Myopia Rise and Vision Health Issues Left in Its Wake

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Myopia continues to be a growing problem around the world. A recent study1 predicts
that by 2050 about half of the world’s population will be myopic. While genetics plays a
role, researchers point to the increasingly digital lifestyles of young people as one culprit
of the epidemic. The sheer volume of this vision impairment will have consequences not
only for those with it, but also for the communities and nations where they live, work or
go to school.

s our world grows and develops, our vision is getting
worse. That’s the takeaway from an important body
of research data about the world’s vision, with a
laser focus on myopia and its impact.

The statistics are alarming – myopia is projected to affect

almost half of the world’s population by 2050.1 The
consequences are just as unsettling, as myopia, when left
Maureen Cavanagh uncorrected, can lead to severe vision impairment and
President of the Vision Impact Institute, even blindness. By mid-century, nearly 5 billion will have
USA the vision impairment with about 1 billion suffering from
high myopia. In the United States and Canada, the number
Maureen Cavanagh is the president of the Vision Impact of myopic is estimated to climb to 260 million, or close to
Institute. She joined Essilor in 2005 and has held various half of the population, up from 89 million in 2000; and
executive leadership positions within the company. high myopia cases jump an astounding five times to 66
Cavanagh has extensive experience in vision healthcare,
million by that year.1
having worked for Johnson & Johnson’s Vistakon and
Spectacle Lens divisions before joining Essilor. Cavanagh
earned her bachelor’s degree from Bridgewater State
These are part of the findings of a meta-analysis by the
University. She has received numerous industry awards, Brien Holden Vision Institute, of 145 studies covering 2.1
including the Optical Women’s Association (OWA) million people.1 Also known as nearsightedness, myopia is
Pleiades Award in 2015 and Jobson’s Most Influential a refractive error that causes items close by to be seen
Women in Optical 2012. Cavanagh was appointed distinctly while distance vision is blurry. High myopia is a
President of the OWA in July 2016. severe form in which the eyeball becomes too long and
can lead to retinopathies or even retinal detachment.

Young people are becoming myopic at an alarming rate in

many countries – insuring that they will have a lifetime of
blurry vision unless they get the aid of optical prescription
(eyeglasses, contact lenses, ortho-k) or have refractive
surgery. This will have long-term consequences for public
health around the globe, especially in less-developed
regions where healthcare delivery is more challenged.

Myopia, myopic, blindness, vision impairment, eye disease,
digital eye strain, digital screen(s), public health, Asia

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Number 73 - Autumn 2016 49

Myopia epidemic in parts of Asia

2000 2050 Research indicates there are regional variations in the

prevalence of myopia. Asia – the world’s largest and most
1.4 billion 4.758 billion populous continent – is perhaps where its impact is more
widespread. And East Asia – comprised of China, Japan,
Myopia Hong Kong, Mongolia, North Korea, South Korea and
22.9 percent of 49.8 percent of
world population world population Taiwan – is experiencing an epidemic with reports as high
as 40 percent in Japan and 50 percent in Taiwan.2 The
prevalence of myopia is more than two times higher among
163 million 938 million East Asians than white people of the same age.2
High Myopia
2.7 percent of 9.8 percent of China is especially hard hit. As it is the most populous
world population world population country on Earth, it also has the largest population with
vision defects. The results of the recent domestic white
TAB Myopia estimates1
paper on China’s National Vision Health, (conducted by
Prof. Li Ling, Head of the China Center for Health
“Two things are extremely worrying about these Development) are alarming. In 2012, close to 500 million
projections,” said Professor Kovin Naidoo, CEO of the people over the age of five had an uncorrected visual
Brien Holden Institute and Vision Impact Institute advisory defect in China, among which 450 million had myopia. By
board member. “First, the accelerated growth of cases of 2020, nearly 700 million people are expected to have
myopia is incredible, which speaks to how our contemporary myopia in China – twice the population of the United
lifestyles are affecting our behavior. And second is that States. Undeniably, there is a huge increase from 60 years
people with myopia, especially high myopia, are at higher ago when the country was still isolated from the global
risk to develop other vision disorders that can lead to economy and only 10-20 percent of its population had
blindness.” myopia2.

He said that 1 in 10 people worldwide will be at risk for A comparative study of six- and seven-year-old students of
permanent blindness by the year 2050, as high myopia Chinese ethnicity in Singapore and Sydney had interesting
especially increases the risk of cataracts, glaucoma, results when it explored the prevalence of myopia among
retinal detachment and myopic macular degeneration – all the focus population and possible risk factors.4 The major
of which can cause irreversible vision loss. finding was that myopia was more prevalent in Singapore

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50 Number 73 - Autumn 2016
(29.1 percent) and significantly lower in Sydney (3.3 showed that African-Americans were significantly less
percent). Hereditary influences were about the same in likely to have myopia than whites.5
both locations: one or more parents reported having
myopia for 68 percent of the students in Sydney and 71 Lifestyle factors into the spread of myopia
percent in Singapore parents. The primary lifestyle
difference between the two student groups was that the Once thought to be only a matter of genetics, several of
children in Sydney spent more time outdoors each week the studies point to lifestyle and environmental
(average of 13.75 hours) than those in Singapore (3.05 considerations as contributing to the increasing occurrence
hours on average). The researchers also hypothesized that of myopia.
academic pressure in Singapore schools played a role in
the difference. According to the Brien Holden Institute meta-analysis of
myopia research data1, “The projected increases are
However, myopia is not limited to Asian nations. A widely considered to be driven by environmental factors
retrospective examination of 13 repeated prevalence (nurture), principally lifestyle changes resulting from a
studies analyzed data about the changing prevalence of combination of decreased time outdoors and increased
myopia over 13 years with Israelis from 16 to 22 years near-work activities, among other factors.”
old.5 The overall occurrence of myopia increased
significantly to 28.3 percent in 2002 from 20.3 percent Many researchers are pointing to the advent of digital
in 1990. The causes of this increase were not certain; devices in the past 30 years as contributing to the
however, evidence pointed to genetic as well as prevalence of myopia (due to short working distance).
environmental components, such as higher amounts of There are now more mobile devices in use around the
near work and more years of education. globe than there are people on the planet.7

Research shows similar results in the United States. One The Holden study points to the under-40 age group,
study compared myopia rates from 1971-72 to the period especially in Asia, as being extremely susceptible to
of 1999-2004, with the later period showing substantially myopia because of reliance on smartphones, personal
higher myopia rates than 30 years earlier.6 computers and related technology for communications,
entertainment, news and education.1
Some regions and ethnicities report very low rates of
myopia, such as among Australian Aborigines and Solomon The competitive education systems in Singapore, Korea,
Islanders, where occurrence was in the 2-5 percent range. Taiwan and China are another factor, according to the
And a comparative study of urbanites in the United States study, causing students to spend more time studying at

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Number 73 - Autumn 2016 51

“ Myopia will have lo ng - ter m co ns eq uences

for publi c health ar o und the g lo b e,
especially in les s - d evelo p ed r eg io ns wher e
healt hcare d eliver y is mo r e challeng ed . ”

computers. The comparative study of young students in impairment in 2007 at an estimated cost of more than
Sydney and Singapore also referred to this, noting the $269 billion per year.8
competitive academic environment of the island city-
state.4 Research from 2006 showed that more than 3.6 million
Americans suffered from visual impairment, blindness or
Socio-economic impact of myopia other eye diseases in 2004 – creating a financial burden
totaling $35.4 billion. And $8 billion of that total was loss
While the direct socio-economic impact of myopia has not of productivity. The annual impact to the U.S. government
been determined yet, the effect of poor vision on the budget was $13.7 billion.9
global economy is well documented. This myopia epidemic
creates a significant public health problem around the The National Medical Research Council of Singapore
world. The economic burden of uncorrected refractive commissioned a study of the economic cost of myopia. In
error (URE), largely caused by myopia, is estimated to be 2009, the mean annual direct cost of myopia for school-
more than $269 billion per year8, and that number will aged children in Singapore was $148 (U.S. dollars)
grow as the epidemic spreads. It is affecting developing annually, with the median cost at $125 (U.S. dollars) per
nations as well as the developed world. Actually, the Brien student.10
Holden study mentions that developed nations are seeing
a faster rise in myopia because of increased urbanization Public health consequences
and development, which usually means more digital
device use and higher education levels. This spreading myopia scourge will have a long-term
impact on public health and productivity around the world
The World Health Organization (WHO) reports that URE in the decades ahead. While the number of myopia cases
for distance is the main cause of low vision and the second may be rising faster in developed nations, the impact
leading cause of blindness after cataracts. WHO estimates could be greater in less-developed countries, where
point to URE as a bigger cause of productivity loss globally corrected vision could be the key to getting an education
than any other preventable vision disorders, with 0.8-4.0 for a child or an escape from poverty for an adult.
percent of the world’s population affected by visual

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52 Number 73 - Autumn 2016
More research is required to determine the exact causes Admittedly, people around the globe are not going to give
and consequences of myopia. The projections of the up their digital devices. We are hooked. However, certain
spread of myopia are cause for concern for public health precautions can help avoid digital eye strain, according to
officials worldwide. As the young people with myopia grow the Vision Council. For students and desk-bound workers,
into middle age, they will be more susceptible to the the optimal optical arrangement is to have the computer
pathological effects of the condition, especially those with screen at an arm’s length (20-24 inches) distance from
high myopia, which will have an impact on public health the eyes. Computer eyewear can filter out the potentially
services. Officials should start planning and budgeting harmful blue light that digital screens emit, as well as
now for the coming need. eliminate glare and alleviate eyestrain.13

The antidotes Finally, we need to remember that the most important

action in the fight against myopia and its related damage
The growing body of research about the spread of myopia is to visit a trained eyecare professional for an annual
is giving us reason for hope. The overwhelming majority of comprehensive eye examination. This is especially
myopia cases can be corrected with prescription important for children as their eyes are still developing
eyeglasses, contact lenses or refractive surgery. and early intervention is key. •

Beyond optical solutions that correct myopia, research

points to increased time outside in sunlight as the antidote
to the condition. In one study, a randomized clinical trial
in Guangzhou, China, researchers followed 952 children
in the intervention group and 951 in the control group
with a mean age of 6.6 years. The cumulative rate of
myopia was 30.4 percent in the intervention group and
39.5 percent in the control group. The important finding
was that 40 minutes of additional activity outside in
natural light resulted in a reduced incidence of myopia
during the next three years.11

More time spent outside playing also means less time

inside in front of a computer or smartphone screen.
Modern lifestyles spent in front of digital screens do have
an impact on vision. The Vision Council reports that 75
percent of Americans who use two or more devices
simultaneously report digital eye strain symptoms, such as
blurry vision and eye fatigue.12

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Number 73 - Autumn 2016 53

“ The most imp o r tant actio n in the fig ht

against myop ia and its r elated d amag e is to
visit a t rained ey ecar e p r o fes s io nal fo r an
annual comp r ehens ive ey e ex aminatio n. ”

1. Holden B, Fricke T, Wilson D, et al. Global Prevalence of Myopia and High Myopia and Temporal Trends from
2000 through 2050; Ophthalmology, 2016.
2. Pan CW, Dirani M, Cheng CY, Wong TY, Saw SM. The age-specific prevalence of myopia in Asia: a meta-
analysis. Optometry and Vision Science: official publication of the American Academy of Optometry 2015;
3. Dolgin E. The myopia boom. Nature March 2015;519:276-8. KEY TAKEAWAYS
4. Rose K, Morgan I, Smith W, Burlutsky G, Mitchell P, Saw SM, Myopia, Lifestyle and Schooling in Students of
Chinese Ethnicity in Singapore and Sydney. JAMA Ophthalmology, April 1, 2008.
5. Dayan YB, Levin A, Morad Y, Grotto I, Ben-David R, Goldberg A, Onn E, Avin I, Levi Y, Benyamini O, The
Changing Prevalence of Myopia in Young Adults: A 13-Year Series of Population-Based Prevalence Surveys. IOVS
(Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science), August 2005. • Myopia is projected to affect half of the world’s
6. Vitale S, Sperduto RD, Ferris III FL, Increased Prevalence of Myopia in the United States Between 1971-1972
and 1999-2004. JAMA Ophthalmology, Dec. 14, 2009. population by 2050.
7. Boren ZD, There Are Officially More Mobile Devices than People in the World. The Independent, Oct. 7, 2014.
8. Smith TST, Fricke KD, Holden BA, Fricke TD, Naidoo KS, Potential Lost Productivity Resulting from the Global
Burden of URE. Bulletin World Health Organization, 2009.
9. Rein DB, Zhang P, Wirth K, Lee PP, Hoerger TJ, McCall N, Klein R, Tielsch JM, Vijan S, Saaddine J, The
Economic Burden of Major Adult Visual Disorders in the United States. JAMA Ophthalmology, Dec. 1, 2006.
• Young people in Asia are especially susceptible to
10. Lim MCC, Gazzard G, Sim EL, Tong L, Saw SM, Direct Costs of Myopia in Singapore. National Medical
Research Council, 2009.
11. He M, Xiang F, Zeng Y, Mei J, Chen Q, Zheng J, Smith W, Rose K, Morgan IG, Effect of Time Spent Outdoors
at School on the Development of Myopia in Children in China: A Randomized Clinical Trial. Journal of the
American Medical Association, Sept. 15, 2015.
12. Eyes Overexposed: The Digital Device Dilemma, 2016 Digital Eye Strain Report. The Vision Council. • There are links between myopia and increasing use of
digital devices, such as smartphones and personal
13. De Larrard B, The new range of Eyezen™ lenses: what are the benefits perceived by wearers during screen
use? Points de Vue, International Review of Ophthalmic Optics, N72, Autumn 2015.


• Research shows that increased time spent outside in

sunshine can reduce the onset of myopia in young

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54 Number 73 - Autumn 2016

P.xx xx

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55 Number 73 - Autumn 2016

Myopia is becoming a real public health concern across the world. The number of myopic
people is increasing rapidly. The prevalence of high myopia is also expected to rise.
Understanding myopia development and methods to slow its progression is currently one of
the biggest stakes for researchers and clinicians from around the world. In this paper, a few
Vision Scientists in Essilor have put together a general overview of myopia condition. They
refresh us with the definition of myopia, its evolution and causes. They describe available
solutions for myopia management and discuss the relative efficacy for each solution. Finally,
they focus on Myopilux®, the specific range of ophthalmic lenses which have been proven
to effectively correct and control myopia progression in children.

Dr. Anna Yeo

B Optom (Hons); M App Sc; Dr. Damien Paillé
PhD, Senior Vision Scientist, B Sc Optom; M Sc; PhD, Senior
Essilor Center of Innovation & Vision Scientist, Essilor Center of
Technology Asia Innovation & Technology Europe

Dr. Anna Yeo Chwee Hong joined Essilor R&D Asia in May 2013
Dr. Damien Pailé is a member of Essilor International’s optical
as a Senior Vision Scientist after 23 years teaching in optometry in
Singapore Polytechnic. Her current research interest is on adult research and development team, based in Paris, France. Damien
myopia, which she conducted research internally at CI&T Asia and holds a degree in optometry and practiced as an optician before
in collaboration with other teaching institutions such as Zhongshan completing and defending a doctoral thesis in 2005 in cognitive
University and Singapore and Ngee Ann Polytechnics. She is also a sciences at the University of Paris VIII in collaboration with the College
member of the Scientific Committee in Wenzhou-Essilor International de France and the Renault company. He then pursued post-doctoral
Research Centre (WEIRC) for which she helps to review research studies at the Laboratory for Perception and Motion Control in Virtual
protocols and scientific publication. She is appointed to be a scientific Environments (a joint Renault-CNRS laboratory), before joining Essilor
adviser in Myopia Control Lenses for Essilor AMERA 2014-2015. International’s research and development team in 2007. He currently
Currently, she is holding the portfolio as a member of the Ethics
works in the Vision Sciences department.
Review Committee, Singapore Polytechnic. Dr. Anna Yeo has been a
member of the Optometry and Opticianry Board (OOB) in Singapore
and the Chairperson for the Credentials Committee, OOB since 2008.

Dr. Björn Drobe

B Sc Optom; M Sc; PhD, Associate
Director, Wenzhou Medical
University - Essilor International
Patricia Koh Research Center (WEIRC)
Optom; B BioMed; MPH,
Technical Manager, Essilor Dr. Björn Drobe obtained a B.Sc. in Optometry, a M.Sc. in Cognitive
Mission Division Sciences and a Ph.D. in Vision Sciences in Paris, France. He joined
the French Essilor Int. research team in 1998, working mainly on the
interaction between ophthalmic lenses and the human visual system,
Born and raised in Singapore, Patricia is an Optometrist with as well as on progressive myopia in children. From 2007 to 2013, Dr.
background on Biomedical Science and Master of Public Health. She Drobe relocated to Essilor R&D Singapore for a higher involvement
joined Essilor R&D Singapore in 2005, focusing on progressive myopia in myopia research. Since June 2013, he is the associate director of
in children and looking ethnic differences such as postural behavior. WEIRC (Wenzhou Medical University – Essilor International Research
In 2014, Patricia moved to Essilor Mission Division as Technical Center), managing an international research team on myopia in
Manager to support the group’s social initiatives on training and children.
exploring base of the pyramid innovation.

Myopia, myopia control, myopia correction, high myopia risks, hyperopic
defocus, accommodative lag, heredity, lifestyle, blue light, dopamine,
atropine, Ortho-K, orthokeratology, prismatic bifocal lenses, multifocal
contact lenses, progressive addition lenses, refractive surgery, outdoor light
exposure, Myopilux

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56 Number 73 - Autumn 2016

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