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Name: Marie Antoinne Lam Date: 2/9/2022

Grade: 10 - St. Jude Thaddeus Teacher: Katherine Kate Mercader

TITLE: The Lottery Ticket by: Anton Chekhov

this story is in the house of The theme of "The Lottery
Ivan and his wife, Masha. CHARACTER 1: EXPOSITION: Ticket" by Anton Chekhov is
They are in the dining rooom Ivan- Protagonist the insidiously exciting but
since we are told that Ivan so since this story is written destructive nature of envy
The crowd in the small village has
"sat down on the sofa after in gathered for an annual lottery that
and desire for material
supper and began reading the Ivan's perspective that will takes place each year at the end of possessions. In the
newspaper". typically mean that he is the June. Every head of household is called exposition of Chekhov's
protagonist. Ivan also goes to grab a slip of paper from the box in story, Ivan
through a the center of the village square. Dmitritch and his wife
transformational arc RISING ACTION: Masha are quite content
throughout this whole story This is a story about a man whose wife with the existing economic
that is the main focus, so believes she has won the lottery after state in which they reside.
this leads me to believe that
husband, Ivan Dmitritch, reads her the
series, which is correct, but not the
is the protagonist. number, which is incorrect.
After Ivan reads her the series, she
becomes ecstatic and can't believe that
she just won the lottery

Masha-Antagonist CLIMAX:
This makes me believe she is Ivan finds out that his lottery ticket
the antagonist, along with the number does not match the winning
fact that the change she number meaning he did
sparks, she does so not win his thought up fortune. The
with a lie. This lie being story reaches its climax when Ivan
considered bad, so she is the
and his wife, Masha begin to
daydream and fantasize about the
life they will have once after they
win the lottery which is 75000

Ivan dreads to live the life he lives.

He blames the devil, questioning the
audacity. After
a long argument with his wife, Ivan
goes to the newspaper again and
reads the lottery numbers. The series
is correct, 9499, but the number is
46, not 26. Soon, their all dreams
have been shattered.

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