In A Glass Grimmly Reading Questions

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“In A Glass Grimmly” Reading Questions


1) How does the author define “horrible?”

2) Name the three fairy tale authors mentioned and describe them.

Chapter 1:

1) How do you feel about the author’s notes in the middle of the story? Do they help you
understand the story? Why do you think the author includes them?

2) Why does the frog hate salamanders?

3) How did the frog feel when he saw the princess? What does he want with her?

4) How does the author describe the princess?

5) How does the princess treat the frog when he comes to the castle?

6) Does the frog’s opinion of the princess change? Explain.

7) Describe the three versions of the fairy tale the author mentions at the end. Which do you
like the most? Which did you like the least? Why?

8) Reflection: a) Compare the frog prince story we read to the novel version. How are they
similar? How are they different? Which is better? Why? B) Why do you think the author
wrote the story the way he did?
Chapter 2:

1) Describe the mother.

2) Why is the mother considered wonderful? Is she? Why or why not?

3) Describe Jill and her mother’s relationship. Give examples.

4) How does Anderson convince the queen that he is holding silk?

5) How do the characters describe the silk they “see?” Mention at least three.

6) How does Jill feel when her eyes connect with the merchant’s?

7) Why do you think Jill sees a dress near the end?

Chapter 3:

1) Who is Jack’s father? Why did he leave his family? Give examples and description.

2) Describe Jack and his father’s relationship. Give examples.

3) Who do you think is a better parent, Jill’s mother or Jack’s father? Why? Use examples.

4) Describe Marie. Give examples.

5) Reflection: A) Do you think it’s more interesting in the story to have Jack and his father
or Jack and his mother? Why? B) How are boy’s relationships with their father different
than their relationships with their mothers?
Chapter 4:

1) How are giants portrayed? Give examples.

2) What is the name of the cave?

3) Summarize the giant’s song on pg. 86-7. What was it about?

4) Describe the tapestry in the hall.

5) List the giants named and their description.

6) What tests did Jack have to perform?

7) How did Jill defeat the giants? How did she use their personalities against them? What do
you think of her actions?
Chapter 5:

1) How does the man describe mermaids? How is it different/similar to how you view them
or heard about them?

2) What was the mermaid’s song saying? Why do you think the words attract Jill? (think
about her character).

3) Summarize the story the mermaid tells Jill.

4) How was the mermaid portrayed in the beginning? What did you think of her? Did you
think she was telling the truth?

5) How did you view the red bearded man in the beginning? Did you believe he was evil?
Why was he happy in the end?

6) How are mermaids portrayed in the end? How is it similar/different to mermaids in

modern movies and stories? List examples.
Chapter 6:

1) How do you think Jill knows it’s her mother in the frog’s story?

2) What is the difference between confused and con-fused?

3) What do the ravens reveal about Jill?

4) What do they reveal about Jack?

5) Reflection: a) What advice do the ravens give Jack and Jill? Do you agree? Why? B)
Think about your own behaviour. Give examples of when you acted for yourself and
when you acted for others.
Chapter 7:

1) What was inscribed on the stones Jack and Jill passed by?

2) Describe the market and what it sells.

3) Describe the goblins.

4) What causes Jill to realize something is wrong?

5) Describe the underground market.

6) What sword does Jack find? Describe it.

7) Reflection: Why does Jack want the sword? Think about Jack’s character. Do you think
most people want these things? How do you think people can get them?

8) Reflection: What is your dream? What is something you desire? How can you attain
them? Do you think Jack is making the right decision?
Chapter 8

1) Describe the palace Jill is taken to.

2) How did Jill feel about the goblin’s compliments? Why?

3) What is “Death or the Lady?” What do you think of it?

4) Why do you think Jack didn’t cut off his hand?

5) How did Jack win Jill back?

6) Reflection: A) How did Jack change? Why did he change? B) Is there anything you wish
you could change about yourself? Why? How will you do it?
Chapter 9

1) How does Begehren describe the Seeing Glass? Summarize it’s history.

2) What is the monster? Describe it. And no you don’t have to write its name.

3) Describe Jack and Jill’s journey down the sinkhole.

Chapter 10:

1) Describe the salamander and it’s flame.

2) Why do you think Jack can’t stop laughing and behaves strangely? How does he initially
react to the salamander?

3) From what nursery rhyme does “all the king’s horses and all the king’s men” putting
Jack’s head together again from? P. 221. Write the original rhyme. (You can use a

4) Summarize Eddie’s story.

5) Compare and contrast Eddie to the salamanders in the “Wishing Well” chapter. What do
you think of them?

6) How does Frog behave in this chapter? Give examples. Does he behave differently?
7) What do you think of Eddie’s questions? Why do you think he asks them? List two to
three and explain why in detail.

8) Summarize Jack and Jill’s plan.

Chapter 11:

1) Reflection: What advise does the author give on pg 251-2? What do you think of it? Have
you ever had moments of realization? Describe it.
2) Who are the Others? What do they want?

3) Describe the house.

4) How do Jack and Jill trick the Others?

5) Reflection: Face the punishment, standing tall, And ye shall indeed be the greatest of all.
What do you think of this statement? Is it true? Why? Give personal examples and/or
examples you have seen in real life or books/movies.
Chapter 12:

1) How was Jack treated when he returned? How was Jill? How did they feel?

2) Summarize the Other’s confession. Who is the Beggar Judge? How did he judge

3) Describe Jack and Jill’s new life during winter. Include as much detail as possible.
4) How did Jack and Jill’s life change during the spring?

5) Who is Hans Christian? Who is Joseph/J.J.? Who is Goose? Why are their names
important? Why do you think the author included them?

6) What is Jack and Jill’s future? How do you feel about it? Why do you think the
author included it

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