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Obero, Wilfred Andrianne V.



IQAir recorded a moderate level of

Air pollution for Tokyo, Japan
having 65 Air Quality Index in real
time , November 16, at 11 o’clock

The IQAir latest record on Air Quality Index on the biggest city in the world; Tokyo, Japan,
having a population of 37, 339 Millons, reached 65 AQI in the real time. This index is considered
in moderate level of Air pollution . It recorded a higher number of air pollutants namely PM 2.5,
PM10, NO2, SO2 and CO. The particulate matter 2.5concentration is about 19ug/m³ which value
is 3 8 times above the World Health Organization Annual air quality guidelines value. There is
also increase in PM10 with 23ug/m³ and otherr pollutants. The air quality of the city is unhealthy
for sensitive groups and it is advisable to reduce outdoor exercise for this group.

For the recent Air Quality Index of Tokyo City, it recorded Good level starting November
13 up to yesterday, but today’s air quality index increases and it is expected to be the same until
November 19 base on the forecast.

Having Moderate number of particulate matter 2.5and other pollutants is hazardous for
the population that contributes to breathing problem and other chronic diseases. Though
Tokyo City, improved for it’s Air quality, other nearby cities is still performing higher record of
pollution which still affect the air quality of the city and country.

Despite of being a good and well rich city and country as a whole , the negative effects
of the Globalization is still evident for Japan and the visible effect is Air Pollution. The main
sources of this pollution can be attributed as a result of industrial production activities, vehicle
emissions and cross order air pollution. The air pollution for Japan goes back to Meji
Government policy era for encouraging the rapid development of the industry without
considering the possible pollution. Although there has been marked improvement compared to
that period of high economic growth, some pollutant are still emitted by some factories.

In the year 2020 Japan ranked 82 with worst air quality , despite the fact that it was
having good Air Quality Index for that year. This year if the air pollution continually arise, Japan
is expected to be on the higher part of the list as the years end.

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