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Text 1
(Number 01 – 05 are based on this text)

Light from a living plant or animal is called bioluminescence, or cold light, to distinguish it from
incandescence, or heat-generating light. Life forms could not produce incandescent light without
being burned. Their light is produced by chemical combining in such a way that little or no
measurable heat is produced.
Although bioluminescence is a relatively complex process, it can be produced to simple terms.
Living light occur when luciferin and oxygen combine in the presence of luciferase. Fireflies require
an additional compound called ATP.
Much remain unknown, but many scientists who study bioluminescence believe that the origin
of the phenomenon goes back to a time when there was no oxygen in the earth’s atmosphere. When
oxygen was gradually introduced into the atmosphere, it was poisonous to life forms. Plants and
animals produced light to use up the oxygen. Millions of years ago all life produced light to survive.
As the millennia passed, life forms on earth became tolerant of, and finally dependent on oxygen,
and the adaptation that produced bioluminescence was no longer necessary, but some primitive
plants and animals continued to use the light for new functions such as mating or, attracting prey.

1. Materi : Topic
What is the whole text primarily concerned with ?
A. Luciferase
B. Bioluminescence
C. Cold and hot light
D. The earth’s atmosphere
E. Primitive plants and animals

Kunci Jawaban : B
Bahasan : Jawaban untuk pertanyaan nomor 1 adalah opsi B. Bioluminescence. Topik atau
gagasan utama dari keseluruhan teks mulai bisa ditemukan di paragraf 1, yaitu dari kalimat
“Light from a living plant or animal is called bioluminescence”. Kata “bioluminescence” ini juga
muncul dan didukung di paragraf-paragraf berikutnya. Maka topik utama dr bacaan di atas
adalah yg tertera pada jawaban B.

2. Materi : Detail question

In what way do bioluminescence and Incandescence are different?
A. The former is produced by plants, the later is produced by animals
B. The former is produced by animals, the later is produced by plants
C. The former is no longer existing, while the later is.
D. The former is cold, the later is hot
E. The former is hot, the later is cold

Kunci Jawaban : D
Bahasan : Jawaban dari pertanyaan ini ada di kalimat pertama, yaitu “Light from a living plant
or animal is called bioluminescence, or cold light, to distinguish it from incandescence, or heat-
generating light” yang artinya Cahaya dari tumbuhan atau hewan hidup disebut
bioluminescence, atau cahaya dingin, untuk membedakannya dari pijar, atau cahaya yang
menghasilkan panas. Jadi, bioluminescence merupakan cahaya dingin, sedangkan incandescence
merupakan cahaya panas.

3. Materi : True/False
Which of the following statements is not true about bioluminescence?
A. A form of cold light
B. A poisonous substance
C. A complex chemical process
D. An adaptation of early plants and animals to the environment
E. Light from living animal or plant.

Kunci Jawaban : B
Bahasan : Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini, maka kita harus mencari tau pernyataan di tiap
opsinya apakah sesuai dengan bacaan. Opsi A benar, sesuai dengan kalimat pertama bahwa
bioluminescence adalah cahaya dingin. Opsi C benar,tersurat di paragragf 2 “ Although
bioluminescence is a relatively complex process,..”. Opsi D dan E ada di paragraf 3.

4. Materi : Detail question

Bioluminescence in the modern plants and animals is no longer for the need of adaptation but
___ .
A. for survival
B. for producing heat
C. for burning excess oxygen
D. for attracting prey and mating
E. for being lantern in their environment

Kunci Jawaban : D
Bahasan : jawaban dari pertanyaan ini ada di paragraf kalimat terakhir, “some primitive plants
and animals continued to use the light for new functions such as mating or, attracting prey”.
Maka D adalah opsi yang benar.

5. Materi : Synonym
The word “distinguish” in the above passage can be replaced with ___ .
A. differ
B. different
C. differential
D. differently
E. differentiate

Kunci Jawaban : E
Bahasan : Kata “distinguish” berarti membedakan, termasuk dalam kelas kata kerja. Maka
padanan kata yang tepat adalah “differentiate” yang juga merupakan kata kerja. Different :
berbeda (adjective), differential, differently : dengan berbeda (adverb).

Text 2
(Number 6 -10 refer to the following text)

American black bears appear in a variety of colors despite their name. In the eastern part of
their range, most of these bears have shiny black fur, but they grow brown, red, or even yellow
coats. To the north, the black bear is actually gray or white in color. Even in the same litter, both
brown and black furred bears may be born.
Black bears are the smallest of all American bears, ranging in length from five to six feet,
weighing from three hundred to five hundred pounds. Their eyes and ears are small and their
eyesight and hearing are not as good as their sense of smell.
Like all bears, the black bear is timid, clumsy, and rarely dangerous, but if attacked, most
can climb trees and cover ground at great speeds. When angry or frightened, it is a formidable
Black bears feed on leaves, herbs, roots, fruit, and berries, insect, fish, and even larger
animals. One of the most interesting characteristics of bears, including the black bear, is their winter
sleep. Unlike squirrels, woodchucks, and many other woodland animals, bears do not actually

hibernate. Although the bear does not eat during the winter months, sustaining itself from body fat,
its temperature remains almost normal, and it breathes regularly four or five times per minute.
Most black bears live alone, except during mating season. They prefer to live in caves,
hollow logs, or dense thickets. A litter of one to four cubs is born in January or February after a
gestation period of six to nine months, and they remain with their mother until they are fully grown
or about one and half years old. Black bears can live as long as thirty years in the wild, and even
longer in the game preserves set aside for them.

6. Materi : Topic
What is the whole text about?
A. The color of bears
B. The characteristic of black bears
C. The habitat of black bears
D. The similarity of black bears to other bears
E. The origin of black bears

Kunci Jawaban : B
Bahasan : Jawaban untuk pertanyaan nomor 6 adalah opsi B. The characteristic of black bears.
Keseluruhan paragraf membahas ciri-ciri “Black bears”.

7. Materi : Detail question (Animals)

According to the author, which of the following senses is best in black bears?
A. Sight
B. Hearing
C. Feeling
D. Smell
E. Taste

Kunci Jawaban : D
Bahasan : Jawaban dari pertanyaan ini ada di paragraf 2 pada kalimat Their eyes and ears are
small and their eyesight and hearing are not as good as their sense of smell yang artinya: Mata
dan telinga mereka kecil dan penglihatan serta pendengaran mereka tidak sebaik indera
penciuman mereka. Jadi, indera yang paling bagus yaitu indera penciuman.

8. Materi : Exception (Animals)

The black bear is described as all of the following, except ___ .
A. It is the smallest American bear
B. It is born with brown, yellow, red, or black fur
C. It is not actually dangerous
D. It is like squirrels and other animals that hibernate
E. According to their name, black bears always appear in black

Kunci Jawaban : D
Bahasan : Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini, maka kita harus mencari tau pernyataan di tiap
opsinya paakah sesuai dengan bacaan. Opsi A benar, sesuai dengan kalimat pertama di paragraf
1. Opsi B benar, sesuai dengan kalimat kedua di paragraf 1. Opsi C benar sesuia dengan
paragraf 3 ,Like all bears, the black bear is timid, clumsy, and rarely dangerous. Opsi E benar
sesuai dengan paragraf 1, pada kalimat most of these bears have shiny black fur. Maka
pernyataan yang tidak sesuai adalah opsi D, terdapat di paragraf 4 pada kalimat Unlike squirrels,
woodchucks, and many other woodland animals, bears do not actually hibernate yang artinya
“Tidak seperti tupai, woodchucks, dan banyak hewan hutan lainnya, beruang sebenarnya tidak

9. Materi : Synonym (Animals)

The word “formidable” in the text is closest in meaning to ___.
A. reluctant
B. intimidating


C. harmless
D. overestimated
E. occasional

Kunci Jawaban : B
Bahasan : Formidable mempunyai arti hebat/berat/tangguh. Reluctant mempunyai arti enggan.
Intimidating berarti menakut-nakuti/menggertak. Harmless berarti tidak berbahaya.
Overestimated berarti memperkirakan yang terlalu tinggi. Occasional berarti sesekali. Maka
padanan yang tepat adalah kata intimidating.

10. Materi : Topic following the pasage (Animals)

The paragraph following the passage most probably discusses ___.
A. Black bears from different ranges
B. The mating ritual of black bears
C. Black bears in game preserves
D. Natural enemies of black bears
E. The life expectancy of black bears

Kunci Jawaban : C
Bahasan : Strategi dalam menjawab pertanyaan tentang topik yang selanjutnya akan dibahas
adalah dengan membaca semua opsi. Kemudian cocokkan dengan bacaan. Opsi A Black bears
from different ranges sudah dibahas di paragraf 2. Opsi B The mating ritual of black bears
dibahas di paragraf 5. Opsi D Natural enemies of black bears dibahas di paragraf 3-4. opsi E
dibahas di paragraf 5. Opsi C Black bears in game preserves belum dibahas di keseluruhan

Text 3
(Number 11-15 are based on this text)

Nearly all organisms have pigments –chemical molecules that give them colors. As pigment
coloration in organisms depends on the pigment’s selective absorption of certain parts of the visible
light spectrum and its reflection of others. Pigments have unique functions. Other than coloring
living things, they serve as catalysts and provide protection.
Some pigments act as catalysts –substances that facilitate chemical reactions but are not used
up in the reactions. Take for example the green plant pigment chlorophyll. It absorbs the violet and
the orange to red portion of the spectrum and reflect the green and yellow portion of the spectrum.
The chlorophyll then absorbed light into chemical energy in the photosynthesis process while it
appears green. Another example is carotene from the carotenoid group, pigments in the fruit and
vegetables, is involved in the synthesis of Vitamin A. Other carotenoids transfer the light energy
they absorb to chlorophyll for conversion to chemical energy.
Pigment coloration in animals serves as a means to deceive possible predators, thus giving
protection to prey. In some system of coloration, they concealed animal mimic their background so
closely that predators cannot distinguish them from the background. The pigmentation patterns of
many tropical moths and butterflies, for example, so closely match the background patterns of the
tree trunks on which they usually rest that they cannot be distinguished from the trees from only a
few centimeters away. Pigments also protect insects by providing coloration that matches that of
inedible or otherwise undesirable organisms. The viceroy butterfly, for example, is pigmented
orange and black in patterns that resemble those of the poisonous monarch butterfly that is
distasteful to birds and other predators.

11. Materi : Title

What is the best title for the passage?
A. The Characteristics of Pigments
B. The Functions of Pigments
C. The Colorations of Organisms
D. The Reflection of Light by Pigments

E. The Purpose of colorations

Kunci Jawaban : B
Bahasan : Topik dari bacaan ini adalah tentang fungsi pigmen, bisa diketahui dari paragraf 1
pada kalimat Pigments have unique functions. Kemudian didukung pada paragraf-paragraf

12. Materi : Detail question

How do carotenoids support process of photosynthesis?
A. By synthesizing vitamin A
B. By observing chlorophyll
C. By sending out light energy to chlorophyll
D. By converting chlorophyll to chemical energy
E. By involving in synthesis of Vitamin A

Kunci Jawaban : E
Bahasan : Jawaban pertanyan ini tersurat di paragraf 2 pada kalimat The chlorophyll then
absorbed light into chemical energy in the photosynthesis process while it appears green.
Another example is carotene from the carotenoid group, pigments in the fruit and vegetables, is
involved in the synthesis of Vitamin A yang artinya Klorofil kemudian menyerap cahaya menjadi
energi kimia dalam proses fotosintesis saat tampak hijau. Contoh lain adalah karoten dari
kelompok karotenoid, pigmen dalam buah dan sayuran, terlibat dalam sintesis Vitamin A.

13. Materi : Synonym

The word deceive in the text is closest inmeaning to ___ .
A. evade
B. weaken
C. mislead
D. strengthen
E. trap

Kunci Jawaban : C
Bahasan : Deceive berarti memperdaya. Evade berarti mengelak. Weaken berarti melemahkan.
Mislead berarti menyesatkan. Strengthen berati memperkuat. Trap berarti menjebak. Maka
padanan yang tepat untuk deceive adalah mislead.

14. Materi : Topic/Field

In what course is the text commonly assigned to read?
A. Physics
B. Biology
C. Chemistry
D. Social studies
E. Economics

Kunci Jawaban : B
Bahasan : Isi bacaan ini adalah mengenai fungsi pigemn pada organisme, maka bidang yang
terkait adalah Biologi.

15. Materi : True/False

Which of these statements is not true based on the text ?
A. Chemical molecules providing all organisms colors are comonly called pigments
B. The only function of pigments for living things is to color them
C. Substance assisting chemical reactions but not used up in the reaction is catalyst
D. Predators often get confused to find their prey due to the roles of pigments
E. Pigments also protect insects by providing coloration that matches that of inedible organisms

Kunci Jawaban : B


Bahasan : Untuk menjawab pertanyaan ini, maka kita harus mencari tau pernyataan di tiap
opsinya apakah sesuai dengan bacaan. Opsi A benar, sesuai dengan pernyataan di paragraf 1
Nearly all organisms have pigments –chemical molecules that give them colors .. Opsi C benar,
tersurat di paragragf 2 “ Some pigments act as catalysts –substances that facilitate chemical
reactions but are not used up in the reactions .”. Opsi c tidak sesuai karena fungsi pigmen tidak
hanya untuk memberikan warna tapi juga sebagi katalis dan pelindung, tersurat di paragraf 1
pada kalimat Other than coloring living things, they serve as catalysts and provide protection.
Opsi D benar, ada di paragraf 3 pada kalimat Pigment coloration in animals serves as a means to
deceive possible predators. Opsi E ada benar ada di paragraf ke 3.


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