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Development disturbances of oral and Para oral structure

Obliteration of the pulp chambers or root canals is characteristic of all the following
a) aging
b) trauma
c) taurodontism
d) dentinal dyaplasia 1
e) dentinal dyaplasia 2

Which of the following conditions is characterized by abnormally large pulp chambers
a) amelogenesis imperfecta
b) regional odontodyaplaisia
c) dentinogenesis imperfecta
d) dential dyaplasia type 1
e) concrescence

Absence of scalloping at the DEJ increase in regular dentine and tendency to form pulp
stones may be seen in
a) dentinal dyaplasia 1
b) dentinal dyaplasia 2
c) Ehler`s Danlos syndrome
d) Regional odontodysplasia
e) Fusion

Epithelial Pathology
. A 45 year-old male presents with a small (~.5cm) pigmented lesion on his palate, he is
not a smoker, but has had previous dental procedures such as cavity restoration. The
following are very likely to be included in your differential diagnosis except…
a) Amalgam Tattoo
b) B.Oral melanotic macule
c) C.Melanoma (early stages)
d) D.Blue Nevi
e) E. compound navi

Which of the following is not the manifestation of erythroplakia:
a) Increase malignant potential
b) Epithelial dysplasia
c) Carcinoma in situ
d) Epithelial hypertrophy
e) Red velvety patch

Melanoma commonly has:
a). Radial and vertical initial growth
b). Radial and horizontal initial growth
c). Radial and superficial initial growth
d). Vertical and horizontal initial growth
e). Horizontal and superficial initial growth

A 25yrs old pt. reports with numerous craterifrom ulcers on ventral surface of tongue
and floor of mouth. Pt. has been experiencing them continuously for 2yrs with new ulcers
appearing as the old ones fade away. Possible diagnosis?
a) Minor aphthous ulcers
b) Herpetiform ulcers
c) Bechet syndrome
d) Aphthous major
e) none of the above

Soft tissue pathology

. A 40yrs male comes to you with skin problem.on examination you see elevated papule
with central, crusted ulcer with an elevated smooth rolled border. What will be your
a) Squamous cell carcinoma
b)basal cell carcinoma
c)verrucous carcinoma
d)spindle cell carcinoma
e) Major oral Apthus

.The following are notorious for causing gingival enlargement except
a) A.Phenytoin
b) B.Cyclosporin
c) C.Nifedipine
d) D.Captopril
e) E. leukemia

Which is the most common oral manifestation of Wegener Granulomatosis;
a) Desquamative gingivitis
b) B Ulcerative gingivitis
c) C Strawberry gingivitis
d) D Granulomatous hypoplastic gingivitis
e) E Both C&D

Bone pathology
. a patient comes with complaint of expansile lesion of craniofacial bones and also
pigmented light brown spots on various paryts of body(cafe au lait spot).these areas
have jagged periphery.the most possible diagnosis will b
a) a:fcod
b) b:juvinile fibrus.dysplasia
c) c:polystotic fibrus.dysplasia
d) d:monostotic fibrus.dysplasia
e) e:periapical cemental dysplasia

Delayed eruption of permanent teeth is often observed in patients with which of the
following conditions
a) Cherubism
b) Hyperthyroidism
c) Osteogenesis Imperfecta
d) Paget`s disease of bone
e) all of above

Features of Multiple Bone Radiolucencies, hypercalcemia, hypophosphatemia and loss
of lamina dura indicative of
a) acromegaly
b) hyperparathyroidism
c) Hyperthyroidism
d) Multiple Myeloma
e) Sq. Cell Carcinoma

Salivary gland pathology

a 40 yr old person presents with painless persistent enlargement of major salivary glands
with xerostomia,lymphadenopathy and erythematous skin nodules.most likely diagnosis
a) a)sialosis
b) b)sialoadenitis
c) c)sarcoidosis
d) d)sjogren’s syndrome
e) mumps

Heerfordt syndrome is a type of

a) sarcoidosis
b) pyogenic granulomatus disease
c) viral infection
d) bacterial infection
e) lymphoid disorder

what is not true with mucocele
a) is a mucous cyst
b) appears in lower lip
c) also called as Blandin-Nuhn cyst
d) is formed by extravasation
e) has a malignant potential

Cysts of odontogenic origin

. Botryoid cyst is a varient form of
(a) gingival cyst of adult
(b) lateral periodontal cyst
(c) dentigerous cyst
(d) odontogenic keratocyst
(e) eruption cyst

Eruption cyst surrounds the crown of a tooth
(a) that is not erupted at all
(b) has erupted through bone but not soft tissue
(c) has erupted through both bone and soft tissue
(d) that resembles that of a moon's teeth
(e) present deep in bone

Tumors of odontogenic origin

.odontogenic myxoma has key feature except
a) rare
b) seen in young adults
c) prone to recurrence
d) site is posterior mandible
e) margins well defined

A patient reported with a slow growing huge tumor in posterior mandible, biopy
revealed, elongated palisaded peripheral cells with reverse polarity, likely diagnosis is
a) Sq. Cell Carcinoma
b) Odontogenic myxoma
c) Pinberg tumor
d) Kaposi Sarcoma
e) Ameloblastoma


.Mandibular osteomyelitis is caused by
a:streptococci + peptostreptococci
e peptostreptococci.

. A child comes to you having maculopapular eruption on trunk and other extremities,
have febrile seizures and had temperature 104f during first three days .what will be
your diagnosis?
(a) infectious mononucleosis
(b) roseola infantum
(c) herpangina
(d) lymphonodular pharangitis
(e) hand foot and mouth disease

A patient presented with hairy leukoplakia, acute pseudo membranous candidiasis,
diffuse HS gingivostomatitis, diffuse VZ lesions and acute non-specific ulcers. Which is
the most likely infection, he is suffering from:
(a) VZV
(b) HSV
(c) EBV
(d) Candidiasis albicans
(e) HIV

Which is the most important feature that distinguish Rubella from measles:
(a) Arthralgia
(b) Arthritis
(c) Lymphadenopathy
(d) Conjunctivitis
(e) None of the above
Immature neutrophils in bacteria associated leukocytosis are called
(a) Downy cells
(b) Band cells
(c) Reed sternberg cells
(d) Tzank cells
(e) Koliocytes

A patient presented with white, exophytic, sessile papules with cauliflower-like
surfaces. He had similar lesions on skin but they were grayish brown. What is the most
likely diagnosis with these clinical features:
(a) Leukoplakia
(b) Squamous papilloma
(c) Keratoacanthoma
(d) Verruca vulgaris
(e) Verrucous CA

Radiographically onion skin appearnce is given by
(a) chronic osteomyelitis
(b) osteogenic sarcoma
(c) garre's osteomyelitis
(d) all of above
(e) none of the above

Dental caries

The structures of enamel that are most resistant to the actions of acids are
a. Enamel cuticles
b. Enamel Lamellae
c. Enamel Rods
d. interprismitic Substance of Enamel
e. Enamel dentine junction

Which one of the following occurs earliest in caries of dentine?

a. Beading of tubules
b. Invasion of pioneer bacteria
c. Demineralization
d. Liquefaction foci
e. Proteolysis
Diseases of pulp and periapical tissue
A cyst pulpal in origin following any lesion is
(a) globulomaxillary cyst
(b) lateral peiodontal cyst
(c) odontogenic keratocyst
(d) periapical cyst
(e) dentigerous cyst

Spread of oral infection

Ludwig s angina is
(a) . bilateral submandibular space infection
(b) . bilateral sub lingual space infection
(c) . bilateral submental space infection
(d) . bilateral submandibular, sub lingual, submental space infection
(e) . unilateral submandibular, sub lingual, submental space infection

Physical and chemical injuries of the oral cavity

. Hyperbaric oxygen is used for the treatment of
a. :acute osteomyelitis
b. :chronic osteomyelitis
c. :osteoradionecrosis
d. : oral cancer
e. none of the above

Dental erosions is a complication of which one of the following git condition
a. bulimia nervosa
b. peptic ulcer
c. constipation
d. Gastro esophageal reflux disorder
e. both a and d

Allergies and immunological diseases

In pemphigus vulgaris,nikolsky sign is
a. -ive in both skin and mucosa
b. +ive in skin but negative in mucosa
c. -ive in skin but +ive in mucosa
d. +ive in both skin and mucosa
e. may or may not be presnt

.A patient having the history of blood transfusion presented to maxillo facial surgeon
with the skin and mucosal lesion ,diagnosed to be lichen planus. he was treated with
methylprednisolone but the treatment did not worked and the patient expired. The most
likely cause is.

a. due to severity of lichen planus

b. improper treatment of lichen planus
c. patient was having graft versus host disease with skin and mucosal reactions .
d. drug reaction
e. none of above

Which is not a oral manifestation of COELIAC disease
a. Oral ulcers
b. enamel hypoplasia
c. Glossitis
d. sweeling of lips and face
e. Angular cheilitis

40 yr old patient with hepatitis may show encephalopathy due to following reason
a. poor metabolism of minerals
b. obstruction of bile duct
c. detoxification of nitrogenous compounds
d. poor metabolism of drug
e. portal hypertention

Healing of oral wounds

When oral epithelial wound is filled with granulation tissue, then the surface epithelium
a) grows over vascular substrate of granulation tissue
b) grows spearing the vascular substrate
c) grows where only neutrophils are present
d) moves over fibroblasts
e) follows the fibrin network

Diseases of blood and blood forming organs

Which one of the following is not a manifestation of iron deficiency anemia
a) Acute necrotizing ulcerative gingivitis
b) Apthous ulceration.
c) Atrophic mucositis
d) Bald tongue
e) Discoloration of cheek mucosa
Aggressive gingival enlargement is unique feature of
(a) tuberculosis
(b) Anemia
(c) Jaundice
(d) leukemia
(e) Autoimmune diseases

Oral aspects of metabolic diseases

Hyperparathyroidism is diagnosed when
a) serum alkaline phasphatase is raised only
b) serum alkaline phasphatase with serum calcium is raised
c) serum alkaline phasphatase with serum phosphate is raised
d) serum alkaline phasphatase is decreased
e) serum calcium and phosphates both raised

Diseases of skin
. a patient presented with skin lesions appearing as raised,purplish papules with white
keratotitc cap, extending along the lines of irritation inflicted by the itching of patient.the
most likely diagnosis is
a. Steven Johnson syndrome
b.kobner phenomenobn in cutaneous lichen planus
c. epidermolysis bullosa
d.toxic epidermal necrolysis
e. leukoplakia

Nikolsky sign is occasionally positive is characteristic of
(a) Erythema minor
(b) chronic erythema multiform minor
(c) EM major
(d) both EM major and minor
(e) CREST disease
51 yrs old male comes to you with superfacial skin vesicles that rupture spontaneously
and are covered by dried crut and serum.Immunopathological reports show both DIF and
IIF are positive.What is your most likely diagnosis
a. Erosive lichen planus
b. Mucous memb. pemphigoid
c. Pemphigus vulgaris
d. Lupus erythematosis

Facial and neuromuscular pathology

Neurofibromatosis Type 1 has other names except

a) von Recklinghausen's syndrome,

b) elephant man,
c) nerve sheath tumor
d) neurofibromas
e) Jaffe-Campanacci syndrome

MCQs are framed with the help of following books

Contemporary Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology.

By J Philip Sapp,Lewis R.Eversole,George P.Wysocki
Publisher = Mosby

Oral Pathology Clinical Pathological Correlations

By Joseph A.Regezi, James J.Sciubba
Publisher = W.B Saunders Company

Cawson`s Essential of Oral pathology and Oral Medicine.

By R.A. Cawson, E.W. Odell
Publisher = Churchill Livingstone
Development disturbances of oral and Para oral structure

An anomaly in the shapes of the teeth with one tooth less than the normal number in the
arch is
A. gemination
B. fusion
C. concrescence
D. dens in dente
E. dens inveginatus

Ghost teeth` are seen in
A. dentinogenesis imperfecta
B. amelogenesis imperfecta
C. dential dyaplasia
D. regional odontadyaplasia
E. Book syndrome

A talon cusp is usually seen in
A. an incisor
B. a premolar
C. a cuspid
D. any of the anterior teeth
E. only in Molars

Epithelial Pathology

All are Genetic White Lesions except
a: -White Sponge Naevus
b: - Pachyonychia Congenita
c: - Dyskeratosis Congenita
d: - Frictional Keratosis
e: - Hereditary Benign Intraepithelial Dyskeratosis

Smokers keratosis, Nicotinic stomatitis are classified as
a)Traumatic White Lesions:
b)Genetic White Lesions:
c)Idiopathic White Lesions:
d)Metabolic White Patches:
e)Infectious White Lesions:
All of the following are true for oral submucous fibrosis except:
a) Minor salivary gland affected
b) Reticular fibrosis of lamina propria
c) Restricted mouth opening is acute in onset
d) Subepithelial elastic fibrotic change
e) Juxta epithelial inflammatory reaction

A 38 yr old male has small slightly elevated papules on mid face skin which ulcerate
centrally and heals with rolled border crustings and then breaks down again. What is the
possible diagnosis:
a) Bullous pemphigoid
b) Pemphigous vulgaris
c) Basal cell carcinoma
d) Verrocous cell carcinoma
e) Erosive lichen planus

Soft tissue pathology

Verruciform xanthomas following cells are present to varying degrees except
a) Polymorphnuclear leukocytes
b) Macrophages (histiocytes)
c) Plasma cells
d) Lymphocytes
e) Tzank cells
A Specimen composed largely of engorged blood vessels filled with RBC's surrounded
by dense fibrous c.t. This lesion is derived from overproduction of endothelial cells.
Likely diagnosis is
a) Peripheral Gaint Cell Granuloma
b) Verruciform Xanthoma
c) Hemengioma
d) Lymphangioma
e) Granular Cell Myloblastoma

Capillary Lymphangioma is also known as
a) Cavernous Lymphangioma
b) Lymphangioma simplex
c) Cystic Lymphangioma
d) Benign lymphangio endothelioma
e) Acquired progressive Lymphangioma
Bone pathology
12 years patient reported with unilateral facial deformity ,Radiologically, obscured
lamina dura , thinned cortical plates, and ground glass appearance , the possible diagnosis
will be
a) Cherubism   
b) Chronic osteomyelitis   
c) Ewing's sarcoma
d) Fibrous dysplasia   
e) Sq.Cell Carcinoma

Condition consisting of excessive bone mineralization, resulting in altered stature,
frequent fractures, lack of bone marrow hematopoietic function, and a tendency for
severe osteomyelitis of the jaws is called as
a) osteomalacia   
b) osteopetrosis   
c) Paget´s disease   
d) hyperparathyroidism   
e) acromegaly
Radiographycally Osteogenic sarcoma present as
a) Osteolytic
b) Mixed
c) Osteosclerotic
d) .a and b
e) .a, b, and c

Salivary gland pathology

“sialendosis”is not related to
a. endocrine disorder
b. Nutrition
c. Obesity
d. Radiation
e. chronic pancreatitis

Histopathology of pleomorphic adenoma will not include

a. Mixture of epithelial, myopeithelial and stromal components

b. Epithelial cells: nests, sheets, ducts, trabeculae
c. Stroma: myxoid, chrondroid, fibroid, osteoid
d. True capsule
e. Tumor pseudopods
Basal cell monomorphic adenoma has following forms except
a) Solid
b) Trabecular
c) Tubular
d) Membranous
e) Plexiform

Cysts of odontogenic origin

70-80% of thyroglossal cyst are present in:
a) mandibular region
b) lateral to maxillary sinus
c) below hyoid bone
d) palatal region
e) anywhere in oral cavity

Most important complication of paradental cyst is:
a. Deep pocket formation
b. Garre’s osteomyelitis
c. Osteopetrosis
d. Osteoporosis
e. Osteogenesis imperfecta

Tumors of odontogenic origin

Following are true with unicystic ameloblastoma except

a) Associated with a large cystic cavity

b) Resembles dentigerous cysts (cl & rx)
c) May be associated with an unerupted tooth
d) Often in younger persons (2nd -3rd decade)
e) Potentially malignant

Which tumor is not derived from Odontogenic Epithelium without Odontogenic
a) Ameloblastoma
b) Squamous Odontogenic Tumour
c) Compound odontoma
d) Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumour
e) Clear Cell Odontogenic Tumour


An allergey to denture base is distributed to all surfaces in contact with denture base that
distinguishes true allergeic reaction to denture acrylic from
a.Pseudomembrane candidiasis
b.Gingival hypertrophy
c.acute atrophic candidiasis
d.Lichen planus

if infection erodes through the medial aspect of mandible above the mylohyoid line ,
infection will be in
a) submental
b) sub lingual
c) sub mandibular
d) buccal
e) Ptergoid soace

space into which local anesthetic solution is injected when an inferior alveolar nerve
block is performed is
a) lateral pharyngeal space
b) masseteric space
c) buccal space
d) pterygomandibular space
e) superficial temporal space

What is not true with herpes viruses

a) All herpesviruses are morphologically identical.

b) They have a large Single strand DNA genome (cromatin with 80 genes)
c) The virion consists of an icosahedral nucleocapsid of 100 nm in diameter
d) Is surrounded by a lipid bilayer envelope.
e) Between capsid and the envelope is an amorphous layer of lipid

Herpes viruses include
a) Cytomegalovirus (CMV)
b) Epstein-Barr virus (EBV
c) Kaposi virus
d) All of above
e) None of above

Patient reported with primary syphilis disease what is contradicting in following features?

a) Lesion appears 2-6 weeks after infection

b) Papule
c) Chancre (sometimes)(painless)
d) Heals in 2-4 weeks, even if untreated
e) Person is less infectious

Child acquires a high fever, as high as 103-106°F, the fever lasts 3 days, followed by a
maculopapular eruption. It begins on the trunk and spreads over the next few hours or
days to the extremities before resolving, what is possible diagnosis
a) Blueberry maffin lesion
b) Infectious mononucleosis
c) Shingles
d) Roseola infantum
e) chicken pox

Dental caries
Which one of the following becomes more prominent in carious enamel?
A)Striae of Retzius
B) Hunter-Schreger band
C) Imbrications lines of Pickerill
D) Striae of Wickham
E) Dead tracts of Fish

Which one of the following genus is predominant in causing root surface caries?
a) Fusobacterium
b) Actinomyces species
c) Lactobacillus species
d) Strertococci species
e) Staphylococci species

Diseases of pulp and periapical tissue

False (-): negative Electric Pulp Test response in a necrotic tooth is due to
• Contact to the metal
• Contact to the gingiva
• Anxiety
• Not isolated tooth
• Inadequate contact

Spread of oral infection

Granulation tissue with areas of necrosis and exudates. Islands of non-vital bone
(sequestra) ,Soft tissue contains loose connective tissue, lymphocytic infiltrate and
plasma cells, it is a histopathological presentation of
a) Acute Osteomyelitis
b) Chronic Osteomyelitis
c) Garre’ Osteomyelitis
d) Cellulitis
e) Sickle-cell Crisis

Physical and chemical injuries of the oral cavity

Tooth brushing with abrasive toothpaste and horizontal strokes some time pencils,
toothpicks, pipe stems, bobby pins, chewing tobacco, biting thread, inappropriate use
of dental floss may result into
a) Attrition
b) Abrasion
c) Abfraction
d) Erosion
e) Caries

Is not true for storage media for avulsed teeth
a) Dry- 15 minutes
b) Tap water – 45 minutes
c) Normal saline – 2 hours
d) Saliva – 2 hours
e) Milk – 6 hours

Allergies and immunological diseases

A 65 year-old male reports to you with ulceration on the buccal mucosa; when taking
history, he tells you that his physician has started him on diuretics for treatment of his
hypertension. What is the most probable diagnosis of his ulceration…
a) A.Pemphigoid Vulgaris
b) B.Squamous Cell Carcinoma
c) C.Major Apthous
d) D.Lichenoid Reaction
e) Herpes simplex

51 yrs old male comes to you with superfacial skin vesicles that rupture spontaneously
and are covered by dried crut and serum.Immunopathological reports show both DIF and
IIF are positive.What is your most likely diagnosis
a. Erosive lichen planus
b. Mucous memb. pemphigoid
c. Pemphigus vulgaris
d. Lupus erythematosis
e. Lichen planus
A patient presented with a pseudomembraneous lesion with a whitish peripheral zone
resembling the radiation striae on the buccal mucosa and is sensitive to bevereages and to
alcohol.feeling of sore mouth.the most likely diagnosis is
a. cicatricial pemphigoid
b. bullous pemphigoid
c. mucous membrane pemphigoid.
d. erosive lichen planus
e. lupus erythematosis

Dark red lesion ,increased fibrin ,rapid clot formation occurs in
(a) E M minor
(b) Chronic E M minor
(c) E M major
(d) Stevens-johnson syndrome
(e) port wine stain

Healing of oral wounds

The cardinal signs of acute inflammation do not include
a) Localized redness (rubor)
b) Bleeding (hemorrhage)
c) Swelling (tumor)
d) Pain (dolor)
e) Loss of function (functio laesa)

Diseases of blood and blood forming organs

One of following is not true for anemia
a) Decreased RBC mass
b) Decreased red blood cell count
c) Decreased hemoglobin
d) Decreased hematocrit
e) Decreased platelets
Production Disorders that cause Hematopoietic Cell Damage do not include
a) Drugs
b) Radiation
c) Infections
d) Toxins
e) age

Oral aspects of metabolic diseases

Metabolic Conditions of the maxillofacial skeleton do not include
a) Paget disease
b) Hyperparathyroidism
c) Osteopetrosis
d) Fibrous dysplasia
e) Osteogenesis imperfecta

Diseases of skin

A patient prented with sever burning pain on face with grouped vesicles on
erythematous base, unilateral, along distribution of a cutaneous cranial nerve,
possible diagnosis may be
a) Herpes zoster
b) Cellulitis
c) Furuncle
d) Folliculitis
e) Paederus dermatitis

A dry (crazy-paving appearance)., superficially fissured ,Itching and erythematous skin
disorder, often on the shins of the elderly, precipitated by the drying effect of a cold
winter or excess washing, is called as

a) Asteatotic dermatitis
b) eczema (dermatitis)
c) Atopic dermatitis
d) Seborrheic dermatitis
e) Erythrasma
A permanent vascular naevus present at birth, which is a serious cosmetic disability if
present on the face and is occasionally associated with congenital glaucoma in Sturge-
Weber syndrome is known as
a) Port-wine stain
b) Chloasma
c) Nevus zygomaticus
d) Freckles
e) Solar lentigo

Facial and neuromuscular pathology

Neurofibroma features do not include

a) Solitary or multiple
b) Solitary(one or two lesions): spontaneous tumors without any internal
c) Button hole sign
d) Three or more – neurofibromatosis
e) Target lesion

MCQs are framed with the help of following books

Contemporary Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology.

By J Philip Sapp,Lewis R.Eversole,George P.Wysocki
Publisher = Mosby

Oral Pathology Clinical Pathological Correlations

By Joseph A.Regezi, James J.Sciubba
Publisher = W.B Saunders Company

Cawson`s Essential of Oral pathology and Oral Medicine.

By R.A. Cawson, E.W. Odell
Publisher = Churchill Livingstone
Development disturbances of oral and Para oral structure

Dens in dente occurs most commonly in the
A. Maxillary canines
B. Mandibular Premolars
C. Mandibular 2nd Molars
D. Maxillary Lateral Incisors
E. Maxillary molars
Failure of the tuberculuim impar to retract prior to fusion of the lateral halves of the
tongue results in
A. median rhomboid glossitits
B. cleft (bifid) tongue
C. scrotal tongue
D. geographic tongue
E. none of the above

Amelogenesis imperfecta is entirely an
A. Ectodermal disturbance
B. Endodermal
C. Mesodermal
D. Both A and B

Epithelial Pathology
A 25yrs old pt. complaints of oral ulceration of soft palate, oropharynx, labial mucosa
together with conjuctivitis, uveitis. The most likely diagnosis?
a) Minor aphthous ulcer
b) Bechet syndrome
c) Herpetiform ulcer
d) Pemphigus vulgaris

Which one of the following is intermediate between erythroplakia & leukoplakia:
a) Verrocous type
b) Candidial type
c) Speckled type
d) Sublingual keratosis
e) Hairy leukoplakia

Compound nevus is far more common on:
a). hard palate
b). Skin
c). Gingiva
d). Skin and hard palate
e). All of the above

Due to prominent vertical growth pattern which melanoma tends to invade deeply and
metastasize early :
a). Nodular
b). Superficial
c). Lentigo
d). Acral lentiginous
e). Skin and mucosal

Soft tissue pathology

Fibrous connective tissue without inflammation covered with stratified squamous
hyperplastic epithelium. Having large spindle-shaped and stellate-shaped
mononuclear cells and multinucleated cells. Diagnosis is
a. fibrous papule of the nose
b. acral fibrokeratoma,
c. Giant Cell Fibroma
d. acral angiofibroma
e. desmoplastic fibroblastoma

Lesion covered by epithelium ,Clear mature adipose cells
Nuclei pushed to edge of cytoplasm your diagnosis will be
a) lymphangioma
b) clear cell tumor
c) leiomyoma
d) lipoma
e) histiocytoma

The cells not found in Verruciform Xanthoma are
a) Foam cells
b) lattice cells
c) kite cells
d) mikucz’cells
e) xanthoma cells
Bone pathology
A syndrome characterized by polyostotic fibrous dysplasia of the skeletal system
and cafe-au-lait spots is
a) Jaffe-lichtenstein syndrome  
b) Ossifying fibroma   
c) Osteosarcoma   
d) Neurofibromatosis
e) McCune-Albright Syndrome
One condition is not a metabolic condition of bone
a) Paget disease
b) Hyperparathyroidism
c) Osteopetrosis
d) Osteogenesis imperfecta
e) Cherubism
Occurs most frequently in the frontal, ethmoid, and maxillary sinuses but are not
common in jaw bones. related to gardner ’s syndrome
• Exostose   
• Osteoma   
• Osteoblastoma   
• Osteoid osteoma   
• Odontoma

Salivary gland pathology

Which of the following is not a reactive lesion of salivary glands
a) Mucocele
b) Sialolithiasis
c) Sjogren’Syndrome
d) Chronic Sclerosing Sialadenitis
e) Necrotizing Sialometaplasia

Low dose radiation (1000cGy) to a salivary gland causes an acute tender and
painful swelling within
a) Two hours
b) 24 hours
c) 48 hours
d) Three days
e) Seven days
Monomorphic adenoma forms include following except
a) Basal cell,
b) canalicular,
c) sebaceous,
d) follicular ,
e) clear cell

Cysts of odontogenic origin

Globulomaxillary cyst is pear shaped radiolucency present
(a) between maxillary lateral incisor and canine within the soft tissue
(b) between mandibular lateral incisor and canine within the soft tissue
(c) between the maxiilary lateral incisor and canine within the bone
(d) between the mandibular lateral incisor and canine within the bone

Lateral periodontal cyst and gingival cyst of adult represent the same vision but lateral
periodontal cyst is
(a) extra osseous
(b) intra osseous
(c) common
(d) symptomatic
(e) young predilection

Tumors of odontogenic origin

Epithelial Island, Reverse polarization, palisaded basal layer, stellate reticulum and
fibrous connective tissue are the histopathological features of
a) Ameloblastoma
b) Squamous Odotogenic Tumor
c) Clear cell Odotogenic Tumor .
d) Central Odon.Fibroma
e) Odontogenic Myxoma

Central radio-opacity with peripheral radiolucency is a diagnostic feature of
a) Central giant cell granuloma
b) Ameloblastoma
c) Traumatic bone cyst
d) Ameloblastic fibro-odontoma
e) Myxoma

Alpha herpesviruses include
a) Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1)
b) Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2)
c) Varicella zoster virus (VZV)
d) All of above
e) None of above

An intracellular mycotic infection of the reticuloendothelial system caused by the
inhalation of the fungus, have chronic progressive lung disease, chronic cutaneous and
acute fulminating fatal systemic disease is called as
a) Candidiases
b) Histoplasmosis
c) Cryptoccocosis
d) Mucormycosis
e) Blastomycosis

Which bacteria can cause enlarged localized lesion, form abscesses, and draining
sinus tracts which ruptures with formation of sinuses through which “sulfur grains”
are discharged.
a) Streptococcus
b) Staphylococcus
c) Mycobacterium
d) Treponema pallidum
e) Actinomyces

During the period of communicability, the infected syphilis is
a) Primary
b) Secondary
c) Tertiary
d) Both a and b
e) both a, and c

Cutis orificialis (TBCO) / lupus vulgaris (LV) is caused by

a) Mycobacterium
b) papiloma virus
c) Actinomyces
d) Neisseria gonorrhoeae
e) Candidiasis

Multinucleated giant cells, known as Warthin-Finkeldey cells, may be present in
lymphoid tissue and lungs are the feature of
a) Measles
b) Mumps
c) Rubella
d) Acute lymphonodular pharyngitis
e) Roseola infantum

Oral infections by papiloma virus is not
f)Verruca vulgaris
g) Focal epithelial hyperplasia
h) Condyloma acuminatun
i) lupus vulgaris
j) hecks disease

Dental caries
Which one of the following carbohydrate is least cariogenic?
a) Sucrose
b) Dextrose
c) Lactose
d) fluoride supplements
e) Xylitol

Rampant smooth surface enamel caries are normal to normal smooth surface enamel
caries except
a) Occurs quickly and leaves the teeth severely damaged in a few months
b) Give red color to the enamel
c) Never leads to pulpal necrosis
d) Occurs only in permanent molars
e) Occurs only in deciduous molars

Diseases of pulp and periapical tissue

Inflammatory hyperplasia reaction to deep caries in which an inflamed pulp extends
through a large carious lesion; usually associated with a nonvital tooth is called as
a) Irreversible Pulpitis
b) Pulpal necrosis
c) Acute Pulpitis
d) Chronic Pulpitis
e) Chronic Hyperplastic Pulpitis

Spread of oral infection

buccal space infections are mostly caused by
A . posterior mandibular teeth
B . posterior maxillary teeth
C . anterior maxillary teeth
D . anterior mandibular teeth
E. Both Upper and Lower Molars

Physical and chemical injuries of the oral cavity

Loss of tooth structure caused by tooth-to-tooth contact during occlusion and called as
f) Attrition
g) Abrasion
h) Abfraction
i) Erosion
j) Caries

What is not Consequences of Erosion
a) Sensitivity
b) Weakening of the teeth
c) Reduced lifetime for some restorations (GIC and ceramic)
d) Hypercementosis
e) Dicolouration of restoration

Allergies and immunological diseases

Herpetiform ulcers differ from Minor aphthous ulcers clinically by the following features
a) No. & size of ulcers
b) Cervical lymphadenopathy
c) Continuous/ prolonged (>3-4w) ulceration periods
d) Individual ulcers having erythmatous delineating borders
e) Occurs mostly in third decade of life
Recurrent aphthous stomatitis is not seen in which one of the GIT-disorder
a-coeliac disease
b-orofacial granulomatosis
c-crohn's disease
d-ulcerative colitis
Untreated pemphigus vulgar can lead to death of the patient possibly because of
a. Pulmonary edema
b. Superinfections and dehydration
c. Kidney failure
d. Cerebral haemorrhage
e. spread of toxins
Ragged erosion and ulceration,flacid bullae on skin,positive nikolsky sign are clinical
features of
a) pemphigus vulgaris
b) bullous pemphigoid
c) lichenoid reaction
d) epidermolysis bullae
e) Stevens-johnson syndrome

Healing of oral wounds

Factor that does not interfere with proper wound healing is
a) Infection (Most common)
b) Vitamin C deficiency
c) Foreign bodies
d) Malnutrition
e) Obesity

Diseases of blood and blood forming organs

Iron Deficiency Clinical Manifestations does not include
a) Koilonychia
b) Hypochromic Microcytic Anemia
c) Atrophic Glossitis
d) Pernicious Anemia
e) Esophageal Webs (Dysphagia)

Which abnormality is not present in Multiple Myeloma
a) Bone pain
b) Lytic Lesions of vertebrae and ribs,
c) Lytic Lesions of skull
d) Pathologic fracture
e) Hypocalcemia

Oral aspects of metabolic diseases

In Pagets disease the uncommon feature is

• High bone turnover

• High blood flow
• Disordered bone architecture
• Weakness of bone
• Declined alkaline phasphatase

Diseases of skin
Name the discrete epithelial hyperplasia, which is manifested as Firm hyperkeratotic
papules caused by human papilloma virus (HPV).Vegetated surface with blackish dots.
Appears at sites of hands, fingers and lips,
a) Verruca vulgaris
b) Milia
c) Syringoma
d) Seborrheic keratosis
e) Lichen pilaris

Superficial spreading malignant melanoma presents the following features except
a) appears after 60 years
b) Females predominate.
c) Legs (females) and trunk (males) are the most common sites.
d) Irregular outline and distribution of pigment.
e) Nodule formation later.
What is not true with Actinic keratosis
a) Premalignant condition
b) Well-defined, erythematous, scaling plaques
c) On sun-damaged skin of elderly
d) Single or multiple
e) Disappears without treatment

Facial and neuromuscular pathology

Von recklinghausen neurofibromatosis features do not include
a) is a hereditary condition
b) Occurs in one of every 2,00-3,00 adults
c) Associated with multiple neurofibromas of the skin, mucous membranes and
visceral tissues. 
d) Surface lesions may number in the hundreds
e) Size vary from small, firm papules to huge, baggy, pendulous masses
(elephantiasis neuromatosa);

MCQs are framed with the help of following books

Contemporary Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology.

By J Philip Sapp,Lewis R.Eversole,George P.Wysocki
Publisher = Mosby

Oral Pathology Clinical Pathological Correlations

By Joseph A.Regezi, James J.Sciubba
Publisher = W.B Saunders Company

Cawson`s Essential of Oral pathology and Oral Medicine.

By R.A. Cawson, E.W. Odell
Publisher = Churchill Livingstone
1: A Pt. reports to you with an asymptomatic, corrugated white lesion on the
buccal mucosa of the right side. He reveals that his father got the same lesion.
Histopathology shows intracellular edema of the spinous layer & hyperkeratosis.
What is your likely diagnosis?
A. Leukoedema
B. Leukoplakia
C. Fordyce's granule
D. White sponge nevus
E. Koplik spots

2: A lateral cephalogram is presented to you; it is evident from it that the pt.

has a round radiolucent area with corticated border, beneath the inferior alveolar
canal What is your likely diagnosis?
A. Treacher Collins syndrome
B. Lingual mand. Salivary gland depression
C. Down syndrome
D. Oral-facial-digital syndrome
E. Dentigerous cyst

3: A 16 yr old boy consults you for ortho treatment. He has thumb sucking
habit for the past 12 yrs. What would be the most likely clinical features regarding
appearance of the teeth.
A. Max teeth proclined & mand showing relative generalized
B. Max teeth proclined & mand showing relative generalized
C. Max & mand reveal relative generalized macrodontia
D. Max teeth reveal microdontia & mand teeth reveal relative
generalized macrodontia
E. Oligodontia

4: Clinical picture of Pt. shows 3 maxillary incisors rather than 4 but on counting
having complete 32 teeth. Radiography shows one tooth has two pulp chambers &
one root canal. There is no periodontal disease. Pt. is more likely to have
A. Fusion
B. Gemination
C. Hypodontia
D. Impacted tooth
E. Ankylosed tooth
5: A Pt. with a hereditary disorder reports to your clinic. His teeth color & shape is
normal but the radiograph shows obliterated pulps. What is your likely diagnosis?
A. Amelogenesis imperfecta
B. Dentinogenesis imperfecta
C. Dentin dysplasia
D. Regional odontodysplasia
E. Hypophasphatasia

6: A Pt. presents to you with 3 abnormal shaped teeth surrounded by an

increase in soft tissue. Radiograph reveals several faint outlines of teeth with large
pulp chamber & lacking root formation. What is your likely diagnosis?
A. Dentinogenesis imperfecta
B. Dentin dysplasia type 1 ( radicular)
C. Dentin dysplasia type 2 (coronal)
D. Regional odontodysplasia
E. Amelogenesis Imperfecta

7: Seventeen year female reported bilateral gray white lesion of the buccal
mucosa, disappears when the mucosa is stretched .the most likely condition is
A. leukeodema
B. Leukoplakia
C. white sponge nevus
D. Lichen Planus
E. Oral candidiasis

8: Patient reported with large anterior fontanelles, open sutures, slanting eyes,
decrease sexual development, macroglossia, and enamel hypoplasia, the diagnosis
A. Craniofacial dysostosios
B. Down’s syndrome
C. Treacher Collins syndrome
D. Marfan’s syndrome
E. Eagle Syndrome

9: Snow capped teeth are presenting which type of amelogenesis imperfecta?

A. Hypoplastic
B. Hypomineralisation
C. Hypocalcification
D. Hypomaturation
E. Hypoplastic and Hypocalcification
10: A 34 yrs female with problem of long standing history of enlarged lower lip
with episodes of chronic inflammation. Most likely diagnosis is?
A). Orofaciall granulomatosis
B) Chelitis granulomatosis
C). Chelitis glandularis
D). Contact stomatitis
E). Celiac disease

11: A known patient of Chelitis glandularis reported with multiple small nodular
on lower lip, these nodules are due to
A) Secondary infection. By bacteria
B) UV radiation due to exposure
C) Inflammation of minor salivary gland
D) Congested opening of minor salivary gland
E) Angioedema

12: Cyst found within the bone at the junction of the globular portion of the
medial nasal process and the maxillary process is the:

A. Median Palatal Cyst

B. Median Mandibular Cyst
C. Globulomaxillary Cyst
D. Median ant. Max Cyst
E. Idiopathic bone cyst

13: A cyst occurring under the tongue, caused by the obstruction of a salivary
gland duct, is called

A. Follicular Cyst
B. Dentigerous Cyst
C. Ranula
D. Dermoid Cyst
E. Fpidermoid Cyst

14: A 25yrs old patient reported with lymphadenopathy, patchy transmural

inflammation, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and anemia & fistula formation.
Histopathological report shows non-necrotizing granuloma in submucosal C.T.
Most likely diagnosis is?

A. Chron’s disease
B. Celiac disease
C. Cheilitis glandularis
D. Cheilitis granulomatosa
E. Stevens Johnson Syndrome
15: The radiograph of a 48 year of male reveals a lesion which is asymptomatic
well delineated round to ovoid radiolucency with thin opaque corticated margin
located between vital roots of mandibular premolars. Histology shows thin, non
keratinized epithelial lining, nodular thickening with interspersed clear glycogen
filled cells. Which of the following is the correct diagnosis?

A. lateral radicular cyst

B. lateral periodontal cyst
C. odontogenic keratocyst
D. odontogenic tumour
E. glandular odontogenic cyst

16: An edentulous patient visits a dentist for swelling in posterior mandible. On

radiographic examination a well corticated radiolucency is found. What is the
B. Residual cyst
C. Periapical abscess
D. gingival cyst of adult
E. Lateral periodontal cyst

17: 10 years female old child with massive tumor of posterior maxilla. Large ill
defined radiolucency having enlarged visceral lymph node, caused by a virus, is
more likely to have
A. multiple myeloma
B. burkit’s lymphoma
C. MALT lymphoma
D. Hodgkin’s lymphoma
E. non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma

18: 25 years old ladies repots to you with recurrent firm blisters in oral cavity
which transforms to ulcers and heal with scarring. Patient has multiple carious
teeth and also complains of progressive hair loss. What could be the most possible
A. Erythema multiform
B. Epidermolysis bullosa
C. Paraneoplastic pemphigus
D. Herpengina
E. Infectious mononucleosis
19: Old male (60 years) presents with a 8 month history of persistent oral
ulceration, lip blisters which burst rapidly, no ocular or genital lesion but have skin
lesions and positive nikolsky sign. What is the most likely diagnosis?

A. Epidermolysis bullosa
B. Erythema multiform
C. Lichen planus
D. Pemphigoid
E. Pemphigus vulgaris

20: A generalized desquamating condition of skin and mucosa with associated

scarring, contractures and dental defects is:
A. Pemphigus vulgaris
B. Mucous membrane pemphigoid
C. Stevens Johnson Syndrome
D. Progressive systemic sclerosis
E. Epidermolysis bullosa

21: A 38 yr old male has small slightly elevated papules on mid face skin which
ulcerate centrally and heals with rolled border crusting and then breaks down
again. What is the possible diagnosis?
A. Bullous pemphigoid
B. Pemphigus vulgaris
C. Basal cell carcinoma
D. Verrocous cell carcinoma
E. Erosive lichen planus

22: A 20 years female visit a dentist. Dentist observed prognathism, spacing

between teeth, tongue enlargement, difficulty in articulation, thickening of lips and
nose and episodes of apnea. Biochemical reports show elevated IGF and serum
protease and growth hormone level. Lateral X-ray of head shows enlarges pituary
fossa, double floor and enlarged hat size and dense skull bones what is possible
A) Acromegaly.
B) Addison’s disease.
C) Cledocranial dysplasia.
D) Hyperparathyroidism.
E) Thyrotoxicosis.
23: A 25yrs old pt. reports with numerous cratefrom ulcers on ventral surface of
tongue and floor of mouth without any fever. Pt. has been experiencing them
continuously for 2yrs with new ulcers appearing as the old ones fade away. Possible
diagnosis will be?
A. Minor aphthous ulcers
B. Herpetiform ulcers
C. Behcet’s syndrome
D. Aphthous major
E. Herpes simplex

24: An 8yrs old patient reports to you with 2-4mm small, multiple ulcers on
labial mucosa and lateral border of tongue. Patient has been having fever for 5 days
and cervical lymphadenopathy. Possible diagnosis will be?

A. Minor aphthous ulcer

B. Herpetiform ulcers
C. Primary herpetic gingivostomatitis
D. Secondary Oral Herpes
E. Ramsay Hunt Syndrome

25: A 25 yrs old pt. complaints of oral ulceration of soft palate, oropharynx,
labial mucosa together with conjunctivitis, uveitis. The diagnosis will be?

A. Minor aphthous ulcer

B. Behcet syndrome
C. Herpetiform ulcer
D. Pemphigus vulgaris
E. Shingles

26: Patient with carious right lower 1st molar with swollen cheek but inferior
border of mandible is still visible. Space involvement is most likely to be
A. Buccal
B. Masseteric
C. Lateral pharyngeal
D. Submandibular
E Lingual

27: Give your diagnosis of a 41 yr old man presents with a 9 months history of
mouth ulceration which persists and worse. He noticed large blisters occurring in
mouth but these burst. Over last few days he also develops skin lesions and also
more genital and ocular lesions. Mouth examination reveals wide spread oral
ulceration & nikolsky sign + ve
A. Epidermolysis bullosa
B. pemphigus vulgaris
C. mucous membrane pemphigoid
D. Erythema multiform
E. angina bullosa hemorrhagica
28: A female edentulous patient 58 yr old, complains of painless white patches in
her mouth, and also has a drug history of anti hypertensive. On examination
"LACE LIKE" white streaks are observed on oral mucosa. The patient is most
likely suffering from
A. reticular,non erosive lichen planus
B. atrophic, erosive lichen planus
C. reticular, erosive lichen planus
D. Bullous lichen planus
E. Plaque lichen planus

29: A female patient develops irritating papules on site of an operation scar, with
destruction of her nails. Scalp lesions represented by patches of alopecia are also
noted. She is most likely to have
A. Bullous pemphigoid
B. Erythema multiform
C. skin lichen planus
D. reticular lichen planus
E. Verruca vulgaris

30: Which dental procedure should be more cautioned for the patient who is
suffering from liver disorder?
A) extraction because bleeding does not stop
B) scaling because ulceration on the gingiva
C) prosthodontology cause poor retention of appliances
D) root canal filling
E) Ortho removable appliances

31: A 25 yr old man presented to the dental clinic with enlarges lip, fissured
reddish brown discoloration. It was painful and had a firm rubber like consistency.
He had a nodular swelling of lip for the last 2 month. What is the most likely
A. Multiple sclerosis
B. Melkerson Rosenthal syndrome
C. Sarcoidosis
D. Herpengina
E. Celiac disease
32: A 45 year old man is presented with a complaint of neoplasm that grew for
month to several years became larger more intensely pigmented. And eventually
nodular and ulcerated .most likely diagnosis is

A. Skin and mucosal melanoma

B. Nodular melanoma
C. Superficial spreading melanoma
D. Acral lentiginous melanoma
E. Lentigo maligna melanoma

33: Failure of the tuberculuim impar to retract prior to fusion of the lateral halves of
the tongue results in
A. median rhomboid glossitits
B. Cleft (bifid) tongue
C. Scrotal tongue
D. Geographic tongue
E. Ankyloglossia

34 A syndrome characterized by polyostotic fibrous dysplasia of the skeletal

system and cafe-au-lait spots is
A. Jaffe-lichtenstein syndrome  
B. Ossifying fibroma   
C. Osteosarcoma   
D. Neurofibromatosis
E. McCune-Albright Syndrome

35 Granulation tissue with areas of necrosis and exudates. Islands of non-vital

bone (sequestra) ,Soft tissue contains loose connective tissue, lymphocytic infiltrate
and plasma cells, it is a histopathological presentation of
A. Acute Osteomyelitis
B. Chronic Osteomyelitis
C. Garre’ Osteomyelitis
D. Cellulitis
E. Sickle-cell Crisis

MCQs are framed with the help of following books

Contemporary Oral & Maxillofacial Pathology.

By J Philip Sapp,Lewis R.Eversole,George P.Wysocki
Publisher = Mosby
Oral Pathology Clinical Pathological Correlations
By Joseph A.Regezi, James J.Sciubba
Publisher = W.B Saunders Company
Cawson`s Essential of Oral pathology and Oral Medicine.
By R.A. Cawson, E.W. Odell
Publisher = Churchill Livingstone

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