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Cut the Torture

Legal Compulsory and Coercive
treatment of mentally ill patients with
eating in mental disorders should be
established by law. The spread of
mental illnesses has become more
affecting in the past three years as
media has been accessible to younger
Fundamentally, Republic Act No.
11036 initiates inclusive and
advanced mental health services
while protecting the family and the
person with mental instability. It
recognizes the need for stronger
protection of the people who feel
invaded because of their mental
However if any physical injury is
involved, it can pass as a violation of
the Republic Act 7610 that protects
minors and people with mental disabilities with more than 6 years of imprisonment
that is bailable but cannot be of probation.
Although RA 11036 has been approved it was only signed on the 21st of June,
2018, proving that mental health was not acknowledged in the country as it was
globally. Filipinos admit that it was not a priority Since eating three times a day
was their goal of them as a result of poverty. This was called ‘kaartehan’ and
‘pagpapapansin’ because they were not aware and schools do not talk about it.
To make the people informed, we must inform the people. Broad insights,
explanations, proof must be taught in school about the importance of our health,
mentally. Health is a subject taught in school and sadly they don’t explain to
children and tell them that when help is needed, help will come.

An eating disorder is most common to 12-35-year-old females according to the

American Psychiatric Association but affects not genders. It is associated with
anxiety and addiction. It is torture physical and psychologically but a pleasure to
meet all expectations and standards of beauty. It is an obsession with having to
look “perfect” and not improving your health. People with Eating disorders are
often linked to Mental disorders like depression and schizophrenia. This is why
they need help from their environment or the people around them. Some people
may think that the treatment for this type of illness is manipulation butt constant
encouragement, help, special treatment, actions that prove your care is the help
they need. They are like birds in rusty cages waiting to be freed but can’t ask for
help. It is harder for them to approach people because some people just don’t
understand, some are willing but not motivated, we should change that cycle. As
fellows, it is also our responsibility to help because almost 2000 years ago a prince
from heaven helped us and took the responsibility for us. By Legalizing mandatory
compulsory And coercive treatment of mentally ill patients, we can build a better
tomorrow for the present. Everyone will benefit if we all help people to get out of
this system. Let this not be an argument because it is clear that it needs much
attention. The culture of seeing it as a way to get attention must be stopped. We
should not let the youth feel like their emotions are invalid and that they are just
encumbrances to society. Our government must make a way to help people with
mental instability further. Make doctors more affordable and better free for the
people. Show that despite the struggle, there is hope even for the poor, like Mr.
John Green said “ There is hope, even when your brain tells you there isn’t.” and 2
Timothy 1:7 “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but power and love and self-
control.”. Be the hope that you discovered, you may be the bridge to the life of
other people too.

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