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Unidad 1: Stress

1. what stresses me the most is exam period, have a lot of homework.

2. Not see the my family and friends.
3. Have a bad relation with the boss and colleagues, have a lot of work in a short time, I don´t
like the work.

Academy load: Carga académica.

When we use a verb as a subject, we must use the ing.

Example: What is stressful in the workplace?

Having a bad boss.


2. Waiting queue: cola traffic jam: taco speech: discurso

3. being stuck in a traffic jam.

4. finding a parking space.

5. Shopping with your partner/family.

6. moving house.

7. having an interview.

8. making a speech.

9. travelling by air.

10. taking an exam or test

En inglés es al revés del español uno toma una prueba y un profesor da una prueba.

Focus on form:

We do the same to talk about our likes or dislikes.

- I like dancing.
- She dislikes jogging.
*browsing online: navegar online.

I like playing volleyball, because is my favorite sport.

Also listening to music relaxes me and other thing is eating sushi.

*complaint: queja.

*tight deadline: Plazo apretado.

*covering: cubrir, en todo sentido.

*pay rise: aumento de sueldo.

1. Leading a formal meeting. For the responsibility that have.

2. Dealing with a customer who has a major complaint. Because another person can take
over, specialized in that.

Lifestyle: Estilo de vida.

Workaholic: Fanático del trabajo

Workload: Cantidad de trabajo

Deadline: plazo.

Flexitime: horario flexible.

Work-life balance: Equilibrio entre el trabjo y la vida personal.

Amount: cantidad

Flexitime a.
Deadline b.
Quality of life c.
Workaholic d.
Work life balance e.
Workload. F.
Working enviroment g.
Lifestyle h.

1. Meet the deadline

2. Workaholic
3. Workload
4. lifestyle
5. Flexitime.
6. Work life balance
7. Quality of life.
8. Working environment.

1. Es una reacción de defensa del cuerpo y un sentimiento de tensión emocional.

2. Yes, a Little bit to stay alert.
3. Yes, because we all live that
4. Yes, because we are living in a difficult situation.

broadcaster: Periodista o alguien que da las noticias.

1. Yes, the jobs on the list are stressful but also the
people who cannot job are a stressful situation.
2. We think be teacher is a job stressful they takes a lot of patience and the doctors now in
time of pandemic.
3. Construction companies because they are highly criticized and it´s heavy work.

Turnos largos: A shifts too long, A shifts too hard.

Las ofertas de trabajos se ven en base a lo que se gana anualmente, yearly.

Biweekly es como quincenal.

So far: hasta este momento.

Ever: siempre

Shoulder: hombro

Just: recién.

Yet: Aún, va al final y deja abierta una posibilidad

Since: present perfect, aun no termina. Habla desde.

From: past simple, terminó, indica desde cuando hasta cuando.

Nunca mezclar since con to.


1. WE SHOULD : Condicional,. (DEBERÍA (MOS))

Carry out a survey: así se escribe 100pre llevar una encuesta.

2. WHY DONT WE: Por qué no?, HOW ABOUT… PAYING-GIVING ETC, el verbo debe venir con
el ING después.
4. IT MIGHT BE A GOOD IDEA… podría ser una Buena idea
5. LEETS : Es como una invitación.

Probabilidad de poder

Después de un should nunca viene un to.

It´d= it would

Can: Poder

Could: Podría

Should: Debería

Would: Condicionalidad  Lvaría, comería.

Will: Futuro  Tomaré, beberé.

Must: Deber

Might/may: podría

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