. CHROMIUM, VANADIUM AND BORON Evans21 first reported that chromium picolinate
increased lean tissue in young men who were
A. Function and Purported Effects on participating in a resistance-training program.
Muscle Untrained college students and trained football
players ingested 200 µg of chromium picolinate
Chromium, vanadium, and boron are miner- or a placebo/d for 40 to 42 d. The subjects who
als purported to increase muscle mass. Chromium took chromium supplements gained significantly
is essential for life, and the estimated safe and more lean body mass compared with the placebo
adequate daily dietary intake, ESADDI, is 50 to group. However, lean body mass was estimated
200 µg.13 Vanadium has not been deemed essen- from anthropometric measures, which are not
tial. A daily dietary intake of about 10 µg of highly reliable, and the changes observed were
vanadium will probably meet any postulated small so results could be influenced by measure-
vanadium requirement.14 Vanadium deficiencies ment error.
in animals produce deleterious effects, but no Four additional studies failed to confirm the
deficiencies in humans have been observed. Bo- results of the Evans’ studies. Hasten and col-
ron is an essential element for plant growth, but leagues22 gave students participating in a weight

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training program either 200 µg of chromium total testosterone level, and strength over the
picolinate or a placebo for 12 weeks. There were course of the 7 weeks.27
no differences in body weight gain for the males
on the chromium supplement or the placebo. How-
ever, females who took the chromium supple- III. DEHYDROPEPIANDROSTERONE
ment gained more body weight than the females (DHEA)
on the placebo, but lean body mass was not
assessed, so it is unknown if the increase in body A. Function and Purported Effects on
weight was due to increased muscle mass. Muscle
Clancy et al.23 gave chromium picolinate
(200 µg/d) supplements or placebos for 9 weeks DHEA is an androgen steroid secreted from
to college football players participating in a resis- the adrenal glands and is converted into testoster-
tance-training program. There was no difference one and estrogen in the body.28 However, DHEA
between the chromium supplement and the pla- is available as a nutritional supplement because it
cebo on changes in skinfold measures and cir- is naturally found in wild yams.29 As a precursor
cumference measures or percent body fat and fat- of anabolic hormones, it is thought that DHEA
free mass (determined by hydrostatic weighing). ingestion will increase the concentration of test-
Urinary chromium excretion before supplementa- osterone and thereby increase muscle mass.28
tion and for the placebo group throughout the Dehennin et al.30 reported that supplemented
study was low and undetectable. However, uri- DHEA of 50 mg in healthy men resulted in some
nary chromium excretion for the chromium supple- conversion of DHEA to the biologically active
mented group significantly increased at 4 weeks androgen, testosterone, in the blood.
and remained elevated throughout the study. Chro- Only a few studies of DHEA in humans are
mium stores were probably adequate and extra available. Because DHEA levels in the blood
ingested chromium was excreted into the urine. decline with age,31 studies have focused on supple-
Another study24 using virtually the same study menting older individuals with DHEA. Morales
design as the Clancy et al.23 study but with et al.32 found a significant but small increase
untrained males also found no benefit of chro- in androgens in the blood of older women but
mium supplements on fat-free mass determined not older men (40 to 70 years old) after taking
by hydrostatic weighing. In a well-controlled 100 mg/d of DHEA for 6 months. In another
study, Lukaski and colleagues25 examined the study of older women, 1600 mg/d for 4 weeks
effect of 8 weeks of chromium chloride, chro- resulted in a significant increase in androgens in
mium picolinate, or a placebo in untrained men the blood.33
who started a resistance training program. The
two types of chromium supplements similarly in-
creased urinary chromium excretion and had no B. Effects on Muscle Mass
effect on body composition assessed by anthro-
pometry and Dual X-ray Absorbtiometry (DEXA). Welle et al.34 administered 1600 mg/d of
In the only study to evaluate vanadium supple- DHEA for 4 weeks to healthy men (mean age 26
ments and muscle gain, subjects ingested 0.5 mg/ years). There was a ninefold increased in plasma
kg/d of vanadyl sulfate or placebo for 12 weeks DHEA, but there was no effect on body weight or
during a weight training program, and the results lean body mass, assessed by total body water and
showed no beneficial effect on body composition total body potassium. Also, there was no effect of
as assessed by anthropometric measures or DEXA DHEA on energy or protein metabolism. The
scans.26 The only study of boron effects on muscle researchers concluded that DHEA was not an
mass in males examined the effect of 2.5 mg/ important regulator of energy or protein metabo-
boron or placebo for 7 weeks in bodybuilders and lism in humans. In another study of healthy men
found no difference between groups in fat-free (mean age 24 years), Nestler et al.35 found that
body mass (determined by hydrostatic weighing), 1600 mg/d of DHEA for 1 month increased serum

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androgen levels and decreased fat mass (assessed held at its national conference. Coaches and train-
by hydrostatic weighing) with no change in body ers who responded claimed that 86% of their
weight, thus suggesting an increase in lean mass. athletes take creatine, and 88% of these
Further studies are needed to verify the results of respondents reported a visual increase in muscle,
Nestler et al.35 However, studies of obese subjects as well as increased strength and body
given DHEA have not proven promising in alter- mass.42
ing body composition.36 Several investigations have reported increases
in body mass ranging from 1 to 3 kg after
taking 20 to 30 g/d of creatine for about 5 d.43–54
IV. CREATINE Some investigators, however, have reported no
differences in body mass following supplementa-
A. Function and Purported Effects on tion. 55–61 Individual responses to creatine
Muscle supplementation can vary substantially. For ex-
ample, creatine uptake and changes in body mass
Creatine is synthesized endogenously in the are greater in vegetarians,41,43 and vegetarians have
liver, pancreas, and kidney from the amino acids lower levels of serum creatine, which may indi-
arginine, glycine, and methionine.37 It is then trans- cate lower muscle creatine levels.62 Also, females
ported against a concentration gradient to tissues have higher levels of muscle creatine and older
such as skeletal muscle where it can be utilized.38 individuals have decreased levels of muscle cre-
Approximately 95% of creatine in the body is atine phosphate.63,64 Initial creatine status may
stored in skeletal muscle, with as much as 70% significantly affect an individual’s response to
existing in its phosphorylated form.37 supplementation.
Creatine phosphate (phosphocreatine) donates The increased body mass and muscle mass
its phosphate to ADP, rephosphorylating it to observed following creatine ingestion may be due
ATP, thus increasing available energy.39 Also, to increased protein or increased water in muscle,
during ATP hydrolysis hydrogen ions (H+) are or both. Early studies that examined creatine and
produced. When ADP is rephosphorylated to ATP, its role in protein synthesis showed that creatine
H+ are consumed, which helps to maintain the supplied in vitro can increase the rate of myosin
normal pH of the cell. In resting vertebrate muscle heavy chain and actin formation.65–68 These inves-
there is typically a sufficient amount of creatine tigators suggested that increased creatine concen-
phosphate to supply energy for several minutes.39 tration may be the biochemical signal to increase
However, under more demanding conditions, such protein synthesis and muscle hypertrophy. More
as sprinting, the supply only lasts for a few sec- current work in animals69 and preliminary work
onds.39 Creatine is also ingested in the diet through in humans70 appear to support this. In fact, in their
various meats and fishes, which contain about 5 g preliminary study Ziegenfuss et al.70 demonstrated
of creatine per kg of uncooked meat.40 an improved nitrogen status and increased cross-
sectional area of the thigh using [15N] glycine and
magnetic resonance imaging, respectively, after
B. Effects on Muscle Mass 5 d of supplementation. However, it is unlikely
that subjects can synthesize 3.0 kg of new protein
Harris et al.41 demonstrated that ingestion of tissues in 5 d. The most likely explanation then is
approximately 20 g of creatine for 2 or more days an increase in water retention, which is supported
resulted in a significant increase in muscle creat- by the work of Hultman et al.,71 who found a
ine and creatine phosphate levels. Although cre- significant decrease in urine volume during creat-
atine is typically considered a nutritional supple- ine loading. Using bioelectrical impedance tech-
ment to enhance performance of short-term intense niques, Ziegenfuss et al.70 also showed that creat-
exercise, it is also used by athletes to increase ine supplementation produced an increase in total
muscle mass.42 Recently, the National Strength body water.
and Conditioning Association reported the results Studies that examined creatine ingestion dur-
of a survey distributed at a creatine symposium ing 4 or more weeks of resistance training also

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reported changes in lean (or fat-free) mass.72–74 B. Effects on Muscle Mass

Using hydrostatic weighing, Earnest et al.72 found
a small (1.6 kg) but nonsignificant increase in fat- Data on HMB supplementation in humans
free mass following 28 d of creatine ingestion of and changes in muscle mass are limited. Unlike
20 g/d in strength-trained males and Vandenberghe the rapidly growing body of literature regarding
et al.73 demonstrated significant increases of 2 kg creatine supplementation and muscle mass, there
and 2.6 kg in fat-free mass determined by hydro- is currently only one existing peer-reviewed pub-
static weighing in untrained females following 5 lication examining HMB supplementation in hu-
and 10 weeks of training, respectively. Prior to mans.76 This article presented two experiments on
training, subjects in this study ingested a 20 g/d HMB supplementation during resistance-training.
creatine loading dose for 4 days followed by a In the first experiment, untrained subjects ingested
5 g/d creatine maintenance dose during the train- 0, 1.5, or 3.0 g HMB/d for 3 weeks while partici-
ing. Most recently, Kreider et al.,74 using DEXA, pating in a standardized resistance-training rou-
reported a significant increase in fat/bone-free tine 3 d/weeks. Each session was monitored by a
mass (2.4 kg) in football players following 28 d trained supervisor who adjusted the training load
of creatine supplementation of 15.75 g/d. These to produce muscular failure after 3 to 5 repeti-
results could be explained by the fact that subjects tions. Lean tissue determined by TOBEC tended
ingesting creatine were able to exercise at a greater to increase in a dose-responsive manner with HMB
training intensity due to increased initial creatine supplementation as the 0, 1.5, and 3.0 g HMB/d
phosphate levels or enhanced creatine phosphate groups gained 0.4, 0.8, and 1.2 kg, respectively. A
resynthesis between exercises.75 criticism of this investigation is that the 3.0 g
HMB/d group began the investigation with the
lowest lean body mass as well as the lowest
b-HYDROXY-b−METHYLBUTYRATE strength levels. This group possibly experienced
(HMB) the greatest gains during training because they
were the most untrained.
A. Function and Purported Effects on In the second experiment of the Nissen et al.
Muscle study,76 subjects trained 6 d/weeks for 2 to 3 h/d
and were supplemented with 3.0 g HMB/d for
HMB is produced in the body from the essen- 7 weeks. Although the subjects training history is
tial amino acid leucine via its metabolite described only as “engaged in some form of
α-ketoisocaproate (KIC). Extrapolating from exercise program”, subjects in this group were
available data from research on pigs, it is esti- likely advanced because their strength was high,
mated that humans produce 0.2 to 0.4 g HMB/d.76 with mean 1-Repetition Maximums (1-RM) of
In 1960, Hider et al.77 demonstrated that in rats 315, 380, and 221 lb in the bench press, squat, and
leucine and KIC have anticatabolic actions. Both hang clean, respectively. This experiment dem-
leucine and KIC may inhibit protein breakdown, onstrated a significant increase in fat-free mass
although this has not been clearly demonstrated using TOBEC in the HMB group on day 14 and
in healthy adults.78–80 Recently, based on a variety through day 39 of the study. However, by the
of experiments in farm animals, attention has final day of the study fat-free mass was not sig-
turned to HMB as a potential compound that may nificantly different between groups. Bench press
possess anticatabolic properties.81 Small amounts strength was significantly increased following
of HMB are ingested directly in the diet through supplementation, but there were no differences in
foods such as grapefruit and catfish, although strength in the other two exercises. Although the
typically foods do not account for a significant results of this investigation lend some support to
source of HMB. It has been hypothesized that the hypothesis that HMB supplementation can
HMB supplementation in humans can inhibit the increase muscle mass during strength training,
protein breakdown that occurs with intense resis- the amount of weight gained during this study
tance training, leading to increased lean tissue was not great (HMB group = 2.6 kg; Placebo
mass and muscle strength.76 group = 1.1 kg). Furthermore, unlike the first

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experiment, there were no dietary controls in the intake generally meets or exceeds the recom-
second study. mended range for strength-trained athletes.
With respect to effects of selected amino
acids, Bucci et al.95,96 gave bodybuilders 40, 100,
VI. PROTEIN AND AMINO ACIDS or 170 mg/kg of L -ornithine and found no
increase in serum insulin but a significant in-
A. Function and Purported Effects on crease in growth hormone after the 170 mg/kg
Muscle dose only (about 12 g ornithine). Isidori et al.97
had subjects ingest 1.2 g L-lysine and 1.2 g
Many supplements containing protein pow- L-arginine and found that ingesting them together
ders and various amino acid combinations are but not alone produced an increase in growth
marketed for muscle gain. The recommended di- hormone and insulin.
etary allowance for protein intake is 0.8 g · kg–1 · Other studies have not supported these posi-
d–1,13 but several studies have indicated that ath- tive findings regarding growth hormone or insu-
letes require a greater amount.82–85 Resistance lin using L-arginine, L-ornithine, and L-lysine
exercise increases protein synthesis and can cause supplement (2 g/d each),98 2.4 g arginine/lysine,99
a negative nitrogen balance,86–88 which suggests a 200 mg arginine/kg,100 or 1.85 g ornithine/ty-
need for increased protein in the diet. Selected rosine.99 Elite junior weightlifters who took a
amino acids such as arginine and ornithine, histi- supplement containing most amino acids during
dine, lysine, methionine, and phenylalanine are 1 weeks of training had no increase in resting or
purported to increase growth hormone,89–92 which exercise blood levels of growth hormone, test-
is thought to produce an anabolic effect in muscle. osterone, or cortisol.101 Suminski et al.102 found
that 1.5 g L-arginine and 1.5 g L-lysine produced
only a small, transient, and highly variable
B. Effects on Muscle Mass increases in growth hormone at rest but not after
exercise. Thus, the weight of the data suggest that
Protein intake of about 2.0 g of protein · manufacturer-recommended doses of amino acid
kg–1 · d–1 is required to maintain a positive nitro- supplements (<4 g/serving) will not increase
gen balance in strength-training athletes. Fern growth hormone and alter body weight.
et al.93 found that when strength-training athletes
consumed 3.3 g of protein · kg–1 · d–1 for 4 weeks,
whole body protein synthesis increased and sig- VII. SAFETY
nificantly more lean body mass was achieved
compared with ingesting 1.3 g of protein · kg–1 · Because nutritional supplements are not regu-
d–1. However, other studies reported an increase lated by the Food and Drug Administration, there
in amino acid oxidation with protein supplements, is no guarantee as to whether the ingredients on
suggesting that protein intake exceeded that needed the label are actually in the product. For example,
for muscle growth.84,85 Increasing protein intake commercial preparations of the popular supple-
to 2.4 g of protein · kg–1 · d–1 did not increase ment melatonin were found to have unidentified
protein synthesis more than 1.4 g · kg–1 · d–1, but impurities.29 Also, long-term safety of many of
did result in an increase in amino acid oxidation.94 these supplements is not known.
Based on available research, resistance train- Chromium supplements appear to be safe at
ing athletes require about 1.4 to 1.8 g of protein · the manufacturer-recommended doses, at least for
kg–1 · d–1, with beginning athletes in the first 2 to a short period of time. However, laboratory stud-
3 weeks of training requiring the higher end of the ies of cultured cells suggested that chromium
range and those adapted to training requiring the picolinate could accummulate in cells and cause
lower end of the range.82–85 However, although chromosome damage.103,104 The dosages were very
resistance-training athletes require more protein high and studies were of cultured cells so that
than those who do not exercise, most athletes these results may not be meaningful for humans.105
ingest a large amount of calories, and their protein Recently, Cerulli et al.106 described a case of a

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33-year-old woman who ingested 1200 to 2400 µg body. Excessive dietary protein from foods with
per day of chromium picolinate and presented high potential renal acid load will increase uri-
with serious renal impairment and compromised nary calcium loss.110 It was once thought that
liver function. high-protein diets could negatively affect kidney
Vanadium supplements of up to 13.5 mg function, but this has never been substantiated in
vanadium/d for 6 weeks or 9 mg for up to 16 healthy young subjects.85 Because of the water
months were not toxic, but larger doses produced loss associated with urinary excretion of high
diarrhea, green tongue, gastrointestinal distur- amounts of nitrogen, athletes on high-protein
bances, and cramps.14 Boron side effects from diets should be sure to ingest sufficient fluid.
acute toxicity (>10 g) are nausea, vomiting, diar- High amounts of selected amino acids are of con-
rhea, dermatitis, and lethargy;107 long-term ef- cern because they can cause several side effects,
fects are largely unknown. ranging from mild conditions such as stomach
Those athletes who use DHEA or HMB cramping and diarrhea to more serious effects
report few side effects, but adverse effects due to such as affecting the body’s absorption of other
long-term use have not been determined. 108 amino acids and severe toxicities.85
Although the desired effect of DHEA for males is
to increase testosterone levels, it may also in-
crease estrogen leading to irreversible gyneco- VIII. CONCLUSION
No side effects have been documented fol- Chromium supplements do not appear to be
lowing creatine ingestion, but the effects of long- effective in increasing lean body mass. At present
term supplementation remain unknown. Natural, there is not sufficient information to suggest that
endogenous production of creatine by the liver is boron or vanadium supplements will increase
reduced when exogenous creatine is available,109 muscle mass in athletes, and large doses over a
but neither this effect has not been documented in period of time could prove harmful. DHEA has
humans nor has it been determined how this would not been tested adequately, and those available
affect liver function with long periods of supple- studies do not support the claim for muscle gain.
mentation. There are anecdotal reports of muscle Currently, little is known about HMB supplemen-
pulls and cramps, but these have not been sub- tation in humans. Although preliminary work may
stantiated. Manufacturers recommend a creatine support the anticatabolic effects of HMB, the
loading phase of 20 g/d for 5 d followed by 2 to mechanism by which this may occur is not known.
5 g/d as a maintenance dose. However, it is pos- Despite this, HMB continues to be a popular
sible that athletes are taking greater than the rec- nutritional supplement, and athletes can purchase
ommended dosage or using them in combination handbooks on HMB at many health food stores
with multiple other purported ergogenic aids. The where this supplement is typically sold.
deaths of three collegiate wrestlers in the Fall of Many studies have reported increases in body
1997 who were undergoing dangerous dehydra- weight from 1 to 3 kg after creatine ingestion for
tion/rapid weight loss procedures raised questions periods as short as 5 to 6 d. There appears to be a
regarding the safety of creatine supplementation large intersubject variability in the response that
because it was speculated that they may have may be due to the individual’s creatine status
been using creatine. Although these athletes most prior to supplementation. Whether the increase in
likely died of thermal stress and there has been no body mass is due to increases in muscle protein or
evidence presented by the Food and Drug Admin- in water retention, or both, is not definitely known.
istration (FDA) or the Centers for Disease However, due to the rapid increase in weight
Control (CDC) that creatine was involved, it is (<1 week) it is thought to be mostly a result of
still unknown under what situations creatine water retention. Increased lean body mass with
supplementation may be contraindicated or creatine supplementation, compared with a pla-
inappropriate. cebo, during 4 or more weeks of resistance-train-
High-protein diets are not associated with risk, ing may be due to increased protein, but this has
other than increasing a loss of calcium from the not yet been documented.

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The protein requirement of weight-training 4. Lee, S., Once “too violent” GI Joe now seen as a
athletes is 1.4 to 1.8 g of protein · kg–1 · d–1, which regular guy. Chicago Tribune, September 20, 1,
can be obtained through the diet without protein 5. Prentice, M., Toymakers bets on good guys: Fisher-
supplements. Many “high-tech” protein supple- Price hopes to fill a toy void with non-violent “Rescue
ments on the market include a variety of additives Heroes,” The Ottawa Citizen, March 18, D3,
to boost weight gain. However, these products 1998.
have never been tested to evaluate their efficacy, 6. Urla, J. and Swedlund, A. C., The anthropometry of
Barbie Unsettling ideals of the feminine body in popu-
and it is unlikely they would be more effective
lar culture, in Deviant Bodies, Critical Perspectives
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