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European Heart Journal (2014) 35, 3328–3335 CURRENT OPINION


What is ‘valvular’ atrial fibrillation? A reappraisal

Raffaele De Caterina 1 and A. John Camm 2*
Institute of Cardiology and Center of Excellence on Aging, G. D’Annunzio University – Chieti, and G. Monasterio Foundation, Pisa, Italy; and 2Division of Clinical Sciences, St George’s
University of London, London, UK

Received 22 April 2014; revised 18 July 2014; accepted 6 August 2014; online publish-ahead-of-print 29 September 2014

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Introduction Thrombo-embolic risk in various
Despite the same electrophysiological abnormality, the risk of forms of atrial fibrillation
stroke and systemic embolism in atrial fibrillation (AF) ranges
Patients with AF experience a widely variable risk of stroke/systemic
from ,1%/year to .20%/year and can be assessed by simple clin-
embolism. In the absence of anticoagulation thrombo-embolic risk
ical risk factors.1 This has led to the gradual adoption of vitamin K
ranges from ,1%/year—which is similar to the background risk of
antagonist (VKA) oral anticoagulation as a preventive strategy for
the age-matched population—to .20%/year.1
most patients with AF, unless clearly identifiable to be at very-low
Overall, valvular heart disease, independent of the underlying
risk.2,3 The recent availability of non-VKA oral anticoagulants
cardiac rhythm, is associated with a higher risk of thrombo-embolic
(NOACs) is likely to increase the number of AF patients treated
events. This risk is greatly amplified in the presence of AF. A
with these drugs for stroke prevention in the future. In some such
population-based historical cohort study in Olmsted County, Minne-
patients, atrial appendage occlusion devices are now also a viable
sota, with a first echocardiographic diagnosis of mitral stenosis (n ¼
19), mitral regurgitation (n ¼ 528), aortic stenosis (n ¼ 140), and
All the pivotal trials comparing VKAs with the NOACs in AF
aortic regurgitation (n ¼ 106) between 1985 and 1992, found,
have enrolled patients with so-called ‘non-valvular’ AF and
during 2694 person-years of follow-up, that 98 patients developed
excluded patients at particularly high risk of thrombo-embolism,
cerebrovascular events and 356 died. Compared with expected
such as those with AF accompanying mitral stenosis or patients
numbers, these observations are significantly higher, with standar-
with mechanical prosthetic valves.4 The reasons for not including
dized morbidity ratios of 3.2 (95% CI, 2.6 –3.8) and 2.5 (95% CI,
these patients in trials testing NOACs also included the possibility
2.2 –2.7) for a cerebro-vascular event and death, respectively. Con-
that the pathogenesis of thrombo-embolism may be substantially
versely, some types of AF, such as those accompanying rheumatic
different from other types of AF. The distinction between ‘valvular’
mitral stenosis and mechanical prosthetic valves, have always been
AF ‘non-valvular’ AF, however, still remains uncertain, with vari-
known for their high risk of thrombo-embolism.4 For this reason,
able definitions adopted in the NOAC trials. This has led to thera-
moderate/severe mitral stenosis and mechanical prosthetic valves
peutic confusion, well illustrated by a recent web-based survey
have been exclusion criteria in all AF trials with NOACs. There is a
among over 500 Italian physicians mainly involved in the prescrip-
wide uncertainty, however, as to the risk of thrombo-embolism in
tion of anticoagulants to AF patients. Here, only 57.1% of the car-
other forms of valvular disease, and specifically on how different
diologists and 67.9% of the internists agreed that the existing
such risk compares with AF patients without these specific valve
definitions of non-valvular AF (e.g. from Guidelines) were suffi-
ciently clear.5
Because of this, we have reviewed the literature related to the
thrombo-embolic risk in AF in the presence of the various types of Mitral stenosis
valvular heart diseases; definitions of the term in different trials In the pre-surgery and pre-anticoagulant therapy era, mitral stenosis
with NOACs; and the use of the term in current and recent guide- was estimated to be responsible of 25% of all deaths from systemic
lines. Specifically, we have addressed the risk of thrombo-embolism embolism.6 – 8 Up to 80% of patients with mitral stenosis and systemic
in AF with or without various forms of valvular heart disease; and embolism show AF on the ECG. One-third of embolic events occur
the qualitative type of thrombus forming in such conditions, as within 1 month of the onset of AF, and two-thirds occur within
both have implications for treatment. 1 year.9

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those of the Editors of the European Heart Journal or of the European Society of Cardiology.
* Corresponding author. Email:
Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. & The Author 2014. For permissions please email:
‘Valvular’ atrial fibrillation 3329

Correlation between the occurrence of embolism and mitral Mitral valve prolapse
orifice dimensions or even the presence/absence of heart failure Mitral valve prolapse is a common, sometimes congenital, form of
symptoms is not strict,10 and embolism can be the first manifestation valve disease occurring in 1–2.5% of the general population.12
of mitral stenosis,7 or it can occur in patients with mild mitral stenosis, Although early evidence from case series and control studies sug-
even before the development of dyspnoea.7,9 It is also controversial gested an association with stroke,23 – 29 Gilon et al.,30 and the Fra-
whether patients with mitral stenosis but without AF or a previous mingham Heart Study31 failed to replicate this.
embolic event are at a higher risk for embolic events This has resulted Mitral valve prolapse may be complicated by AF, as there may be
in low-grade recommendations for oral anticoagulants in recent LA dilatation and left ventricular enlargement depending on the pres-
guidelines.11 – 13 ence and severity of mitral regurgitation,12 but it is unknown whether
At the other extreme, patients with mitral stenosis and AF who the combination of MVP and AF increases the risk of stroke over and
have experienced an embolic event have recurrences at a rate of beyond the risk conferred by AF alone.
15–40 events per 100 patient-months,14,15 which is the highest
rate of thrombo-embolism ever reported in AF. There are no rando-

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Other valve disease
mized trials examining the efficacy of anticoagulation in preventing
Despite aortic stenosis, being the most common valvulopathy today,
embolic events specifically in patients with mitral stenosis, and
frequently co-exists with AF, there is no report in the literature refer-
current recommendations are only based on retrospective studies
ring to a different risk of thrombo-embolism for AF accompanying
showing a 4- to 15-fold decrease in the incidence of embolic events
aortic stenosis and AF occurring in the absence of this valvular
with anticoagulation in these patients.16,17
heart disease. The same applies to aortic insufficiency.
Therefore, mitral stenosis, essentially on a rheumatic basis, is the
While the onset of AF in the setting of chronic heart failure
form of AF with native valves with the highest risk of thrombo-embolism,
increases both mitral and tricuspid regurgitation,32 there is no evi-
probably related to the low-flow patterns occurring in the left atrium.
dence in the literature for a specific role of tricuspid insufficiency in
Such patients have never been randomized between alternative treat-
increasing the incidence of thrombo-embolism once AF has
ments, but there are no reasons to suggest a differential response to various
Therefore, with the notable exception of mitral stenosis all forms of
Mitral regurgitation valvular heart disease accompanying AF do not appear to increase the
risk of thrombo-embolism beyond the level entailed by AF alone, and
Studies on the prevalence of thrombo-embolism in mitral regurgita-
do not apparently act as additional risk factors.
tion have yielded contrasting results, most likely due to the multiple
mechanisms of mitral regurgitation. While some degree of mitral re-
gurgitation almost invariably accompanies rheumatic mitral stenosis, Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
which itself—when complicated by AF—substantially increases the Although not a type of valvular heart disease, hypertrophic cardiomy-
risk of thrombo-embolism, results may be very different in non- opathy (HCM) enters in the differential diagnosis of valvular aortic
rheumatic AF, including non-rheumatic disease of the leaflets [e.g. stenosis, and is sometimes lumped with valvular heart disease in
mitral valve prolapse (MVP), endocarditis], chordal or papillary the setting of AF recommendations regarding anticoagulants. The as-
muscle dysfunction, and enlargements of the annulus. sociation of HCM with stroke in AF is reviewed in detail in the
Several studies have reported a lower risk of thrombo-embolism in Supplementary material online). The reported rate of thrombo-
mitral regurgitation accompanying mitral stenosis compared with embolism in HCM is higher than in a non-AF population, but
mitral stenosis without significant regurgitation,18 with higher risk similar to what should be expected for non-anticoagulated
accompanying milder compared with more severe mitral regurgita- CHA2DS2-VASc ¼ 2 patients.
tions.19 In a retrospective study, the incidence of thrombo-embolism In summary, there are no compelling reasons, nor any evidence
was significantly higher in the group with no mitral regurgitation.20 from outcome data, to account for the exclusion of these patients
Few data are available concerning the effect of mild mitral regurgita- from trials with the NOACs and there is no reason to label them as
tion on the occurrence of thrombo-embolic events. The presence ‘valvular’.
of mild mitral regurgitation in non-rheumatic AF was associated
with a higher prevalence of thrombo-embolic events.21 However, Prosthetic valves
in patients with non-rheumatic AF, age was an independent predictor Mechanical prostheses
of an increased risk of stroke, and mitral regurgitation was found Patients with a mechanical heart valve are at increased risk for
to be protective against stroke, especially in patients with LA thrombo-embolism and require chronic anticoagulation with a
enlargement.22 VKA33 even when normal sinus rhythm is present. Thrombo-embolic
The idea that the occurrence of mitral regurgitation per se does not risk can be further stratified by patient age, prosthetic valve type,
entail an increased risk of stroke in AF and may actually be protective, anatomic valve location and the number of valves, cardiomyopathy,
on the basis of higher flow patterns occurring in the atria, is also sup- known intracardiac or prosthetic valve thrombus, and previous
ported by studies on spontaneous echo-contrast on transoesopha- stroke or other cardioembolic event.33 – 35 In addition, AF is a
geal echocardiography, considered to be a manifestation of a well-known comorbidity, further enhancing the risk of thrombo-
hypercoagulable state due to red cell sludging at low shear rates, as embolism. There are multiple pathogenetic mechanisms for
well as by studies in coagulation markers, such as D-dimer levels thrombosis and thrombo-embolism in patients with a prosthetic
(reviewed in detail in the Supplementary material online). valve (especially a mechanical prosthesis) and AF. Thrombus may
3330 R. De Caterina and A.J. Camm

occur on the prosthesis (the ring, the struts, the leaflets), consisting of around it. Vitamin K antagonists are here likely to be more effective
an initial layer of platelets and a fibrin mesh; and in the left atrium, than dabigatran at suppressing coagulation activation because they
largely in the left atrial appendage, due mostly to flow disturbances inhibit the activation of both tissue factor-induced coagulation (by
caused by prosthesis, and largely consisting of a fibrin mesh trapping inhibiting the synthesis of coagulation factor VII) and contact
blood components.62 It is very likely, that these two components are pathway-induced coagulation (by inhibiting the synthesis of factor
differently responsive to current antithrombotic drugs, as shown by a IX), as well as inhibiting the synthesis of factor X and thrombin in
recent comparative trial of dabigatran etexilate and warfarin (see the common pathway,9 whereas dabigatran exclusively inhibits
below). thrombin.40 If contact activation is intense, the resulting thrombin
On average, the risk of thrombo-embolism is estimated to be generation may overwhelm local levels of dabigatran, which can
4.0%/year with no anticoagulation. Within this group, those with lead to thrombus formation on the surface of the valve and related
mitral valve prostheses are at approximately twice the risk compared embolic complications.
with those with aortic valve prostheses.36 Systemic embolization This negative experience with dabigatran etexilate has temporarily
(predominantly cerebrovascular events) is reduced to a frequency halted the development of other NOACs (FXa inhibitors) for such

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of 0.7 –1.0% per patient-year in patients with mechanical valves patients.
who are treated with warfarin, and to 2.2% per patient-year with Therefore, at the present time, patients with AF and a mechanical heart
aspirin.36 – 38 valve should only be treated with a VKA.
Patients with AF and a mechanical heart valve were systematically
excluded from all pivotal trials with the NOACs, on the assumption Bioprostheses
of a need for a specific anticoagulation intensity in such patients and Bioprostheses are considered less thrombogenic than mechanical
the absence of experience. There were, however, strong hopes valves, although the incidence of valve thrombosis in porcine valves
that NOACs could be a valuable alternative to VKAs even in such without anticoagulation approaches that of mechanical valves with
conditions. anticoagulation.41 Pericardial valves appear less susceptible to valve
On the basis of animal data, a phase II dose-validation study with thrombosis than porcine valves.41 In both types of bioprostheses,
dabigatran etexilate was conducted in two populations of patients: the risk of valve thrombosis is increased by low cardiac output and
those who had undergone aortic- or mitral-valve replacement by structural valve deterioration, which creates an irregular, often cal-
within the past 7 days; and those who had had such a replacement cified surface.42,43
at least 3 months earlier.39 Patients were randomly assigned in a 2 : Although it is accepted that anticoagulation can be avoided in the
1 ratio to receive either dabigatran or warfarin. The selection of long-term in patients with bioprostheses and no additional risk
the initial dabigatran dose (150, 220, or 300 mg twice daily) was factors, controversy remains about antithrombotic management in
based on kidney function. Doses were adjusted to obtain a trough the first three post-operative months before superficial healing of
plasma level of at least 50 ng/mL. The warfarin dose was adjusted the sewing ring is complete.44 Despite lack of firm evidence and
to obtain an INR of 2 –3 or 2.5 –3.5 on the basis of thrombo-embolic lack of any long-term studies, current ACC/AHA guidelines recom-
risk. The primary end-point was the trough plasma level of dabigatran. mend only aspirin for patients with both aortic and mitral bioprosth-
Twenty-two and 26 patients had AF in the dabigatran and the warfarin eses and no other risk factors.12 In general, however, patients with a
group, respectively. The trial was terminated prematurely after the bioprosthesis also having chronic AF and otherwise normal cardiac
enrolment of 252 patients because of an excess of both thrombo- function should always receive anticoagulation with a VKA, at a
embolic and bleeding events among patients in the dabigatran target INR of 2.5 indefinitely.12,13,45
group. In the as-treated analysis dose adjustment or discontinuation Transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI), which is basically
of dabigatran was required in 52 of 162 patients (32%). Ischaemic or the insertion of a bioprosthesis within an expandable stented struc-
unspecified stroke occurred in nine patients (5%) in the dabigatran ture, has been increasingly used over the past years as an alternative
group and in no patients in the warfarin group; major bleeding to surgical aortic valve replacement. The optimal antithrombotic
occurred in seven patients (4%) and two patients (2%), respectively. treatment in this condition is still unknown. Despite the lack of evi-
All the patients with major bleeding had pericardial bleeding.39 dence, a combination of low-dose aspirin and a thienopyridine is
Therefore, the use of dabigatran in patients with mechanical heart used early after TAVI, followed by aspirin or a thienopyridine
valves was associated with increased rates of thrombo-embolic and alone.13 In patients in AF and receiving a TAVI, a combination of a
bleeding complications when compared with warfarin, showing no VKA and aspirin or a thienopyridine is generally used, but should
benefit and an excess risk. be weighed against increased risk of bleeding.13 There are no data
Differences in the mechanisms of action of dabigatran and warfarin in such patients from trials with the NOACs.
are likely to explain at least part of the findings. In patients with a Whether thrombo-embolic risk accompanying bioprosthetic
mechanical heart valve, coagulation activation, and thrombin gener- valve implantation differs from common forms of AF is not ascer-
ation induced by the release of tissue factor from damaged tissues tained with certainty. Thrombo-embolism in patients with biopros-
during surgery may partly explain the high risk of early thrombo- thetic valves and AF presumably may relate to both the
embolic complications. In addition, thrombin generation can be trig- bioprosthetic valve and to the AF.46 The incidence of thrombo-
gered by exposure of the blood to the artificial surface of the valve embolism in these patients was reported to be as high as 16% at
leaflets, struts, and sewing ring, which induce activation of the 31 –36 months,47,48 therefore in the range of 5–6%/year, not signifi-
contact pathway of coagulation. It is thought that the sewing ring cantly dissimilar from what found on an average age-matched AF
becomes less thrombogenic once endothelial tissue has formed population with risk factors.
‘Valvular’ atrial fibrillation 3331

Valve repair After the publication of the main trial results,54,56,58 – 60 several
Patients who had mitral valve repair have a small risk of thrombo- subanalyses are now addressing the fate of patients with some sort
embolic events,49 with the highest risk of thrombo-embolism occur- of valvular heart disease included in the trials.
ring during the first year after surgery, justifying the recommendation Thus, in a subgroup analysis of RE-LY in patients with symptomatic
for oral anticoagulation during the 3–6 post-operative months.11 heart failure, 1283 patients (26.2%) of the patients with heart failure
However, only limited data are available concerning the efficacy of and 2661 patients (20.1%) without heart failure had some sort of
warfarin therapy early after valve surgery, and the use of short-term ‘valvular heart disease’.61 Although overall the relative effects of dabi-
warfarin in patients with mitral valve annuloplasty is also controver- gatran vs warfarin on the occurrence of stroke or systemic embolism
sial.50 Age was the only predictor of thrombo-embolism. Atrial fibril- and major bleeding were similar among those with and without heart
lation did not increase the risk of thrombo-embolism by multivariable failure and those with low or preserved left ventricular ejection frac-
analysis, but all patients in AF were on oral anticoagulant. tion, no specific subgroup analysis of patients with ‘valvular heart
It is therefore not clear whether patients with a bioprosthetic heart disease’ has been reported.
In an analysis of ROCKET AF,62 it has been reported that, of 14 171

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valve or valve repair and AF are sufficiently different from the purely ‘non-
valvular’ AF population to warrant special treatment or the avoidance of patients, 1992 (14.1%) had ‘significant’ valvular disease, often with
NOACs. combined lesions (89.6% mitral regurgitation + aortic stenosis or
regurgitation). Combined efficacy end-points in patients (intention-
to-treat population) with and without valvular disease did not
Variable definitions of ‘valvular show any significant differences in those treated with warfarin or
rivaroxaban. Bleeding outcomes (safety on-treatment population)
atrial fibrillation’ in recent trials were not different in those without valvular disease, but were
of thromboprophylaxis in atrial more frequent on rivaroxaban than warfarin in valvular disease
patients (interaction P-value of valvular disease and treatment ¼
fibrillation 0.034 and 0.010 for major or non-major clinically relevant; and
The issue of ‘valvular AF’ definition is of relevance because several major bleeding, respectively). Intracranial bleeding was significantly
such patients were excluded from recent trials testing NOACs in reduced by rivaroxaban in those without valvular disease (HR:
patients with AF. Reasons to exclude them were major uncertainties 0.59, 95% CI: 0.40– 0.86), and also reduced, albeit not significantly,
on whether thrombogenesis in such patients is similar to that occur- in valvular disease patients (interaction P-value ¼ 0.084). Overall,
ring in the more common forms of ‘non-valvular’ AF, and, if that is the these data suggest that the effects of warfarin and rivaroxaban on
case, what intensity of anticoagulation is needed. Criteria for exclud- thrombo-embolic and ischaemic cardiovascular outcomes are
ing such patients were however quite variable (Table 1). For example, similar among AF patients with and without ‘significant’ valvular
restricting discussion to main phase III studies leading to the registra- disease, whereas bleeding rates may differ.
tion of NOACs, in the RE-LY trial testing two doses of dabigatran Finally, in a subanalysis of ARISTOTLE,63 (A. Avezum et al., sub-
etexilate vs warfarin, ‘history of heart valve disorders’ (i.e. prosthetic mitted) it has been reported that 4808 (26.4%) of the enrolled
valve or hemodynamically relevant valve disease) were exclusion cri- patients had some ‘at least moderate’ heart valve disease, including
teria,51,52 resulting in the exclusion, for example, of patients with AF mitral or tricuspid insufficiency, and aortic stenosis or insufficiency,
and severe mitral or aortic insufficiency or severe aortic stenosis. and defined as having (i) a history of at least moderate valvular heart
Conversely, the ROCKET-AF trial, testing rivaroxaban against war- disease; (ii) baseline echocardiographic evidence of at least moder-
farin, excluded only hemodynamically significant mitral valve stenosis, ate valvular heart disease; or (iii) a history of prior valve surgery.
and prosthetic heart valves, but permitted the inclusion of patients Some 251 patients had had valve surgery (not specified how many
with diseases in native valves other than the mitral valve, as well as of these were bioprosthetic implants or repair). The results of
of patients treated with annuloplasty, commisurotomy or other this subanalysis were consistent with the results of the overall AR-
valvuloplasty’. ISTOTLE trial (no significant interaction according to the presence
In the AVERROES trial, testing apixaban vs warfarin in patients con- or absence of valvular heart disease for both stroke and systemic
sidered ‘unsuitable’ to VKAs, the exclusion criterion was ‘valvular embolism (P ¼ 0.378) and International Society on Thrombosis
disease requiring surgery’.53,54 Here, the ‘unsuitability’ to VKAs de and Haemostasis (ISTH) major bleeding (P ¼ 0.228), and demon-
facto also excluded mechanical prosthetic valve patients. In ARIS- strated that apixaban compared with warfarin reduced stroke or
TOTLE, testing apixaban vs warfarin, the study design55,56 only systemic embolism, caused fewer major bleeding events, and
excluded ‘clinically significant (moderate or severe) mitral stenosis’, reduced all-cause mortality in ‘non-valvular AF atrial fibrillation
as well as ‘conditions other than AF that require chronic anticoagula- patients with or without valvular heart disease’.
tion (e.g. prosthetic mechanical heart valve)’, therefore allowing In summary, although exclusion criteria for concomitant valve
inclusion of patients with native valvular heart disease other than disease varied in pivotal stroke prevention in AF trials with the
mitral stenosis and prosthetic heart valves. NOACs, there is reason to believe that stringent exclusion of most
Finally, in the ENGAGE-AF study, which tested two exposure valvular disease patients implemented in some studies was not justi-
strategies of edoxaban vs warfarin, patients with ‘moderate or fied by the comparative outcomes of warfarin vs NOACs in trials
severe mitral stenosis, unresected atrial myxoma, or a mechanical where exclusion criteria were more lenient, in admitting patients
heart valve’ were excluded and subjects with bioprosthetic heart with non-rheumatic valvular disease, valve repair, or bioprostheses to
valves and/or valve repair were allowed.57,58 the studies.
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Table 1 Definitions of non-valvular atrial fibrillation as exclusion criteria in phase II and III trials with the new anticoagulants in atrial fibrillation


67,68 68 69 51,52 60 70
Study drug Ximelagatran Ximelagatran Dabigatran Dabigatran etexilate Rivaroxaban Rivaroxaban
AF exclusion Mitral stenosis, previous Mitral stenosis, previous Mitral stenosis, History of heart valve disorder Haemodynamically significant mitral valve Haemodynamycally significant
criteria valvular heart surgery, valvular heart surgery, prosthetic (including haemodynamically stenosis, prosthetic heart valve mitral valve stenosis,
active infective active infective valves relevant valve disease and (annuloplasty with or without prosthetic prosthetic heart valve
endocarditis endocarditis prosthetic valve) ring, commisurotomy, valvuloplasty are
53,54 55,56 71 72 57,58 73
Study drug Apisaban Apisaban Apisaban Edosaban Edosaban Betrixaban
AF exclusion Valvular disease Clinically significant Valvular heart Comorbid rheumatic valvular Moderate or severe mitral stenosis, unresected Conditions other than AF that
criteria requiring surgery (moderate or severe) disease disease, history of valvular atrial myxoma, mechanical heart valve required chronic
mitral stenosis surgery, infective endocarditis (bioprosthetic heart valve and valve repair anticoagulation
are permitted)

R. De Caterina and A.J. Camm

‘Valvular’ atrial fibrillation 3333

Guidelines embolism compared with that entailed by AF per se, and probably
do not make thrombo-embolic risk less responsive to NOACs
In addition to the lack of justification reported above, the definitions compared with most forms of ‘non-valvular’ AF;
of ‘valvular’ and ‘non-valvular’ AF are also different according to dif- † similarly, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, even if possibly increasing
ferent guidelines. The definition of non-valvular AF used by the the risk of thrombo-embolism in AF, may not make thrombo-
current AHA/ACC/HRS AF guidelines is the following: ‘the historical embolic risk less susceptible to NOACs compared with most
term ‘nonvalvular AF’ is restricted to cases in which the rhythm dis- forms of ‘non-valvular’ AF (but no data on this are available yet);
turbance occurs in the absence of rheumatic mitral valve disease, a † AF in the presence of a bioprosthetic heart valve or after valve
prosthetic heart valve, or mitral valve repair’.64,65 The 2008 ACCP repair appears to be at a risk of thrombo-embolism not substan-
Guidelines contemplate ad hoc recommendations for patients with tially different from more common forms of ‘non-valvular’ AF,
valvular heart disease and AF, including mitral stenosis and prosthetic and in any case, on the basis of preliminary evidence accrued
heart valves.34 No specific definition is given in the 2012 edition of the from trials with NOACs there is no evidence of different efficacy
same guidelines.46 The 2012 focused update of the ESC Guidelines on or safety compared with warfarin.

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AF3 acknowledges that it is ‘conventional’ to divide AF into cases
We propose the term ‘mechanical and rheumatic mitral valvular AF’
which are described as ‘valvular’ or ‘non-valvular’ and that no satisfac-
(acronym: MARM-AF) as an accurate description of a disease entity
tory or uniform definition of these terms exists. In those guidelines,
worthy of being kept separated from other forms of AF, but with possible
the term ‘valvular AF’ is used to imply that AF is ‘related to rheumatic
internal differences between the two conditions here encompassed.
valvular disease (predominantly mitral stenosis) or prosthetic heart
Supplementary material
Supplementary material is available at European Heart Journal online.
Proposal for alternative definitions
and conclusions Acknowledgements
The term ‘valvular AF’ and its counterpart of ‘non-valvular AF’ cause We thank Dr Luca Sgarra, University of Bari, Italy, for help in
confusion, because they imply internally homogeneous categories reviewing the pertinent literature; and Dr Claudio Cimminiello
with similar pathogenesis of thrombo-embolism, similar thrombo- and Dr Hernan Polo Friz for providing preliminary data from an
embolic risk, and similar treatment needs. None of these criteria is Italian survey on the cardiologists’ perception of the current
fulfilled, and such terms should be therefore either always defined nomenclature.
or abandoned for a more specific terminology.
Literature data indicate that Conflict of interest: R.D.C. receives consultant and speaker fees
from Bayer, Boehringer Ingelheim, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Daiichi
† the pathogenesis of thrombosis is most likely different for blood
Sankyo, and Lilly; and research grants from AstraZeneca and Boehrin-
coming into contact with the artificial surface of a mechanical pros-
ger Ingelheim. A.J.C. is a consultant/advisor to Daiichi, Bayer, Boeh-
thetic valve compared with what occurring in most common
ringer Ingelheim, Bristol Myers Squibb, Pfizer and Boston Scientific.
forms of AF without concomitant valvular disease. In patients
Research grants are held from Daiichi, Bayer and Pfizer/BMS. No spe-
with a mechanical prosthetic valve, even in the absence of AF,
cific funding was used for this manuscript.
the results of the only intervention trial so far performed with a
NOAC demonstrate that warfarin is more effective—and also
safer—than the relatively high doses of dabigatran etexilate that References
were used;66 1. Olesen JB, Lip GY, Hansen ML, Hansen PR, Tolstrup JS, Lindhardsen J, Selmer C,
Ahlehoff O, Olsen AM, Gislason GH, Torp-Pedersen C. Validation of risk stratifica-
† the risk of thrombo-embolism is particularly high in AF accom- tion schemes for predicting stroke and thromboembolism in patients with atrial fib-
panying moderate-to-severe mitral stenosis and mechanical rillation: nationwide cohort study. Br Med J 2011;342:d124.
prosthetic valves. Since mitral stenosis, with or without other 2. Camm AJ, Kirchhof P, Lip GY, Schotten U, Savelieva I, Ernst S, Van Gelder IC,
Al-Attar N, Hindricks G, Prendergast B, Heidbuchel H, Alfieri O, Angelini A,
associated valvular disease, is virtually always rheumatic, the Atar D, Colonna P, De Caterina R, De Sutter J, Goette A, Gorenek B, Heldal M,
terms ‘AF with mitral stenosis’ and ‘rheumatic AF’ may be used Hohloser SH, Kolh P, Le Heuzey JY, Ponikowski P, Rutten FH. Guidelines for the
interchangeably. It is not clear, however, whether the patho- management of atrial fibrillation: the Task Force for the Management of Atrial Fibril-
lation of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). Eur Heart J 2010;31:2369 –2429.
genesis of thrombosis in AF accompanying mitral stenosis is 3. Camm AJ, Lip GY, De Caterina R, Savelieva I, Atar D, Hohnloser SH, Hindricks G,
qualitatively different from those of most common forms of Kirchhof P, Bax JJ, Baumgartner H, Ceconi C, Dean V, Deaton C, Fagard R,
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