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Jezzyl A.

Deocariza BSBA-Marketing Management III

Distribution Management: Assignment 2

On a one page short bond paper, Arial font size 11, prepare a reflection paper about the
presentation of Group 1.

A Reflection Paper on the Presentation of Group 1: Marketing Channel Concepts

The first group showed an exemplary performance that the remaining group must look
up to. The icebreaker made at the beginning was a good idea to lift the mood of the block and to
prepare them for the formal lecture. They have discussed the topic in details from the definitions
of terms to the examples they provided to let us understood the discussion better. In terms of
their power point presentation, its visual was pleasing to the eyes. Each slide was not
bombarded with information which makes it easier for the listeners to join the flow of
presentation. The members’ knowledge on their specific parts was then tested after their lesson.
This was when our subject professor began to ask follow up questions and clarifications on
some details. The first group has shown how prepared and familiar they are as they answered
the questions with confidence. After the schedule for the subject, our leader and members
actually praised the group. We are motivated and pressured as the next group in line.
Nevertheless we will do our best to teach and let the Marketing Management III to understand
our discussion in our own ways just like what the previous group did.

I learned a lot from the discussion of group one about Marketing Channels. Marketing
Channels are the activities and institutions that transfer goods from the producers to the
consumers. These include the wholesalers, distributors, sales agents and, many more. It has
four types. These are direct selling which is selling of products directly to consumers,
Intermediaries which is uses agents to coordinate product with large supply, Dual distribution
where in manufacturers uses more than one channel simultaneously and Reverse Channels
which flow transfers from the consumer to intermediary to beneficiary. The reverse channel is a
new concept that even our subject professor took interest into. The sample given by the reporter
regarding this is the recycled trashes from consumers which businesses use. All of these
activities and methods will only be possible because of the channel manager who deals with the
channel programs that leads to sales. On the discussion of the topic important terms were
defined such as Marketing Management Process, the process combing strategies on the
marketing mix. An example of this is the Marketing Channel Strategy and Logistics
management which differs in the area of focus in the market. All of these are important to be
learned and understood in order to know what Marketing Channels are, how it works and how
we as future corporate individuals can use it in the future.

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