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 THE  DATES!    
New  England  HERC  2011-­‐2012  Programming  
Wednesday,  June  29th  –  3pm  National  HERC  webinar  
Green  Job  Interview  –  How  to  Create  a  Sustainable  (Green)  HR  Function  for  the  Future,  Presenter:  Lizz  Pellet,  SVP,  
Business  Development  &  Channel  Partners  
Wednesday,  July  20th    –  3pm  National  HERC  webinar  
Indeed  -­‐  Drive  Talent  to  You,  and  Only  Pay  Per  Click!,  Presenter:  Brendan  Pomeroy,  Director  of  Sales,    
Tuesday,  July  26th  –  3:30-­‐6:30pm  National  Urban  League  Pre-­‐conference  event  
Higher  Education:  New  England’s  Employer  of  Choice,  panel  discussion  on  transitioning  to  higher  education  in  New  
England,  networking  opportunities  for  Urban  League  conference  attendees  and  college  and  university  recruiters,  
Talent  Source  demonstration  from  the  Commonwealth  Compact  
Thursday,  August  11th  –  3pm  National  HERC  webinar  
An  Introduction  to  and  Findings  from  The  Collaborative  on  Academic  Careers  in  Higher  Education’s  (COACHE)  
Surveys  of  Tenure-­‐track  and  Tenured  Faculty  Job  Satisfaction,  Presenter:  Kiernan  R.  Mathews,  Director,  
Collaborative  on  Academic  Careers  in  Higher  Education  (COACHE),  Harvard  Graduate  School  of  Education    
Thursday,  September  15th  –  3pm  National  HERC  webinar  
Betsy  Hillman  -­‐  A  Roadmap  for  Dual  Career  Assistance,  Presenter:  Betsy  Hillman,  Manager,  Cornell  University  Dual  
Career  Program    
Wednesday,  October  5th  –  3pm  National  HERC  webinar:  Coldwell  Banker  TBD  
Wednesday,  October  19th  –  3pm  National  HERC  webinar:  The  PhD  Project  TBD  
Wednesday,  October  26th  –  8:30am  to  5pm  New  England  HERC  Fall  Conference  
Diversity  Recruiting  in  Higher  Education:  Past,  Present,  Future,  key  note  speakers,  best  practice  workshops,  case  
studies,  partner  showcase,  networking  reception,  Cambridge  MA  
Thursday,  November  10th  –  3pm  National  HERC  webinar:  Bright  Horizons  TBD  
January-­‐April  2012:  Regional  HERC  meetings  (western  MA,  southern  MA,  northern  NE,  Hartford)  TBD  
Monday  and  Tuesday,  June  4-­‐5th,  2012  Higher  Education  Dual  Career  Network  (HEDCN)  Conference  
College  of  the  Holy  Cross,  HERC,  and  HEDCN  Dual  Career  Conference,  how  to  start  a  dual  career  program,  sustaining  
long-­‐term  viability,  inter-­‐departmental  and  inter-­‐campus  partnerships,  and  other  dual  career  best  practices,  
Worcester  MA  
For  more  information,  contact  Jennifer  Ivers,  617-­‐495-­‐9154  (  

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